diff --git a/cloe/pkgdcl.lisp b/cloe/pkgdcl.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53977141d864a8853adcc2bed9da3e57902ecc52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloe/pkgdcl.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CL-USER; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
+;; $fiHeader: pkgdcl.lisp,v 1.2 92/02/24 13:24:03 cer Exp $
+(in-package #-ANSI-90 :user #+ANSI-90 :common-lisp-user)
+"Copyright (c) 1992 Symbolics, Inc.  All rights reserved."
+(#-(or ANSI-90 Lucid) clim-lisp::defpackage #+(or ANSI-90 Lucid) defpackage cloe-clim
+ (:use clim-lisp clim-sys clim clim-utils silica))
diff --git a/postscript/laserwriter-metrics.lisp b/postscript/laserwriter-metrics.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5225ba9af6bed22d10cb37147f839a7c76209395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postscript/laserwriter-metrics.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,2145 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-POSTSCRIPT; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
+;; $fiHeader: laserwriter-metrics.lisp,v 1.2 92/02/24 13:08:01 cer Exp $
+(in-package :clim-postscript)
+"Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 Symbolics, Inc.  All rights reserved."
+;;; Font Metrics for Apple Laser Writer builtin fonts
+;;; Note that the X values in the bounding box are incorrect.  I don't
+;;; know how this data was generated (it was inherited from the Genera
+;;; LGP2 support) but it is apparent that the font box information
+;;; (/FontBBox element of a PostScript fnt dictionary) was not scaled by
+;;; the font's matrix (/FontMatrix).  For the fonts that I tested (using
+;;; the PostScript program at the end of this file), the Y values were
+;;; correct but some of the X values were not.  Fortunately nothing uses
+;;; them.  [1/9/90 naha]
+  '(("Times-Roman" 1000 (-167 -252 1004 904))
+    (#o040 250.0 "space")
+    (#o041 333.0 "exclam")
+    (#o042 408.0 "quotedbl")
+    (#o043 500.0 "numbersign")
+    (#o044 500.0 "dollar")
+    (#o045 833.0 "percent")
+    (#o046 778.0 "ampersand")
+    (#o047 333.0 "quoteright")
+    (#o050 333.0 "parenleft")
+    (#o051 333.0 "parenright")
+    (#o052 500.0 "asterisk")
+    (#o053 564.0 "plus")
+    (#o054 250.0 "comma")
+    (#o055 333.0 "hyphen")
+    (#o056 250.0 "period")
+    (#o057 278.0 "slash")
+    (#o060 500.0 "zero")
+    (#o061 500.0 "one")
+    (#o062 500.0 "two")
+    (#o063 500.0 "three")
+    (#o064 500.0 "four")
+    (#o065 500.0 "five")
+    (#o066 500.0 "six")
+    (#o067 500.0 "seven")
+    (#o070 500.0 "eight")
+    (#o071 500.0 "nine")
+    (#o072 278.0 "colon")
+    (#o073 278.0 "semicolon")
+    (#o074 564.0 "less")
+    (#o075 564.0 "equal")
+    (#o076 564.0 "greater")
+    (#o077 444.0 "question")
+    (#o100 921.0 "at")
+    (#o101 722.0 "A")
+    (#o102 667.0 "B")
+    (#o103 667.0 "C")
+    (#o104 722.0 "D")
+    (#o105 611.0 "E")
+    (#o106 556.0 "F")
+    (#o107 722.0 "G")
+    (#o110 722.0 "H")
+    (#o111 333.0 "I")
+    (#o112 389.0 "J")
+    (#o113 722.0 "K")
+    (#o114 611.0 "L")
+    (#o115 889.0 "M")
+    (#o116 722.0 "N")
+    (#o117 722.0 "O")
+    (#o120 556.0 "P")
+    (#o121 722.0 "Q")
+    (#o122 667.0 "R")
+    (#o123 556.0 "S")
+    (#o124 611.0 "T")
+    (#o125 722.0 "U")
+    (#o126 722.0 "V")
+    (#o127 944.0 "W")
+    (#o130 722.0 "X")
+    (#o131 722.0 "Y")
+    (#o132 611.0 "Z")
+    (#o133 333.0 "bracketleft")
+    (#o134 278.0 "backslash")
+    (#o135 333.0 "bracketright")
+    (#o136 469.0 "asciicircum")
+    (#o137 500.0 "underscore")
+    (#o140 333.0 "quoteleft")
+    (#o141 444.0 "a")
+    (#o142 500.0 "b")
+    (#o143 444.0 "c")
+    (#o144 500.0 "d")
+    (#o145 444.0 "e")
+    (#o146 333.0 "f")
+    (#o147 500.0 "g")
+    (#o150 500.0 "h")
+    (#o151 278.0 "i")
+    (#o152 278.0 "j")
+    (#o153 500.0 "k")
+    (#o154 278.0 "l")
+    (#o155 778.0 "m")
+    (#o156 500.0 "n")
+    (#o157 500.0 "o")
+    (#o160 500.0 "p")
+    (#o161 500.0 "q")
+    (#o162 333.0 "r")
+    (#o163 389.0 "s")
+    (#o164 278.0 "t")
+    (#o165 500.0 "u")
+    (#o166 500.0 "v")
+    (#o167 722.0 "w")
+    (#o170 500.0 "x")
+    (#o171 500.0 "y")
+    (#o172 444.0 "z")
+    (#o173 480.0 "braceleft")
+    (#o174 200.0 "bar")
+    (#o175 480.0 "braceright")
+    (#o176 541.0 "asciitilde")
+    (#o241 333.0 "exclamdown")
+    (#o242 500.0 "cent")
+    (#o243 500.0 "sterling")
+    (#o244 167.0 "fraction")
+    (#o245 500.0 "yen")
+    (#o246 500.0 "florin")
+    (#o247 500.0 "section")
+    (#o250 500.0 "currency")
+    (#o251 180.0 "quotesingle")
+    (#o252 444.0 "quotedblleft")
+    (#o253 500.0 "guillemotleft")
+    (#o254 333.0 "guilsinglleft")
+    (#o255 333.0 "guilsinglright")
+    (#o256 556.0 "fi")
+    (#o257 556.0 "fl")
+    (#o261 500.0 "endash")
+    (#o262 500.0 "dagger")
+    (#o263 500.0 "daggerdbl")
+    (#o264 250.0 "periodcentered")
+    (#o266 453.0 "paragraph")
+    (#o267 350.0 "bullet")
+    (#o270 333.0 "quotesinglbase")
+    (#o271 444.0 "quotedblbase")
+    (#o272 444.0 "quotedblright")
+    (#o273 500.0 "guillemotright")
+    (#o274 1000.0 "ellipsis")
+    (#o275 1000.0 "perthousand")
+    (#o277 444.0 "questiondown")
+    (#o301 333.0 "grave")
+    (#o302 333.0 "acute")
+    (#o303 333.0 "circumflex")
+    (#o304 333.0 "tilde")
+    (#o305 333.0 "macron")
+    (#o306 333.0 "breve")
+    (#o307 333.0 "dotaccent")
+    (#o310 333.0 "dieresis")
+    (#o312 333.0 "ring")
+    (#o313 333.0 "cedilla")
+    (#o315 333.0 "hungarumlaut")
+    (#o316 333.0 "ogonek")
+    (#o317 333.0 "caron")
+    (#o320 1000.0 "emdash")
+    (#o341 889.0 "AE")
+    (#o343 276.0 "ordfeminine")
+    (#o350 611.0 "Lslash")
+    (#o351 722.0 "Oslash")
+    (#o352 889.0 "OE")
+    (#o353 310.0 "ordmasculine")
+    (#o361 667.0 "ae")
+    (#o365 278.0 "dotlessi")
+    (#o370 278.0 "lslash")
+    (#o371 500.0 "oslash")
+    (#o372 722.0 "oe")
+    (#o373 500.0 "germandbls")
+    ))
+  '(("Times-Italic" 1000 (-176 -252 998 930))
+    (#o040 250.0 "space")
+    (#o041 333.0 "exclam")
+    (#o042 420.0 "quotedbl")
+    (#o043 500.0 "numbersign")
+    (#o044 500.0 "dollar")
+    (#o045 833.0 "percent")
+    (#o046 778.0 "ampersand")
+    (#o047 333.0 "quoteright")
+    (#o050 333.0 "parenleft")
+    (#o051 333.0 "parenright")
+    (#o052 500.0 "asterisk")
+    (#o053 675.0 "plus")
+    (#o054 250.0 "comma")
+    (#o055 333.0 "hyphen")
+    (#o056 250.0 "period")
+    (#o057 278.0 "slash")
+    (#o060 500.0 "zero")
+    (#o061 500.0 "one")
+    (#o062 500.0 "two")
+    (#o063 500.0 "three")
+    (#o064 500.0 "four")
+    (#o065 500.0 "five")
+    (#o066 500.0 "six")
+    (#o067 500.0 "seven")
+    (#o070 500.0 "eight")
+    (#o071 500.0 "nine")
+    (#o072 333.0 "colon")
+    (#o073 333.0 "semicolon")
+    (#o074 675.0 "less")
+    (#o075 675.0 "equal")
+    (#o076 675.0 "greater")
+    (#o077 500.0 "question")
+    (#o100 920.0 "at")
+    (#o101 611.0 "A")
+    (#o102 611.0 "B")
+    (#o103 667.0 "C")
+    (#o104 722.0 "D")
+    (#o105 611.0 "E")
+    (#o106 611.0 "F")
+    (#o107 722.0 "G")
+    (#o110 722.0 "H")
+    (#o111 333.0 "I")
+    (#o112 444.0 "J")
+    (#o113 667.0 "K")
+    (#o114 556.0 "L")
+    (#o115 833.0 "M")
+    (#o116 667.0 "N")
+    (#o117 722.0 "O")
+    (#o120 611.0 "P")
+    (#o121 722.0 "Q")
+    (#o122 611.0 "R")
+    (#o123 500.0 "S")
+    (#o124 556.0 "T")
+    (#o125 722.0 "U")
+    (#o126 611.0 "V")
+    (#o127 833.0 "W")
+    (#o130 611.0 "X")
+    (#o131 556.0 "Y")
+    (#o132 556.0 "Z")
+    (#o133 389.0 "bracketleft")
+    (#o134 278.0 "backslash")
+    (#o135 389.0 "bracketright")
+    (#o136 422.0 "asciicircum")
+    (#o137 500.0 "underscore")
+    (#o140 333.0 "quoteleft")
+    (#o141 500.0 "a")
+    (#o142 500.0 "b")
+    (#o143 444.0 "c")
+    (#o144 500.0 "d")
+    (#o145 444.0 "e")
+    (#o146 278.0 "f")
+    (#o147 500.0 "g")
+    (#o150 500.0 "h")
+    (#o151 278.0 "i")
+    (#o152 278.0 "j")
+    (#o153 444.0 "k")
+    (#o154 278.0 "l")
+    (#o155 722.0 "m")
+    (#o156 500.0 "n")
+    (#o157 500.0 "o")
+    (#o160 500.0 "p")
+    (#o161 500.0 "q")
+    (#o162 389.0 "r")
+    (#o163 389.0 "s")
+    (#o164 278.0 "t")
+    (#o165 500.0 "u")
+    (#o166 444.0 "v")
+    (#o167 667.0 "w")
+    (#o170 444.0 "x")
+    (#o171 444.0 "y")
+    (#o172 389.0 "z")
+    (#o173 400.0 "braceleft")
+    (#o174 275.0 "bar")
