;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-INTERNALS; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*- ;; $fiHeader: frames.lisp,v 1.53 92/12/03 10:26:35 cer Exp $ (in-package :clim-internals) "Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 Symbolics, Inc. All rights reserved. Portions copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Franz, Inc. All rights reserved. Portions copyright (c) 1989, 1990 International Lisp Associates." (define-protocol-class application-frame ()) (defclass standard-application-frame (application-frame) ((name :initarg :name :accessor frame-name) (pretty-name :initarg :pretty-name :accessor frame-pretty-name) (command-table :initarg :command-table :initform (find-command-table 'user-command-table) :accessor frame-command-table) (disabled-commands :initarg :disabled-commands :initform nil) ;; One of T, NIL, or a command-table; used by the menu-bar (menu-bar :initarg :menu-bar :initform nil) (histories :initform nil) (frame-manager :initform nil :accessor frame-manager) (calling-frame :reader frame-calling-frame :initarg :calling-frame) ;; PANES is the description of all of the named panes, ;; ALL-PANES is an alist that stores all of the named panes that ;; have actually been realized so far (panes :initarg :panes :accessor frame-panes) (all-panes :initform nil) (current-panes :initform nil :accessor frame-current-panes) (initialized-panes :initform nil) (pane-constructors :initarg :pane-constructors) (top-level-sheet :accessor frame-top-level-sheet :initarg :top-level-sheet :initform nil) (state :initform :disowned :accessor frame-state :type (member :disowned :disabled :enabled :shrunk)) (top-level :initarg :top-level :accessor frame-top-level) (current-layout :initarg :default-layout :initform nil :reader frame-current-layout) (geometry :initform nil :initarg :geometry :reader frame-geometry) (icon :initform nil :initarg :icon :reader frame-icon) (user-specified-position-p :initform :unspecified :initarg :user-specified-position-p :reader frame-user-specified-position-p) (user-specified-size-p :initform :unspecified :initarg :user-specified-size-p :reader frame-user-specified-size-p) (shell :accessor frame-shell) (pointer-documentation-p :initarg :pointer-documentation :reader frame-pointer-documentation-p) (properties :initform nil :initarg :properties :accessor frame-properties) (resizable :initarg :resize-frame :reader frame-resizable) (layout :initarg :layouts :reader frame-layouts) (top-level-process :initform nil) (command-queue :initform (make-locking-queue) :reader frame-command-queue) (input-buffer :initform nil :initarg :input-buffer :reader frame-input-buffer)) (:default-initargs :pointer-documentation nil :layouts nil :resize-frame nil :top-level 'default-frame-top-level)) (defmethod port ((frame standard-application-frame)) (port (frame-manager frame))) (defmethod graft ((frame standard-application-frame)) (graft (frame-manager frame))) ;;--- These should really be somewhere else (defmethod frame-manager ((stream standard-encapsulating-stream)) (frame-manager (encapsulating-stream-stream stream))) (defmethod frame-manager ((stream t)) (cond (*application-frame* (or (frame-manager *application-frame*) (find-frame-manager))) (t (find-frame-manager)))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((frame standard-application-frame) &rest args &key frame-manager geometry icon (parent frame-manager parent-p)) (declare (ignore args)) (destructuring-bind (&key left top width height) geometry (declare (ignore left top width height))) (destructuring-bind (&key name pixmap clipping-mask) icon (declare (ignore name pixmap clipping-mask))) (let ((frame-manager (etypecase parent (null (unless parent-p (find-frame-manager))) (list (apply #'find-frame-manager parent)) (frame-manager parent) (application-frame (frame-manager parent)) (port (find-frame-manager :port parent)) (graft (find-frame-manager :port (port parent))) (sheet (frame-manager (pane-frame parent)))))) (when frame-manager (adopt-frame frame-manager frame)))) (defmethod find-named-color (name (frame standard-application-frame) &key (errorp t)) (find-named-color name (frame-palette frame) :errorp errorp)) (defmethod frame-palette ((frame standard-application-frame)) (let ((framem (frame-manager frame))) (if framem (frame-manager-palette framem) (and (port frame) (port-default-palette (port frame)))))) ;; Default method does nothing (defmethod generate-panes ((framem standard-frame-manager) (frame standard-application-frame)) (setf (frame-panes frame) nil)) (eval-when (compile load eval) (defun define-application-frame-1 (name state-variables pane-descriptions &key top-level layouts command-table disabled-commands) (let* ((command-table-name (first command-table))) ;; If we're going to be defining commands for this application frame, ;; make sure there's an command table lying around so that all other ;; code doesn't have to be defensive against its absence. (when command-table (apply #'define-command-table-1 command-table)))) ) ;eval-when (defmacro define-application-frame (name superclasses slots &rest options) #+Genera (declare (zwei:indentation 1 25 2 3 3 1)) (with-warnings-for-definition name define-application-frame (let (pane panes layouts top-level menu-bar pointer-documentation command-definer command-table disabled-commands icon geometry default-initargs) (macrolet ((extract (name keyword default &optional (pair t)) `(let ((entry (assoc ',keyword options))) (cond ((null entry) (setq ,name ,default)) (t ,@(if pair `((assert (= (length entry) 2) (entry) "The length of the option ~S must be 2" entry) (setq ,name (second entry) options (delete entry options))) `((assert (listp (rest entry)) (entry) "The remainder of ~S must be a list" entry) (setq ,name (rest entry) options (delete entry options))))))))) (extract pane :pane nil) (extract panes :panes nil nil) (extract layouts :layouts nil nil) (extract top-level :top-level '(default-frame-top-level)) (extract menu-bar :menu-bar t) (extract pointer-documentation :pointer-documentation nil) (extract command-definer :command-definer t) (extract command-table :command-table t) (extract disabled-commands :disabled-commands nil) (extract default-initargs :default-initargs nil nil) (extract icon :icon nil nil) (extract geometry :geometry nil nil)) (check-type name symbol) (check-type superclasses list) (check-type slots list) (check-type pane list) (check-type panes list) (check-type layouts list) (check-type top-level list) (check-type disabled-commands list) (when (and pane panes) (error "The ~S and ~S options cannot be used together" :pane :panes)) (when (and layouts (null pane) (null panes)) (error "You must use either ~S or ~S with ~S" :pane :panes :layouts)) (when (null superclasses) (setq superclasses '(standard-application-frame))) (when (eq command-definer 't) (setq command-definer (fintern "~A-~A-~A" 'define name 'command))) (check-type command-definer symbol) (cond ((null command-table)) ((symbolp command-table) (setq command-table (list command-table))) (t (warn-if-command-table-invalid name command-table))) (when (eq (first command-table) 't) (setq command-table (list* name (rest command-table)))) #-Silica (warn-if-pane-descriptions-invalid name pane-descriptions) #-Silica (warn-if-layouts-invalid name layouts pane-descriptions) (let ((pane-constructors (cond (panes (compute-pane-constructor-code panes)) (pane (compute-pane-constructor-code `((,name ,pane)))))) (layout-value `(list ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (layout) (destructuring-bind (name panes &rest sizes) layout (if sizes `(list ',name ',panes ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (pane-and-size) `(list ',(car pane-and-size) ,@(cdr pane-and-size))) sizes)) `',layout))) layouts)))) `(progn (eval-when (compile) (when ',command-table (setf (compile-time-property ',(first command-table) 'command-table-name) t)) (define-application-frame-1 ',name ',slots ,pane-constructors :layouts ,layout-value :top-level ',top-level :command-table ',command-table)) (define-group ,name define-application-frame (defclass ,name ,superclasses ,slots ,@options (:default-initargs :layouts ,layout-value :menu-bar ',menu-bar :pointer-documentation ',pointer-documentation ,@(and command-table `(:command-table ',(car command-table))) ,@(and top-level `(:top-level ',top-level)) ,@(and panes `(:pane-constructors ,pane-constructors)) ,@(and layouts `(:default-layout ',(caar layouts))) ,@(and icon `(:icon (list ,@icon))) ,@(and geometry `(:geometry (list ,@geometry))) ,@default-initargs)) ,@(when command-definer `((defmacro ,command-definer (command-name arguments &body body) #+Genera (declare (zwei:indentation 1 3 2 1)) `(define-frame-command ,',(first command-table) ,command-name ,arguments ,@body)) #+Genera (scl:defprop ,command-definer define-command zwei:definition-function-spec-type) #+Genera (scl:defprop ,command-definer remove-command zwei:kill-definition) #+Genera (scl:defprop ,command-definer zwei:defselect-function-spec-finder zwei:definition-function-spec-finder))) ;;--- Need to handle DISABLED-COMMANDS properly, ;;--- which entails doing a COPY-LIST (define-application-frame-1 ',name ',slots ,pane-constructors :layouts ,layout-value :top-level ',top-level :command-table ',command-table :disabled-commands ',disabled-commands) #+Cloe-Runtime (cloe:define-program ,name () :main ,name :debugger-hook cloe-debugger-hook) ,@(compute-generate-panes-code name pane panes layouts))))))) #+Genera (scl:defprop define-application-frame "CLIM Application Frame" si:definition-type-name) ;; For now each application frame has its own command table named after the application (defmacro define-frame-command (command-table-name name-and-options arguments &body body) #+Genera (declare (zwei:indentation 2 3 3 1)) (multiple-value-bind (command-name command-options) (decode-name-and-options name-and-options command-table-name) `(define-command (,command-name :command-table ,command-table-name ,@command-options) ,arguments ,@body))) #+Genera (scl::defprop define-frame-command define-command zwei:definition-function-spec-type) #+Genera (scl:defun (:property define-frame-command zwei:definition-function-spec-finder) (bp) (zwei:defselect-function-spec-finder (zwei:forward-sexp bp 1 t))) (defun warn-if-command-table-invalid (frame-name command-table) (cond ((not (and (listp command-table) (symbolp (first command-table)) (oddp (length command-table)))) (warn "The ~S option for frame ~S, ~S, is invalid.~@ It is supposed to be a list of a command table name followed by ~ keyword/value pairs." :command-table frame-name command-table)) (t (do* ((options (cdr command-table) (cddr options)) (keyword (first options) (first options)) (value (second options) (second options))) ((null options)) (case keyword (:inherit-from (if (listp value) (dolist (item value) (unless (typep item '(or symbol command-table)) (warn "The ~S keyword in the ~S option for frame ~S~@ is followed by a list containing ~S, which is not a ~ command table nor a command table name." :inherit-from :command-table frame-name item))) (warn "The ~S keyword in the ~S option for frame ~S~@ is followed by ~S, which is not a list of command tables ~ or command table names." :inherit-from :command-table frame-name value))) (:menu (if (listp value) (dolist (clause value) (unless (and (listp clause) (>= (length clause) 3) (oddp (length clause)) (stringp (first clause)) (member (second clause) '(:command :function :menu :divider))) (warn "The ~S keyword in the ~S option for frame ~S~@ is followed by a list of menu clauses containing~@ an invalid clause ~S." :menu :command-table frame-name clause))) (warn "The ~S keyword in the ~S option for frame ~S~@ is followed by ~S, which is not a list of menu clauses." :menu :command-table frame-name value))) (:inherit-menu) (otherwise (warn "The keyword ~S in the ~S option for frame ~S is invalid.~@ The valid keywords are ~S and ~S." keyword :command-table frame-name :inherit-from :menu))))))) (defun compute-generate-panes-code (name code panes layouts) (if layouts (compute-complex-generate-panes-code name panes layouts) (compute-simple-generate-panes-code name code))) (defun compute-simple-generate-panes-code (name code) (and code (let ((frame '#:frame) (framem '#:framem)) `((defmethod generate-panes ((,framem standard-frame-manager) (,frame ,name)) (let ((*application-frame* ,frame)) (setf (frame-panes ,frame) (frame-wrapper ,framem ,frame (with-look-and-feel-realization (,framem ,frame) ,code))))))))) (defun compute-complex-generate-panes-code (name panes layouts) (let ((frame '#:frame) (framem '#:framem)) `((defmethod generate-panes ((,framem standard-frame-manager) (,frame ,name)) (symbol-macrolet ,(mapcar #'(lambda (pane-spec) (destructuring-bind (name code &rest ignore) pane-spec (declare (ignore code ignore)) `(,name (find-or-make-pane-named ,frame ',name)))) panes) (let ((*application-frame* ,frame)) (setf (frame-panes ,frame) (frame-wrapper ,framem ,frame (with-look-and-feel-realization (,framem ,frame) (ecase (frame-current-layout ,frame) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (layout-spec) (destructuring-bind (name panes &rest ignore) layout-spec (declare (ignore ignore)) `(,name ,panes))) layouts))))))))))) (defun compute-pane-constructor-code (panes) `(list ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (pane-spec) (destructuring-bind (name code &rest options) pane-spec (setq code (canonicalize-pane-spec name code options)) `(list ',name #'(lambda (frame framem) (with-look-and-feel-realization (framem frame) ,code))))) panes))) (defun canonicalize-pane-spec (name code rest) (cond ((symbolp code) (unless (getf rest :name) (setf (getf rest :name) `',name)) (apply #'find-pane-class-constructor code rest)) ((null rest) code) (t (error "Invalid pane specification: ~S" (list* name code rest))))) (defmethod find-pane-class-constructor ((type t) &rest options) (declare (dynamic-extent options)) (error "Unknown pane type ~S with options ~S" type options)) ;;--- Extend this to default the options from the lambda list (defmacro define-pane-type (type lambda-list &body body) `(defmethod find-pane-class-constructor ((type (eql ',type)) ,@lambda-list) ,@body)) (define-pane-type :title (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-clim-stream-pane :type 'title-pane ,@options :display-function 'display-title :display-after-commands nil :text-style (parse-text-style '(:sans-serif :bold :large)) :scroll-bars nil :width :compute :height :compute :end-of-page-action :allow :end-of-line-action :allow)) (define-pane-type :command-menu (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-clim-stream-pane :type 'command-menu-pane ,@options :display-function `(display-command-menu :command-table ,(frame-command-table frame)) :incremental-redisplay t :display-after-commands t :text-style *command-table-menu-text-style* :scroll-bars nil :width :compute :height :compute :end-of-page-action :allow :end-of-line-action :allow)) (define-pane-type :interactor (&rest options &key (scroll-bars :vertical)) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-clim-interactor-pane ,@options :scroll-bars ,scroll-bars)) (define-pane-type :application (&rest options &key (scroll-bars :both)) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-clim-application-pane ,@options :scroll-bars ,scroll-bars)) (define-pane-type :accept-values (&rest options &key (scroll-bars :vertical)) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-clim-stream-pane :type 'accept-values-pane ,@options :display-after-commands :no-clear :scroll-bars ,scroll-bars :width :compute :height :compute :end-of-page-action :allow :end-of-line-action :allow)) (define-pane-type :pointer-documentation (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-clim-stream-pane :type 'pointer-documentation-pane ,@options :display-after-commands nil :text-style (parse-text-style '(:sans-serif :bold :normal)) :scroll-bars nil :end-of-page-action :allow :end-of-line-action :allow)) (define-pane-type scroll-bar (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-pane 'scroll-bar ,@options)) (define-pane-type slider (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-pane 'slider ,@options)) (define-pane-type push-button (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-pane 'push-button ,@options)) (define-pane-type label-pane (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-pane 'label-pane ,@options)) (define-pane-type text-field (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-pane 'text-field ,@options)) (define-pane-type text-editor (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-pane 'text-editor ,@options)) (define-pane-type toggle-button (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-pane 'toggle-button ,@options)) (define-pane-type radio-box (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-pane 'radio-box ,@options)) (define-pane-type check-box (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-pane 'check-box ,@options)) (define-pane-type list-pane (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-pane 'list-pane ,@options)) (define-pane-type option-pane (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-pane 'option-pane ,@options)) (define-pane-type menu-bar (&rest options) (declare (non-dynamic-extent options)) `(make-pane 'menu-bar ,@options)) (defmethod find-or-make-pane-named ((frame standard-application-frame) name) (with-slots (all-panes pane-constructors) frame (second (or (assoc name all-panes) (let ((new-pane (list name (funcall (second (assoc name pane-constructors)) frame (frame-manager frame))))) ;; Maintain ALL-PANES in the order the panes are created (setq all-panes (nconc all-panes (list new-pane))) new-pane))))) (defmethod layout-frame ((frame standard-application-frame) &optional width height) (let ((panes (frame-panes frame)) (*application-frame* frame)) (when panes (clear-space-requirement-caches-in-tree panes) (multiple-value-bind (graft-width graft-height) (bounding-rectangle-size (graft frame)) (cond ((and width height) (minf width graft-width) (minf height graft-height)) (t (let ((sr (compose-space panes))) (setq width (or width (space-requirement-width sr)) height (or height (space-requirement-height sr))) ;;--- This fudge factor stuff looks dubious --SWM (let ((fudge-factor #+Allegro 0.9 #-Allegro 1)) (minf-or width (* graft-width fudge-factor)) (minf-or height (* graft-height fudge-factor))))))) ;;--- Don't bother with this if the size didn't change? (let ((top-sheet (or (frame-top-level-sheet frame) panes))) (if (and (sheet-enabled-p top-sheet) (not (frame-resizable frame))) (multiple-value-call #'allocate-space top-sheet (bounding-rectangle-size top-sheet)) (resize-sheet top-sheet width height)))))) (defvar *frame-layout-changing-p* nil) (defmethod (setf frame-current-layout) (layout (frame standard-application-frame)) (unless (or (eq (frame-current-layout frame) layout) (null (frame-top-level-sheet frame))) (setq *frame-layout-changing-p* t) (setf (slot-value frame 'current-layout) layout) ;; First disown all the children (dolist (name-and-pane (slot-value frame 'all-panes)) (let ((sheet (second name-and-pane))) (when (sheet-parent sheet) (sheet-disown-child (sheet-parent sheet) sheet)))) (dolist (child (sheet-children (frame-top-level-sheet frame))) (sheet-disown-child (frame-top-level-sheet frame) child)) ;; Now we want to give it some new ones (generate-panes (frame-manager frame) frame) (sheet-adopt-child (frame-top-level-sheet frame) (frame-panes frame)) (multiple-value-call #'layout-frame frame (bounding-rectangle-size (frame-top-level-sheet frame))) (let ((layout-space-requirements (cddr (assoc layout (frame-layouts frame))))) (changing-space-requirements (:layout nil) (flet ((adjust-layout (sheet) (change-space-requirements-to-default sheet) (let ((x (and (panep sheet) (assoc (pane-name sheet) layout-space-requirements)))) (when x (apply #'change-space-requirements sheet (cdr x)))))) (declare (dynamic-extent #'adjust-layout)) (map-over-sheets #'adjust-layout (frame-top-level-sheet frame))))) ;;--- Don't throw, just recompute stream bindings in a principled way (handler-case (throw 'layout-changed nil) (error () nil)))) (defmethod frame-all-layouts ((frame standard-application-frame)) (mapcar #'first (frame-layouts frame))) #+Genera (zwei:defindentation (make-application-frame 1 1)) (defun make-application-frame (frame-name &rest options &key frame-class