diff --git a/gramps-clim2.asd b/gramps-clim2.asd
index ccdd147815be52b2e14826b75841a2c0a60dbd52..7bb890ccfa0f6c5710c991b5a029fd6f7792eae5 100644
--- a/gramps-clim2.asd
+++ b/gramps-clim2.asd
@@ -129,7 +129,8 @@
 ;;; based on `clim-silica'
 (defsystem #:gramps-clim2/silica
-  :depends-on (#:gramps-clim2/utils)
+  :depends-on (#:gramps-clim2/utils
+               #:closer-mop)
   ((:module "silica"
diff --git a/silica/classes.lisp b/silica/classes.lisp
index 4f5bd6c180b6663c8b4d2aa8d28399174e7adbbe..2490b7791b84ee7b626dee8f3aa099cf37208c7f 100644
--- a/silica/classes.lisp
+++ b/silica/classes.lisp
@@ -147,7 +147,9 @@
 ;; A fixnum, incremented only with ATOMIC-INCF
-(defvar *event-timestamp* 0)
+(declaim (type fixnum *event-timestamp*))
+#+sbcl (sb-ext:defglobal *event-timestamp* 0)
+#-sbcl (defvar *event-timestamp* 0)
 (define-event-class event ()
   ((timestamp :reader event-timestamp
@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@
 (defconstant +pointer-right-button+  (ash 1 10))
 ;; The order of this must match the values above
-(defconstant *pointer-buttons* '#(:left :middle :right))
+(defparameter *pointer-buttons* '#(:left :middle :right))
 (deftype button-name () '(member :left :middle :right))
@@ -260,7 +262,7 @@
 (defconstant +double-key+  (ash 1 5))
 ;; The order of this must match the values above
-(defconstant *modifier-keys* '#(:shift :control :meta :super :hyper :double))
+(defparameter *modifier-keys* '#(:shift :control :meta :super :hyper :double))
 (deftype shift-keysym   () '(member :left-shift :right-shift))
 (deftype double-keysym  () '(member :left-double :right-double))
diff --git a/silica/event.lisp b/silica/event.lisp
index 15725639a3fada6e3bdb056541b813acf2ebf3c0..08f01233360fd9eedfb393ca4a9ae69925df9cd6 100644
--- a/silica/event.lisp
+++ b/silica/event.lisp
@@ -701,21 +701,10 @@
   ;; Gosh, this macro is bad style, and violates the MOP.
   ;; Piling warts upon warts, we have to force finalization at
   ;; macroexpand time... - smh 18may93
-  (#+Allegro clos:finalize-inheritance 
-   #+aclpc acl:finalize-inheritance
-   #+Clozure ccl:finalize-inheritance
-   #-(or Allegro aclpc Clozure) cl:finalize-inheritance
-   (find-class event-class)) ;smh 18may93
-  (let* ((slots #+aclpc  (acl:class-slots (find-class event-class))
-                #+(and MCL CCL-2) (ccl:class-slots (find-class event-class))
-                #+Clozure (ccl:class-slots (find-class event-class))
-                #-(or (and MCL CCL-2) aclpc Clozure) (clos:class-slots (find-class event-class))
-                )
-         (slot-names #+aclpc (mapcar #'acl:slot-definition-name slots)
-                     #+(and MCL CCL-2) (mapcar #'ccl:slot-definition-name slots)
-                     #+Clozure (mapcar #'ccl:slot-definition-name slots)
-                     #-(or (and MCL CCL-2) aclpc Clozure) (mapcar #'clos:slot-definition-name slots)
-                     )
+  (closer-mop:finalize-inheritance
+   (find-class event-class))            ;smh 18may93
+  (let* ((slots (closer-mop:class-slots (find-class event-class)))
+         (slot-names (mapcar #'closer-mop:slot-definition-name slots))
          (resource-name (fintern "*~A-~A*" event-class 'resource)))
        (defvar ,resource-name nil)
@@ -723,25 +712,25 @@
          ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (slot)
                        (if (eq slot 'timestamp)
                            `(setf (slot-value event ',slot)
-                              (or ,slot (atomic-incf *event-timestamp*)))
-                         `(setf (slot-value event ',slot) ,slot)))
+                                  (or ,slot (atomic-incf *event-timestamp*)))
+                           `(setf (slot-value event ',slot) ,slot)))