+    (#o175 400.0 "braceright")
+    (#o176 541.0 "asciitilde")
+    (#o241 389.0 "exclamdown")
+    (#o242 500.0 "cent")
+    (#o243 500.0 "sterling")
+    (#o244 167.0 "fraction")
+    (#o245 500.0 "yen")
+    (#o246 500.0 "florin")
+    (#o247 500.0 "section")
+    (#o250 500.0 "currency")
+    (#o251 214.0 "quotesingle")
+    (#o252 556.0 "quotedblleft")
+    (#o253 500.0 "guillemotleft")
+    (#o254 333.0 "guilsinglleft")
+    (#o255 333.0 "guilsinglright")
+    (#o256 500.0 "fi")
+    (#o257 500.0 "fl")
+    (#o261 500.0 "endash")
+    (#o262 500.0 "dagger")
+    (#o263 500.0 "daggerdbl")
+    (#o264 250.0 "periodcentered")
+    (#o266 523.0 "paragraph")
+    (#o267 350.0 "bullet")
+    (#o270 333.0 "quotesinglbase")
+    (#o271 556.0 "quotedblbase")
+    (#o272 556.0 "quotedblright")
+    (#o273 500.0 "guillemotright")
+    (#o274 889.0 "ellipsis")
+    (#o275 1000.0 "perthousand")
+    (#o277 500.0 "questiondown")
+    (#o301 333.0 "grave")
+    (#o302 333.0 "acute")
+    (#o303 333.0 "circumflex")
+    (#o304 333.0 "tilde")
+    (#o305 333.0 "macron")
+    (#o306 333.0 "breve")
+    (#o307 333.0 "dotaccent")
+    (#o310 333.0 "dieresis")
+    (#o312 333.0 "ring")
+    (#o313 333.0 "cedilla")
+    (#o315 333.0 "hungarumlaut")
+    (#o316 333.0 "ogonek")
+    (#o317 333.0 "caron")
+    (#o320 889.0 "emdash")
+    (#o341 889.0 "AE")
+    (#o343 276.0 "ordfeminine")
+    (#o350 556.0 "Lslash")
+    (#o351 722.0 "Oslash")
+    (#o352 944.0 "OE")
+    (#o353 310.0 "ordmasculine")
+    (#o361 667.0 "ae")
+    (#o365 278.0 "dotlessi")
+    (#o370 278.0 "lslash")
+    (#o371 500.0 "oslash")
+    (#o372 667.0 "oe")
+    (#o373 500.0 "germandbls")
+    ))
+  '(("Times-Bold" 1000 (-172 -257 1008 965))
+    (#o040 250.0 "space")
+    (#o041 333.0 "exclam")
+    (#o042 555.0 "quotedbl")
+    (#o043 500.0 "numbersign")
+    (#o044 500.0 "dollar")
+    (#o045 1000.0 "percent")
+    (#o046 833.0 "ampersand")
+    (#o047 333.0 "quoteright")
+    (#o050 333.0 "parenleft")
+    (#o051 333.0 "parenright")
+    (#o052 500.0 "asterisk")
+    (#o053 570.0 "plus")
+    (#o054 250.0 "comma")
+    (#o055 333.0 "hyphen")
+    (#o056 250.0 "period")
+    (#o057 278.0 "slash")
+    (#o060 500.0 "zero")
+    (#o061 500.0 "one")
+    (#o062 500.0 "two")
+    (#o063 500.0 "three")
+    (#o064 500.0 "four")
+    (#o065 500.0 "five")
+    (#o066 500.0 "six")
+    (#o067 500.0 "seven")
+    (#o070 500.0 "eight")
+    (#o071 500.0 "nine")
+    (#o072 333.0 "colon")
+    (#o073 333.0 "semicolon")
+    (#o074 570.0 "less")
+    (#o075 570.0 "equal")
+    (#o076 570.0 "greater")
+    (#o077 500.0 "question")
+    (#o100 930.0 "at")
+    (#o101 722.0 "A")
+    (#o102 667.0 "B")
+    (#o103 722.0 "C")
+    (#o104 722.0 "D")
+    (#o105 667.0 "E")
+    (#o106 611.0 "F")
+    (#o107 778.0 "G")
+    (#o110 778.0 "H")
+    (#o111 389.0 "I")
+    (#o112 500.0 "J")
+    (#o113 778.0 "K")
+    (#o114 667.0 "L")
+    (#o115 944.0 "M")
+    (#o116 722.0 "N")
+    (#o117 778.0 "O")
+    (#o120 611.0 "P")
+    (#o121 778.0 "Q")
+    (#o122 722.0 "R")
+    (#o123 556.0 "S")
+    (#o124 667.0 "T")
+    (#o125 722.0 "U")
+    (#o126 722.0 "V")
+    (#o127 1000.0 "W")
+    (#o130 722.0 "X")
+    (#o131 722.0 "Y")
+    (#o132 667.0 "Z")
+    (#o133 333.0 "bracketleft")
+    (#o134 278.0 "backslash")
+    (#o135 333.0 "bracketright")
+    (#o136 581.0 "asciicircum")
+    (#o137 500.0 "underscore")
+    (#o140 333.0 "quoteleft")
+    (#o141 500.0 "a")
+    (#o142 556.0 "b")
+    (#o143 444.0 "c")
+    (#o144 556.0 "d")
+    (#o145 444.0 "e")
+    (#o146 333.0 "f")
+    (#o147 500.0 "g")
+    (#o150 556.0 "h")
+    (#o151 278.0 "i")
+    (#o152 333.0 "j")
+    (#o153 556.0 "k")
+    (#o154 278.0 "l")
+    (#o155 833.0 "m")
+    (#o156 556.0 "n")
+    (#o157 500.0 "o")
+    (#o160 556.0 "p")
+    (#o161 556.0 "q")
+    (#o162 444.0 "r")
+    (#o163 389.0 "s")
+    (#o164 333.0 "t")
+    (#o165 556.0 "u")
+    (#o166 500.0 "v")
+    (#o167 722.0 "w")
+    (#o170 500.0 "x")
+    (#o171 500.0 "y")
+    (#o172 444.0 "z")
+    (#o173 394.0 "braceleft")
+    (#o174 220.0 "bar")
+    (#o175 394.0 "braceright")
+    (#o176 520.0 "asciitilde")
+    (#o241 333.0 "exclamdown")
+    (#o242 500.0 "cent")
+    (#o243 500.0 "sterling")
+    (#o244 167.0 "fraction")
+    (#o245 500.0 "yen")
+    (#o246 500.0 "florin")
+    (#o247 500.0 "section")
+    (#o250 500.0 "currency")
+    (#o251 278.0 "quotesingle")
+    (#o252 500.0 "quotedblleft")
+    (#o253 500.0 "guillemotleft")
+    (#o254 333.0 "guilsinglleft")
+    (#o255 333.0 "guilsinglright")
+    (#o256 556.0 "fi")
+    (#o257 556.0 "fl")
+    (#o261 500.0 "endash")
+    (#o262 500.0 "dagger")
+    (#o263 500.0 "daggerdbl")
+    (#o264 250.0 "periodcentered")
+    (#o266 540.0 "paragraph")
+    (#o267 350.0 "bullet")
+    (#o270 333.0 "quotesinglbase")
+    (#o271 500.0 "quotedblbase")
+    (#o272 500.0 "quotedblright")
+    (#o273 500.0 "guillemotright")
+    (#o274 1000.0 "ellipsis")
+    (#o275 1000.0 "perthousand")
+    (#o277 500.0 "questiondown")
+    (#o301 333.0 "grave")
+    (#o302 333.0 "acute")
+    (#o303 333.0 "circumflex")
+    (#o304 333.0 "tilde")
+    (#o305 333.0 "macron")
+    (#o306 333.0 "breve")
+    (#o307 333.0 "dotaccent")
+    (#o310 333.0 "dieresis")
+    (#o312 333.0 "ring")
+    (#o313 333.0 "cedilla")
+    (#o315 333.0 "hungarumlaut")
+    (#o316 333.0 "ogonek")
+    (#o317 333.0 "caron")
+    (#o320 1000.0 "emdash")
+    (#o341 1000.0 "AE")
+    (#o343 300.0 "ordfeminine")
+    (#o350 667.0 "Lslash")
+    (#o351 778.0 "Oslash")
+    (#o352 1000.0 "OE")
+    (#o353 330.0 "ordmasculine")
+    (#o361 722.0 "ae")
+    (#o365 278.0 "dotlessi")
+    (#o370 278.0 "lslash")
+    (#o371 500.0 "oslash")
+    (#o372 722.0 "oe")
+    (#o373 556.0 "germandbls")
+    ))
+  '(("Times-BoldItalic" 1000 (-183 -250 1004 973))
+    (#o040 250.0 "space")
+    (#o041 389.0 "exclam")
+    (#o042 555.0 "quotedbl")
+    (#o043 500.0 "numbersign")
+    (#o044 500.0 "dollar")
+    (#o045 833.0 "percent")
+    (#o046 778.0 "ampersand")
+    (#o047 333.0 "quoteright")
+    (#o050 333.0 "parenleft")
+    (#o051 333.0 "parenright")
+    (#o052 500.0 "asterisk")
+    (#o053 570.0 "plus")
+    (#o054 250.0 "comma")
+    (#o055 333.0 "hyphen")
+    (#o056 250.0 "period")
+    (#o057 278.0 "slash")
+    (#o060 500.0 "zero")
+    (#o061 500.0 "one")
+    (#o062 500.0 "two")
+    (#o063 500.0 "three")
+    (#o064 500.0 "four")
+    (#o065 500.0 "five")
+    (#o066 500.0 "six")
+    (#o067 500.0 "seven")
+    (#o070 500.0 "eight")
+    (#o071 500.0 "nine")
+    (#o072 333.0 "colon")
+    (#o073 333.0 "semicolon")
+    (#o074 570.0 "less")
+    (#o075 570.0 "equal")
+    (#o076 570.0 "greater")
+    (#o077 500.0 "question")
+    (#o100 832.0 "at")
+    (#o101 667.0 "A")
+    (#o102 667.0 "B")
+    (#o103 667.0 "C")
+    (#o104 722.0 "D")
+    (#o105 667.0 "E")
+    (#o106 667.0 "F")
+    (#o107 722.0 "G")
+    (#o110 778.0 "H")
+    (#o111 389.0 "I")
+    (#o112 500.0 "J")
+    (#o113 667.0 "K")
+    (#o114 611.0 "L")
+    (#o115 889.0 "M")
+    (#o116 722.0 "N")
+    (#o117 722.0 "O")
+    (#o120 611.0 "P")
+    (#o121 722.0 "Q")
+    (#o122 667.0 "R")
+    (#o123 556.0 "S")
+    (#o124 611.0 "T")
+    (#o125 722.0 "U")
+    (#o126 667.0 "V")
+    (#o127 889.0 "W")
+    (#o130 667.0 "X")
+    (#o131 611.0 "Y")
+    (#o132 611.0 "Z")
+    (#o133 333.0 "bracketleft")
+    (#o134 278.0 "backslash")
+    (#o135 333.0 "bracketright")
+    (#o136 570.0 "asciicircum")
+    (#o137 500.0 "underscore")
+    (#o140 333.0 "quoteleft")
+    (#o141 500.0 "a")
+    (#o142 500.0 "b")
+    (#o143 444.0 "c")
+    (#o144 500.0 "d")
+    (#o145 444.0 "e")
+    (#o146 333.0 "f")
+    (#o147 500.0 "g")
+    (#o150 556.0 "h")
+    (#o151 278.0 "i")
+    (#o152 278.0 "j")
+    (#o153 500.0 "k")
+    (#o154 278.0 "l")
+    (#o155 778.0 "m")
+    (#o156 556.0 "n")
+    (#o157 500.0 "o")
+    (#o160 500.0 "p")
+    (#o161 500.0 "q")
+    (#o162 389.0 "r")
+    (#o163 389.0 "s")
+    (#o164 278.0 "t")
+    (#o165 556.0 "u")
+    (#o166 444.0 "v")
+    (#o167 667.0 "w")
+    (#o170 500.0 "x")
+    (#o171 444.0 "y")
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+    (#o135 600.0 "bracketright")
+    (#o136 600.0 "asciicircum")
+    (#o137 600.0 "underscore")
+    (#o140 600.0 "quoteleft")
+    (#o141 600.0 "a")
+    (#o142 600.0 "b")
+    (#o143 600.0 "c")
+    (#o144 600.0 "d")
