diff --git a/.cvsignore b/.cvsignore
index 5d8aa2878417b1111425113a545c31ae3b8e9352..3424e022c569ba18016289df7c573438c61ded2a 100755
--- a/.cvsignore
+++ b/.cvsignore
@@ -7,3 +7,5 @@ slim
diff --git a/Makefile.defs b/Makefile.defs
index 167a6b5e27eb02328579ebe10c59c8cc15a554bf..45aa967201e5eb2a24492ffac3efbfa318f0911a 100644
--- a/Makefile.defs
+++ b/Makefile.defs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $fiHeader: Makefile.defs,v 1.4 93/03/15 08:27:09 cer Exp $
+# $fiHeader: Makefile.defs,v 1.6 93/04/16 09:26:13 layer Exp $
 #  Makefile.defs for CLIM 2.0
@@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ TRAIN_TIMES=2
 # view, file, print
 	(load \"misc/train.lisp\") \
-	(train-clim :frame-tests $(FRAME_TESTS) :train-times $(TRAIN_TIMES) :psview $(PSVIEW) :hpglview $(HPGLVIEW)) \
+	(train-clim :frame-tests $(FRAME_TESTS) :train-times $(TRAIN_TIMES)\
+		:compile $(TRAIN_COMPILE) :psview $(PSVIEW) :hpglview $(HPGLVIEW)) \
 	(exit 0)
@@ -270,7 +272,7 @@ CLIM-STANDALONE-OBJS = clim/gestures.fasl \
 GENERIC-GADGETS = clim/db-menu.fasl clim/db-list.fasl clim/db-text.fasl silica/db-button.fasl \
-	    silica/db-slider.fasl silica/scroll-pane.fasl
+	    silica/db-slider.fasl silica/scroll-pane.fasl silica/db-label.fasl
 XLIB-CLIM-OBJS = xlib/pkg.fasl xlib/load-xlib.fasl
@@ -388,6 +390,7 @@ ALL_SRC =	   utils/excl-verification.lisp \
                     silica/db-border.lisp \
                     silica/db-scroll.lisp \
                     silica/db-button.lisp \
+		    silica/db-label.lisp \
                     silica/db-slider.lisp \
 			clim/gestures.lisp \
                         clim/defprotocol.lisp \
diff --git a/clim/graph-formatting.lisp b/clim/graph-formatting.lisp
index 5049ae6a41b545272168ea39d6356211fc50180e..96666b6cdd82ff6692b1d6139344bc2def1cad78 100644
--- a/clim/graph-formatting.lisp
+++ b/clim/graph-formatting.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-INTERNALS; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
-;; $fiHeader: graph-formatting.lisp,v 1.27 93/04/02 18:40:58 cer Exp $
+;; $fiHeader: graph-formatting.lisp,v 1.28 93/04/07 09:06:37 cer Exp $
 (in-package :clim-internals)
@@ -943,3 +943,34 @@ circular graphs without accounting for this case.
     (map nil #'(lambda (root)
 		 (traverse nil nil root max-depth))
+;;-- This is a version that searches all of the old children.
+;;-- Graph-output records can loose reorder children quite easily and
+;;-- it seems worthwhile searching.
+(defmethod find-child-output-record
+    ((record basic-graph-output-record) use-old-children record-type
+					&rest initargs &key unique-id id-test &allow-other-keys)
+  (declare (dynamic-extent initargs))
+  (flet ((do-match (candidate)
+	   ;; (class-name (class-of ...)) should just be type-of, but not in PCL.
