;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: XLIB; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*- ;;;; Server Connection for kcl and ibcl ;;; Copyright (C) 1987, 1989 Massachussetts Institute of Technology ;;; ;;; Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, ;;; modify, and distribute this software, provided that this complete ;;; copyright and permission notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and ;;; supporting documentation. ;;; ;;; Massachussetts Institute of Technology provides this software "as is" ;;; without express or implied warranty. ;;; ;;; Adapted from code by Roman Budzianowski - Project Athena/MIT ;;; make-two-way-stream is probably not a reasonable thing to do. ;;; A close on a two way stream probably does not close the substreams. ;;; I presume an :io will not work (maybe because it uses 1 buffer?). ;;; There should be some fast io (writes and reads...). ;;; Compile this file with compile-file. ;;; Load it with (si:faslink "sockcl.o" "socket.o -lc") (in-package :xlib) ;;; The cmpinclude.h file does not have this type definition from ;;; <kcldistribution>/h/object.h. We include it here so the ;;; compile-file will work without figuring out where the distribution ;;; directory is located. ;;; (CLINES " enum smmode { /* stream mode */ smm_input, /* input */ smm_output, /* output */ smm_io, /* input-output */ smm_probe, /* probe */ smm_synonym, /* synonym */ smm_broadcast, /* broadcast */ smm_concatenated, /* concatenated */ smm_two_way, /* two way */ smm_echo, /* echo */ smm_string_input, /* string input */ smm_string_output, /* string output */ smm_user_defined /* for user defined */ }; ") #-akcl (CLINES " struct stream { short t, m; FILE *sm_fp; /* file pointer */ object sm_object0; /* some object */ object sm_object1; /* some object */ int sm_int0; /* some int */ int sm_int1; /* some int */ short sm_mode; /* stream mode */ /* of enum smmode */ }; ") ;;;; Connect to the server. ;;; A lisp string is not a reasonable type for C, so copy the characters ;;; out and then call connect_to_server routine defined in socket.o (CLINES " int konnect_to_server(host,display) object host; /* host name */ int display; /* display number */ { int fd; /* file descriptor */ int i; char hname[BUFSIZ]; FILE *fout, *fin; if (host->st.st_fillp > BUFSIZ - 1) too_long_file_name(host); for (i = 0; i < host->st.st_fillp; i++) hname[i] = host->st.st_self[i]; hname[i] = '\\0'; /* doubled backslash for lisp */ fd = connect_to_server(hname,display); return(fd); } ") (defentry konnect-to-server (object int) (int "konnect_to_server")) ;;;; Make a one-way stream from a file descriptor. (CLINES " object konnect_stream(host,fd,flag,elem) object host; /* not really used */ int fd; /* file descriptor */ int flag; /* 0 input, 1 output */ object elem; /* 'string-char */ { struct stream *stream; char *mode; /* file open mode */ FILE *fp; /* file pointer */ enum smmode smm; /* lisp mode (a short) */ vs_mark; switch(flag){ case 0: smm = smm_input; mode = \"r\"; break; case 1: smm = smm_output; mode = \"w\"; break; default: FEerror(\"konnect_stream : wrong mode\"); } fp = fdopen(fd,mode); if (fp == NULL) { stream = Cnil; vs_push(stream); } else { stream = alloc_object(t_stream); stream->sm_mode = (short)smm; stream->sm_fp = fp; stream->sm_object0 = elem; stream->sm_object1 = host; stream->sm_int0 = stream->sm.sm_int1 = 0; vs_push(stream); setbuf(fp, alloc_contblock(BUFSIZ)); } vs_reset; return(stream); } ") (defentry konnect-stream (object int int object) (object "konnect_stream")) ;;;; Open an X stream (defun open-socket-stream (host display) (when (not (and (typep host 'string) ; sanity check the arguments (typep display 'fixnum))) (error "Host ~s or display ~s are bad." host display)) (let ((fd (konnect-to-server host display))) ; get a file discriptor (if (< fd 0) NIL (let ((stream-in (konnect-stream host fd 0 'string-char)) ; input (stream-out (konnect-stream host fd 1 'string-char))) ; output (if (or (null stream-in) (null stream-out)) (error "Could not make i/o streams for fd ~d." fd)) (make-two-way-stream stream-in stream-out)) )))