diff --git a/ChangeLog.n b/ChangeLog.n
index 37b667940ce0b420076aae1e5cac25a14e4bdf8e..c55367b3f4aa7c7332a8d5c985b72add10dda147 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.n
+++ b/ChangeLog.n
@@ -3,6 +3,13 @@
 don't forget to change the version in utils/packages.lisp if you do anything
 user visible.
+2009-12-16  Andreas Fuchs  <afuchs@franz.com>
+	* aclpc/acl-scroll.lisp: Make sure compose-space for scroller
+	  panes computes scroll bar widths for hlist-panes and text-editors,
+	  too.
+	* aclpc/acl-widget.lisp: Adjust compose-space for hlist-panes to
+	  compute the correct size requirements (spr36279).
 2009-10-27  Andreas Fuchs  <afuchs@franz.com>
diff --git a/aclpc/acl-scroll.lisp b/aclpc/acl-scroll.lisp
index a76f0bebf6feb34ea08268adaf077ac1cc163a28..22a6b38c8aaaeb7ba8d749ce5c3904902ecbf05d 100644
--- a/aclpc/acl-scroll.lisp
+++ b/aclpc/acl-scroll.lisp
@@ -438,10 +438,17 @@
+(defun needs-scroller-pane-adjustment-p (pane)
+  ;; Some widgets come with built-in scrolling. Since we're using
+  ;; scroller panes for them too, we need to compensate for their
+  ;; built-in need to scroll:
+  (or (not (scroller-pane-gadget-supplies-scrolling-p pane))
+      (gadget-supplies-scrolling-p (sheet-child pane))))
 ;;; silica\db-layout
 (defmethod compose-space ((pane mswin-scroller-pane) &key width height)
   (let* ((child (sheet-child pane))
-	 (scroll (and (not (scroller-pane-gadget-supplies-scrolling-p pane))
+	 (scroll (and (needs-scroller-pane-adjustment-p pane)
 		      (silica::scroller-pane-scroll-bar-policy pane)))
 	 (vscroll (if (member scroll '(t :both :dynamic :vertical))
 		      (win-scroll-thick :y) *win-border-thick*))
@@ -449,22 +456,21 @@
 		      (win-scroll-thick :x) *win-border-thick*))
 	 (sr (compose-space child :width width :height height))
 	 (nr (make-instance 'general-space-requirement
-	       :width (+ (space-requirement-width sr) vscroll hscroll)
-	       :min-width (+ (space-requirement-min-width sr) vscroll hscroll)
+	       :width (+ (space-requirement-width sr) vscroll)
+	       :min-width (+ (space-requirement-min-width sr) vscroll)
 	       :max-width (min most-positive-fixnum
 			       (+ (space-requirement-max-width sr) vscroll))
 	       ;; now assumes menu is one line thick, but in practice it
 	       ;; can be more, and some windows have no menu at all
-	       :height (+ (space-requirement-height sr) hscroll vscroll)
-	       :min-height (+ (space-requirement-min-height sr) hscroll vscroll)
+	       :height (+ (space-requirement-height sr) hscroll)
+	       :min-height (+ (space-requirement-min-height sr) hscroll)
 	       :max-height (min most-positive-fixnum
 				(+ (space-requirement-max-height sr)
 (defmethod allocate-space ((pane mswin-scroller-pane) width height)
-  (let* ((scroll (and (not (scroller-pane-gadget-supplies-scrolling-p pane))
+  (let* ((scroll (and (needs-scroller-pane-adjustment-p pane)
 		      (silica::scroller-pane-scroll-bar-policy pane)))
 	 (vscroll (member scroll '(t :both :dynamic :vertical)))
 	 (hscroll (member scroll '(t :both :dynamic :horizontal)))
diff --git a/aclpc/acl-widget.lisp b/aclpc/acl-widget.lisp
index b6dc2fd26059d62bac198ada9784632a48fafab0..859d374649999cb26fb6066b7968a30a595170cb 100644
--- a/aclpc/acl-widget.lisp
+++ b/aclpc/acl-widget.lisp
@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@
-  ()
+  ((x-margin :initform 0)
+   (y-margin :initform 0))
   (:default-initargs :background +white+))
 (defmethod handle-event ((pane hlist-pane)
@@ -120,62 +121,88 @@
 (defmethod handle-event :after ((pane hlist-pane) (event pointer-event))
   (deallocate-event event))
-;; this function combines the code for compose-space methods for
-;; list-panes and combo-boxes. Note that it is inherently wrong
-;; because the text-style used in the calculation is typically not
-;; that used for the actual gadget - this needs to be looked at
-;; sometime (cim 9/25/96)
+(defvar *default-list-pane-width* '(8 :character))
+(defvar *min-list-pane-height* '(1 :line))
 (defmethod compute-set-gadget-dimensions ((pane set-gadget-mixin))
   (let ((name-width 0)
 	(tsh 0))
-    (with-slots (items name-key text-style) pane
-      (with-sheet-medium (medium pane)
-	(dolist (item items)
-	  (multiple-value-bind (w h)
-	      (text-size medium (funcall name-key item) :text-style text-style)
-	    (setq name-width (max name-width w))
-	    (setq tsh (max h tsh))))
-	(when (and (zerop tsh) (zerop name-width))
-	  (multiple-value-setq (name-width tsh)
-	    (text-size medium "Frobnitz" :text-style text-style)))))
+    (with-slots (items name-key) pane
+       (dolist (item items)
+         (let ((name (funcall name-key item)))
+           (setq name-width (max name-width
