diff --git a/demo/listener.lisp b/demo/listener.lisp
index 971543ee77cc61f6330db375f7d4e753519cd515..db7951ab6f843e39cbfa825c6994aeaee29e81ea 100644
--- a/demo/listener.lisp
+++ b/demo/listener.lisp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 ;;;"Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 Symbolics, Inc.  All rights reserved."
 (define-application-frame lisp-listener ()
-			  ()
+  ()
   (:command-table (lisp-listener :inherit-from (user-command-table)))
   (:command-definer t)
   (:menu-bar nil)
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
   (:top-level (lisp-listener-top-level))
    (interactor :interactor
-	       #+allegro :excl-recording-p #+allegro t
-	       :scroll-bars :both))
+               #+allegro :excl-recording-p #+allegro t
+               :scroll-bars :both))
   (:layouts (default interactor)))
 (defmethod frame-maintain-presentation-histories ((frame lisp-listener)) t)
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
   #---ignore (declare (ignore conditions))
   (let ((tag (clim-utils:gensymbol 'restart)))
     `(tagbody ,tag
-       (restart-case
-	   (progn ,@body)
-	 (nil ()
-	   #|| :test (lambda (condition)
-		       (some #'(lambda (x) (typep condition x)) ',conditions)) ||#
-	   :report (lambda (stream)
-		     (format stream ,description ,@args))))
-       (go ,tag))))
+        (restart-case
+            (progn ,@body)
+          (nil ()
+            #|| :test (lambda (condition)
+            (some #'(lambda (x) (typep condition x)) ',conditions)) ||#
+            :report (lambda (stream)
+                      (format stream ,description ,@args))))
+        (go ,tag))))
 (defvar *listener-depth* -1)
@@ -53,164 +53,164 @@
 (defvar *use-native-debugger* nil)
 (defvar *prompt-arrow-1*
-	(make-pattern #2A((0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0)
-			  (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0)
-			  (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0)
-			  (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0))
-		      (list +background-ink+ +foreground-ink+)))
+  (make-pattern #2A((0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
+                    (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0)
+                    (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0)
+                    (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0)
+                    (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0))
+                (list +background-ink+ +foreground-ink+)))
 (defvar *prompt-arrow-2*
-	(make-pattern #2A((0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0)
-			  (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0)
-			  (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0)
-			  (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0))
-		      (list +background-ink+ +foreground-ink+)))
+  (make-pattern #2A((0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
+                    (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0)
+                    (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0)
+                    (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0)
+                    (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
+                    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0))
+                (list +background-ink+ +foreground-ink+)))
 (defun lisp-listener-top-level (frame)
   "Run a simple Lisp listener using the window provided."
   (enable-frame frame)
   (let* ((*lisp-listener-frame* frame)
-	 (window (frame-standard-input frame))
-	 (command-table (frame-command-table frame))
-	 (presentation-type `((command-or-form :command-table ,command-table)
-			      :auto-activate #+(or Genera Cloe-Runtime) t
-					     #-(or Genera Cloe-Runtime) nil)))
+         (window (frame-standard-input frame))
+         (command-table (frame-command-table frame))
+         (presentation-type `((command-or-form :command-table ,command-table)
+                              :auto-activate #+(or Genera Cloe-Runtime) t
+                              #-(or Genera Cloe-Runtime) nil)))
     (with-input-focus (window)
       (let* ((*lisp-listener-io* window)
-	     (*standard-input* *lisp-listener-io*)
-	     (*standard-output* *lisp-listener-io*)
-	     #+(or Minima allegro) (*error-output* *lisp-listener-io*)
-	     (*query-io* *lisp-listener-io*)
-	     #+Minima (*debug-io* *lisp-listener-io*)
-	     (*package* *package*)
-	     (*listener-depth* (1+ *listener-depth*))
-	     (*** nil) (** nil) (* nil)
-	     (/// nil) (// nil) (/ nil)
-	     (+++ nil) (++ nil) (+ nil)
-	     (- nil)
-	     #+allegro (*tpl-current-stack-group* sys::*current-thread*)
-	     #+allegro (*top-top-frame-pointer*
-			(excl::int-newest-frame sys::*current-thread*
-			 :visible-only-p nil))
-	     #+allegro (*top-frame-pointer*
-			 (or (db::find-interesting-frame *top-top-frame-pointer*)