enable pretty-name left top right bottom width height (user-specified-position-p :unspecified) (user-specified-size-p :unspecified) save-under &allow-other-keys) (declare (dynamic-extent options)) (check-type pretty-name (or null string)) (when (null frame-class) (setq frame-class frame-name)) (when (or left top right bottom width height) (when (getf options :geometry) (error "Cannot specify ~S and ~S, S, ~S, ~S, ~S, or ~S at the same time" :geometry :left :top :right :bottom :width :height)) (macrolet ((check-conflict (edge1 edge2 size) `(cond ((and ,edge1 ,size) (if ,edge2 (error "Cannot specify ~S, ~S, and ~S together" ,edge1 ,size ,edge2) (setq ,edge2 (+ ,edge1 ,size)))) ((and ,edge2 ,size) (if ,edge1 (error "Cannot specify ~S, ~S, and ~S together" ,edge2 ,size ,edge1) (setq ,edge1 (+ ,edge2 ,size)))) ((and ,edge2 ,edge1) (if ,size (error "Cannot specify ~S, ~S, and ~S together" ,edge2 ,edge1 ,size) (setq ,size (- ,edge2 ,edge1))))))) (check-conflict left right width) (check-conflict top bottom height)) (setf (getf options :geometry) (append (and left `(:left ,left)) (and top `(:top ,top)) (and width `(:width ,width)) (and height `(:height ,height))))) (let ((geometry (getf options :geometry))) (when (and (eq user-specified-position-p :unspecified) (or (and (getf geometry :left) (getf geometry :top)) (and left top))) (setf user-specified-position-p t)) (when (and (eq user-specified-size-p :unspecified) (or (and (getf geometry :width) (getf geometry :height)) (and width height))) (setf user-specified-size-p t))) (with-keywords-removed (options options '(:frame-class :pretty-name :enable :save-under :left :top :right :bottom :width :height :user-specified-position-p :user-specified-size-p)) (let ((frame (apply #'make-instance frame-class :name frame-name ;;--- Perhaps this should be a default-initarg? :pretty-name (or pretty-name (title-capitalize (string frame-name))) :properties `(:save-under ,save-under) :user-specified-size-p user-specified-size-p :user-specified-position-p user-specified-position-p options))) (when enable (enable-frame frame)) frame))) ;; Create an application frame of the specified type if one does not already ;; exist, and then run it, possibly in its own process. If one already exists, ;; just select it. (defun find-application-frame (frame-name &rest options &key (create t) (activate t) (own-process *multiprocessing-p*) frame-class) (declare (dynamic-extent options)) (when (null frame-class) (setq frame-class frame-name)) (let ((frame (block find-frame (map-over-frames #'(lambda (frame) (when (typep frame frame-class) (return-from find-frame frame))))))) (when (or (eq create :force) (and (null frame) (eq create t))) (with-keywords-removed (options options '(:create :activate :own-process)) (setq frame (apply #'make-application-frame frame-name options)))) (when (and frame activate) (cond ((slot-value frame 'top-level-process) (raise-frame frame)) (own-process (make-process #'(lambda () (run-frame-top-level frame)) :name (frame-pretty-name frame))) (t (run-frame-top-level frame)))) frame)) (defmethod enable-frame ((frame standard-application-frame)) (unless (frame-manager frame) (error "Cannot enable a disowned frame ~S" frame)) (destructuring-bind (&key left top width height &allow-other-keys) (frame-geometry frame) (ecase (frame-state frame) (:enabled) ((:disabled :disowned) (let ((old-state (frame-state frame))) (setf (frame-state frame) :enabled) ;; If this is a new frame then if the user specified a width ;; then we should be using that ;; If the frame already exists then we probably should be using ;; the top level sheet size (multiple-value-bind (width height) (ecase old-state (:disowned (if (and width height) (values width height) (values))) (:disabled (bounding-rectangle-size (frame-top-level-sheet frame)))) (layout-frame frame width height) (when (and left top) (move-sheet (frame-top-level-sheet frame) left top)) (note-frame-enabled (frame-manager frame) frame)))) (:shrunk (note-frame-deiconified (frame-manager frame) frame))))) (defmethod iconify-frame ((frame standard-application-frame)) (note-frame-iconified (frame-manager frame) frame)) (defmethod destroy-frame ((frame standard-application-frame)) (when (eq (frame-state frame) :enabled) (disable-frame frame)) (disown-frame (frame-manager frame) frame)) (defmethod disable-frame ((frame standard-application-frame)) (ecase (frame-state frame) ((:disowned :disabled)) ((:enabled :shrunk) (setf (frame-state frame) :disabled) (note-frame-disabled (frame-manager frame) frame)))) (defmethod reset-frame ((frame standard-application-frame) &rest ignore) (declare (ignore ignore)) nil) (defmethod raise-frame ((frame standard-application-frame)) (raise-sheet (frame-top-level-sheet frame))) (defmethod bury-frame ((frame standard-application-frame)) (bury-sheet (frame-top-level-sheet frame))) (defmethod note-frame-enabled ((framem standard-frame-manager) (frame standard-application-frame)) ) (defmethod note-frame-disabled ((framem standard-frame-manager) (frame standard-application-frame)) ) (defmethod note-frame-iconified ((framem standard-frame-manager) (frame standard-application-frame)) ) (defmethod note-frame-deiconified ((framem standard-frame-manager) (frame standard-application-frame)) ) (defmethod port-note-frame-adopted ((port basic-port) (frame standard-application-frame)) nil) ;;; (defmethod (setf frame-pretty-name) :before (name (frame standard-application-frame)) (check-type name string)) (defmethod (setf frame-pretty-name) :after (name (frame standard-application-frame)) (declare (ignore name)) (let ((framem (frame-manager frame))) (when framem (frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed framem frame)))) (defmethod frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed ((framem standard-frame-manager) (frame standard-application-frame)) nil) (eval-when (#-Allegro compile load eval) (define-condition frame-exit (condition) ((frame :initarg :frame :reader frame-exit-frame)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "Exit from frame ~A" (frame-exit-frame condition))))) ) ;eval-when (defgeneric run-frame-top-level (frame &key &allow-other-keys)) ;;--- It would be nice to have the CLIM 0.9 START-FRAME and STOP-FRAME functions (defmethod run-frame-top-level :around ((frame standard-application-frame) &key) (with-simple-restart (nil "Exit ~A" (frame-pretty-name frame)) (handler-bind ((frame-exit #'(lambda (condition) (let ((exit-frame (frame-exit-frame condition))) (when (eq frame exit-frame) (return-from run-frame-top-level nil)))))) (unwind-protect (let (;; Reset the state of the input editor and the presentation ;; type system, etc., in case there is an entry into another ;; application from inside the input editor, such as a Debugger ;; written using CLIM. ;;--- This should be done in a more modular way ;;--- If you change this, change MENU-CHOOSE-FROM-DRAWER (*original-stream* nil) (*input-wait-test* nil) (*input-wait-handler* nil) (*pointer-button-press-handler* nil) (*numeric-argument* nil) (*delimiter-gestures* nil) (*activation-gestures* nil) (*accelerator-gestures* nil) (*accelerator-numeric-argument* nil) (*input-context* nil) (*accept-help* nil) (*assume-all-commands-enabled* nil) (*sizing-application-frame* nil) (*frame-layout-changing-p* *frame-layout-changing-p*) (*command-parser* 'command-line-command-parser) (*command-unparser* 'command-line-command-unparser) (*partial-command-parser* 'command-line-read-remaining-arguments-for-partial-command) (*application-frame* frame)) (with-frame-manager ((frame-manager frame)) (loop (with-simple-restart (nil "~A top level" (frame-pretty-name frame)) (loop (catch 'layout-changed (let ((*application-frame* frame)) ;; We must return the values from CALL-NEXT-METHOD, ;; or else ACCEPTING-VALUES will return NIL #-CCL-2 (return-from run-frame-top-level (call-next-method)) ;; The (RETURN-FROM FOO (CALL-NEXT-METHOD)) form above ;; doesn't work in Coral. If the "top level" restart ;; above is taken, the CALL-NEXT-METHOD form blows out ;; the second time through this code, claiming that it ;; can't find the next method. Hoisting the ;; CALL-NEXT-METHOD out of the RETURN-FROM form seems ;; to fix it... So it conses, big deal. #+CCL-2 (let ((results (multiple-value-list (call-next-method)))) (return-from run-frame-top-level (values-list results)))))))))) ;; We disable the frame here, but it is the responsibility of the ;; top-level function to enable the frame. For example, if we ;; called ENABLE-FRAME here, ACCEPTING-VALUES would disable the ;; wrong frame. Sigh. (queue-flush (frame-command-queue frame)) (queue-flush (sheet-event-queue (frame-top-level-sheet frame))) (disable-frame frame))))) (defmethod run-frame-top-level ((frame standard-application-frame) &rest args) (declare (dynamic-extent args)) (with-slots (top-level-process) frame (when top-level-process (cerror "Bludgeon ahead, assuming the risk" "The process ~S is already running the top-level function for frame ~S" top-level-process frame)) (unwind-protect (let* ((top-level (frame-top-level frame)) (tl-function (if (listp top-level) (first top-level) top-level)) (tl-args (if (listp top-level) (rest top-level) nil))) (setq top-level-process (current-process)) ;; Cons as little as possible (cond ((and (null args) (null tl-args)) (funcall tl-function frame)) ((null tl-args) (apply tl-function frame args)) ((null args) (apply tl-function frame tl-args)) (t (apply tl-function frame (append args tl-args))))) (setq top-level-process nil)))) (defmethod default-frame-top-level ((frame standard-application-frame) &key command-parser command-unparser partial-command-parser (prompt "Command: ")) ;; Enable the frame now (unless (eq (frame-state frame) :enabled) (enable-frame frame)) (loop (let* ((*standard-output* (or (frame-standard-output frame) *standard-output*)) (*standard-input* (or (frame-standard-input frame) *standard-output*)) (*query-io* (or (frame-query-io frame) *standard-input*)) (*error-output* (or (frame-error-output frame) *standard-output*)) (*pointer-documentation-output* (frame-pointer-documentation-output frame)) (interactor (not (null (find-frame-pane-of-type frame 'interactor-pane)))) (*command-parser* (or command-parser (if interactor #'command-line-command-parser #'menu-command-parser))) (*command-unparser* (or command-unparser #'command-line-command-unparser)) (*partial-command-parser* (or partial-command-parser (if interactor #'command-line-read-remaining-arguments-for-partial-command #'menu-read-remaining-arguments-for-partial-command))) (command-stream ;;--- We have to ask the frame since we do not want to ;;--- just pick up a stream from the dynamic environment (let ((si (or (frame-standard-input frame) (frame-standard-output frame)))) ;;--- I'm not really convinced that this is right --SWM (typecase si (output-protocol-mixin si) (t (frame-top-level-sheet frame)))))) #+Allegro (unless (typep *standard-input* 'excl::bidirectional-terminal-stream) (assert (port *standard-input*))) #+Allegro (unless (typep *standard-output* 'excl::bidirectional-terminal-stream) (assert (port *standard-output*))) #+Allegro (unless (typep *query-io* 'excl::bidirectional-terminal-stream) (assert (port *query-io*))) ;; The read-eval-print loop for applications... (loop ;; Redisplay all the panes (catch-abort-gestures ("Return to ~A command level" (frame-pretty-name frame)) (redisplay-frame-panes frame) (when interactor (fresh-line *standard-input*) (if (stringp prompt) (write-string prompt *standard-input*) (funcall prompt *standard-input* frame))) (let ((command (read-frame-command frame :stream command-stream))) (when interactor (terpri *standard-input*)) ;; Need this check in case the user aborted out of a command menu (when command (execute-frame-command frame command)))))))) ;; Generic because someone might want :BEFORE or :AFTER (defmethod frame-exit ((frame standard-application-frame)) (signal 'frame-exit :frame frame)) ;;; Sizing and moving of frames ;; Sizes an application frame based on the size of the contents of the ;; output recording stream STREAM. (defun size-frame-from-contents (stream &key width height (right-margin 10) (bottom-margin 10) (size-setter #'window-set-inside-size)) (with-slots (output-record) stream (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) output-record (let* ((graft (or (graft stream) (find-graft))) ;--- is this right? (gw (bounding-rectangle-width (sheet-region graft))) (gh (bounding-rectangle-height (sheet-region graft))) ;;--- Does this need to account for the size of window decorations? (width (min gw (+ (or width (- right left)) right-margin))) (height (min gh (+ (or height (- bottom top)) bottom-margin)))) ;; The size-setter will typically resize the entire frame (funcall size-setter stream width height) (window-set-viewport-position stream left top))))) ;; Moves the sheet to the specified position, taking care not to move ;; it outside of the graft. It's safest to use this on a top-level sheet. (defun position-sheet-carefully (sheet x y) (multiple-value-bind (width height) (bounding-rectangle-size sheet) (multiple-value-bind (graft-width graft-height) (bounding-rectangle-size (or (graft sheet) (find-graft))) (let* ((left x) (top y) (right (+ left width)) (bottom (+ top height))) (when (> right graft-width) (setq left (- graft-width width))) (when (> bottom graft-height) (setq top (- graft-height height))) (port-move-frame (port sheet) (pane-frame sheet) (max 0 left) (max 0 top)))))) (defmethod port-move-frame ((port basic-port) frame x y) (move-sheet (frame-top-level-sheet frame) x y)) ;; Moves the sheet to be near where the pointer is. It's safest to use this ;; on a