diff --git a/clim/command-processor.lisp b/clim/command-processor.lisp
index 60364007e7c3e715deaa803134df4ba8eaaaa39e..435954ec81fb8e88d3b3c97e1d55c4c800e94f50 100644
--- a/clim/command-processor.lisp
+++ b/clim/command-processor.lisp
@@ -688,33 +688,37 @@
         (start-position (and (input-editing-stream-p stream)
                              (stream-scan-pointer stream)))
         (replace-input-p nil))
+    ;;NOTE workaround for the define-presentation-method implementation doing code-walking
+    ;;in search for variables in presentation types' parameters and options. -- jacek.zlydach 2017-10-28
+    auto-activate
     (multiple-value-bind (object type)
         (with-input-context (command-type) (command command-presentation-type nil options)
-             (with-input-context (form-type) (form form-presentation-type nil options)
-                  (let ((gesture (read-gesture :stream stream :peek-p t)))
-                    (cond ((and (characterp gesture)
-                                (find gesture *command-dispatchers* :test #'char-equal))
-                           (read-gesture :stream stream)        ;get out the colon
-                           (apply #'accept command-type
-                                  :stream stream :prompt nil :view view
-                                  :history type args))
-                          (t (apply #'accept form-type
-                                    :stream stream :prompt nil :view view
-                                    :history type args))))
-                (t (when (getf options :echo t)
-                     (setq replace-input-p t))
-                   (values form form-presentation-type)))
-           (t (when (getf options :echo t)
-                (setq replace-input-p t))
-              (when (partial-command-p command)
-                (setq command (funcall *partial-command-parser*
-                                       command command-table stream start-position)))
-              (when replace-input-p
-                (unless (stream-rescanning-p stream)
-                  (replace-input stream (string (first *command-dispatchers*))
-                                 :buffer-start start-position)
-                  (incf start-position)))
-              (values command command-presentation-type)))
+            (with-input-context (form-type) (form form-presentation-type nil options)
+                (let ((gesture (read-gesture :stream stream :peek-p t)))
+                  (cond ((and (characterp gesture)
+                              (find gesture *command-dispatchers* :test #'char-equal))
+                         (read-gesture :stream stream) ;get out the colon
+                         (apply #'accept command-type
+                                :stream stream :prompt nil :view view
+                                :history type args))
+                        (t
+                         (apply #'accept form-type ;might this be missing?
+                                :stream stream :prompt nil :view view
+                                :history type args))))
+              (t (when (getf options :echo t)
+                   (setq replace-input-p t))
+                 (values form form-presentation-type)))
+          (t (when (getf options :echo t)
+               (setq replace-input-p t))
+             (when (partial-command-p command)
+               (setq command (funcall *partial-command-parser*
+                                      command command-table stream start-position)))
+             (when replace-input-p
+               (unless (stream-rescanning-p stream)
+                 (replace-input stream (string (first *command-dispatchers*))
+                                :buffer-start start-position)
+                 (incf start-position)))
+             (values command command-presentation-type)))
       (when replace-input-p
         (presentation-replace-input stream object type view
                                     :buffer-start start-position))
diff --git a/clim/ptypes1.lisp b/clim/ptypes1.lisp
index c1f760be5a95c93ad10d30e6cf1fe2b071e18ffa..ae52808e104b785dd8fc57c6a80d430f69c50f08 100644
--- a/clim/ptypes1.lisp
+++ b/clim/ptypes1.lisp
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@
                           #+Clozure (cl:structure-class 'defstruct)
-             (let (#+(or Genera Cloe-Runtime (and MCL CCL-2))
+             (let (#+(or Genera Cloe-Runtime (and MCL CCL-2) sbcl)
                    (class-name `(presentation-type ,name))
                (setq class
@@ -886,10 +886,8 @@