-			     *top-top-frame-pointer*))
-	     #+allegro (*current-frame-pointer* *top-frame-pointer*))
-	(terpri *lisp-listener-io*)
-	(with-command-table-keystrokes (keystrokes command-table)
-	  (condition-restart-loop (#+Genera (sys:error sys:abort)
-				   #-Genera (error)
-				   "Restart CLIM lisp listener")
-	    (lisp-listener-command-reader
-	      frame *standard-input* command-table presentation-type
-	      :keystrokes keystrokes
-	      :listener-depth *listener-depth*
-	      :prompt (case *listener-depth*
-			(0 *prompt-arrow-1*)
-			(1 *prompt-arrow-2*)
-			(otherwise
-			  (concatenate 'string
-			    (make-string (1+ *listener-depth*) :initial-element #\=)
-			    "> "))))))))))
+             (*standard-input* *lisp-listener-io*)
+             (*standard-output* *lisp-listener-io*)
+             #+(or Minima allegro) (*error-output* *lisp-listener-io*)
+             (*query-io* *lisp-listener-io*)
+             #+Minima (*debug-io* *lisp-listener-io*)
+             (*package* *package*)
+             (*listener-depth* (1+ *listener-depth*))
+             (*** nil) (** nil) (* nil)
+             (/// nil) (// nil) (/ nil)
+             (+++ nil) (++ nil) (+ nil)
+             (- nil)
+             #+allegro (*tpl-current-stack-group* sys::*current-thread*)
+             #+allegro (*top-top-frame-pointer*
+                         (excl::int-newest-frame sys::*current-thread*
+                                                 :visible-only-p nil))
+             #+allegro (*top-frame-pointer*
+                         (or (db::find-interesting-frame *top-top-frame-pointer*)
+                             *top-top-frame-pointer*))
+             #+allegro (*current-frame-pointer* *top-frame-pointer*))
+        (terpri *lisp-listener-io*)
+        (with-command-table-keystrokes (keystrokes command-table)
+          (condition-restart-loop (#+Genera (sys:error sys:abort)
+                                   #-Genera (error)
+                                   "Restart CLIM lisp listener")
+            (lisp-listener-command-reader
+             frame *standard-input* command-table presentation-type
+             :keystrokes keystrokes
+             :listener-depth *listener-depth*
+             :prompt (case *listener-depth*
+                       (0 *prompt-arrow-1*)
+                       (1 *prompt-arrow-2*)
+                       (otherwise
+                        (concatenate 'string
+                                     (make-string (1+ *listener-depth*) :initial-element #\=)
+                                     "> "))))))))))
 (defun lisp-listener-command-reader (frame stream command-table presentation-type
-				     &key keystrokes listener-depth (prompt "=> "))
+                                     &key keystrokes listener-depth (prompt "=> "))
   (catch-abort-gestures ("Return to ~A command level ~D"
-			 (frame-pretty-name frame) listener-depth)
+                         (frame-pretty-name frame) listener-depth)
     ;; Eat any abort gestures that might be hanging around.
     ;; We need to do this because COMMAND-OR-FORM is wierd.
     (let* ((abort-gestures *abort-gestures*)
-	   (*abort-gestures* nil))
+           (*abort-gestures* nil))
       ;;--- What test does this need?
       (when (member (stream-read-gesture stream :timeout 0 :peek-p t) abort-gestures)
-	(stream-read-gesture stream :timeout 0)))
+        (stream-read-gesture stream :timeout 0)))
     (fresh-line stream)
     (if (stringp prompt)
-	(write-string prompt stream)
-	(multiple-value-bind (x y) (stream-cursor-position stream)
-	  (draw-pattern* stream prompt x y)
-	  (stream-increment-cursor-position stream (pattern-width prompt) nil)))
+        (write-string prompt stream)
+        (multiple-value-bind (x y) (stream-cursor-position stream)
+          (draw-pattern* stream prompt x y)
+          (stream-increment-cursor-position stream (pattern-width prompt) nil)))
     (multiple-value-bind (command-or-form type numeric-arg)
-	(block keystroke
-	  (handler-bind ((accelerator-gesture
-			   #'(lambda (c)
-			       ;; The COMMAND-OR-FORM type is peeking for the
-			       ;; first character, looking for a ":", so we
-			       ;; have to manually discard the accelerator
-			       (stream-read-gesture stream :timeout 0)
-			       (return-from keystroke
-				 (values
-				   (accelerator-gesture-event c)
-				   :keystroke
-				   (accelerator-gesture-numeric-argument c)))))
-			 (simple-parse-error
-			   #'(lambda (c)
-			       (let ((args (clim-internals::parse-error-format-arguments c)))
-				 (when (and (= (length args) 1)
-					    (equal (first args) ""))
-				   ;; Hmm, user must have just hit <Return>
-				   (return-from lisp-listener-command-reader)))
-			       ;; Otherwise decline to handle this
-			       nil)))
-	    (let ((*accelerator-gestures* keystrokes))
-	      (accept presentation-type
-		      :stream stream