+	   (and (eq record-type (class-name (class-of candidate)))
+		(apply #'match-output-records candidate initargs))))
+    (let ((elts-to-find (when use-old-children (output-record-old-children record))))
+      (if use-old-children
+	  (let ((found-record
+		 (if unique-id
+		     (find-with-test unique-id elts-to-find
+				     #'output-record-unique-id id-test)
+		   ;; UNIQUE-ID can be NIL when we are coming through
+		   ;; INVOKE-WITH-NEW-OUTPUT-RECORD to create new records
+		   (or (and (do-match (first elts-to-find))
+			    (first elts-to-find))
+		       (dolist (child (output-record-old-children record))
+			   (when (do-match child)
+			     (return child)))))))
+	    (when found-record
+	      (setf (output-record-old-children record)
+		(delete found-record (output-record-old-children record)))
+	      found-record))
+	(call-next-method)))))
diff --git a/clim/incremental-redisplay.lisp b/clim/incremental-redisplay.lisp
index d0443ce9892956975bcb5d9398e8bd8b775a2bd1..8c85594ca498784569c8693ec01c24143ccfac91 100644
--- a/clim/incremental-redisplay.lisp
+++ b/clim/incremental-redisplay.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-INTERNALS; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
-;; $fiHeader: incremental-redisplay.lisp,v 1.17 93/03/31 10:38:40 cer Exp $
+;; $fiHeader: incremental-redisplay.lisp,v 1.18 93/04/07 09:06:42 cer Exp $
 (in-package :clim-internals)
@@ -946,7 +946,6 @@
 	  ;;--- since we have to do the erase first
 	  ;;--- Anyway things are screwed up when the parent has changed
 	  ;;--- Since we dont know where things are.
 	  ((and old-parent
 		(not (eq (output-record-parent record) old-parent))
 		(not (eq (output-record-generation-tick old-parent) *generation-tick*)))
diff --git a/demo/browser.lisp b/demo/browser.lisp
index 747c51ef4a547291b81786ba179db25c923ec9a5..62693b989ca7b36cb80a04e9c38acdbcc96f80ea 100644
--- a/demo/browser.lisp
+++ b/demo/browser.lisp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ;;; Simple extensible browser
 ;;; Scott McKay
-;; $fiHeader: browser.lisp,v 1.19 93/03/19 09:44:09 cer Exp $
+;; $fiHeader: browser.lisp,v 1.20 93/04/07 09:07:01 cer Exp $
 (in-package :clim-browser)
@@ -1345,8 +1345,8 @@
 (define-browser-command (com-show-snapshots :menu t) ()
   (with-slots (snapshots) *application-frame*
     (dolist (snapshot snapshots)
-      (fresh-line)
-      (present snapshot 'snapshot))))
+      (fresh-line *query-io*)
+      (present snapshot 'snapshot :stream *query-io*))))
 (define-browser-command (com-recover-snapshot :menu t)
     ((snapshot (with-slots (snapshots) *application-frame*
diff --git a/misc/train.lisp b/misc/train.lisp
index f037f632b936e638bfb86ce9378a28658fa541fd..aaf852185d86a92a0058d4f19898061006d43440 100644
--- a/misc/train.lisp
+++ b/misc/train.lisp
@@ -20,13 +20,21 @@
 ;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
 ;; applicable.