+    (#o145 600.0 "e")
+    (#o146 600.0 "f")
+    (#o147 600.0 "g")
+    (#o150 600.0 "h")
+    (#o151 600.0 "i")
+    (#o152 600.0 "j")
+    (#o153 600.0 "k")
+    (#o154 600.0 "l")
+    (#o155 600.0 "m")
+    (#o156 600.0 "n")
+    (#o157 600.0 "o")
+    (#o160 600.0 "p")
+    (#o161 600.0 "q")
+    (#o162 600.0 "r")
+    (#o163 600.0 "s")
+    (#o164 600.0 "t")
+    (#o165 600.0 "u")
+    (#o166 600.0 "v")
+    (#o167 600.0 "w")
+    (#o170 600.0 "x")
+    (#o171 600.0 "y")
+    (#o172 600.0 "z")
+    (#o173 600.0 "braceleft")
+    (#o174 600.0 "bar")
+    (#o175 600.0 "braceright")
+    (#o176 600.0 "asciitilde")
+    (#o241 600.0 "exclamdown")
+    (#o242 600.0 "cent")
+    (#o243 600.0 "sterling")
+    (#o244 600.0 "fraction")
+    (#o245 600.0 "yen")
+    (#o246 600.0 "florin")
+    (#o247 600.0 "section")
+    (#o250 600.0 "currency")
+    (#o251 600.0 "quotesingle")
+    (#o252 600.0 "quotedblleft")
+    (#o253 600.0 "guillemotleft")
+    (#o254 600.0 "guilsinglleft")
+    (#o255 600.0 "guilsinglright")
+    (#o256 600.0 "fi")
+    (#o257 600.0 "fl")
+    (#o261 600.0 "endash")
+    (#o262 600.0 "dagger")
+    (#o263 600.0 "daggerdbl")
+    (#o264 600.0 "periodcentered")
+    (#o266 600.0 "paragraph")
+    (#o267 600.0 "bullet")
+    (#o270 600.0 "quotesinglbase")
+    (#o271 600.0 "quotedblbase")
+    (#o272 600.0 "quotedblright")
+    (#o273 600.0 "guillemotright")
+    (#o274 600.0 "ellipsis")
+    (#o275 600.0 "perthousand")
+    (#o277 600.0 "questiondown")
+    (#o301 600.0 "grave")
+    (#o302 600.0 "acute")
+    (#o303 600.0 "circumflex")
+    (#o304 600.0 "tilde")
+    (#o305 600.0 "macron")
+    (#o306 600.0 "breve")
+    (#o307 600.0 "dotaccent")
+    (#o310 600.0 "dieresis")
+    (#o312 600.0 "ring")
+    (#o313 600.0 "cedilla")
+    (#o315 600.0 "hungarumlaut")
+    (#o316 600.0 "ogonek")
+    (#o317 600.0 "caron")
+    (#o320 600.0 "emdash")
+    (#o341 600.0 "AE")
+    (#o343 600.0 "ordfeminine")
+    (#o350 600.0 "Lslash")
+    (#o351 600.0 "Oslash")
+    (#o352 600.0 "OE")
+    (#o353 600.0 "ordmasculine")
+    (#o361 600.0 "ae")
+    (#o365 600.0 "dotlessi")
+    (#o370 600.0 "lslash")
+    (#o371 600.0 "oslash")
+    (#o372 600.0 "oe")
+    (#o373 600.0 "germandbls")
+    ))
+  '(("Symbol" 1000 (-180 -293 1090 1010))
+    (#o040 250.0 "space")
+    (#o041 333.0 "exclam")
+    (#o042 713.0 "universal")
+    (#o043 500.0 "numbersign")
+    (#o044 549.0 "existential")
+    (#o045 833.0 "percent")
+    (#o046 778.0 "ampersand")
+    (#o047 439.0 "suchthat")
+    (#o050 333.0 "parenleft")
+    (#o051 333.0 "parenright")
+    (#o052 500.0 "asteriskmath")
+    (#o053 549.0 "plus")
+    (#o054 250.0 "comma")
+    (#o055 549.0 "minus")
+    (#o056 250.0 "period")
+    (#o057 278.0 "slash")
+    (#o060 500.0 "zero")
+    (#o061 500.0 "one")
+    (#o062 500.0 "two")
+    (#o063 500.0 "three")
+    (#o064 500.0 "four")
+    (#o065 500.0 "five")
+    (#o066 500.0 "six")
+    (#o067 500.0 "seven")
+    (#o070 500.0 "eight")
+    (#o071 500.0 "nine")
+    (#o072 278.0 "colon")
+    (#o073 278.0 "semicolon")
+    (#o074 549.0 "less")
+    (#o075 549.0 "equal")
+    (#o076 549.0 "greater")
+    (#o077 444.0 "question")
+    (#o100 549.0 "congruent")
+    (#o101 696.0 "Alpha")
+    (#o102 660.0 "Beta")
+    (#o103 710.0 "Chi")
+    (#o104 612.0 "Delta")
+    (#o105 652.0 "Epsilon")
+    (#o106 763.0 "Phi")
+    (#o107 603.0 "Gamma")
+    (#o110 765.0 "Eta")
+    (#o111 351.0 "Iota")
+    (#o112 631.0 "theta1")
+    (#o113 724.0 "Kappa")
+    (#o114 686.0 "Lambda")
+    (#o115 918.0 "Mu")
+    (#o116 739.0 "Nu")
+    (#o117 750.0 "Omicron")
+    (#o120 768.0 "Pi")
+    (#o121 741.0 "Theta")
+    (#o122 580.0 "Rho")
+    (#o123 592.0 "Sigma")
+    (#o124 632.0 "Tau")
+    (#o125 690.0 "Upsilon")
+    (#o126 439.0 "sigma1")
+    (#o127 768.0 "Omega")
+    (#o130 645.0 "Xi")
+    (#o131 795.0 "Psi")
+    (#o132 650.0 "Zeta")
+    (#o133 333.0 "bracketleft")
+    (#o134 863.0 "therefore")
+    (#o135 333.0 "bracketright")
+    (#o136 658.0 "perpendicular")
+    (#o137 500.0 "underscore")
+    (#o140 500.0 "radicalex")
+    (#o141 631.0 "alpha")
+    (#o142 549.0 "beta")
+    (#o143 549.0 "chi")
+    (#o144 494.0 "delta")
+    (#o145 439.0 "epsilon")
+    (#o146 521.0 "phi")
+    (#o147 411.0 "gamma")
+    (#o150 603.0 "eta")
+    (#o151 329.0 "iota")
+    (#o152 603.0 "phi1")
+    (#o153 549.0 "kappa")
+    (#o154 549.0 "lambda")
+    (#o155 576.0 "mu")
+    (#o156 521.0 "nu")
+    (#o157 549.0 "omicron")
+    (#o160 549.0 "pi")
+    (#o161 521.0 "theta")
+    (#o162 549.0 "rho")
+    (#o163 603.0 "sigma")
+    (#o164 439.0 "tau")
+    (#o165 576.0 "upsilon")
+    (#o166 713.0 "omega1")
+    (#o167 686.0 "omega")
+    (#o170 493.0 "xi")
+    (#o171 686.0 "psi")
+    (#o172 494.0 "zeta")
+    (#o173 480.0 "braceleft")
+    (#o174 200.0 "bar")
+    (#o175 480.0 "braceright")
+    (#o176 549.0 "similar")
+    (#o241 620.0 "Upsilon1")
+    (#o242 247.0 "minute")
+    (#o243 549.0 "lessequal")
+    (#o244 167.0 "fraction")
+    (#o245 713.0 "infinity")
+    (#o246 500.0 "florin")
+    (#o247 753.0 "club")
+    (#o250 753.0 "diamond")
+    (#o251 753.0 "heart")
+    (#o252 753.0 "spade")
+    (#o253 1042.0 "arrowboth")
+    (#o254 987.0 "arrowleft")
+    (#o255 603.0 "arrowup")
+    (#o256 987.0 "arrowright")
+    (#o257 603.0 "arrowdown")
+    (#o260 400.0 "degree")
+    (#o261 549.0 "plusminus")
+    (#o262 411.0 "second")
+    (#o263 549.0 "greaterequal")
+    (#o264 549.0 "multiply")
+    (#o265 713.0 "proportional")
+    (#o266 494.0 "partialdiff")
+    (#o267 460.0 "bullet")
+    (#o270 549.0 "divide")
+    (#o271 549.0 "notequal")
+    (#o272 549.0 "equivalence")
+    (#o273 549.0 "approxequal")
+    (#o274 1000.0 "ellipsis")
+    (#o275 603.0 "arrowvertex")
+    (#o276 1000.0 "arrowhorizex")
+    (#o277 658.0 "carriagereturn")
+    (#o300 823.0 "aleph")
+    (#o301 686.0 "Ifraktur")
+    (#o302 795.0 "Rfraktur")
+    (#o303 987.0 "weierstrass")
+    (#o304 768.0 "circlemultiply")
+    (#o305 768.0 "circleplus")
+    (#o306 823.0 "emptyset")
+    (#o307 768.0 "intersection")
+    (#o310 768.0 "union")
+    (#o311 713.0 "propersuperset")
+    (#o312 713.0 "reflexsuperset")
+    (#o313 713.0 "notsubset")
+    (#o314 713.0 "propersubset")
+    (#o315 713.0 "reflexsubset")
+    (#o316 713.0 "element")
+    (#o317 713.0 "notelement")
+    (#o320 768.0 "angle")
+    (#o321 713.0 "gradient")
+    (#o322 790.0 "registerserif")
+    (#o323 790.0 "copyrightserif")
+    (#o324 890.0 "trademarkserif")
+    (#o325 823.0 "product")
+    (#o326 549.0 "radical")
+    (#o327 250.0 "dotmath")
+    (#o330 713.0 "logicalnot")
+    (#o331 603.0 "logicaland")
+    (#o332 603.0 "logicalor")
+    (#o333 1042.0 "arrowdblboth")
+    (#o334 987.0 "arrowdblleft")
+    (#o335 603.0 "arrowdblup")
+    (#o336 987.0 "arrowdblright")
+    (#o337 603.0 "arrowdbldown")
+    (#o340 494.0 "lozenge")
+    (#o341 329.0 "angleleft")
+    (#o342 790.0 "registersans")
+    (#o343 790.0 "copyrightsans")
+    (#o344 786.0 "trademarksans")
+    (#o345 713.0 "summation")
+    (#o346 384.0 "parenlefttp")
+    (#o347 384.0 "parenleftex")
+    (#o350 384.0 "parenleftbt")
+    (#o351 384.0 "bracketlefttp")
+    (#o352 384.0 "bracketleftex")
+    (#o353 384.0 "bracketleftbt")
+    (#o354 494.0 "bracelefttp")
+    (#o355 494.0 "braceleftmid")
+    (#o356 494.0 "braceleftbt")
+    (#o357 494.0 "braceex")
+    (#o360 790.0 "apple")
+    (#o361 329.0 "angleright")
+    (#o362 274.0 "integral")
+    (#o363 686.0 "integraltp")
+    (#o364 686.0 "integralex")
+    (#o365 686.0 "integralbt")
+    (#o366 384.0 "parenrighttp")
+    (#o367 384.0 "parenrightex")
+    (#o370 384.0 "parenrightbt")
+    (#o371 384.0 "bracketrighttp")
+    (#o372 384.0 "bracketrightex")
+    (#o373 384.0 "bracketrightbt")
+    (#o374 494.0 "bracerighttp")
+    (#o375 494.0 "bracerightmid")
+    (#o376 494.0 "bracerightbt")
+    ))
+;;; If you suspect the numbers above, you can run this postscript program
+;;; (probably by copying it to a file and printing that file) and compare
+;;; the numbers that get printed with those of the corresponding fonts and
+;;; characters above.  Remember that the numbers above are scaled to be
+;;; 1000 times as big (second element of the car of the first argument of
+;;; SETUP-LASERWRITER-METRICS is the scale factor) as the widths this
+;;; program will print.