        (let ((old (assoc ',event-class *resourced-events*)))
          (unless old
            (setq *resourced-events*
-             (append *resourced-events*
-                     (list (list ',event-class ',resource-name
-                                 ;; Allocates, misses, creates, deallocates
-                                 #+meter-events ,@(list 0 0 0 0)))))))
+                 (append *resourced-events*
+                         (list (list ',event-class ',resource-name
+                                     ;; Allocates, misses, creates, deallocates
+                                     #+meter-events ,@(list 0 0 0 0)))))))
        ;; When an event is in the event resource, we use the timestamp
        ;; to point to the next free event
        (let ((previous-event (make-instance ',event-class)))
          (setq ,resource-name previous-event)
          (repeat ,(1- nevents)
-                 (let ((event (make-instance ',event-class
-                                             :timestamp nil)))
-                   (setf (slot-value previous-event 'timestamp) event)
-                   (setq previous-event event)))))))
+           (let ((event (make-instance ',event-class
+                                       :timestamp nil)))
+             (setf (slot-value previous-event 'timestamp) event)
+             (setq previous-event event)))))))
 (define-event-resource pointer-motion-event 20)
 (define-event-resource pointer-enter-event 20)
@@ -829,15 +818,9 @@
 (defun copy-event (event)
   (let* ((class (class-of event))
          (copy (allocate-instance class)))
-    (dolist (slot (#+aclpc acl:class-slots 
-                   #+Clozure ccl:class-slots
-                   #-(or aclpc Clozure) clos:class-slots class))
-      (let ((name (#+aclpc acl:slot-definition-name 
-                   #+Clozure ccl:slot-definition-name
-                   #-(or aclpc Clozure) clos:slot-definition-name slot))
-            (allocation (#+aclpc acl:slot-definition-allocation
-                         #+Clozure ccl:slot-definition-allocation
-                         #-(or aclpc Clozure) clos:slot-definition-allocation slot)))
+    (dolist (slot (closer-mop:class-slots class))
+      (let ((name (closer-mop:slot-definition-name slot))
+            (allocation (closer-mop:slot-definition-allocation slot)))
         (when (and (eql allocation :instance)
                    (slot-boundp event name))
           (setf (slot-value copy name) (slot-value event name)))))
diff --git a/silica/framem.lisp b/silica/framem.lisp
index 371d2c5acd102c6c28b00ad42bf8e055b4564a4b..d2ef53b5c1e6b367f03c0c4a75c5c055cc060552 100644
--- a/silica/framem.lisp
+++ b/silica/framem.lisp
@@ -220,5 +220,5 @@
 (defmethod make-pane-arglist ((framem standard-frame-manager) type &rest options)
-  (declare (ignore type) #-Clozure (non-dynamic-extent options))
+  (declare (ignore type))
diff --git a/silica/graphics.lisp b/silica/graphics.lisp
index 6e013959462bc017ac8fa0a9cf643df6281592cc..369c937de8a2d8ee9a6141d52698b5f788defbb5 100644
--- a/silica/graphics.lisp
+++ b/silica/graphics.lisp
@@ -525,10 +525,6 @@
                     &key (from-head nil) (to-head t) (head-length 10) (head-width 5)
   (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (declare (arglist medium x1 y1 x2 y2
-                    &rest args
-                    &key (from-head nil) (to-head t) (head-length 10) (head-width 5)
-                    . #.(all-drawing-options-lambda-list :line-cap)))
   (flet ((draw-arrow ()
            (let* ((dx (- x2 x1))
                   (dy (- y2 y1))
@@ -568,10 +564,6 @@
 (defun draw-arrow (medium point1 point2 &rest args)
   (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (declare (arglist medium x1 y1 x2 y2