-		      :prompt nil :prompt-mode :raw
-		      :additional-activation-gestures '(#+Genera #\End)))))
+        (block keystroke
+          (handler-bind ((accelerator-gesture
+                           #'(lambda (c)
+                               ;; The COMMAND-OR-FORM type is peeking for the
+                               ;; first character, looking for a ":", so we
+                               ;; have to manually discard the accelerator
+                               (stream-read-gesture stream :timeout 0)
+                               (return-from keystroke
+                                 (values
+                                  (accelerator-gesture-event c)
+                                  :keystroke
+                                  (accelerator-gesture-numeric-argument c)))))
+                         (simple-parse-error
+                           #'(lambda (c)
+                               (let ((args (clim-internals::parse-error-format-arguments c)))
+                                 (when (and (= (length args) 1)
+                                            (equal (first args) ""))
+                                   ;; Hmm, user must have just hit <Return>
+                                   (return-from lisp-listener-command-reader)))
+                               ;; Otherwise decline to handle this
+                               nil)))
+            (let ((*accelerator-gestures* keystrokes))
+              (accept presentation-type
+                      :stream stream
+                      :prompt nil :prompt-mode :raw
+                      :additional-activation-gestures '(#+Genera #\End)))))
       (when (eq type :keystroke)
-	(let ((command (lookup-keystroke-command-item command-or-form command-table
-						      :numeric-argument numeric-arg)))
-	  (unless (clim-internals::keyboard-event-p command)
-	    (when (partial-command-p command)
-	      (setq command (funcall *partial-command-parser*
-				     command command-table stream nil
-				     :for-accelerator t)))
-	    (setq command-or-form command
-		  type 'command))))
+        (let ((command (lookup-keystroke-command-item command-or-form command-table
+                                                      :numeric-argument numeric-arg)))
+          (unless (clim-internals::keyboard-event-p command)
+            (when (partial-command-p command)
+              (setq command (funcall *partial-command-parser*
+                                     command command-table stream nil
+                                     :for-accelerator t)))
+            (setq command-or-form command
+                  type 'command))))
       (cond ((eq type ':keystroke)
-	     (beep))
-	    ((eq (presentation-type-name type) 'command)
-	     (terpri)
-	     (let ((*debugger-hook*
-		     (unless *use-native-debugger*
-		       (and (zerop listener-depth) #'listener-debugger-hook))))
-	       (apply (command-name command-or-form)
-		      (command-arguments command-or-form)))
-	     (terpri))
-	    (t
-	     (terpri)
-	     (let ((values
-		     (multiple-value-list
-		       (let ((*debugger-hook*
-			       (unless *use-native-debugger*
-				 (and (zerop listener-depth) #'listener-debugger-hook))))
-			 (eval command-or-form)))))
-	       (fresh-line)
-	       (dolist (value values)
-		 (present value 'expression :single-box :highlighting)
-		 (terpri))
-	       (setq - command-or-form)
-	       (shiftf +++ ++ + -)
-	       (when values
-		 ;; Don't change this stuff if no returned values
-		 (shiftf /// // / values)
-		 (shiftf *** ** * (first values)))))))))
+             (beep))
+            ((eq (presentation-type-name type) 'command)
+             (terpri)
+             (let ((*debugger-hook*
+                     (unless *use-native-debugger*
+                       (and (zerop listener-depth) #'listener-debugger-hook))))
+               (apply (command-name command-or-form)
+                      (command-arguments command-or-form)))
+             (terpri))
+            (t
+             (terpri)
+             (let ((values
+                     (multiple-value-list
+                      (let ((*debugger-hook*
+                              (unless *use-native-debugger*
+                                (and (zerop listener-depth) #'listener-debugger-hook))))
+                        (eval command-or-form)))))
+               (fresh-line)
+               (dolist (value values)
+                 (present value 'expression :single-box :highlighting)
+                 (terpri))
+               (setq - command-or-form)
+               (shiftf +++ ++ + -)
+               (when values
+                 ;; Don't change this stuff if no returned values
+                 (shiftf /// // / values)
+                 (shiftf *** ** * (first values)))))))))
 (defvar *debugger-condition* nil)
 (defvar *debugger-restarts* nil)
@@ -218,10 +218,10 @@
 (defun listener-debugger-hook (condition hook)
