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  • Samuel Hunter's avatar
    Fix and standardize all error reader functions · 2aae074e
    Samuel Hunter authored
    Fixes #388, replaces #389. The reader function `stream-error-stream`
    signals a `type-error` if it's applied to conditions that's typep to
    `stream-error`, but whose class is a subtype to `stream-error`:
    (define-condition broken-error (stream-error) ())
    (stream-error-stream (make-condition 'stream-error :stream (make-string-input-stream "foo")))
    (stream-error-stream (make-condition 'broken-error :stream (make-string-input-stream "foo")))
      #<THREAD "interpreter" {2075326}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type TYPE-ERROR
        The value #<BROKEN-ERROR {75A83798}> is not of type STREAM-ERROR.
    This fault exists within these reader functions:
    - file-error-pathname (almost -- instead of a type-error, the function returns NIL instead.)
    - package-error-package
    - arithmetic-error-operation
    - arithmetic-error-operands
    The fault exists because the Java code checks if its argument is
    instanceof its respective Java class. So, the method will fail on any
    conditions defined in CL that subclass these errors.
    Furthermore, some reader functions only check if they're instanceof
    StandardObject, which allows any CLOS object to succeed as long as the
    slot the primitive method is looking for exists:
    - cell-error-name
    - type-error-datum
    - type-error-expected-type
    Finally, some reader functions exist in standalone Java files, while
    others reside in its condition's class file, adding to some
    organizational clutter.
    This change fills two main jobs:
    - Standardize all reader functions to the same behavior: If the argument
      is typep to the right condition, return the right slot value.
      Otherwise, signal a type error.
    - Move standalone reader Java code to the files of errors they apply to.
    As an aside, this change would make ABCL's reader functions conformant
    to a wave of proposals for WSCL:
    - And the rest