+% Postscript program to print out the widths of a representative set of 
+% characters in each of several fonts.
+% By Mark Nahabedian, 1/8/90, Symbolics Inc.
+% Sample set of characters toprint out widths for:
+/TheseChars (1AaMN.ilI!) def
+% Sample sets of fonts to print out widths of characters for:
+/TheseFonts [ /Helvetica-BoldOblique /Times-Roman ] def
+/CourierFonts [ /Courier /Courier-Bold /Courier-Oblique /Courier-BoldOblique ] def
+% Text 'cursor' positioning stuff:
+/StartPage { /y 700 def } def
+/NextLine { /y y 20 sub def } def
+/Space { (  ) show } def
+/Tab0 { 30 y moveto } def
+/Tab1 { 178 y moveto } def
+/Tab2 { 230 y moveto } def
+/stringbuf 100 string def
+% single character string interval
+/DoChar {
+	Tab1 scaled setfont
+	dup show
+	    Tab2 unscaled setfont
+	    stringwidth pop stringbuf cvs
+	    scaled setfont show NextLine
+} def
+% fontname
+/FontSetup {
+	findfont dup /unscaled exch def
+		     /scaled exch 10 scalefont def
+} def
+% X Y
+/ShowXandY {
+	stringbuf cvs show Space
+	stringbuf cvs show
+} def
+% fontdict
+/ShowFontBBox {
+	([ ) show
+	dup /FontMatrix get dup  3 -1 roll	% stack:  fontdict, FontMatrix, FontMatrix
+	/FontBBox get 	dup 0 get exch
+			dup 1 get exch
+	% stack:  BBox, BBox[1], BBox[0], FontMatrix, FontMatrix
+				4 1 roll  3 -1 roll
+				transform exch ShowXandY Space
+			dup 2 get exch
+			    3 get
+	% stack:  BBox[3], BBox[2], FontMatrix
+				3 -1 roll
+				transform exch ShowXandY Space
+	( ]) show
+} def
+% fontname
+/DoFont { 
+	dup FontSetup
+	    scaled setfont Tab0
+	    stringbuf cvs show Tab1
+	unscaled ShowFontBBox NextLine
+	0 1 TheseChars length 1 sub { TheseChars exch 1 getinterval DoChar } for
+} def
+% I tried doing this with forall but it didn't work.
+0 1 TheseFonts length 1 sub { TheseFonts exch get DoFont } for
+0 1 CourierFonts length 1 sub { CourierFonts exch get DoFont } for
diff --git a/postscript/pkgdcl.lisp b/postscript/pkgdcl.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..68a1fcb41dbba5c11e19161eb17ac4cab36a5b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postscript/pkgdcl.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CL-USER; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
+;; $fiHeader: pkgdcl.lisp,v 1.1 92/02/24 13:28:11 cer Exp $
+(in-package #-ANSI-90 :user #+ANSI-90 :common-lisp-user)
+"Copyright (c) 1992 Symbolics, Inc.  All rights reserved."
+(#-ANSI-90 clim-lisp::defpackage #+ANSI-90 defpackage postscript-clim
+ (:use clim-lisp clim-sys clim clim-utils silica))
diff --git a/postscript/postscript-medium.lisp b/postscript/postscript-medium.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51509c3613ea1cb310d7641c45ab570fd3176fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postscript/postscript-medium.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: POSTSCRIPT-CLIM; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
+;; $fiHeader: postscript-medium.lisp,v 1.1 92/02/24 13:08:01 cer Exp $
+(in-package :postscript-clim)
+"Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 Symbolics, Inc.  All rights reserved."
+(defmacro convert-to-postscript-coordinates (transform &body positions)
+  (assert (evenp (length positions)) (positions)
+	  "There must be an even number of elements in ~S" positions)
+  (let ((forms nil))
+    (loop
+      (when (null positions)
+	(return `(progn ,@(nreverse forms))))
+      (let* ((x (pop positions))
+	     (y (pop positions)))
+	(push `(multiple-value-setq (,x ,y)
+		 (transform-position ,transform ,x ,y))
+	      forms)))))
+(defmacro convert-to-postscript-distances (transform &body positions)
+  (assert (evenp (length positions)) (positions)
+	  "There must be an even number of elements in ~S" positions)
+  (let ((forms nil))
+    (loop
+      (when (null positions)
+	(return `(progn ,@(nreverse forms))))
+      (let* ((x (pop positions))
+	     (y (pop positions)))
+	(push `(multiple-value-setq (,x ,y)
+		 (transform-distance ,transform ,x ,y))
+	      forms)))))
+(defun use-line-style (stream line-style)
+  (let ((thickness (case (line-style-unit line-style)
+		     (:normal (normal-line-thickness (stream-display-device-type stream)
+						     (line-style-thickness line-style)))
+		     (:points (line-style-thickness line-style))))
+	(dashes (line-style-dashes line-style)))
+    (with-slots (printer-stream) stream
+      (format printer-stream " ~D setlinewidth~%" thickness)
+      (when dashes
+	(making-ps-array (printer-stream)
+	  (let ((limit (length dashes)))
+	    (dotimes (i limit)
+	      (write (elt dashes i) :stream printer-stream :escape nil)
+	      (unless (>= (1+ i) limit)
+		(write-char #\space printer-stream)))))
+	(format printer-stream "0 setdash~%")))))
+(defun color-equal (c1 c2)
+  (or (eq c1 c2)
+      (and (colorp c1)
+	   (colorp c2)
+	   (multiple-value-bind (r1 g1 b1) (color-rgb c1)
+	     (multiple-value-bind (r2 g2 b2) (color-rgb c2)
+	       (and (= r1 r2) (= g1 g2) (= b1 b2)))))))
+(defmethod maybe-set-color
+	   ((stream postscript-medium) (ink (eql +foreground-ink+)))
+  (maybe-set-color stream (or (slot-value stream 'current-color) +black+)))
+(defmethod maybe-set-color
+	   ((stream postscript-medium) (ink (eql +background-ink+)))
+  (maybe-set-color stream +white+))
+(defmethod maybe-set-color
+	   ((stream postscript-medium) (ink flipping-ink))
+  (error "Postscript devices can't draw with flipping inks."))
+(defmethod maybe-set-color ((stream postscript-medium) (ink color))
+  (with-slots (current-color printer-stream) stream
+    (when (or (null current-color)
+	      (not (color-equal current-color ink)))
+      (setf current-color ink)
+      (multiple-value-bind (r g b) (color-rgb ink)
+	(format printer-stream  " ~,2F ~,2F ~,2F setrgbcolor~%" r g b)))))
+(defmethod maybe-set-color ((stream postscript-medium) (ink rectangular-tile))
+  ;; Handled in the patterned fill/stroke case
+  )
+(defmethod maybe-set-color
+	   ((stream postscript-medium) (ink contrasting-ink))
+  (maybe-set-color stream (make-color-for-contrasting-ink ink)))
+(defmacro with-postscript-drawing-options ((stream printer-stream-var
+					    &key ink line-style epilogue (newpath T))
+					   &body body)
+  (let ((printer-stream (or printer-stream-var (make-symbol "printer-stream"))))
+    `(let ((,printer-stream (slot-value ,stream 'printer-stream)))
+       (when ,line-style
+	 (use-line-style ,stream ,line-style))
+       (maybe-set-color ,stream ,ink)
+       ,@(when newpath `((format ,printer-stream " newpath~%")))
+       ,@body
+       ,@(case epilogue
+	   (:default `((if (null ,line-style)
+			   (ps-fill ,stream ,printer-stream ,ink)
+			   (ps-stroke ,stream ,printer-stream ,ink))))
+	   (:fill `((ps-fill ,stream ,printer-stream ,ink)))
+	   (:stroke `((ps-stroke ,stream ,printer-stream ,ink)))))))
+(defmethod medium-draw-point* ((medium clx-medium) x y)
+  (let* ((transform +identity-transformation+)
+	 (ink (medium-ink medium))
+	 (line-style (medium-line-style medium)))
+    (with-postscript-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
+				      :epilogue :stroke
+				      :ink ink :line-style line-style)
+      (ps-pos-op medium "m" x y)
+      (ps-rel-pos-op medium "rlineto" 0 0))
+    (annotating-postscript (medium printer-stream)
+      (format printer-stream "        (medium-draw-point* ~D ~D ...)"
+	x y))))
+(defmethod medium-draw-line* ((medium postscript-medium) x1 y1 x2 y2)
+  (let* ((transform +identity-transformation+)
+	 (ink (medium-ink medium))
+	 (line-style (medium-line-style medium)))
+    (convert-to-postscript-coordinates transform
+      x1 y1 x2 y2)
+    (with-postscript-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
+				      :epilogue :stroke
+				      :ink ink :line-style line-style)
+      (ps-pos-op medium "m" start-x start-y)
+      (ps-pos-op medium "lineto" end-x end-y))
+    (annotating-postscript (medium printer-stream)
+      (format printer-stream "        (medium-draw-line* ~D ~D ~D ~D ...)"
+	start-x start-y end-x end-y))))
+(defmethod medium-draw-rectangle* ((medium postscript-medium)
+				   left top right bottom filled)
+  (let* ((transform +identity-transformation+)
+	 (ink (medium-ink medium))
+	 (line-style (medium-line-style medium)))
+    (convert-to-postscript-coordinates transform
+      left top right bottom)
+    (with-postscript-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
+				      :epilogue :default
+				      :ink ink :line-style line-style)
+      (ps-pos-op medium "m" left top)
+      (ps-pos-op medium "lineto" right top)
+      (ps-pos-op medium "lineto" right bottom)
+      (ps-pos-op medium "lineto" left bottom)
+      (format printer-stream " closepath "))	;no cr
+    (annotating-postscript (medium printer-stream)
+      (format printer-stream "        (medium-draw-rectangle* ~D ~D ~D ~D ...)"
+	left top right bottom))))
+;;--- POSITION-SEQ can be a general sequence!
+(defmethod medium-draw-polygon* ((medium postscript-medium) position-seq closed filled)
+  (let* ((transform +identity-transformation+)
+	 (ink (medium-ink medium))
+	 (line-style (medium-line-style medium)))
+    (let ((minx most-positive-fixnum)
+	  (miny most-positive-fixnum)
+	  (points (copy-list position-seq)))
+      (do* ((points points (cddr points)))
+	   ((null points))
+	(let ((x (first points))
+	      (y (second points)))
+	  (convert-to-postscript-coordinates transform x y)
+	  (setf (first points) x)
+	  (setf (second points) y)
+	  (if (< x minx) (setq minx x))
+	  (if (< y miny) (setq miny y))))
+      (with-postscript-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
+					:epilogue :default
+					:ink ink :line-style line-style)
+        (let ((start-x (first points))
+	      (start-y (second points)))
+	  (ps-pos-op medium "m" start-x start-y)
+	  (do* ((points (cddr points) (cddr points))
+		(ex (first points) (first points))
+		(ey (second points) (second points)))
+	       ((null points)
+		(when closed
+		  (format printer-stream " closepath ")))
+	    (ps-pos-op medium "lineto" ex ey))))
+      (annotating-postscript (medium printer-stream)
+	(format printer-stream "        (medium-draw-polygon* ~A ...)"