   (declare (ignore hook))
   (let* ((*application-frame* *lisp-listener-frame*)
-	 #+Minima (*debug-io* (frame-query-io *application-frame*))
-	 (*error-output* (frame-standard-output *application-frame*))
-	 (*debugger-condition* condition)
-	 (*debugger-restarts* (compute-restarts)))
+         #+Minima (*debug-io* (frame-query-io *application-frame*))
+         (*error-output* (frame-standard-output *application-frame*))
+         (*debugger-condition* condition)
+         (*debugger-restarts* (compute-restarts)))
     (describe-error *error-output*)
     (with-output-recording-options (*lisp-listener-io* :draw t :record t)
       (lisp-listener-top-level *application-frame*))))
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
       (typep object 'restart)))
 (define-presentation-method present (object (type restart-name) stream (view textual-view)
-				     &key)
+                                            &key)
   (if (eql object *enter-debugger*)
       (princ "Enter the debugger" stream)
       (prin1 (restart-name object) stream)))
@@ -249,25 +249,25 @@
     ((restart 'restart-name :gesture :select))
   (if (eql restart *enter-debugger*)
       (enter-debugger *standard-input*)
-    (let (values)
-      #+allegro
-      (case (restart-name (find-restart restart))
-	(excl::return-value
-	 (setq values
-	   (list (eval
-		  (accept 'form :stream *standard-input*
-			  :prompt "Enter value to return")))))
-	(excl::try-a-different-function
-	 (setq values
-	   (list (eval
-		  (accept 'form :stream *standard-input*
-			  :prompt "enter expression which will evaluate to the function to call")))))
-	(excl::try-a-different-function-setf
-	 (setq values
-	   (list (eval
-		  (accept 'form :stream *standard-input*
-			  :prompt "enter expression which will evaluate to the function to call"))))))
-      (apply #'invoke-restart restart values))))
+      (let (values)
+        #+allegro
+        (case (restart-name (find-restart restart))
+          (excl::return-value
+           (setq values
+                 (list (eval
+                        (accept 'form :stream *standard-input*
+                                      :prompt "Enter value to return")))))
+          (excl::try-a-different-function
+           (setq values
+                 (list (eval
+                        (accept 'form :stream *standard-input*
+                                      :prompt "enter expression which will evaluate to the function to call")))))
+          (excl::try-a-different-function-setf
+           (setq values
+                 (list (eval
+                        (accept 'form :stream *standard-input*
+                                      :prompt "enter expression which will evaluate to the function to call"))))))
+        (apply #'invoke-restart restart values))))
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-describe-error :name t) ()
   (describe-error *error-output*))
@@ -275,48 +275,48 @@
 (defun describe-error (stream)
   (when *debugger-condition*
     (with-output-as-presentation (stream *debugger-condition* 'form
-				  :single-box t)
+                                         :single-box t)
       (format stream "~2&Error: ~A" *debugger-condition*))
     (let ((restarts *debugger-restarts*))
       (when restarts
-	(let ((actions '(invoke-restart)))
-	  (dolist (restart (reverse restarts))
-	    (let ((action (member (restart-name restart)
-				  '(abort continue muffle-warning store-value use-value))))
-	      (when action
-		(pushnew (first action) actions))))
-	  (format stream "~&Use~?to resume~:[~; or abort~] execution:"
-	    "~#[~; ~S~; ~S or ~S~:;~@{~#[~; or~] ~S~^,~}~] "
-	    actions (member 'abort actions)))
-	(fresh-line stream)
-	(formatting-table (stream :x-spacing '(2 :character))
-	  (dolist (restart restarts)
-	    (with-output-as-presentation (stream restart 'restart-name
-					  :single-box t :allow-sensitive-inferiors nil)
-	      (formatting-row (stream)
-		(formatting-cell (stream) stream)
-		(formatting-cell (stream)
-		  (when (restart-name restart)
-		    (format stream "~S:" (restart-name restart))))
-		(formatting-cell (stream)
-		  (format stream "~A" restart)))))
-	  #+Genera
-	  (with-output-as-presentation (stream *enter-debugger* 'restart-name
-					:single-box t :allow-sensitive-inferiors nil)
-	    (formatting-row (stream)
-	      (formatting-cell (stream) stream)
-	      (formatting-cell (stream) stream)
-	      (formatting-cell (stream)
-		(write-string "Enter the debugger" stream)))))))
+        (let ((actions '(invoke-restart)))
+          (dolist (restart (reverse restarts))
+            (let ((action (member (restart-name restart)
+                                  '(abort continue muffle-warning store-value use-value))))
+              (when action
+                (pushnew (first action) actions))))
+          (format stream "~&Use~?to resume~:[~; or abort~] execution:"