-;; $fiHeader: train.lisp,v 1.4 93/03/19 09:44:22 cer Exp $
+;; $fiHeader: train.lisp,v 1.5 93/04/02 13:36:34 cer Exp $
-(defun train-clim (&key (train-times 2) (psview nil) (frame-tests t) (errorp t) (hpglview nil))
+(defun train-clim (&key (train-times 2) 
+			(psview nil)
+			(frame-tests t)
+			(errorp t)
+			(hpglview nil)
+			(compile t))
   (setq *global-gc-behavior* nil)
-  (load
-   "test/test.lisp") 
-  (clim-user::with-test-reporting ()
+  (load "test/test.lisp")
+  (clim-user::with-test-reporting (:file (if (excl::featurep :clim-motif) 
+					     "test-suite-reportxm.lisp"
+					   "test-suite-reportol.lisp"))
+    (when compile
+      (load (compile-file "test/test-suite")))
     (when frame-tests
       (clim-user::train-clim-2 train-times) 
       (clim-user::do-frame-tests errorp))
diff --git a/test/test-driver.lisp b/test/test-driver.lisp
index b685d5a3f79c49554068a1d275acd2e5a00ecbb1..79b5b7b0ac2c2986f951ec12ff9c05cba309136d 100644
--- a/test/test-driver.lisp
+++ b/test/test-driver.lisp
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@
 (defun handler-invocation-debugger-hook (invocation condition)
   (format excl:*initial-terminal-io* "The following error occurred: ~A~%" condition))
-(defun wait-for-clim-input-state (invocation &optional (timeout 300))
+(defvar *default-input-state-timeout* 300)
+(defun wait-for-clim-input-state (invocation &optional (timeout *default-input-state-timeout*))
   (let ((process (invocation-process invocation)))
     (if timeout
@@ -183,27 +184,27 @@
   (when *test-successes*
     (push test (cdr *test-successes*))))
-(defmacro with-test-reporting ((&rest options &key) &body body)
+(defmacro with-test-reporting ((&rest options &key file) &body body)
   `(invoke-with-test-reporting #'(lambda () ,@body) ,@options))
-(defun invoke-with-test-reporting (continuation)
+(defun invoke-with-test-reporting (continuation &rest options)
   (let ((*test-successes* (list nil))
 	(*test-failures* (list nil)))
     (funcall continuation)
     (pop *test-successes*)
     (pop *test-failures*)
-    (generate-test-report)))
+    (apply #'generate-test-report options)))
-(defun generate-test-report ()
+(defun generate-test-report (&key file)
   (format t "~4%")
   (when *test-failures*
     (format t "The following tests failed:~%")
     (dolist (x *test-failures*)
       (format t "~10t~A : ~A~%" (car x) (cdr x))))
-  (when (probe-file "test-suite-report.lisp")
+  (when (probe-file file)
     (let (old-successes old-failures)
-      (with-open-file (*standard-input* "test-suite-report.lisp")
+      (with-open-file (*standard-input* file)
 	(let ((*package* (find-package :clim-user)))
 	  (setq old-successes (read) old-failures (read))))
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@
       (format t "~10t~A ~%" x)))
-  (with-open-file (*standard-output* "test-suite-report.lisp"
+  (with-open-file (*standard-output* file
 		   :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
     (let ((*package* (find-package :clim-user)))
       (print *test-successes*)
diff --git a/test/test-suite.lisp b/test/test-suite.lisp
index 5bc8dd99bba86d00e35564fad36387e218523067..8d13465882cfe27b19f694639a86cd5c0e0fff7a 100644
--- a/test/test-suite.lisp
+++ b/test/test-suite.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-USER; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
-;; $fiHeader: test-suite.lisp,v 1.59 93/04/07 17:23:55 cer Exp $
+;; $fiHeader: test-suite.lisp,v 1.60 93/04/08 13:18:17 colin Exp $
 (in-package :clim-user)
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ people, shall not perish from the earth.
     (circle  75 100 40 2)
     (circle 125 100 40 3))
   (stream-set-cursor-position stream 0 150)
-  (format stream "~S" (accept 'integer :stream stream)))
+  (format stream "~&~S" (accept 'integer :stream stream)))
 (define-test (ordering-test-2a output-recording) (stream)
   "The three overlapping rectangles should have the correct sensitivity."
@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ people, shall not perish from the earth.
     (rect   0   0 100 100 2)
     (rect  25  25 125 125 3))
   (stream-set-cursor-position stream 0 160)
-  (format stream "~S" (accept 'integer :stream stream)))
+  (format stream "~&~S" (accept 'integer :stream stream)))
 (define-test (ordering-test-2b output-recording) (stream)
   "The three overlapping rectangles should have the correct sensitivity."
@@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ people, shall not perish from the earth.