+	  position-seq)))))
+(defmethod medium-draw-ellipse* ((medium postscript-medium)
+				 center-x center-y 
+				 radius-1-dx radius-1-dy radius-2-dx radius-2-dy
+				 start-angle end-angle filled)
+  (maybe-send-feature medium 'ellipse *ps-ellipse-code*)
+  (let* ((transform +identity-transformation+)
+	 (ink (medium-ink medium))
+	 (line-style (medium-line-style medium)))
+    (convert-to-postscript-coordinates transform center-x center-y)
+    (convert-to-postscript-distances transform 
+      radius-1-dx radius-1-dy radius-2-dx radius-2-dy)
+    (when (null start-angle)
+      (setq start-angle 0
+	    end-angle 2pi))
+    (when (< end-angle start-angle)
+      (setq end-angle (+ end-angle 2pi)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (x-radius y-radius)
+	(cond ((and (= radius-1-dx 0) (= radius-2-dy 0))
+	       (values (abs radius-2-dx) (abs radius-1-dy)))
+	      ((and (= radius-2-dx 0) (= radius-1-dy 0))
+	       (values (abs radius-1-dx) (abs radius-2-dy)))
+	      (t (nyi)))
+      (pixels-to-points x-radius y-radius)
+      (flet ((skew-angle (a)
+	       (atan (* (sin a) x-radius)
+		     (* (cos a) y-radius))))
+	(with-postscript-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
+					  :epilogue :default
+					  :ink ink :line-style line-style)
+	  (ps-pos-op medium "ellipse" center-x center-y
+		     x-radius y-radius
+		     ;; don't allow the common full-circle case to be
+		     ;; screwed up by floating point error:
+		     (if (zerop start-angle)
+			 0
+			 (radians->degrees (skew-angle start-angle)))
+		     (if (= end-angle 2pi)
+			 360
+			 (radians->degrees (skew-angle end-angle)))))
+	(annotating-postscript (medium printer-stream)
+	  (format printer-stream
+	      "        (medium-draw-ellipse* ~D ~D ~D ~D ~D ~D ~D ~D ...)"
+	    center-x center-y
+	    radius-1-dx radius-1-dy
+	    radius-2-dx radius-2-dy
+	    start-angle end-angle))))))
+;; These 2 clones of draw-string would be much more modular if there
+;; were a reasonable way of passing arguments transparently, so that
+;; we might be able to share code.
+(defmethod medium-draw-string* ((medium genera-medium)
+				string x y start end align-x align-y
+				towards-x towards-y transform-glyphs)
+  (unless start
+    (setq start 0))
+  (unless end
+    (setq end (length string)))
+  (let* ((transform +identity-transformation+)
+	 (ink (medium-ink medium))
+	 (text-style (medium-merged-text-style medium)))
+    (convert-to-postscript-coordinates transform x y)
+    (when towards-x
+      (convert-to-postscript-coordinates transform towards-x towards-y))
+    (let* ((fcs (get-font-compat-str medium text-style))
+	   (height (psfck-clim-height fcs))
+	   (descent (psfck-clim-descent fcs))
+	   (ascent (- height descent)))
+      (let ((x-adjust (clim-internals::compute-text-x-adjustment
+			align-x medium character text-style))
+	    (y-adjust (clim-internals::compute-text-y-adjustment
+			align-y descent ascent height)))
+	(incf x x-adjust)
+	(incf y y-adjust)
+	(when towards-x
+	  (incf towards-x x-adjust)
+	  (incf towards-y y-adjust)))
+      ;; do raster/ink stuff.
+      (set-font-if-needed medium fcs)
+      (with-postscript-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
+					:epilogue nil :newpath nil
+					:ink ink)
+	(ps-pos-op medium "m" x y)
+	(carefully-output-ps-showstring printer-stream string start end))
+      (annotating-postscript (medium printer-stream)
+	(format printer-stream "      (medium-draw-string* ~S ~D ~D ~D ~D ~S ~S ...)"
+	  string x y start end align-x align-y)))))
+(defmethod medium-draw-character* ((medium postscript-medium)
+				   character x y align-x align-y
+				   towards-x towards-y transform-glyphs)
+  (let* ((transform +identity-transformation+)
+	 (ink (medium-ink medium))
+	 (text-style (medium-merged-text-style medium)))
+    (convert-to-postscript-coordinates transform x y)
+    (when towards-x
+      (convert-to-postscript-coordinates transform towards-x towards-y))
+    (with-slots (printer-stream ch1buf) medium
+      (setf (aref ch1buf 0) character)
+      (let* ((fcs (get-font-compat-str medium text-style))
+	     (height (psfck-clim-height fcs))
+	     (descent (psfck-clim-descent fcs))
+	     (ascent (- height descent)))
+	(let ((x-adjust (clim-internals::compute-text-x-adjustment
+			  align-x medium character text-style))
+	      (y-adjust (clim-internals::compute-text-y-adjustment
+			  align-y descent ascent height)))
+	(incf x x-adjust)
+	(incf y y-adjust)
+	(when towards-x
+	  (incf towards-x x-adjust)
+	  (incf towards-y y-adjust)))
+	;; do raster/ink stuff.
+	(set-font-if-needed medium fcs)
+	(with-postscript-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
+					  :epilogue nil :newpath nil
+					  :ink ink)
+	  (ps-pos-op medium "m" x y)
+	  (carefully-output-ps-showstring printer-stream ch1buf 0 1))
+	(annotating-postscript (medium printer-stream)
+	  (format printer-stream "      (medium-draw-character* ~C ~D ~D ~S ~S ...)"
+	    character x y align-x align-y))))))
+(defmethod medium-draw-text* ((medium postscript-medium)
+			      string-or-char x y start end
+			      align-x align-y
+			      towards-x towards-y transform-glyphs)
+  (if (characterp string-or-char)
+      (medium-draw-character* medium string-or-char x y 
+			      align-x align-y towards-x towards-y transform-glyphs)
+      (medium-draw-string* medium string-or-char x y start end 
+			   align-x align-y towards-x towards-y transform-glyphs)))
+(defmethod draw-vertical-string-internal ((stream postscript-medium)
+					  x-offset y-offset
+					  string x y start end
+					  align-x align-y text-style ink)
+  (unless end
+    (setq end (length string)))
+  (unless text-style
+    (setq text-style (medium-merged-text-style stream)))
+  (translate-positions x-offset y-offset x y)
+  (let* ((fcs (get-font-compat-str stream text-style))
+	 (height (psfck-clim-height fcs))
+	 (descent (psfck-clim-descent fcs))
+	 (ascent (- height descent)))
+    (let ((x-adjust (compute-text-x-adjustment
+		      align-x stream string text-style start end))
+	  (y-adjust (compute-text-y-adjustment
+		      align-y descent ascent height)))
+      (set-font-if-needed stream fcs)
+      (with-postscript-drawing-options (stream printer-stream
+					:epilogue nil :newpath nil
+					:ink ink)
+	(with-postscript-gsave stream 
+	  (ps-pos-op stream "m" x y)
+	  (format printer-stream " currentpoint translate 90 rotate ")
+	  (ps-rel-pos-op stream "rmoveto" x-adjust y-adjust)
+	  (carefully-output-ps-showstring printer-stream string start end))))))
+;;; provide a way for the "user" to start a new page.
+;;; Should this have a different name?
+;;; Should this functionality be invoked by wriuting the #\page character?
+(defmethod new-page ((stream postscript-medium))
+  (with-slots (printer-stream orientation) stream
+    (format printer-stream "new-page~%"))
+  ;; simulate WINDOW-CLEAR:
+  (clear-output-history stream)
+  (when (extended-output-stream-p stream)	;can we assume this?
+    (stream-set-cursor-position* stream 0 0)
+    (setf (stream-baseline stream) 0
+	  (stream-current-line-height stream) 0)))
+(defmacro with-ps-stream-glyph-for-character (&body body)
+  `(macrolet ((stream-glyph-for-character (stream character style &optional our-font)
+		`(with-slots (display-device-type) ,stream
+		   (multiple-value-bind (character-set index)
+		       (char-character-set-and-index ,character)
+		     (declare (ignore character-set))
+		     ;; For now we are asserting that each string passed to WRITE-STRING will
+		     ;; have no style changes within it.  This is what our-font is all
+		     ;; about.
+		     (let* ((fcs (or our-font (get-font-compat-str stream ,style)))
+			    (CWT (psfck-width-table fcs))
+			    (relwidth (if (numberp CWT) 
+					  CWT
+					  (aref CWT index)))
+			    (escapement-x (* (psfck-clim-height fcs) relwidth))
+			    (escapement-y 0)
+			    (origin-x 0)
+			    (origin-y (psfck-clim-ascent fcs))
+			    ;; really ought know real dope, but not avl yet
+			    (bb-x escapement-x)
+			    (bb-y (psfck-clim-height fcs)))
+		       (values index fcs escapement-x escapement-y origin-x origin-y
+			       bb-x bb-y (numberp cwt)))))))
+     ,@body))
+(defmethod stream-glyph-for-character ((stream postscript-medium)
+				       character style &optional our-font)
+  (declare (values index font escapement-x escapement-y origin-x origin-y bb-x bb-y
+		   fixed-width-font-p))
+  (with-ps-stream-glyph-for-character
+    (stream-glyph-for-character stream character style our-font)))
+(defmethod stream-scan-string-for-writing ((stream postscript-medium) string
+					   start end style cursor-x max-x
+					   &optional glyph-buffer)
+  (declare (type coordinate cursor-x max-x))
+  (declare (fixnum start end))
+  (with-ps-stream-glyph-for-character 
+    (stream-scan-string-for-writing-body)))
+(defmethod set-font-if-needed ((stream postscript-medium) fcs)
+  (with-slots (printer-stream curfont) stream
+    (unless (eq curfont fcs)
+      (format printer-stream "~D f " (psfck-index fcs))
+      (setf curfont fcs))))
+(defun carefully-output-ps-showstring (printer-stream data start end)
+  (assert (<= end (length data)))
+  (write-char #\( printer-stream)
+  (loop
+    (let ((next-special (position-if #'(lambda (char)
+					 (or (eql char #\( )
+					     (eql char #\) )
+					     (eql char #\\ )))
+				     data :start start :end end)))
+      (write-string data printer-stream :start start :end (or next-special end))
+      (when next-special
+	(write-char #\\ printer-stream)
+	(write-char (elt data next-special) printer-stream))
+      (unless next-special (return))
+      (setq start (1+ next-special))))
+  (format printer-stream ") show~%"))
+(defmethod get-font-compat-str ((stream postscript-medium) text-style)
+  (with-slots (font-map printer-stream draw-p) stream 
+    (let* ((styledesc (parse-text-style text-style))
+	   (al (length font-map))
+	   (fcs
+	     (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+		 ((>= i al)
+		  (error "Font map overflow for ~S" stream))
+	       (let ((fcs (aref font-map i)))
+		 (when (null fcs)
+		   (setq fcs (make-new-fcs styledesc i))
+		   (setf (aref font-map i) fcs)
+		   (return fcs))
+		 (when (eq styledesc (psfck-style-descriptor fcs))
+		   (return fcs))))))
+      (when (and fcs 
+		 draw-p
+		 (not (psfck-established fcs)))
+	(format printer-stream "~D ~D /~A estfont~%"
+	  (psfck-index fcs) (psfck-points fcs) (get-ps-fam-face-name fcs))
+	(setf (psfck-established fcs) t))
+      fcs)))
+;; PostScript's "default user space" is measured in printers' points.
+;; Should these force the stream to map the font and then get the
+;; information from the FCS?
+(defmethod text-style-width
+	   ((text-style standard-text-style) (medium postscript-medium))
+  ;; An 'M' is often square and of height approximating the point size of the font.
+  ;;--- This should consult the real metrics.
+  (text-style-size-in-points text-style medium))
+(defmethod text-style-height 
+	   ((text-style standard-text-style) (medium postscript-medium))
+  (text-style-size-in-points text-style medium))
+(defmethod text-style-ascent
+	   ((text-style standard-text-style) (medium postscript-medium))
+  (* (text-style-height text-style medium) (- 1 *ps-magic-baseline-factor*)))
+(defmethod text-style-descent ((text-style standard-text-style)
+			       (medium postscript-medium))
+  (* (text-style-height text-style medium) *ps-magic-baseline-factor*))
+;;;--- This can probably go away when we have standardized text styles.