+                  "~#[~; ~S~; ~S or ~S~:;~@{~#[~; or~] ~S~^,~}~] "
+                  actions (member 'abort actions)))
+        (fresh-line stream)
+        (formatting-table (stream :x-spacing '(2 :character))
+          (dolist (restart restarts)
+            (with-output-as-presentation (stream restart 'restart-name
+                                                 :single-box t :allow-sensitive-inferiors nil)
+              (formatting-row (stream)
+                (formatting-cell (stream) stream)
+                (formatting-cell (stream)
+                  (when (restart-name restart)
+                    (format stream "~S:" (restart-name restart))))
+                (formatting-cell (stream)
+                  (format stream "~A" restart)))))
+          #+Genera
+          (with-output-as-presentation (stream *enter-debugger* 'restart-name
+                                               :single-box t :allow-sensitive-inferiors nil)
+            (formatting-row (stream)
+              (formatting-cell (stream) stream)
+              (formatting-cell (stream) stream)
+              (formatting-cell (stream)
+                (write-string "Enter the debugger" stream)))))))
     (let ((process (clim-sys:current-process)))
       (when process
-	(format stream "~&In process ~A." process))))
+        (format stream "~&In process ~A." process))))
   (force-output stream))
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-use-native-debugger :name t)
     ((boolean 'boolean
-	      :prompt "yes or no"
-	      :default (not *use-native-debugger*)))
+              :prompt "yes or no"
+              :default (not *use-native-debugger*)))
   (setq *use-native-debugger* boolean))
@@ -324,86 +324,86 @@
 (defun quotify-object-if-necessary (object)
   (if (or (consp object)
-	  (and (symbolp object)
-	       (not (keywordp object))
-	       (not (eq object nil))
-	       (not (eq object t))))
+          (and (symbolp object)
+               (not (keywordp object))
+               (not (eq object nil))
+               (not (eq object t))))
       (list 'quote object)
-    object))
+      object))
 (define-presentation-translator describe-lisp-object
     (expression form lisp-listener
-     :documentation
-       ((object stream)
-	(let ((*print-length* 3)
-	      (*print-level* 3)
-	      (*print-pretty* nil))
-	  (present `(describe ,(quotify-object-if-necessary object)) 'expression
-		   :stream stream :view +pointer-documentation-view+)))
-     :gesture :describe)
+                :documentation
+                ((object stream)
+                 (let ((*print-length* 3)
+                       (*print-level* 3)
+                       (*print-pretty* nil))
+                   (present `(describe ,(quotify-object-if-necessary object)) 'expression
+                            :stream stream :view +pointer-documentation-view+)))
+                :gesture :describe)
   `(describe ,(quotify-object-if-necessary object)))
 (define-presentation-translator expression-identity
     (expression nil lisp-listener
-     :tester
-       ((object context-type)
-	(if (and (eq (presentation-type-name context-type) 'sequence)
-		 (or (listp object)
-		     (vectorp object)))
-	    (clim-utils:with-stack-list
-	      (type 'sequence (reasonable-presentation-type (elt object 0)))
-	      (clim-internals::presentation-subtypep-1 type context-type))
-	    (clim-internals::presentation-subtypep-1
-	      (reasonable-presentation-type object) context-type)))
-     :tester-definitive t
-     :documentation ((object stream)
-		     (let ((*print-length* 3)
-			   (*print-level* 3)
-			   (*print-pretty* nil))
-		       (present object 'expression
-				:stream stream :view +pointer-documentation-view+)))
-     :gesture :select)
+                :tester
+                ((object context-type)
+                 (if (and (eq (presentation-type-name context-type) 'sequence)
+                          (or (listp object)
+                              (vectorp object)))
+                     (clim-utils:with-stack-list
+                         (type 'sequence (reasonable-presentation-type (elt object 0)))
+                       (clim-internals::presentation-subtypep-1 type context-type))
+                     (clim-internals::presentation-subtypep-1
+                      (reasonable-presentation-type object) context-type)))
+                :tester-definitive t
+                :documentation ((object stream)
+                                (let ((*print-length* 3)
+                                      (*print-level* 3)
+                                      (*print-pretty* nil))
+                                  (present object 'expression
+                                           :stream stream :view +pointer-documentation-view+)))
+                :gesture :select)
 (defun reasonable-presentation-type (object)
   (let* ((class (class-of object))
-	 (class-name (class-name class)))