+                                 (process-width-specification pane name)))
+           (setq tsh (max tsh (process-height-specification pane name)))))
+       (when (and (zerop tsh) (zerop name-width))
+         (setq name-width (process-width-specification pane *default-list-pane-width*)
+               tsh (process-height-specification pane *min-list-pane-height*))))
     (values name-width tsh)))
 (defmethod compose-space ((pane hlist-pane) &key width height)
   (declare (ignore width height))
-  (with-slots (items name-key text-style visible-items
-		     initial-space-requirement) pane
-    (let* ((name-width 0)
-	   (name-height 0)
-	   (tsh 0)
-	   (iwid (or (space-requirement-width initial-space-requirement) 0))
-	   (ihgt (or (space-requirement-height initial-space-requirement) 0))
-	   (par (sheet-parent pane))
-	   (scroll-mode (and (acl-clim::scroller-pane-p par)
-			     (scroller-pane-scroll-bar-policy par)))
-	   )
-      (multiple-value-setq (name-width tsh)
-	(compute-set-gadget-dimensions pane))
-      (setq name-height (* (or visible-items (max (length items) 1))
-                           tsh))
-      (if (> iwid 0)
-          (setq name-width iwid)
-          (setq name-width (max name-width iwid)))
-      (setq name-height (max name-height ihgt))
-      (let ((w (+ name-width 20))
-	    (h name-height))
-	(when (member scroll-mode '(:horizontal :both t :dynamic))
-	  (let ((wstx (win-scroll-thick :x)))
-	    ;; Allow for the horizontal scrollbar
-	    (setq h (+ h wstx))))
-	(make-space-requirement
-	 :width w
-	 :height h)))))
+  ;; Note that hlists (like text-editors, whose compose-space method
+  ;; served as a template for this) are scrolled by being given a
+  ;; scroller-pane as a parent, but they have their own "interior"
+  ;; scrollbars.
+  (with-slots (initial-space-requirement items visible-items) pane
+     (let* ((par (sheet-parent pane))
+            (scroll-mode (and (acl-clim::scroller-pane-p par)
+                              (scroller-pane-scroll-bar-policy par)))
+            (name-width (compute-set-gadget-dimensions pane)))
+       (let ((w 0) 
+             (min-w (process-width-specification pane '(8 :character)))
+             (h 0)
+             (min-h (process-height-specification pane *min-list-pane-height*)))
+         ;; WIDTH
+         (cond ((and initial-space-requirement
+                     (plusp (process-width-specification
+                             pane (space-requirement-width initial-space-requirement))))
+                ;; This is where accepting-values views factors in.
+                (setq w (max (process-width-specification 
+                              pane (space-requirement-width initial-space-requirement))
+                             min-w)))
+               (items
+                (setq w name-width))
+               (t
+                (setq w (process-width-specification
+                         *default-list-pane-width*))))
+         (when (member scroll-mode '(:vertical :both t :dynamic))
+           ;; Allow for the vertical scrollbar
+           (let ((wsty (win-scroll-thick :y)))
+             (setq min-w (+ min-w wsty))
+             (setq w (+ w wsty))))
+         (setq w (max w min-w))
+         ;; HEIGHT
+         (cond ((and initial-space-requirement
+                     (plusp (process-height-specification
+                             pane (space-requirement-height initial-space-requirement))))
+                ;; This is where accepting-values views factors in.
+                (setq h (max (process-height-specification 
+                              pane (space-requirement-height initial-space-requirement))
+                             (if visible-items
+                                 (process-height-specification pane `(,visible-items :line))
+                                 0)
+                             min-h)))
+               (visible-items
+                (setq h (process-height-specification pane `(,visible-items :line))))
+               (items
+                (setq h (max (process-height-specification pane `(,(length items) :line))
+                             min-h)))
+               (t
+                (setq h min-h)))
+         (when (member scroll-mode '(:horizontal :both t :dynamic))
+           (let ((wstx (win-scroll-thick :x)))
+             ;; Allow for the horizontal scrollbar
+             (setq min-h (+ min-h wstx)
+                   h (+ h wstx))))
+         (setq h (max h min-h))
+         (make-space-requirement
+          :width  w :min-width min-w
+          :height h :min-height min-h
+          )))))
 (defmethod (setf set-gadget-items) :before (items (pane hlist-pane))
   ;; When items are set in an hlist-pane the  mirror must be