+(defmethod text-style-size-in-points
+	   ((text-style standard-text-style) (medium postscript-medium))
+  (let* ((family (text-style-family text-style))
+	 (size (text-style-size text-style))
+	 (famdat (or (assoc family *postscript-font-translate-data*)
+		     (error "Don't have PostScript support for family ~A." family)))
+	 (points (if (numberp size)
+		     size
+		     (point-size-for-size-keyword size famdat))))
+    points))
+(defmethod text-style-fixed-width-p 
+	   ((text-style standard-text-style) (stream postscript-medium))
+  (let* ((family (text-style-family text-style))
+	 (face (text-style-face text-style))
+	 (psfam (or (second (assoc family *postscript-font-translate-data*))
+		    (error "Don't have PostScript support for family ~A." family)))
+	 (famdat (cdr (or (assoc psfam *ps-font-family-data* :test #'string-equal)
+			  (error "No info for PostScript font family ~A?" psfam))))
+	 (info (cdr (or (assoc face famdat)
+			(error "No info for PostScript family ~A face ~A." psfam face))))
+ 	 (cname (first info)))
+    (numberp cname)))
diff --git a/postscript/postscript-port.lisp b/postscript/postscript-port.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27db5cfdf1e546e96fb2586e3aa8d1163cbda9da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postscript/postscript-port.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: POSTSCRIPT-CLIM; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
+;; $fiHeader: postscript-port.lisp,v 1.1 92/02/24 13:08:01 cer Exp $
+(in-package :postscript-clim)
+"Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 Symbolics, Inc.  All rights reserved."
+;;; This does not conform to the conventions described under Appendix C:
+;;; Structuring Conventions of the PostScript Language Reference Manual.
+;;; Part of the reason for non-conformance is the maybe-send-feature
+;;; hack.  Were it possible for this implementation to send more than
+;;; one page to the printer, then the stuff downloaded using the
+;;; maybe-send-feature hack would be associated with a single page
+;;; rather than with the whole document and reordering of the pages by
+;;; some other tool could cause features which were first generated by
+;;; one page and later referenced by another to become undefined if
+;;; those pages were reordered.  The %% comments do conform except for
+;;; %%Page and the feature reordering problem.
+;;; Line thickness currently uses "1 setlinewidth" for minimum line
+;;; thickness.  This can produce a line 2 pixels wide since there can be
+;;; 2 pixels that are less than or equal to 1/2 away from the line.  "0
+;;; setlinewidth" means to use the minimum for the resolution of the
+;;; device.  At least now, for the case of line thickness of 1 :normal, this
+;;; will use 0 setlinewidth for output to the Apple Laser Writer.
+(defparameter *ps-magic-baseline-factor* 0.2)	;estimation of % baseline to bottom.
+(defparameter *1-pixel=points* 1.2)		;1 "average" pixel is about 1.2 points
+;; Convert CLIM units ("pixels") to (printers') points
+(defmacro pixels-to-points (&rest pixels)
+  (let ((forms nil))
+    (dolist (pixel pixels)
+      (push `(setq ,pixel (* ,pixel *1-pixel=points*)) forms))
+    `(progn ,@(nreverse forms))))
+;; Convert (printers') points to CLIM units ("pixels")
+(defmacro points-to-pixels (&rest points)
+  (let ((forms nil))
+    (dolist (point points)
+      (push `(setq ,point (/ ,point *1-pixel=points*)) forms))
+    `(progn ,@(nreverse forms))))
+(defvar *annotate-postscript* nil)
+(defmacro annotating-postscript ((medium printer-stream) &body body)
+  `(when *annotate-postscript*
+     (let* ((,printer-stream (slot-value ,medium 'printer-stream))
+	    (text (with-output-to-string (,printer-stream) ,@body))
+	    (start 0))
+       (loop
+	 (let ((newline (position #\newline text :start start)))
+	   (write-string "% " ,printer-stream)
+	   (write-string text ,printer-stream :start start :end newline)
+	   (unless newline (return))
+	   (setq start (1+ newline))))
+       (fresh-line ,printer-stream))))
+;;; How the font hackery works:
+;;; For each CLIM text style used in the output, a corresponding scaled
+;;; font must exist in the PostScript engine.  (The PostScript books
+;;; recommend that for efficiency you cache the results of operations
+;;; like scalefont).  There is one PS-FONT-COMPAT-KLUDGE structure
+;;; created for each CLIM text style used.  These structures are stored
+;;; in the FONT-MAP slot of POSTSCRIPT-MEDIUM streams.
+;;; Inside the PostScript engine there is a corresponding array named
+;;; fontarray, whose i'th element contains the scaled postscript font
+;;; object described by the i'th element of FONT-MAP.
+;;; The function GET-FONT-COMPAT-STR is used to find the
+;;; PS-FONT-COMPAT-KLUDGE object corresponding to a CLIM text style.
+;;; The first time a CLIM text style is encounterred,
+;;; GET-FONT-COMPAT-STR creates a PS-FONT-COMPAT-KLUDGE object for it,
+;;; stores it in FONT-MAP and generates postscript code to construct the
+;;; corresponding scaled postscript font and store it in fontarray
+;;; using the postscript estfont procedure defined in the preamble.
+;;; CONVERT-CLIM-TO-PS-FONT-DESCRIPTION converts a CLIM text style, eg.
+;;; (:serif :bold :large) to a postscript font description, eg. ("Times"
+;;; :bold 12).   When estfont is used, it interns a font "Times-Bold" of
+;;; size 12 as the appropriate element of fontarray.
+;;; This structure is used to represent a PostScript font masquerading as a
+;;; CLIM-world entity.  They populate the font-map array of the stream.
+(defstruct (ps-font-compat-kludge (:conc-name psfck-))
+  index					;index into stream's array.
+  style-descriptor			;parse-text-style output.
+  true-ps-descriptor			;("Times" :italic 6 [pts])
+  points				;point-size
+  clim-height				;equivalent size in CLIM "pixels"
+  clim-ascent				;top-to-baseline, "pixels"
+  clim-descent				;baseline-to-bottom
+  width-table				;width array or constant #.
+  (established nil))			;T ==> written to the printer
+;;; Each element is ((family face) width-or-width-table-array height ascent descent)
+(defvar *char-width-tables* nil)
+(defun make-new-fcs (text-style index)
+  (let ((fcs (make-ps-font-compat-kludge
+	       :index index
+	       :style-descriptor text-style
+	       :true-ps-descriptor (convert-clim-to-ps-font-description text-style))))
+    (initialize-fcs fcs)
+    fcs))
+(defun initialize-fcs (fcs)
+  (let* ((points (third (psfck-true-ps-descriptor fcs)))
+	 (key `(,(first (psfck-true-ps-descriptor fcs))
+		,(second (psfck-true-ps-descriptor fcs))))
+	 (metrics (assoc key *char-width-tables* :test #'equal)))
+    (unless metrics
+      (error "No font metrics for ~S" key))
+    (setf (psfck-points fcs) points)
+    (let ((width-table (second metrics))
+	  (height (third metrics))
+	  (ascent (fourth metrics))
+	  (descent (fifth metrics)))
+      (setf (psfck-clim-height fcs) (* points height))
+      (setf (psfck-clim-ascent fcs) (* points ascent))
+      (setf (psfck-clim-descent fcs) (* points descent))
+      (setf (psfck-width-table fcs) width-table)))
+  nil)
+;;; Each element is composed of:
+;;;      - a CLIM text family keyword,
+;;;      - the name of a font to use for that family,
+;;;      - a list of point sizes corresponding to the text size keywords
+;;;        in the corresponding positions in *psftd-keywords*.
+;;; We should be able to phjase this out since we have a
+;;; STANDARDIZE-STYLE method for postscript devices.
+(defparameter *postscript-font-translate-data*
+	     '((:fix "Courier" (4 6 7 9 11 14 18))
+	       (:sans-serif "Helvetica" (5 7 8 10 12 16 20))
+	       (:serif "Times" (5 7 8 10 12 16 20))))
+(defparameter *psftd-keywords* '(:tiny :very-small :small :normal :large :very-large :huge))
+;; The second element is a character size, which is either a number or a
+;; place to go looking to get the character width table
+(defparameter *ps-font-family-data*
+	      '(("Times" 
+		 (nil "tir" "Times-Roman")
+		 (:bold "tib" "Times-Bold")
+		 (:italic "tii" "Times-Italic")
+		 (:bold-italic "tibi" "Times-BoldItalic"))
+		("Helvetica"
+		 (nil "he" "Helvetica")
+		 (:bold "heb" "Helvetica-Bold")
+		 (:italic "heo" "Helvetica-Oblique")
+		 (:bold-italic "hebo" "Helvetica-BoldOblique"))
+		("Courier"
+		 (nil 0.6 "Courier")
+		 (:bold 0.6 "Courier-Bold")
+		 (:italic 0.6 "Courier-Oblique")
+		 (:bold-italic 0.6 "Courier-BoldOblique"))))
+(defun get-ps-fam-face-name (fcs)
+  (let ((fam (first (psfck-true-ps-descriptor fcs)))
+	(face (second (psfck-true-ps-descriptor fcs))))
+    (let ((famdata (cdr (or (assoc fam *ps-font-family-data* :test #'string-equal)
+			    (error "No info for PostScript font family ~A" fam)))))
+      (third (or (assoc face famdata)
+		 (error "No info for PostScript family ~A face ~A." fam face))))))
+;; Value is a 3 element list acceptable as a returned value from
+;; CONVERT-CLIM-TO-PS-FONT-DESCRIPTION:  a postscript family name as
+;; appears in the CARs of the elements of *PS-FONT-FAMILY-DATA*, a face
+;; keyword as returned by the function KEYWORDIFY-STYLE-FACE, and a
+;; size in points.
+(defparameter *ps-font-description-for-undefined-style* '("Courier" nil 4))	      
+(defun convert-clim-to-ps-font-description (style)
+  (let ((size (text-style-size style))
+	(face (keywordify-style-face (text-style-face style)))
+	(family (text-style-family style)))
+    (if (and *ps-font-description-for-undefined-style*
+	     (eq style *undefined-text-style*))
+	;;--- Probably pointless to issue any sort of warning here
+	*ps-font-description-for-undefined-style*
+	(let* ((famdat (or (assoc family *postscript-font-translate-data*)
+			   (error "Don't have PostScript support for family ~A." family)))
+	       (points (if (numberp size)
+			   size
+			   (point-size-for-size-keyword size famdat)))
+	       (psname (second famdat)))
+	  `(,psname ,face ,points)))))
+(defun keywordify-style-face (face)
+  (cond ((eq face ':roman) nil)
+	((atom face) face)
+	((equal face '(:bold :italic)) :bold-italic)
+	((equal face '(:italic :bold)) :bold-italic)
+	(t (list :numeric-code face))))
+(defun point-size-for-size-keyword (size-keyword family-data)
+  (nth (or (position size-keyword *psftd-keywords*)
+	   (error "Don't have PostScript support for size ~A." size-keyword))
+       (third family-data)))
+;;; This actually reads metrics for the Apple LaserWriter.  Some day we
+;;; should make the font width table stuff device independent.
+;;; The metrics are in sys:clim;laserwriter-metrics.lisp.newest.
+;;; That file consists of invocations of this function.
+;;; Don't bother loading the width information for fixed width fonts like Courrier
+;;; which already have their width hard-coded in *ps-font-family-data*?
+(defun setup-laserwriter-metrics (font-info)
+  (let ((char-widths (cdr font-info))
+	(name (caar font-info))
+	(scale (cadar font-info))
+	(box (caddar font-info))
+	(width-table nil))
+    (multiple-value-bind (family face size-kludge)
+	(find-family-and-face-for-postscript-font-name name)
+      ;; if the kludgy size element of the font's description in
+      ;; *ps-font-family-data* is a number, just use it instead of
+      ;; building the width table.