+         (class-name (class-name class)))
     (when (presentation-type-specifier-p class-name)
       ;; Don't compute precedence list if we don't need it
       (return-from reasonable-presentation-type class-name))
     (dolist (class (class-precedence-list class))
       (when (presentation-type-specifier-p (class-name class))
-	(return-from reasonable-presentation-type (class-name class))))
+        (return-from reasonable-presentation-type (class-name class))))
 (define-gesture-name :describe-presentation :pointer-button (:middle :super))
 (define-presentation-translator describe-presentation
     (t form lisp-listener
-     :documentation
+       :documentation
        ((object presentation stream)
-	(declare (ignore object))
-	(let ((*print-length* 3)
-	      (*print-level* 3)
-	      (*print-pretty* nil))
-	  (present `(describe ,(quotify-object-if-necessary presentation)) 'expression
-		   :stream stream :view +pointer-documentation-view+)))
-     :gesture :describe-presentation)
+        (declare (ignore object))
+        (let ((*print-length* 3)
+              (*print-level* 3)
+              (*print-pretty* nil))
+          (present `(describe ,(quotify-object-if-necessary presentation)) 'expression
+                   :stream stream :view +pointer-documentation-view+)))
+       :gesture :describe-presentation)
     (object presentation)
   (declare (ignore object))
   `(describe ,(quotify-object-if-necessary presentation)))
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-edit-function :name t)
     ((function 'expression
-	       :provide-default t :prompt "function name"))
+               :provide-default t :prompt "function name"))
   (ed function))
 (define-presentation-to-command-translator edit-function
     (expression com-edit-function lisp-listener
-     :tester ((object)
-	      (functionp object))
-     :gesture :edit)
+                :tester ((object)
+                         (functionp object))
+                :gesture :edit)
   (list object))
@@ -415,9 +415,7 @@
-  'lisp-listener '(:l :control :meta) :command 'com-clear-output-history)
-#-Minima (progn
+ 'lisp-listener '(:l :control :meta) :command 'com-clear-output-history)
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-copy-output-history :name t)
     ((pathname 'pathname :prompt "file"))
@@ -426,65 +424,65 @@
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-show-homedir :name t) ()
   (show-directory (make-pathname :defaults (user-homedir-pathname)
-				 :name :wild
-				 :type :wild
-				 :version :newest)))
+                                 :name :wild
+                                 :type :wild
+                                 :version :newest)))
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-show-directory :name t)
     ((directory '((pathname) :default-type :wild)
-		:provide-default t :prompt "file"))
+                :provide-default t :prompt "file"))
   (show-directory directory))
 (defun show-directory (directory-pathname)
   (let ((stream *standard-output*)
-	(pathnames #+Genera (rest (fs:directory-list directory-pathname))
-		   #-Genera (directory directory-pathname)))
+        (pathnames #+Genera (rest (fs:directory-list directory-pathname))
+                   #-Genera (directory directory-pathname)))
     (flet ((pathname-lessp (p1 p2)
-	     (let ((name1 (pathname-name p1))
-		   (name2 (pathname-name p2)))
-	       (or (string-lessp name1 name2)
-		   (and (string-equal name1 name2)
-			(let ((type1 (pathname-type p1))
-			      (type2 (pathname-type p2)))
-			  (and type1 type2 (string-lessp type1 type2))))))))
+             (let ((name1 (pathname-name p1))
+                   (name2 (pathname-name p2)))
+               (or (string-lessp name1 name2)
+                   (and (string-equal name1 name2)
+                        (let ((type1 (pathname-type p1))
+                              (type2 (pathname-type p2)))
+                          (and type1 type2 (string-lessp type1 type2))))))))
       (setq pathnames (sort pathnames #'pathname-lessp
-			    :key #+Genera #'first #-Genera #'identity)))
+                            :key #+Genera #'first #-Genera #'identity)))
     (fresh-line stream)
     (format stream "~A" (namestring directory-pathname))
     (fresh-line stream)
     (formatting-table (stream :x-spacing "   ")
       (dolist (pathname pathnames)
-	(let (size creation-date author)
-	  #-Genera
-	  (with-open-file (file-stream pathname :direction :input)
-	    (setf size (file-length file-stream)
-		  creation-date (file-write-date file-stream)
-		  author (file-author file-stream)))
-	  #+Genera
-	  (setf size (getf (rest pathname) :length-in-bytes)
-		creation-date (getf (rest pathname) :modification-date)
-		author (getf (rest pathname) :author)
-		pathname (first pathname))
-	  (with-output-as-presentation (stream pathname 'pathname
-					:single-box t)
-	    (formatting-row (stream)
