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    abcl-asdf: rework Maven usage strategy · f41e4a69
    Mark authored
    On initialization of the Maven Aether linkages, If
    ABCL-ASDF::*MVN-LIBS-DIRECTORY* is set, use that instead of finding
    the path by invoking 'mvn'.
    Don't depend on the invocation of `mvn` to determine things as it is
    both slow, and error prone if JAVA_HOME is not set correctly.  We have
    used the libraries themselves rather than invoking the
    Since by definition, ABCL-ASDF depends on ASDF/UIOP being present, use
    UIOP:RUN-PROGRAM instead of SYS:RUN-PROGRAM as it seems to work better
    under Java 6.
    Re-worked IGNORES-ERROR invocation order so that we ar now working
    with maven-3.0.4 and maven-3.6.3.
    Export MVN-VERSION.
    Document the current compatibility status somewhat.
    TODO: provide a restart that will download locally a version
    of Maven if none can be found.
    TODO: chase down the compile-time binding of
    MavenRepositorySystemUtils in the fasl which can cause load failure
    when switching Maven versions used by the local implementation.