+      (cond ((numberp size-kludge)
+	     (setq width-table size-kludge))
+	    (t
+	     (setq width-table (make-array 256))
+	     (dolist (char-info char-widths)
+	       (let ((char-code (first char-info))
+		     (char-width (/ (second char-info) scale)))
+		 (setf (aref width-table char-code) char-width)))))
+      (let ((key `(,family ,face)))
+	(when (car key)				;check family to make sure we found the name
+	  (let* ((temp (assoc key *char-width-tables* :test #'equal))
+		 (height (abs (/ (- (fourth box) (second box)) scale)))
+		 (ascent (abs (/ (fourth box) scale)))
+		 (descent (abs (/ (second box) scale)))
+		 (data `(,width-table ,height ,ascent ,descent)))
+	    (if temp
+		(setf (cdr temp) data)
+		(push `(,key ,@data) *char-width-tables*))))))))
+(defun find-family-and-face-for-postscript-font-name (name)
+  (dolist (family-data *ps-font-family-data*)
+    (let ((family (car family-data)))
+      (dolist (face-data (cdr family-data))
+	(let ((face (first face-data))
+	      (size-kludge (second face-data))
+	      (fname (third face-data)))
+	  (when (string= name fname)
+	    (return-from find-family-and-face-for-postscript-font-name
+	      (values family face size-kludge))))))))
+(defclass postscript-medium ()
+     ((printer-stream :initarg :stream)
+      (current-color :initform nil)		;for decoding stippled inks
+      (features-sent :initform nil)
+      (curfont :initform nil)			;a psfck structure
+      (ch1buf :initform (make-array 1 :element-type 'character))	;used for char ops.
+      (font-map :initform (make-array 30 :initial-element nil))
+      (header-comments :initform nil :initarg :header-comments)
+      (orientation :initform :portrait :initarg :orientation)
+      ;; For multi-page output, analogous to a window's scroll position
+      (multi-page :initform nil :initarg :multi-page)
+      (viewport-x :initform 0)
+      (viewport-y :initform 0)))
+(defmethod implementation-pixels-per-point ((medium postscript-medium))
+  (/ *1-pixel=points*))
+(defmethod stream-force-output ((medium postscript-medium))
+  (force-output (slot-value medium 'printer-stream)))
+(defmethod stream-finish-output ((medium postscript-medium))
+  (finish-output (slot-value medium 'printer-stream)))
+(defmethod stream-clear-output ((medium postscript-medium))
+  (clear-output (slot-value medium 'printer-stream)))
+;;; Methods that might be needed:
+;;; what about other "window" protocols?
+;;; host-window-margins
+;;; window-margins (being flushed, should return (values 0 0 0 0))
+;;; window-beep
+;;; window-clear (do a fresh-page?)
+;;; Support routines
+(defmacro making-ps-array ((printer-stream) &body body)
+  `(progn (write-string " [ " ,printer-stream)
+	  ,@body
+	  (write-string " ] " ,printer-stream)))
+(defmacro making-ps-hex-string ((printer-stream) &body body)
+  `(progn (write-char #\< ,printer-stream)
+	  ,@body
+	  (write-char #\> ,printer-stream)))
+(defmacro with-postscript-gsave (stream &body body)
+  `(flet ((with-gsave-body () ,@body))
+     (declare (dynamic-extent #'with-gsave-body))
+     (invoke-with-postscript-gsave ,stream #'with-gsave-body)))
+(defmethod invoke-with-postscript-gsave ((stream postscript-medium) continuation)
+  (with-slots (printer-stream) stream
+    (format printer-stream " gsave~%")
+    (funcall continuation)
+    (format printer-stream " grestore~%")))
+(defmethod maybe-send-feature ((stream postscript-medium) feature-name code)
+  (with-slots (features-sent printer-stream) stream
+    (unless (member feature-name features-sent)
+      (annotating-postscript (stream printer-stream)
+	(format printer-stream "---------------- Feature ~A ----------------"
+	  feature-name))
+      (write-string code printer-stream)
+      (annotating-postscript (stream printer-stream)
+	(format printer-stream "---------------- End Feature ~A ----------------"
+	  feature-name))
+      (push feature-name features-sent))))
+(defmethod ps-pos-op ((stream postscript-medium) op x y &rest args)
+  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
+  (pixels-to-points x y)
+  (with-slots (printer-stream display-device-type) stream
+    (write-char #\space printer-stream)
+    (ps-optimal-flonize
+      (+ (* (slot-value display-device-type 'page-indent)
+	    (slot-value display-device-type 'device-units-per-inch)) x)
+      printer-stream)
+    (write-char #\space printer-stream)
+    (ps-optimal-flonize
+      (- (* (slot-value display-device-type 'page-height)
+	    (slot-value display-device-type 'device-units-per-inch)) y)
+      printer-stream)
+    (dolist (arg args)
+      (write-char #\space printer-stream)
+      (if (numberp arg)
+	  (ps-optimal-flonize arg printer-stream)
+	  (write arg :stream printer-stream :escape nil)))
+    (format printer-stream " ~A" op)
+    (if (string-equal op "m")
+	(write-char #\space printer-stream)
+	(terpri printer-stream))))
+(defmethod ps-rel-pos-op ((stream postscript-medium) op x y &rest args)
+  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
+  (pixels-to-points x y)
+  (with-slots (printer-stream) stream
+    (write-char #\space printer-stream)
+    (ps-optimal-flonize x printer-stream)
+    (write-char #\space printer-stream)
+    (ps-optimal-flonize (- y) printer-stream)
+    (dolist (arg args)
+      (write-char #\space printer-stream)
+      (if (numberp arg)
+	  (ps-optimal-flonize arg printer-stream)
+	  (write arg :stream printer-stream :escape nil)))
+    (format printer-stream " ~A~%" op)))
+;;; the software that drives the LGP2 (sys:hardcopy;postscript.lisp)
+;;; uses LGP:FAST-PRINT-NUM except for writing transformation matrices,
+;;; for which it uses 
+;;;       (prin1 (if (fixp elem) elem (float elem)) output-stream)
+;;; and also some cases of Format ~D.
+(defun ps-optimal-flonize (n stream)
+  ;; lifted from definition of LGP:FAST-PRINT-NUM in "Q:>sys>hardcopy>postscript.lisp.1679"
+  (if (and (not (zerop n))
+	   (< -1 n 1))
+      (format stream "~F" (float n))
+      (multiple-value-bind (integer frac)
+	  (etypecase n
+	    (integer (values (abs n) 0))
+	    (float (truncate (round (* (abs n) 100.)) 100))
+	    (rational (truncate (round (* (abs n) 100.)) 100)))
+	(if (>= integer 10000.)
+	    (if (integerp n)
+		(write n :stream stream :escape nil :base 10 :radix nil)
+		(format stream "~$" n))
+	    (let ((from 8)
+		  (negative-p nil))
+	      (when (minusp n)
+		(setq negative-p t))
+	      (with-stack-array (string from :element-type 'extended-char)
+		(macrolet ((add-char (char)
+			     `(setf (aref string (decf from)) ,char)))
+		  (when (/= frac 0)
+		    (multiple-value-bind (frac1 frac2)
+			(truncate frac 10.)
+		      (when (/= frac2 0)
+			(add-char (code-char (+ (char-code #\0) frac2))))
+		      (add-char (code-char (+ (char-code #\0) frac1))))
+		    (add-char #\.))
+		  (let ((digit 0))
+		    (loop
+		      (multiple-value-setq (integer digit)
+			(truncate integer 10.))
+		      (add-char (code-char (+ (char-code #\0) digit)))
+		      (when (zerop integer) (return))))
+		  (when negative-p (add-char #\-))
+		  (write-string string stream :start from)
+		  n)))))))
+;; "Not suitable for ritual use."
+(defparameter *ps-ellipse-code*
+/emtrx matrix def
+/elpd 8 dict def
+/ellipse {{arc} ellipsei} def
+/ellipsen {{arcn} ellipsei} def
+/ellipsei {elpd begin /arcp exch def /ea exch def /sa exch def /yra exch def /xra exch def
+      /y exch def /x exch def
+emtrx currentmatrix
+x y translate xra yra scale 0 0 1 sa ea arcp setmatrix end} def
+(defparameter *pattern-code*
+        ;; for drawing filled patterns
+        "/imgdict 12 dict def
+%draw image.  One source pixel to one user space unit.
+%width width-rounded-up height
+/img { imgdict begin
+        [/height /bitwidth /width ] {exch def} forall
+        /nbits bitwidth height mul def
+        /str 100 string def
+        nbits 0 ne {
+          gsave width height scale
+          bitwidth height true [bitwidth 0 0 height neg 0 height] 
+            {   nbits 800 ge {/nbits nbits 800 sub def str} 
+                               {nbits 8 idiv string /nbits 0 def}
+                            ifelse 
+                  currentfile exch readhexstring pop}
+          imagemask grestore
+        } if end
+        } def
+/fmod { 2 copy div floor mul sub } bind def
+%draw patterned rectangle.  One source pixel to scale device units (ignoring user scale).
+%width height pattern scale
+/pat { imgdict begin gsave
+        [/scal /patseq ] {exch def} forall
+        /patheight patseq length def
+        /patwidth patseq 0 get length 8 mul def
+%back up to an even phase boundary
+        /pswidth patwidth scal mul def
+        /psheight patheight scal mul def
+        pswidth psheight idtransform
+        0 0 transform psheight fmod neg exch pswidth fmod neg exch idtransform
+        3 -1 roll exch dup 0 gt {add} {exch pop} ifelse
+        3 1 roll dup 0 gt {add} {exch pop} ifelse exch 2 copy translate
+        3 -1 roll exch abs add 3 1 roll abs add exch dtransform
+        psheight div abs ceiling cvi patheight mul /height exch def
+        pswidth div abs ceiling cvi patwidth mul /width exch def
+        width 0 ne { height 0 ne {
+        /scanline -1 def /linebits 0 def
+        width height idtransform abs scale scal dup scale
+        width height true [width 0 0 height neg 0 height] 
+        { linebits 0 le { /linebits width def
+                          /scanline scanline 1 add patheight mod def
+                          /linepat patseq scanline get def
+                        } if
+        /linebits linebits patwidth sub def linepat }
+        imagemask } if } if grestore end
+      } def
+%draw pattern in all of visible area.
+%pattern scale opaque-p
+/patfill1 { initmatrix clippath
+%condition-case for nocurrentpoint, returning empty rectangle
+             errordict begin
+               /nocurrentpoint dup dup load exch { pop 0 0 0 0 } def 
+                 pathbbox
+               6 -2 roll def end
+             4 2 roll 2 copy translate 4 -2 roll
+             3 -1 roll sub 3 1 roll exch sub exch
+             3 -1 roll { 2 copy gsave 1 setgray newpath
+                         0 0 moveto 0 exch lineto 0 rlineto currentpoint pop 0 lineto
+                         closepath fill grestore } if
+             4 -2 roll pat } def
+%like fill, etc. but with pattern, scale and opaque-p options.