     (rect   0   0 100 100 2)
     (rect  50  50 150 150 3))
   (stream-set-cursor-position stream 0 240)
-  (format stream "~S" (accept 'integer :stream stream)))
+  (format stream "~&~S" (accept 'integer :stream stream)))
 (define-test (cursorpos-table output-recording) (stream)
   "Write some strings separated by horizontal cursor motion.  After refreshing, the output should look the same."
@@ -1877,7 +1877,7 @@ Luke Luck licks the lakes Luke's duck likes."))
 	       (dolist (point '((n 0 -30) (s 0 30) (e 30 0) (w -30 0)))
 		 (apply #'draw-compass-point stream ptype point)))))
     #+ignore (declare (dynamic-extent #'draw-compass-point #'draw-compass))
-    (with-menu (menu stream :scroll-bars nil)
+    (with-menu (menu stream :scroll-bars nil :label "Compass point")
       #-silica (setf (window-label menu) "Compass point")
       (format stream "~S" (menu-choose-from-drawer menu 'menu-item #'draw-compass)))))
@@ -2132,7 +2132,7 @@ Luke Luck licks the lakes Luke's duck likes."))
 	(accepts (a (member :red :blue :green))
 		 (b (subset :red :blue :green))
 		 (c boolean)
-		 (d (float 0 1) :view '(slider-view  :decimal-places 2))
+		 (d (float 0 1) :view '(slider-view  :width 100 :decimal-places 2))
 		 (e (integer 0 10) :view +slider-view+)
 		 (f (member :red :blue :green) :view +text-field-view+)
 		 (g (integer 0 10) :view +text-field-view+)
@@ -2566,7 +2566,7 @@ Luke Luck licks the lakes Luke's duck likes."))
       (terpri stream))))
 (define-benchmark (clipped-text-output :iterations 3) (stream)
-  "Draw lines through a clipping region"
+  "Draw text through a clipping region"
   (with-drawing-options (stream :clipping-region *chess-board-clip-region*)
     (repeat 5
       (write-string "Four" stream)
diff --git a/test/test.lisp b/test/test.lisp
index b2072e4685fdbf00f7bcffb9bf732e6b303a203e..a147c4c0eb0bbe7ee5a5498f7232d40030c4dfc3 100644
--- a/test/test.lisp
+++ b/test/test.lisp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Suppplement 252.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
 ;; applicable.
-;; $fiHeader: test.lisp,v 1.45 93/03/19 09:46:41 cer Exp $
+;; $fiHeader: test.lisp,v 1.46 93/03/31 10:39:54 cer Exp $
 (in-package :clim-user)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 		   (list +red+ +green+)))
   (:pointer-documentation t)
-  (:geometry :width 300 :height 300))
+  (:geometry :width 800 :height 800))
 ;;; More frames
diff --git a/tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp b/tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp
index a93546e83c4e998e38ce86063231f1714c2683bd..7000f27fab90ee0b8cf443b9d930e0260ad17e5e 100644
--- a/tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp
+++ b/tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
 ;; applicable.