top-level sheet. (defun position-sheet-near-pointer (sheet &optional x y) (unless (and x y) (multiple-value-setq (x y) (pointer-native-position (port-pointer (port sheet))))) (position-sheet-carefully sheet x y)) (defun display-title (frame stream &key max-width max-height) (declare (ignore max-width max-height)) (with-slots (display-string) stream (let ((title display-string)) (when (and (stringp title) (not (string-equal title (frame-pretty-name frame)))) ;; On some hosts this will update the title bar (setf (frame-pretty-name frame) title)) (multiple-value-bind (width height) (window-inside-size stream) (draw-text* stream (or title (frame-pretty-name frame)) (/ width 2) (/ height 2) :align-x :center :align-y :center))))) (defun title-capitalize (string) (let ((new-string (substitute #\Space #\- string))) (when (eq new-string string) (setq new-string (copy-seq new-string))) (nstring-capitalize new-string))) (defun display-command-menu (frame stream &rest keys &key command-table max-width max-height &allow-other-keys) (declare (dynamic-extent keys) (ignore max-width max-height)) (when (or (null command-table) (eq command-table t)) (setq command-table (frame-command-table frame))) (setq command-table (find-command-table command-table)) (with-keywords-removed (keys keys '(:command-table)) (if (slot-value stream 'incremental-redisplay-p) (apply #'display-command-menu-1 stream command-table keys) (apply #'display-command-table-menu command-table stream keys)))) ;; Split out to avoid consing unnecessary closure environments. (defun display-command-menu-1 (stream command-table &rest keys) (declare (dynamic-extent keys)) (updating-output (stream :unique-id stream :cache-value (slot-value command-table 'menu-tick)) (apply #'display-command-table-menu command-table stream keys))) (defmethod find-pane-named ((frame standard-application-frame) pane-name &optional (errorp t)) (with-slots (all-panes) frame (cond ((second (assoc pane-name all-panes))) (errorp (error "There is no pane named ~S in frame ~S" pane-name frame))))) ;; The contract of GET-FRAME-PANE is to get a pane upon which we can do normal ;; I/O operations, that is, a CLIM stream pane (defmethod get-frame-pane ((frame standard-application-frame) pane-name &key (errorp t)) (with-slots (all-panes) frame (let ((pane (assoc pane-name all-panes))) (when pane (map-over-sheets #'(lambda (sheet) (when (typep sheet 'clim-stream-pane) (return-from get-frame-pane sheet))) (second pane))) (when errorp (error "There is no CLIM stream pane named ~S in frame ~S" pane-name frame))))) (defmethod redisplay-frame-panes ((frame standard-application-frame) &key force-p) ;; First display all the :accept-values panes, then display the rest. ;; We do this to ensure that all side-effects from :accept-values panes ;; have taken place. (map-over-sheets #'(lambda (sheet) (when (typep sheet 'accept-values-pane) (redisplay-frame-pane frame sheet :force-p force-p))) (frame-top-level-sheet frame)) (map-over-sheets #'(lambda (sheet) (when (and (typep sheet 'clim-stream-pane) (not (typep sheet 'accept-values-pane))) (redisplay-frame-pane frame sheet :force-p force-p))) (frame-top-level-sheet frame)) ;; Once we've redisplayed everything, the layout is done changing (setq *frame-layout-changing-p* nil)) (defmethod redisplay-frame-pane ((frame standard-application-frame) pane &key force-p) (when (symbolp pane) (setq pane (get-frame-pane frame pane))) (let* ((display-function (pane-display-function pane)) (ir (slot-value pane 'incremental-redisplay-p)) (redisplay-p (if (listp ir) (first ir) ir)) (check-overlapping (or (atom ir) ;default is T (getf (rest ir) :check-overlapping t)))) (with-simple-restart (nil "Skip redisplaying pane ~S" pane) (loop (with-simple-restart (nil "Retry displaying pane ~S" pane) (when *frame-layout-changing-p* (setq force-p t)) (unless *sizing-application-frame* (unless (member pane (slot-value frame 'initialized-panes)) (setq force-p t) (push pane (slot-value frame 'initialized-panes)))) (return (cond (display-function (cond (redisplay-p (let ((redisplay-record (let ((history (stream-output-history pane))) (when history #+compulsive-redisplay (when (> (output-record-count history :fastp t) 1) (cerror "Clear the output history and proceed" "There is more than one element in this redisplay pane") (window-clear pane)) (unless (zerop (output-record-count history :fastp t)) (output-record-element history 0)))))) (cond ((or (null redisplay-record) force-p) (when force-p (window-clear pane)) (invoke-pane-redisplay-function frame pane)) (t (redisplay redisplay-record pane :check-overlapping check-overlapping))))) ((or force-p (pane-needs-redisplay pane)) (multiple-value-bind (needs-display clear) (pane-needs-redisplay pane) (declare (ignore needs-display)) (when (or force-p clear) (window-clear pane))) (invoke-pane-display-function frame pane))) (force-output pane)) (force-p ;; If refilling from scratch, give the application a chance ;; to draw stuff (frame-replay frame pane)) ;; Otherwise do nothing, the bits will still be on display ;; and will be refreshed properly if there's a damage event. ))))))) ;; Factored out of the above to avoid consing closures (defun invoke-pane-redisplay-function (frame pane &rest args) (declare (dynamic-extent args)) (updating-output (pane) (apply #'invoke-pane-display-function frame pane args))) (defun invoke-pane-display-function (frame pane &rest args) (declare (dynamic-extent args)) (let* ((df (pane-display-function pane)) (display-args (if (listp df) (rest df) nil)) (display-function (if (listp df) (first df) df))) ;; Cons as little as possible... (cond ((and (null args) (null display-args)) (funcall display-function frame pane)) ((null display-args) (apply display-function frame pane args)) ((null args) (apply display-function frame pane display-args)) (t (apply display-function frame pane (append args display-args)))))) ;;; The contract of this is to replay the contents of STREAM within the region. (defmethod frame-replay ((frame standard-application-frame) stream &optional region) (when (null region) (setq region (or (pane-viewport-region stream) (sheet-region stream)))) (stream-replay stream region) (force-output stream)) (defmethod read-frame-command ((frame standard-application-frame) &key (stream *standard-input*) ;--- FRAME-STANDARD-INPUT? ;; should the rest of the *command-parser* ;; etc. variables be passed as keywords or bound? ) (read-command (frame-command-table frame) :stream stream)) #+++ignore ;--- install this? (defmethod execute-frame-command :around ((frame standard-application-frame) command) (let ((top-level-process (slot-value frame 'top-level-process))) (if (and top-level-process (eq top-level-process (current-process))) ;; If we're in the process for the frame, just execute the command (call-next-method) ;; Otherwise arrange