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  • mevenson@1c010e3e-69d0-11dd-93a8-456734b0d56f's avatar
    Return of the ZipCache now using last modified time. · 791ab5c0
    Treat jars as zips in ZipCache which maintains an cache of all
    ZipFiles accessed via Pathname jars (which should be the entire system
    as Load now uses Pathname).  ZipCache currently does not invalidate
    entries for any non-file resources due to deficiencies in the JVM that
    need to be corrected on a per-protocol basis.  For instance, for HTTP
    we need an implementation that uses HTTP HEAD requests to get the
    Last-Modified header as opposed to re-fetching the entire resource as
    the JVM URLConnection does.
    SYS:REMOVE-ZIP-CACHE-ENTRY implements a way to invalidate ZipCache
    entries from Lisp.  Used it in COMPILE-FILE to successfully recompile
    FASLs under Windows.
    Rewrite remaining Pathname Primtives in the informative stack trace style.
    Implement Debug.warn() which can be shut off with SYS::*DEBUG-WARN*.
    The intent here is to have a way to warn about Java side events which
    having potentially worrying side-effects during development which is
    by default not visible to end users (although it can be).
    Removed unused EXT:LAST-MODIFIED in favor of existing ANSI FILE-WRITE-DATE.