+/patfill { gsave clip patfill1 grestore newpath } def
+/pateofill { gsave eoclip patfill1 grestore newpath } def
+/patstroke { gsave strokepath clip patfill1 grestore newpath } def
+ ")
+(defvar *postscript-prologue*
+        "statusdict /waittimeout 30 put
+/fontarray 30 array def
+/f {fontarray exch get setfont} def
+/estfont {findfont exch scalefont fontarray 3 1 roll put} def
+/m {moveto} def
+(defmethod postscript-prologue ((stream postscript-medium))
+  (with-slots (printer-stream header-comments display-device-type orientation) stream
+    (format printer-stream "%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0~%")
+    (multiple-value-bind (left top right bottom)
+	(postscript-bounding-box-edges stream)
+      (format printer-stream "%%BoundingBox: ~D ~D ~D ~D~%"
+	left top right bottom))
+    (format printer-stream "%%Creator: CLIM 2.0~%")
+    (let ((title (getf header-comments :title)))
+      (when title
+        (format printer-stream "%%Title: ~A~%" title)))
+    (let ((for (or (getf header-comments :for) #+Genera zl:user-id)))
+      (when for
+        (format printer-stream "%%For: ~A~%" for)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour date month year)
+	(decode-universal-time (get-universal-time))
+      (format printer-stream "%%CreationDate: ~D-~A-~D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D~%"
+	date (svref #("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun"
+		      "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec") month) year
+	hour minute second))
+    (format printer-stream "%%DocumentFonts: (atend)~%")
+    (format printer-stream "%%EndComments~%")
+    (write-string *postscript-prologue* printer-stream)
+    (ecase orientation
+      (:portrait
+        (format printer-stream
+            "/format-rotation 0 def ~%/format-y-translation 0 def~%"))
+      (:landscape
+        (format printer-stream
+            "/format-rotation -90 def ~%/format-y-translation ~D def~%" 
+          (* (slot-value display-device-type 'page-width)
+             (slot-value display-device-type 'device-units-per-inch)))))
+    (format printer-stream
+        "/new-matrix {0 format-y-translation translate
+		      format-rotation rotate} def
+	 /new-page {showpage new-matrix} def~%")
+    (postscript-device-prologue display-device-type printer-stream)
+    (format printer-stream "%%EndProlog~%")
+    (format printer-stream "~%new-matrix~%")))
+(defmethod postscript-epilogue ((stream postscript-medium))
+  (with-slots (printer-stream display-device-type font-map) stream
+    (format printer-stream "showpage~%")
+    (postscript-device-epilogue display-device-type printer-stream)
+    (format printer-stream "%%Trailer~%")
+    (let ((font-names-used nil))
+      (dotimes (index (length font-map))
+        (let ((fcs (aref font-map index)))
+          (when fcs
+            (pushnew (get-ps-fam-face-name fcs) font-names-used :test #'string-equal))))
+      (format printer-stream "%%DocumentFonts:~{~^ ~A~}~%" (nreverse font-names-used)))))
+(defun send-pattern (stream printer-stream pattern)
+  (maybe-send-feature stream 'pattern-program *pattern-code*)
+  (making-ps-array (printer-stream)
+    (let ((height (array-dimension pattern 0))
+	  (width (array-dimension pattern 1)))
+      (dotimes (j height)
+	(making-ps-hex-string (printer-stream)
+	  (send-raster printer-stream pattern 0 j width (1+ j) nil)))))
+  (terpri printer-stream)
+  (write-string " 4 true " printer-stream))
+(defun send-raster (printer-stream raster left top right bottom &optional (terpri t))
+  (assert (= bottom (1+ top)))
+  (unless (zerop (rem right 8))
+    (error "Sorry, can't hack right /= 0 (mod 8); you have ~D" right))
+  (with-stack-array (arr (array-total-size raster) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+						   :displaced-to raster)
+    (with-temporary-string (buf :length 100)
+      (let ((bytes-per-row (truncate (array-dimension raster 1) 8))
+	    (bytes-per-raster (ceiling (- right left) 8)))
+	(let ((toprow (* top bytes-per-row))
+	      (botrow (* bottom bytes-per-row))
+	      (bigend-digit-char "084c2a6e195d3b7f")
+	      (j 0)
+	      #+Genera (buf buf)
+	      #+Genera (arr arr))
+	  #+Genera (declare (sys:array-register bigend-digit-char buf arr))
+	  (flet ((force-buf ()
+		   (setf (fill-pointer buf) j)
+		   (with-temporary-substring (subbuf buf 0 j)
+		     (write-string subbuf printer-stream)
+		     (when terpri
+		       (terpri printer-stream)))))
+	    (do* ((index (- botrow bytes-per-row) (- index bytes-per-row))
+		  (i index index))
+		 ((< index toprow))
+	      (dotimes (n bytes-per-raster)
+		#-(or Allegro Minima) (declare (ignore n))
+		(let ((byte (aref arr i)))
+		  (setf (aref buf j) 
+			(aref bigend-digit-char (ldb (byte 4 0) byte)))
+		  (setf (aref buf (1+ j))
+			(aref bigend-digit-char (ldb (byte 4 4) byte)))
+		  (incf i)
+		  (incf j 2)
+		  (when (> j 80) (force-buf)))))
+	    (when (> j 0) (force-buf))))))))
+(defun ps-fill (stream printer-stream ink)
+  (cond ((typep ink 'rectangular-tile)
+	 ;;--- Kludgy way to determine whether to use patterned drawing
+	 (multiple-value-bind (array width height)
+	     (decode-tile-as-stipple ink)
+	   (declare (ignore width height))
+	   (unless array
+	     (error "Rectangular tiles other than stipples are not supported yet."))
+	   (send-pattern stream printer-stream array)
+	   (format printer-stream " patfill~%")))
+	(t
+	 (format printer-stream " fill~%"))))
+(defun ps-stroke (stream printer-stream ink)
+  (cond ((typep ink 'rectangular-tile)
+	 ;;--- Kludgy way to determine whether to use patterned drawing
+	 (multiple-value-bind (array width height)
+	     (decode-tile-as-stipple ink)
+	   (declare (ignore width height))
+	   (unless array
+	     (error "Rectangular tiles other than stipples are not supported yet."))
+	   (send-pattern stream printer-stream array)
+	   (format printer-stream " patstroke~%")))
+	(t
+	 (format printer-stream " stroke~%"))))
+(defclass postscript-port (standard-port)
+    ;; 72 points per inch on PostScript devices
+    ((device-units-per-inch :initform 72 :allocation :class)))
+(defmethod standardize-text-style ((device postscript-device) character-set style)
+  (declare (ignore character-set))
+  (let ((size (text-style-size style)))
+    (if (numberp size)
+	style
+      (let* ((family (text-style-family style))
+	     (sizes (third (assoc family *postscript-font-translate-data*)))
+	     (position (position size *psftd-keywords*))
+	     (new-size (and position (nth position sizes))))
+	(cond (new-size
+	       (make-text-style family (text-style-face style) new-size))
+	      ((eql family :stand-in-for-undefined-style)
+	       (make-text-style family (text-style-face style) 10))
+	      (t
+	       (cerror "Use the undefined text style stand-in instead"
+		       "This display device does not know how to map the logical text ~
+                        style size ~S in ~S"
+		       size style)
+	       *undefined-text-style*))))))
+;; Some people need to be able to specialize this
+(defmethod postscript-device-prologue ((device postscript-device) printer-stream)
+  (declare (ignore printer-stream)))
+;; Some people need to be able to specialize this, too
+(defmethod postscript-device-epilogue ((device postscript-device) printer-stream)
+  (declare (ignore printer-stream)))
+(defclass apple-laser-writer (postscript-port)
+    ((x-resolution :initform 300)	;pixels per inch
+     (y-resolution :initform 300)
+     (page-indent :initform  0.5)	;in inches
+     (page-width  :initform  7.5)
+     (page-height :initform 10.5)))
+;;; allow a display device to do something appropriate for a line thickness in :normal units
+(defgeneric normal-line-thickness (display-device thickness))
+(defmethod normal-line-thickness ((postscript-device display-device) (thickness number))
+  thickness)
+(defmethod normal-line-thickness ((postscript-device apple-laser-writer) (thickness number))
+  (if (= thickness 1)
+      0
+      (* 0.5 thickness (/ (slot-value postscript-device 'device-units-per-inch)
+			  (slot-value postscript-device 'x-resolution)))))
+(define-display-device *postscript-device* apple-laser-writer
+  :font-for-undefined-style "Courier")
+(defclass postscript-stream
+	  (graphics-output-recording
+	   output-recording-mixin
+	   output-protocol-mixin)
+    ()
+  (:default-initargs :display-device-type *postscript-device*
+		     :default-text-margin 1000))
+(defun make-postscript-stream (stream)
+  (make-instance 'postscript-stream :stream stream))
+(defmethod close ((stream postscript-stream) &key abort)
+  (unless abort
+    (postscript-epilogue stream)))
+(defmethod postscript-bounding-box-edges ((stream postscript-stream))
+  (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom)
+      (stream-output-history stream)
+    (pixels-to-points left top right bottom)
+    (values (floor left) (floor top)
+	    (ceiling right) (ceiling bottom))))
+(defmethod window-inside-width ((stream postscript-stream))
+  (with-slots (display-device-type) stream
+    (/ (* (slot-value display-device-type 'page-width)
+	  (slot-value display-device-type 'device-units-per-inch))
+       *1-pixel=points*)))
+(defmethod stream-ensure-cursor-visible ((stream postscript-stream)
+					 &optional cx cy)
+  (declare (ignore cx cy))
+  nil)
+(defmethod stream-move-for-line-height-change ((stream postscript-stream)
+					       movement old-height cursor-x cursor-y)
+  (declare (ignore movement old-height cursor-x cursor-y)))
+;; Replay some PostScript output, breaking it into multiple pages
+(defmethod stream-replay ((stream postscript-stream) &optional region)
+  (with-slots (output-record record-p draw-p display-device-type 
+	       printer-stream orientation multi-page viewport-x viewport-y) stream
+    (when draw-p
+      (when output-record
+	(letf-globally ((record-p nil))
+	  (if (or region (not multi-page))
+	      (replay output-record stream region)
+	      (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) output-record
+		(let* ((page-width
+			 (floor (* (slot-value display-device-type 'page-width)
+				   (slot-value display-device-type 'device-units-per-inch))
+				*1-pixel=points*))
+		       (page-height
+			 (floor (* (slot-value display-device-type 'page-height)
+				   (slot-value display-device-type 'device-units-per-inch))
+				*1-pixel=points*))
+		       (first-page t))
+		  (setq viewport-x 0 viewport-y 0)
+		  ;; Draw each chunk of output on its own page
+		  (unwind-protect
+		      (do ((y top (+ y page-height)))
+			  ((> y bottom))
+			(do ((x left (+ x page-width)))
+			    ((> x right))
+			  (if first-page
+			      (setq first-page nil)
+			      (format printer-stream "gsave new-page grestore~%"))
+			  (let ((region (make-bounding-rectangle
+					  x y (+ x page-width) (+ y page-height))))
+			    (replay output-record stream region))
+			  (incf viewport-x page-width))
+			(setf viewport-x 0)
+			(incf viewport-y page-height))
+		    (setq viewport-x 0 viewport-y 0))))))))))
+(defmacro with-output-to-postscript-stream ((stream-var file-stream &rest args) &body body)
+  (declare (arglist (stream-var file-stream
+		     &key (display-device *postscript-device*)
+			  header-comments multi-page 
+			  (orientation :portrait))
+		    &body body))
+  `(flet ((postscript-output-body (,stream-var) ,@body))
+     (declare (dynamic-extent #'postscript-output-body))
+     (invoke-with-output-to-postscript-stream ,file-stream #'postscript-output-body ,@args)))
+;; This could really be WITH-OPEN-STREAM, but that isn't going to call CLIM:CLOSE.
+;; Fixed in the CLOS stream system.
+(defun invoke-with-output-to-postscript-stream (file-stream continuation
+						&key (display-device *postscript-device*)
+						     header-comments multi-page
+						     (orientation :portrait))
+  (let ((postscript-stream (make-instance 'postscript-stream
+					  :stream file-stream
+					  :display-device-type display-device
+					  :header-comments header-comments
+					  :orientation orientation
+					  :multi-page multi-page))
+	(abort-p t))
+    (with-output-recording-options (postscript-stream :record t :draw nil)
+      (unwind-protect
+	  (multiple-value-prog1
+	    (funcall continuation postscript-stream)
+	    (postscript-prologue postscript-stream)
+	    ;; Now do the output to the printer, breaking up the output into
+	    ;; multiple pages if that was requested
+	    (with-output-recording-options (postscript-stream :record nil :draw t)
+	      (frame-replay *application-frame* postscript-stream))
+	    (setq abort-p nil))
+	(close postscript-stream :abort abort-p)))))
diff --git a/postscript/postscript-prefill.lisp b/postscript/postscript-prefill.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc2095761cdf4d66b5b6e173d93c8e7597bbcac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postscript/postscript-prefill.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-INTERNALS; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
+(in-package :clim-postscript)
+"Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 Symbolics, Inc.  All rights reserved."