-;; $fiHeader: ol-gadgets.lisp,v 1.42 93/03/31 10:40:12 cer Exp $
+;; $fiHeader: ol-gadgets.lisp,v 1.43 93/04/02 13:37:17 cer Exp $
 (in-package :xm-silica)
@@ -187,8 +187,11 @@
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((fr openlook-frame-pane) &key frame frame-manager contents thickness)
-  (declare (ignore frame frame-manager thickness))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((fr openlook-frame-pane) &key
+								frame frame-manager contents thickness
+								background)
+  (declare (ignore frame frame-manager thickness)
+	   (ignore background))
   (sheet-adopt-child fr contents))
 ;; OpenLook viewport
@@ -441,6 +444,7 @@
 ;;; Push button
 (defclass openlook-push-button (push-button
+				openlook-labelled-gadget
@@ -451,8 +455,7 @@
 						     (parent t)
 						     (sheet openlook-push-button))
   (with-accessors ((label gadget-label)) sheet
-    (values 'tk::oblong-button 
-	    (and label (list :label label)))))
+    (values 'tk::oblong-button nil)))
@@ -746,13 +749,13 @@
 	  (incf sum-w width)
 	  (incf sum-h height)
 	  (maxf max-w width)))
-      (case orientation
-	(:horizontal (make-space-requirement 
-		      :width (+ sum-w (* spacing (1- (length children))))
-		      :height max-h))
-	(:vertical (make-space-requirement 
-		    :width max-w 
-		    :height (+ sum-h (* spacing (1- (length children))))))))))
+      (ecase orientation
+	(:fixedrows (make-space-requirement 
+		     :width (+ sum-w (* spacing (1- (length children))))
+		     :height max-h))
+	(:fixedcols (make-space-requirement 
+			:width max-w 
+			:height (+ sum-h (* spacing (1- (length children))))))))))
@@ -823,6 +826,7 @@
 	    (mmax 100))
 	(values (if editablep 'tk::slider 'tk::gauge)
+		 (list :drag-c-b-type :release)
 		 (and label (list :title-string label))
 		 (list :slider-min mmin
@@ -935,19 +939,16 @@
    sheet sr))
-(defun process-width-specification (sheet width)
-  (break "Make me work")
+(defmethod process-width-specification (sheet width)
   (when (numberp width) (return-from process-width-specification width))
   (let ((chars (etypecase width
 		  (assert (eq (second width) :character))
 		  (first width))
 		 (string (length width)))))
-    (multiple-value-bind (font left-margin right-margin)
-	(tk::get-values (sheet-direct-mirror sheet)
-			:font :left-margin :right-margin)
+    (let ((font (tk::get-values (sheet-direct-mirror sheet) :font)))
       (let ((font-width (font-list-max-width-and-height font)))
-	(+ (* 2 (+ left-margin right-margin)) (* font-width chars))))))
+	(* font-width chars)))))
 (defun font-list-max-width-and-height (font)
   (values (tk::font-width font) (tk::font-height font)))
@@ -962,9 +963,8 @@
 		  (first width))
 		 (string (length width)))))
     (multiple-value-bind (font top-margin bottom-margin)
-	(tk::get-values (sheet-direct-mirror sheet)
-			:font :top-margin :bottom-margin)
-      (let ((font-height (nth-value 1 (font-list-max-width-and-height font-list))))
+	(tk::get-values (sheet-direct-mirror sheet) :font :top-margin :bottom-margin)
+      (let ((font-height (nth-value 1 (font-list-max-width-and-height font))))
 	(+ top-margin bottom-margin (* font-height chars))))))
@@ -1012,6 +1012,18 @@
 	     (and value `(:source ,value))
 	     (list :wrap-mode (if word-wrap :wrap-white-space :wrap-off))))))
+(defmethod process-width-specification ((sheet openlook-text-editor) width)
+  (when (numberp width) (return-from process-width-specification width))
+  (let ((chars (etypecase width
+		 (list
+		  (assert (eq (second width) :character))
+		  (first width))
+		 (string (length width)))))
+    (multiple-value-bind (font left-margin right-margin)
+	(tk::get-values (sheet-direct-mirror sheet) :font :left-margin :right-margin)
+      (let ((font-width (font-list-max-width-and-height font)))
+	(+ left-margin right-margin (* font-width chars))))))
 (defmethod (setf gadget-word-wrap) :after (nv (gadget openlook-text-editor))
   (tk::set-values (sheet-direct-mirror gadget) 
 		  :wrap-mode (if word-wrap :wrap-white-space :wrap-off)))
@@ -1471,7 +1483,7 @@
 		   (test set-gadget-test)) sheet
     (let ((item (find nv items :test test :key value-key)))
       (assert item)
-      (let ((button (find item (option-menu-buttons sheet) :key #'second)))
+      (let ((button (car (find item (option-menu-buttons sheet) :key #'second))))
 	    (tk::set-values button :default t))))))
diff --git a/tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp b/tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp
index 18c4447ae9298ccd75768aa98b2f89a3cdb4f5dc..c489c77c91cf98324c70ceb72dc0a7807181f278 100644
--- a/tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp
+++ b/tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
 ;; applicable.