to run the command in the frame's process (execute-command-in-frame frame command)))) (defmethod execute-frame-command ((frame standard-application-frame) command) (apply (command-name command) (command-arguments command))) (defvar *click-outside-menu-handler* nil) (defmethod command-enabled (command-name (frame standard-application-frame)) (with-slots (disabled-commands) frame (or *assume-all-commands-enabled* (and (not (member command-name disabled-commands)) (command-accessible-in-command-table-p command-name (frame-command-table frame)))))) (defmethod (setf command-enabled) (enabled command-name (frame standard-application-frame)) (with-slots (disabled-commands) frame (cond (enabled (setf disabled-commands (delete command-name disabled-commands)) (note-command-enabled (frame-manager frame) frame command-name)) (t (push command-name disabled-commands) (note-command-enabled (frame-manager frame) frame command-name))))) ;;--- There is the compiler bug with (eval-when (compile load eval) ...) ;;--- DEFMETHOD with a CALL-NEXT-METHOD. See to incorporate this patch. (eval-when (#-Allegro compile load eval) (define-condition synchronous-command-event () ((command :initarg :command :reader synchronous-command-event-command)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "Command event condition signalled for ~S" (synchronous-command-event-command condition))))) ) ;eval-when (defvar *reading-frame-command* nil) (defmethod read-frame-command :around ((frame standard-application-frame) &key) (let* ((command (queue-pop (frame-command-queue frame)))) (or command (handler-bind ((synchronous-command-event #'(lambda (c) (return-from read-frame-command (synchronous-command-event-command c))))) (let ((*reading-frame-command* t)) (call-next-method)))))) ;;--- Actually this should be named COMMAND-EVENT (defclass presentation-event (event) ((value :initarg :value :reader presentation-event-value) (sheet :initarg :sheet :reader event-sheet) (frame :initarg :frame :reader event-frame) (queuep :initarg :queuep :initform nil) (presentation-type :initarg :presentation-type :reader event-presentation-type)) (:default-initargs :presentation-type 'command)) (defmethod handle-event (sheet (event presentation-event)) (process-command-event sheet event)) (defun process-command-event (sheet event) ;;--- This code is as bad as I feel. (let ((command (presentation-event-value event))) (if (partial-command-p command) (throw-highlighted-presentation (make-instance 'standard-presentation :object command :type (event-presentation-type event)) *input-context* (allocate-event 'pointer-button-press-event :sheet sheet :x 0 :y 0 :modifier-state 0 :button +pointer-left-button+)) (let ((frame (event-frame event)) (activity nil)) (when (and *input-buffer-empty* (or (eq *application-frame* frame) (and (typep frame 'activity-frame) (eq (frame-activity frame) *activity*) (setq activity *activity*)))) (signal 'synchronous-command-event :command command)) ;; Perhaps if this results directly from a user action then either ;; we should do it right away, ie. lose the input buffer or beep if ;; it has to be deferred, (if (slot-value event 'queuep) (queue-frame-command (if activity (activity-active-frame activity) frame) (presentation-event-value event)) (beep sheet)))))) (defun queue-frame-command (frame command) (queue-push (frame-command-queue frame) command)) (defmethod execute-command-in-frame ((frame standard-application-frame) command &rest initargs) (declare (dynamic-extent initargs)) (distribute-event (port frame) (apply #'allocate-event 'presentation-event :frame frame :sheet (frame-top-level-sheet frame) :value command initargs))) (defun make-command-timer (frame command &key (delay 0) interval (command-table (frame-command-table frame))) (flet ((queue-command-event (timer) (declare (ignore timer)) (execute-command-in-frame frame command :queuep t :presentation-type `(command :command-table ,command-table)))) (let ((timer (make-timer :function #'queue-command-event :delay delay :interval interval))) (add-timer timer) timer))) ;;; The contract of this is to find an "appropriate" presentation; i.e., one ;;; satisfying the input context specified by TYPE. Everything that looks for a ;;; presentation goes through this so that applications can specialize it. (defmethod frame-find-innermost-applicable-presentation ((frame standard-application-frame) input-context stream x y &key event) (find-innermost-applicable-presentation input-context stream x y :frame frame :modifier-state (window-modifier-state stream) :event event)) (defmethod frame-input-context-button-press-handler ((frame standard-application-frame) stream button-press-event) (declare (ignore stream)) (let* ((window (event-sheet button-press-event)) (x (pointer-event-x button-press-event)) (y (pointer-event-y button-press-event)) (highlighted-presentation (highlighted-presentation window nil)) (input-context *input-context*)) #+Allegro (when (and *click-outside-menu-handler* (output-recording-stream-p window) (not (region-contains-position-p (stream-output-history window) x y))) (funcall *click-outside-menu-handler*)) (when highlighted-presentation ;; Unhighlight on the way out. ;; But only unhighlight the window that the click is from. (unhighlight-highlighted-presentation window nil)) (throw-highlighted-presentation (or (and (output-recording-stream-p window) (frame-find-innermost-applicable-presentation frame input-context window x y :event button-press-event)) *null-presentation*) input-context button-press-event))) (defun find-frame-pane-of-type (frame type) (map-over-sheets #'(lambda (sheet) (when (typep sheet type) (return-from find-frame-pane-of-type sheet))) (frame-top-level-sheet frame))) (defmethod frame-standard-output ((frame standard-application-frame)) (or (find-frame-pane-of-type frame 'application-pane) (find-frame-pane-of-type frame 'interactor-pane))) (defmethod frame-standard-input ((frame standard-application-frame)) (or (find-frame-pane-of-type frame 'interactor-pane) (frame-standard-output frame))) (defmethod frame-query-io ((frame standard-application-frame)) (or (frame-standard-input frame) (frame-standard-output frame))) (defmethod frame-error-output ((frame standard-application-frame)) (frame-standard-output frame)) (defmethod frame-pointer-documentation-output ((frame standard-application-frame)) (find-frame-pane-of-type frame 'pointer-documentation-pane)) ;;--- This causes direct-manipulation and menu-driven applications not to ;;--- maintain histories. Is there a better heuristic? (defmethod frame-maintain-presentation-histories ((frame standard-application-frame)) (not (null (find-frame-pane-of-type frame 'interactor-pane)))) (defmethod notify-user (frame message &rest options) (declare (dynamic-extent options)) (when frame (setf (getf options :frame) frame)) (apply #'frame-manager-notify-user (if frame (frame-manager frame) (find-frame-manager)) message options)) (defmethod select-file (frame &rest options) (declare (dynamic-extent options)) (when frame (setf (getf options :frame) frame)) (apply #'frame-manager-select-file (if frame (frame-manager frame) (find-frame-manager)) options)) ;;; Pointer documentation (defvar *pointer-documentation-interval* (max (floor (* 1/10 internal-time-units-per-second)) 1)) (defvar *last-pointer-documentation-time* 0) ;;; Produce pointer documentation (defmethod frame-document-highlighted-presentation ((frame standard-application-frame) presentation input-context window x y stream) (frame-manager-display-pointer-documentation (frame-manager frame) frame presentation input-context window x y stream)) (defmethod frame-manager-display-pointer-documentation ((framem standard-frame-manager) frame presentation input-context window x y stream) (when stream ;; The documentation should never say anything if we're not over a presentation (when (null presentation) (window-clear stream)) ;; Cheap test to not do this work too often (let ((old-modifier-state *last-pointer-documentation-modifier-state*) (modifier-state (window-modifier-state window)) (last-time *last-pointer-documentation-time*) (time (get-internal-real-time))) (setq *last-pointer-documentation-modifier-state* modifier-state) (when (and (< time (+ last-time *pointer-documentation-interval*)) (= modifier-state old-modifier-state)) (return-from frame-manager-display-pointer-documentation nil)) (setq *last-pointer-documentation-time* time)) (when presentation (with-output-recording-options (stream :record nil) (with-end-of-line-action (stream :allow) (with-end-of-page-action (stream :allow) (window-clear stream) (when (null (frame-document-highlighted-presentation-1 frame presentation input-context window x y stream)) (setq *last-pointer-documentation-time* 0)) (force-output stream))))))) (defmethod frame-manager-display-pointer-documentation-string ((framem standard-frame-manager) stream string) (with-output-recording-options (stream :record nil) (with-end-of-line-action (stream :allow) (with-end-of-page-action (stream :allow) (window-clear stream) (when string (write-string string stream)))))) (defun frame-document-highlighted-presentation-1 (frame presentation input-context window x y stream) (let ((modifier-state (window-modifier-state window))) (declare (type fixnum modifier-state)) (multiple-value-bind (left left-presentation left-context middle middle-presentation middle-context right right-presentation right-context) (find-applicable-translators-for-documentation presentation input-context frame window x y modifier-state) (let* ((*print-length* 3) (*print-level* 2) (*print-circle* nil) (*print-array* nil) (*print-readably* nil) (*print-pretty* nil)) (flet ((document-translator (translator presentation context-type button-name separator) ;; Assumes 5 modifier keys and the reverse ordering of *MODIFIER-KEYS* (let ((bit #o20) (shift-name '("h-" "s-" "m-" "c-" "sh-"))) (declare (type fixnum bit)) (repeat 5 ;length of shift-name (unless (zerop (logand bit modifier-state)) (write-string (car shift-name) stream)) (pop shift-name) (setq bit (the fixnum (ash bit -1))))) (write-string button-name stream) (document-presentation-translator translator presentation context-type frame nil window x y :stream stream :documentation-type :pointer) (write-string separator stream))) (declare (dynamic-extent #'document-translator)) ;;--- The button names should be hard-wired in. Consider 1-button ;;--- Macs and 2-button PCs... (when left (let ((button-name (cond ((and (eq left middle) (eq left right)) (setq middle nil right nil) "L,M,R: ") ((eq left middle) (setq middle nil) "L,M: ") (t "L: ")))) (document-translator left left-presentation left-context button-name (if (or middle right) "; " ".")))) (when middle (let ((button-name (cond ((eq middle right) (setq right nil) "M,R: ") (t "M: ")))) (document-translator middle middle-presentation middle-context button-name (if right "; " ".")))) (when right (document-translator right right-presentation right-context "R: " ".")) ;; Return non-NIL if any pointer documentation was produced (or left middle right)))))) ;; This is derived directly from FIND-APPLICABLE-TRANSLATORS (defun find-applicable-translators-for-documentation (presentation input-context frame window x y modifier-state) ;; Assume a maximum of three pointer buttons (let ((left nil) (left-presentation nil) (left-context nil) (middle nil) (middle-presentation nil) (middle-context nil) (right nil) (right-presentation nil) (right-context nil)) (macrolet ((match (translator presentation context-type button) (let* ((symbol (symbol-name button)) (button-translator (intern symbol)) (button-presentation (fintern "~A-~A" symbol 'presentation)) (button-context (fintern "~A-~A" symbol 'context))) `(when (and (or (null ,button-translator) (> (presentation-translator-priority ,translator) (presentation-translator-priority ,button-translator))) (button-and-modifier-state-matches-gesture-name-p (button-index ,button) modifier-state (presentation-translator-gesture-name ,translator))) (setq ,button-translator ,translator ,button-presentation ,presentation ,button-context ,context-type))))) (do ((presentation presentation (parent-presentation-with-shared-box presentation window))) ((null presentation)) (let ((from-type (presentation-type presentation))) (dolist (context input-context) (let ((context-type (pop context))) ;input-context-type = first (let ((translators (find-presentation-translators from-type context-type (frame-command-table frame)))) (when translators (dolist (translator translators) (when (test-presentation-translator translator presentation context-type frame window x y :modifier-state modifier-state) (match translator presentation context-type :left) (match translator presentation context-type :middle) (match translator presentation context-type :right))))) (when (and (or left middle right) *presentation-menu-translator* (test-presentation-translator *presentation-menu-translator* presentation context-type frame window x y :modifier-state modifier-state)) (match *presentation-menu-translator* presentation context-type :left) (match *presentation-menu-translator* presentation context-type :middle) (match *presentation-menu-translator* presentation context-type :right))))))) (values left left-presentation left-context middle middle-presentation middle-context right right-presentation right-context))) (defmethod handle-event ((stream input-protocol-mixin) (event port-terminated)) (if (pane-frame stream) (frame-terminated (pane-frame stream) event) (error "Port has died ~A" event))) (defmethod frame-terminated ((frame standard-application-frame) event) (error "Port for frame ~A has died ~A" frame event))