-	      (formatting-cell (stream)
-		(format stream "  ~A" (file-namestring pathname)))
-	      (formatting-cell (stream :align-x :right)
-		(format stream "~D" size))
-	      (formatting-cell (stream :align-x :right)
-		(when creation-date
-		  (multiple-value-bind (secs minutes hours day month year)
-		      (decode-universal-time creation-date)
-		    (format stream "~D/~2,'0D/~D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D"
-		      month day year hours minutes secs))))
-	      (formatting-cell (stream)
-		(write-string author stream)))))))))
+        (let (size creation-date author)
+          #-Genera
+          (with-open-file (file-stream pathname :direction :input)
+            (setf size (file-length file-stream)
+                  creation-date (file-write-date file-stream)
+                  author (file-author file-stream)))
+          #+Genera
+          (setf size (getf (rest pathname) :length-in-bytes)
+                creation-date (getf (rest pathname) :modification-date)
+                author (getf (rest pathname) :author)
+                pathname (first pathname))
+          (with-output-as-presentation (stream pathname 'pathname
+                                               :single-box t)
+            (formatting-row (stream)
+              (formatting-cell (stream)
+                (format stream "  ~A" (file-namestring pathname)))
+              (formatting-cell (stream :align-x :right)
+                (format stream "~D" size))
+              (formatting-cell (stream :align-x :right)
+                (when creation-date
+                  (multiple-value-bind (secs minutes hours day month year)
+                      (decode-universal-time creation-date)
+                    (format stream "~D/~2,'0D/~D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D"
+                            month day year hours minutes secs))))
+              (formatting-cell (stream)
+                (write-string author stream)))))))))
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-show-file :name t)
     ((pathname 'pathname
-	       :provide-default t :prompt "file"
-	       :gesture :select))
+               :provide-default t :prompt "file"
+               :gesture :select))
   (show-file pathname *standard-output*))
 ;;; I can't believe CL doesn't have this
@@ -492,22 +490,22 @@
   (clim-utils:with-temporary-string (line-buffer :length 100)
     (with-open-file (file pathname :if-does-not-exist nil)
       (when file
-	(loop
-	  (let ((ch (read-char file nil 'eof)))
-	    (case ch
-	      (eof
-		(return-from show-file))
-	      ((#\Newline #-Genera #\Return)
-	       (write-string line-buffer stream)
-	       (write-char #\Newline stream)
-	       (setf (fill-pointer line-buffer) 0))
-	      (otherwise
-		(vector-push-extend ch line-buffer)))))))))
+        (loop
+           (let ((ch (read-char file nil 'eof)))
+             (case ch
+               (eof
+                (return-from show-file))
+               ((#\Newline #-Genera #\Return)
+                (write-string line-buffer stream)
+                (write-char #\Newline stream)
+                (setf (fill-pointer line-buffer) 0))
+               (otherwise
+                (vector-push-extend ch line-buffer)))))))))
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-edit-file :name t)
     ((pathname 'pathname
-	       :provide-default t :prompt "file"
-	       :gesture :edit))
+               :provide-default t :prompt "file"
+               :gesture :edit))
   (ed pathname))
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-delete-file :name t)
@@ -516,20 +514,20 @@
 (define-presentation-to-command-translator delete-file
     (pathname com-delete-file lisp-listener
-     :gesture nil)
+              :gesture nil)
   (list `(,object)))
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-expunge-directory :name t)
     ((directory 'pathname
-		:provide-default t :prompt "directory"))
+                :provide-default t :prompt "directory"))
   (fs:expunge-directory directory))
 ;;--- We can do better than this
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-copy-file :name t)
     ((from-file 'pathname
-		:provide-default t :prompt "from file")
+                :provide-default t :prompt "from file")
      (to-file 'pathname :default from-file :prompt "to file"))
   (write-string "Would copy ")
   (present from-file 'pathname)
@@ -539,27 +537,27 @@
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-compile-file :name t)
     ((pathnames '(sequence pathname)
-		:provide-default t :prompt "files"))
+                :provide-default t :prompt "files"))
   (map nil #'compile-file pathnames))
 (define-presentation-to-command-translator compile-file
     (pathname com-compile-file lisp-listener
-     :gesture nil)
+              :gesture nil)
   (list `(,object)))
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-load-file :name t)