-;; $fiHeader: xm-frames.lisp,v 1.52 93/04/02 13:37:20 cer Exp $
+;; $fiHeader: xm-frames.lisp,v 1.53 93/04/08 13:19:00 colin Exp $
 (in-package :xm-silica)
@@ -273,56 +273,6 @@
 ;;--- Perhaps port-update-frame-settings ?
-(defmethod update-frame-settings ((framem motif-frame-manager) (frame t))
-  ;;--- Lets see how this works out
-  (let ((shell (sheet-shell (frame-top-level-sheet frame))))
-    (let ((sr (compose-space (frame-top-level-sheet frame))))
-      (tk::set-values shell
-		      :min-width (fix-coordinate (space-requirement-min-width sr))
-		      :min-height (fix-coordinate (space-requirement-min-height sr))))
-    (let ((geo (clim-internals::frame-geometry frame)))
-      (destructuring-bind
-	  (&key left top width height &allow-other-keys) geo
-	;;-- what about width and height
-	(when (and width height)
-	  (tk::set-values shell :width (fix-coordinate width) 
-			  :height (fix-coordinate height)))
-	(when (and left top)
-	  (tk::set-values shell 
-			  :x (fix-coordinate left)
-			  :y (fix-coordinate top)))))
-    (tk::set-values shell :title (frame-pretty-name frame))
-    (let ((icon (clim-internals::frame-icon frame)))
-      (flet ((decode-pixmap (x)
-	       (etypecase x
-		 (string x)
-		 (pattern 
-		  (let ((sheet (frame-top-level-sheet frame)))
-		    (with-sheet-medium (medium sheet)
-		      (second 
-		       (decode-gadget-background medium sheet x))))))))
-	(destructuring-bind
-	    (&key (name (frame-pretty-name frame)) pixmap clipping-mask) icon
-	  ;;-- Dialog shells do not have :icon-name resource
-	  (when (typep shell 'tk::top-level-shell)
-	    (tk::set-values shell :icon-name name))
-	  (when pixmap
-	    (tk::set-values shell :icon-pixmap (decode-pixmap pixmap)))
-	  (when clipping-mask
-	    (tk::set-values shell :clip-mask (decode-pixmap clipping-mask))))))))
-(defmethod frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed ((framem motif-frame-manager) 
-						   (frame standard-application-frame))
-  (let ((shell (frame-shell frame)))
-    (tk::set-values shell :title (frame-pretty-name frame))
-    (when (typep shell 'tk::top-level-shell)
-      (destructuring-bind (&key name &allow-other-keys) (clim-internals::frame-icon frame)
-	;;-- Dialog shells do not have :icon-name resource
-	(tk::set-values shell :icon-name (or name (frame-pretty-name frame)))))))
 (defmethod frame-manager-construct-menu 
@@ -576,9 +526,12 @@
   (:menu-bar nil))
-(defmethod clim-internals::frame-manager-get-menu ((framem motif-frame-manager) &key scroll-bars)
+(defmethod clim-internals::frame-manager-get-menu ((framem
+						    motif-frame-manager) &key scroll-bars
+						    label)
   (let ((frame (make-application-frame 'motif-menu-frame
 				       :scroll-bars scroll-bars
+				       :label label
 				       :frame-manager framem
 				       :save-under t)))
     ;; This so that ports can do something interesting with popped-up
diff --git a/tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp b/tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp
index a33d6d70d4ff690677b366340719884f07e43b34..34d0201b80de2d8925be9285c9175ef90a14a389 100644
--- a/tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp
+++ b/tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
 ;; applicable.
