Details of changes since R5: Changes in CLX 5.02: Replace LCL:ENVIRONMENT-VALUE with LCL:ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLE. Fix a declaration in the DEFINE-ERROR macro. Quote type argument to TYPE-CHECK consistently. Changes in CLX 5.01: Support for MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 authorization has been added. All VALUES declarations have been changed to CLX-VALUES declarations. VALUES is a CL type name and cannot be used as a declaration name. All ARRAY-REGISTER declarations have been removed as Genera no longer needs them. Many type declarations have been corrected or tightened up now that some Lisps look at them. Print functions have been defined for bitmap and pixmap formats. The DISPLAY-PLIST slot will be initialized to NIL. When debugging, don't optimize SPEED in the buffer macros. Make the CARD8<->CHAR and the window manager code work for sparse character sets (where some codes do not have corresponding characters). The default gcontext extension set and copy functions will take the correct number of arguments. PUT-IMAGE will now work for 24-bit images. The buffer accessors for MEMBER8, etc., will use the standard mechanisms for reporting type errors. Typographical errors in SET-WM-PROPERTIES, SET-STANDARD-COLORMAP, and POINTER-CONTROL have been fixed. Symbolics systems will do lazy macroexpansion in the buffer macros. A variety of changes for Symbolics Minima systems have been made. Some system-dependent code has been added for CMU Common Lisp.