     ((pathnames '(sequence pathname)
-		:provide-default t :prompt "file"))
+                :provide-default t :prompt "file"))
   (map nil #'load pathnames))
 (define-presentation-to-command-translator load-file
     (pathname com-load-file lisp-listener
-     :gesture nil)
+              :gesture nil)
   (list `(,object)))
-)	;#-Minima
+                                        ;#-Minima
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-demonstrate-clim :name "Demonstrate CLIM") ()
   (start-demo :port (port *application-frame*)))
@@ -573,11 +571,11 @@
 (define-presentation-type printer ())
 (defparameter *printer-names*
-	      '(("The Next Thing" tnt)
-		("Asahi Shimbun" asahi)
-		("Santa Cruz Comic News" comic-news)
-		("Le Figaro" figaro)
-		("LautScribner" lautscribner)))
+  '(("The Next Thing" tnt)
+    ("Asahi Shimbun" asahi)
+    ("Santa Cruz Comic News" comic-news)
+    ("Le Figaro" figaro)
+    ("LautScribner" lautscribner)))
 (define-presentation-method accept ((type printer) stream (view textual-view) &key)
   (completing-from-suggestions (stream :partial-completers '(#\space))
@@ -585,9 +583,9 @@
       (suggest (first printer) (second printer)))))
 (define-presentation-method present (printer (type printer) stream (view textual-view)
-				     &key acceptably)
+                                             &key acceptably)
   (let ((name (or (first (find printer *printer-names* :key #'second))
-		  (string printer))))
+                  (string printer))))
     (write-token name stream :acceptably acceptably)))
 (define-presentation-method presentation-typep (object (type printer))
@@ -596,19 +594,19 @@
 (define-lisp-listener-command (com-hardcopy-file :name t)
     ((file 'pathname
-	   :provide-default t :prompt "file"
-	   :gesture :describe)
+           :provide-default t :prompt "file"
+           :gesture :describe)
      (printer 'printer
-	      :prompt "printer"
-	      :gesture :select)
+              :prompt "printer"
+              :gesture :select)
      (orientation '(member normal sideways) :default 'normal
-      :documentation "Orientation of the printed result")
+                                            :documentation "Orientation of the printed result")
      (query 'boolean :default nil :mentioned-default t
-      :documentation "Ask whether the file should be printed")
+                     :documentation "Ask whether the file should be printed")
      (reflect 'boolean :when (and file (equal (pathname-type file) "SPREADSHEET"))
-      :default nil :mentioned-default t
-      :documentation "Reflect the spreadsheet before printing it"))
+                       :default nil :mentioned-default t
+                       :documentation "Reflect the spreadsheet before printing it"))
   (format t "Would hardcopy ")
   (present file 'pathname)
   (format t " on ")
@@ -625,29 +623,29 @@
     (formatting-table ()
       (formatting-row ()
-	(formatting-cell ()
-	  (present `(com-show-file ,(merge-pathnames "foo" (user-homedir-pathname)))
-		   ptype)))
+        (formatting-cell ()
+          (present `(com-show-file ,(merge-pathnames "foo" (user-homedir-pathname)))
+                   ptype)))
       (formatting-row ()
-	(formatting-cell ()
-	  (present `(com-show-directory ,(merge-pathnames "*" (user-homedir-pathname)))
-		   ptype)))
+        (formatting-cell ()
+          (present `(com-show-directory ,(merge-pathnames "*" (user-homedir-pathname)))
+                   ptype)))
       (formatting-row ()
-	(formatting-cell ()
-	  (present `(com-copy-file ,(merge-pathnames "source" (user-homedir-pathname))
-				   ,(merge-pathnames "dest" (user-homedir-pathname)))
-		   ptype)))
+        (formatting-cell ()
+          (present `(com-copy-file ,(merge-pathnames "source" (user-homedir-pathname))
+                                   ,(merge-pathnames "dest" (user-homedir-pathname)))
+                   ptype)))
       (formatting-row ()
-	(formatting-cell ()
-	  (present `(com-hardcopy-file ,(merge-pathnames "quux" (user-homedir-pathname))
-				       asahi)
-		   ptype)))
+        (formatting-cell ()
+          (present `(com-hardcopy-file ,(merge-pathnames "quux" (user-homedir-pathname))
+                                       asahi)
+                   ptype)))
       (formatting-row ()
-	(formatting-cell ()
-	  (present '(com-quit) ptype))))))
+        (formatting-cell ()
+          (present '(com-quit) ptype))))))
@@ -656,6 +654,6 @@
 ;;; NOTE WORKAROUND deleted the \210 literal character, because it broke the SBCL reader for me. -- jacek.zlydach, 2017-05-14
 (define-genera-application lisp-listener
-			   :pretty-name "CLIM Lisp Listener"
-			   :select-key #\ [FIXME insert character 210]
-			   :width +fill+ :height +fill+)
+                           :pretty-name "CLIM Lisp Listener"
+                           :select-key #\ [FIXME insert character 210]
+                           :width +fill+ :height +fill+)