                #+(and MCL CCL-2) (setf (slot-value class 'ccl::slots) (cons nil (vector)))
                ;; If the class name couldn't be set while making the class, set it now
-               ;; FIXME not sure what to do with this, commenting out for now. -- jacek.zlydach, 2017-05-06
-               ;; #-(or Genera Cloe-Runtime Lucid aclpc (and MCL CCL-2) Clozure)
-               ;; (setf (class-name class) class-name)
-               ))
+               #-(or Genera Cloe-Runtime Lucid aclpc (and MCL CCL-2) Clozure)
+               (setf (class-name class) class-name)))
             ((not (or (equal (closer-mop:class-direct-superclasses class) direct-superclasses)
                       ;; The above equal would suffice if it were not for the fact that when
                       ;; a CLOS class in the compile-file environment has a superclass in the
@@ -1568,7 +1566,7 @@
 (defvar *presentation-method-argument-class*)
+#+(and Genera CLIM-extends-CLOS)
 (defmethod clos-internals::compute-effective-method-1 :around
            ((generic-function presentation-generic-function)
             methods argument-function)
@@ -1614,13 +1612,9 @@
     (:generic-function generic-function)
   (setq after (reverse after))
   (labels ((method-class (method)
-             (let ((class (first (#-Clozure clos:method-specializers
-                                  #+Clozure ccl:method-specializers
-                                  method))))
+             (let ((class (first (closer-mop:method-specializers method))))
                (if (consp class) (second class) class))))
-    (let* ((generic-function-name (#-Clozure clos:generic-function-name
-                                   #+Clozure ccl:generic-function-name
-                                   generic-function))
+    (let* ((generic-function-name (closer-mop:generic-function-name generic-function))
            (generic-lambda-list (block nil
                                   (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
                                                (declare (ignore key))
@@ -1634,7 +1628,7 @@
            (class *presentation-method-argument-class*))
       (multiple-value-bind (bindings alist)
           (generate-type-massagers class superclasses parameters options nil)
-        (labels ((call-method (method &optional (next-methods nil next-methods-p))
+        (labels ((magic-call-method (method &optional (next-methods nil next-methods-p))
                    (setq next-methods                ;massage call-next-method args also
                          (mapcar #'(lambda (method)
                                      (if (atom method)
@@ -1657,16 +1651,16 @@
                                            `(:next-methods ,next-methods)))
                          `(call-method ,method ,@(when next-methods-p
-                 (call-methods (methods)
-                   (mapcar #'call-method methods)))
+                 (magic-call-methods (methods)
+                   (mapcar #'magic-call-method methods)))
           (let ((form (if (or before after (rest primary))
-                             (progn ,@(call-methods before)
-                                    ,(call-method (first primary) (rest primary)))
-                             ,@(call-methods (reverse after)))
-                          (call-method (first primary) ()))))
+                             (progn ,@(magic-call-methods before)
+                                    ,(magic-call-method (first primary) (rest primary)))
+                             ,@(magic-call-methods (reverse after)))
+                          (magic-call-method (first primary) ()))))
             (when around
-              (setq form (call-method (first around)
+              (setq form (magic-call-method (first around)
                                       `(,@(rest around)
                                         (make-method ,form)))))
             (if bindings
diff --git a/demo/puzzle.lisp b/demo/puzzle.lisp
index 27e26dbbc56c0eb1c4ce9e2cfc9cb21f72d293a6..f04a183b2f6bc813903b91e0a4daaf94dc3afd55 100644
--- a/demo/puzzle.lisp
+++ b/demo/puzzle.lisp
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
 (define-presentation-type puzzle-cell ()
   :inherit-from '(integer 1 15))
-(define-presentation-method highlight-presentation ((type puzzle-cell) record stream state)
+;;; NOTE disabled because it breaks displaying a list of demos due to "unknown type specifier" condition. -- jacek.zlydach 2017-10-28
+#+ignore(define-presentation-method highlight-presentation ((type puzzle-cell) record stream state)
   (multiple-value-bind (xoff yoff)