-;; $fiHeader: xm-silica.lisp,v 1.33 93/04/02 13:37:30 cer Exp $
+;; $fiHeader: xm-silica.lisp,v 1.34 93/04/07 09:07:25 cer Exp $
 (in-package :xm-silica)
@@ -57,14 +57,6 @@
 (defclass motif-geometry-manager (xt-geometry-manager) ())
-(defmethod change-widget-geometry ((parent tk::xm-dialog-shell) child
-				   &rest args
-				   &key x y width height)
-  (declare (ignore x y args))
-  (tk::set-values child :width width :height height :x x :y y))
 (defmethod find-shell-class-and-initargs ((port motif-port) sheet)
   (if (popup-frame-p sheet)
       (values 'tk::xm-dialog-shell
diff --git a/tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp b/tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp
index a4311266849c16952fa08e274f532f660088f837..6feeec4df90d84d5ef5127cbb6f23f5ddcfbef61 100644
--- a/tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp
+++ b/tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
 ;; applicable.
-;; $fiHeader: xt-frames.lisp,v 1.31 93/04/02 13:37:33 cer Exp $
+;; $fiHeader: xt-frames.lisp,v 1.32 93/04/08 13:19:06 colin Exp $
 (in-package :xm-silica)
@@ -241,3 +241,52 @@
 	(map-over-sheets #'update-sheet sheet)))))
+(defmethod update-frame-settings ((framem xt-frame-manager) (frame t))
+  ;;--- Lets see how this works out
+  (let ((shell (sheet-shell (frame-top-level-sheet frame))))
+    (let ((sr (compose-space (frame-top-level-sheet frame))))
+      (tk::set-values shell
+		      :min-width (fix-coordinate (space-requirement-min-width sr))
+		      :min-height (fix-coordinate (space-requirement-min-height sr))))
+    (let ((geo (clim-internals::frame-geometry frame)))
+      (destructuring-bind
+	  (&key left top width height &allow-other-keys) geo
+	;;-- what about width and height
+	(when (and width height)
+	  (tk::set-values shell :width (fix-coordinate width) 
+			  :height (fix-coordinate height)))
+	(when (and left top)
+	  (tk::set-values shell 
+			  :x (fix-coordinate left)
+			  :y (fix-coordinate top)))))
+    (tk::set-values shell :title (frame-pretty-name frame))
+    (let ((icon (clim-internals::frame-icon frame)))
+      (flet ((decode-pixmap (x)
+	       (etypecase x
+		 (string x)
+		 (pattern 
+		  (let ((sheet (frame-top-level-sheet frame)))
+		    (with-sheet-medium (medium sheet)
+		      (second 
+		       (decode-gadget-background medium sheet x))))))))
+	(destructuring-bind
+	    (&key (name (frame-pretty-name frame)) pixmap clipping-mask) icon
+	  ;;-- Dialog shells do not have :icon-name resource
+	  (when (typep shell 'tk::top-level-shell)
+	    (tk::set-values shell :icon-name name))
+	  (when pixmap
+	    (tk::set-values shell :icon-pixmap (decode-pixmap pixmap)))
+	  (when clipping-mask
+	    (tk::set-values shell :clip-mask (decode-pixmap clipping-mask))))))))
+(defmethod frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed ((framem xt-frame-manager) 
+						   (frame standard-application-frame))
+  (let ((shell (frame-shell frame)))
+    (tk::set-values shell :title (frame-pretty-name frame))
+    (when (typep shell 'tk::top-level-shell)
+      (destructuring-bind (&key name &allow-other-keys) (clim-internals::frame-icon frame)
+	;;-- Dialog shells do not have :icon-name resource
+	(tk::set-values shell :icon-name (or name (frame-pretty-name frame)))))))