-                    &rest args
-                    &key (from-head nil) (to-head t) (head-length 10) (head-width 5)
-                    . #.(all-drawing-options-lambda-list :line-cap)))
   (apply #'draw-arrow*
          medium (point-x point1) (point-y point1) (point-x point2) (point-y point2) args))
@@ -642,10 +634,6 @@
 (defun draw-regular-polygon* (medium x1 y1 x2 y2 nsides
                               &rest args &key (handedness :left) (closed t) &allow-other-keys)
   (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (declare (arglist medium x1 y1 x2 y2 nsides
-                    &rest args
-                    &key (filled t) (handedness :left) (closed t)
-                    . #.(all-drawing-options-lambda-list :line-joint-cap)))
   (let* ((theta (* (float (* pi (/ 2.0 nsides)) 0.0)
                    (ecase handedness
                      (:left +1)
@@ -669,10 +657,6 @@
 (defun draw-regular-polygon (medium point1 point2 nsides &rest args)
   (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (declare (arglist medium point1 point2 nsides
-                    &rest args
-                    &key (handedness :left) (closed t) (filled t)
-                    . #.(all-drawing-options-lambda-list :line-joint-cap)))
   (apply #'draw-regular-polygon* medium
                                  (point-x point1) (point-y point1)
                                  (point-x point2) (point-y point2)
@@ -680,17 +664,11 @@
 (defun draw-triangle (medium p1 p2 p3 &rest args)
   (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (declare (arglist medium p1 p2 p3
-                    &rest args
-                    &key (filled t) . #.(all-drawing-options-lambda-list :line-joint)))
   (with-stack-list (points p1 p2 p3)
     (apply #'draw-polygon medium points :closed t args)))
 (defun draw-triangle* (medium x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 &rest args)
   (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (declare (arglist medium x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3
-                    &rest args
-                    &key (filled t) . #.(all-drawing-options-lambda-list :line-joint)))
   (with-stack-list (points x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3)
     (apply #'draw-polygon* medium points :closed t args)))
@@ -705,10 +683,6 @@
 (defun draw-circle (medium center radius &rest args)
   (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (declare (arglist medium center radius
-                    &rest args
-                    &key start-angle end-angle (filled t)
-                    . #.(all-drawing-options-lambda-list :line-cap)))
   (apply #'draw-ellipse medium center radius 0 0 radius args))
 (define-compiler-macro draw-circle (medium center radius &rest args)
@@ -722,10 +696,6 @@
 (defun draw-circle* (medium center-x center-y radius &rest args)
   (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (declare (arglist medium center-x center-y radius
-                    &rest args
-                    &key start-angle end-angle (filled t)
-                    . #.(all-drawing-options-lambda-list :line-cap)))
   (apply #'draw-ellipse* medium center-x center-y radius 0 0 radius args))
 (define-compiler-macro draw-circle* (medium center-x center-y radius &rest args)
@@ -742,9 +712,6 @@
 (defun draw-oval* (medium center-x center-y x-radius y-radius
                    &rest args &key (filled t) &allow-other-keys)
   (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (declare (arglist medium center-x center-y x-radius y-radius
-                    &rest args
-                    . #.(all-drawing-options-lambda-list :line-cap)))
   (flet ((draw-oval ()
            (let ((left (- center-x x-radius))
                  (right (+ center-x x-radius))
@@ -794,9 +761,6 @@
 (defun draw-oval (medium center x-radius y-radius &rest args)
   (declare (dynamic-extent args))
-  (declare (arglist medium point x-radius y-radius
-            &rest args
-            . #.(all-drawing-options-lambda-list :line-cap)))
   (apply #'draw-oval*
          medium (point-x center) (point-y center) x-radius y-radius args))
diff --git a/silica/mirror.lisp b/silica/mirror.lisp
index 13cf1351f004bd14f149eefc7462f7f405b1b5c3..2827d0c07a027189411eead8f97cdb6097c12a40 100644
--- a/silica/mirror.lisp
+++ b/silica/mirror.lisp
@@ -173,14 +173,12 @@
 ;; Returns the coordinates of sheet's mirror in the coordinates of the
 ;; parent of the mirror
-(defgeneric mirror-region* (port sheet)
-  #-aclpc (declare (values left top right bottom)))
+(defgeneric mirror-region* (port sheet))
 ;; Returns the coordinates of sheet's mirror in the coordinates of the
 ;; mirror itself.  That is, it will return 0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT for most
 ;; known window systems
-(defgeneric mirror-inside-region* (port sheet)
-  (declare (values left top right bottom)))
+(defgeneric mirror-inside-region* (port sheet))
 (defgeneric mirror-native-edges* (port sheet))
 (defgeneric mirror-inside-edges* (port sheet))
diff --git a/silica/sheet.lisp b/silica/sheet.lisp
index 72960ac7aab948f264f891c5700b67b3fdb2e221..f27dc45707ea7f216df51f913ffe353450f1482c 100644
--- a/silica/sheet.lisp
+++ b/silica/sheet.lisp
@@ -220,8 +220,7 @@
                        (sheet-transformation child) left top right bottom))))
           (sheet-children sheet)))))
-(defgeneric map-over-sheets-containing-position (function sheet x y)
-  (declare (dynamic-extent function)))
+(defgeneric map-over-sheets-containing-position (function sheet x y))
 (defmethod map-over-sheets-containing-position (function (sheet basic-sheet) x y)
   (declare (dynamic-extent function))
   (dolist (child (sheet-children sheet))
@@ -231,8 +230,7 @@
                  (region-contains-position-p (sheet-region child) x y)))
       (funcall function child))))
-(defgeneric map-over-sheets-overlapping-region (function sheet region)
-  (declare (dynamic-extent function)))
+(defgeneric map-over-sheets-overlapping-region (function sheet region))
 (defmethod map-over-sheets-overlapping-region (function (sheet basic-sheet) region)
   (declare (dynamic-extent function))
   (if (or (null region)                                ;--- kludge
diff --git a/silica/text-style.lisp b/silica/text-style.lisp
index 2b52a3749ba49403dfdba0b58692a842cc741e13..98babdde75280513b26c1d56a37923296414c0ce 100644
--- a/silica/text-style.lisp
+++ b/silica/text-style.lisp
@@ -346,9 +346,9 @@
             (setf (cdr mapping-pair) underlying)
             (push (cons logical underlying) (cdr pair)))))))
-(defconstant %%face-code-no-merge (byte 1 28))
-(defconstant %%face-code-class (byte 4 24))
-(defconstant %%face-code-faces (byte 24 0))
+(defparameter %%face-code-no-merge (byte 1 28))
+(defparameter %%face-code-class (byte 4 24))
+(defparameter %%face-code-faces (byte 24 0))
 (defun face->face-code (face)
   (when (null face) (return-from face->face-code nil))
diff --git a/utils/defun-utilities.lisp b/utils/defun-utilities.lisp
index e5ffa7193baff026d27a84c44cae6d69c64285e1..bece22ac5b2bfeebb34f30097bb5af77160775ce 100644
--- a/utils/defun-utilities.lisp
+++ b/utils/defun-utilities.lisp
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 (defparameter *declarations-may-be-exposed-by-macro-expansion* nil)
 (cl:defun extract-declarations (body &optional environment)
-  (declare (values documentation declarations body))
   (let ((declarations nil)
 	(documentation nil))
     (block process-declarations