diff --git a/cffi-array.lisp b/cffi-array.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7bc96fd616a602aa5a732529eec1c7eed247ac7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cffi-array.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+; file:        cffi-array.lisp                           
+; description: Addition to CFFI                          
+; date:        Tue Mar 21 2006 - 18:57                   
+; author:      Liam M. Healy                             
+; modified:    Tue Mar 21 2006 - 19:02
+;;; $Id: $
+;;; http://article.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.cffi.devel/283
+(in-package :cffi)
+(defun indexes-to-row-major-index (dimensions &rest subscripts)
+  (apply #'+ (maplist #'(lambda (x y)
+     (* (car x) (apply #'* (cdr y))))
+        subscripts
+        dimensions)))
+(defun row-major-index-to-indexes (index dimensions)
+  (loop with idx = index
+ with rank = (length dimensions)
+ with indexes = (make-list rank)
+ for dim-index from (- rank 1) downto 0 do
+ (setf (values idx (nth dim-index indexes)) (floor idx (nth dim-index
+ finally (return indexes)))
+(defun lisp-array-to-foreign (array ptr cffi-type dimensions)
+  "Copy elements from a Lisp array to ptr."
+  (loop with foreign-type-size = (foreign-type-size cffi-type)
+	with size = (reduce #'* dimensions)
+	for i from 0 below size
+	for offset = (* i foreign-type-size)
+	for element = (apply #'aref array
+			     (row-major-index-to-indexes i dimensions))
+        do (setf (mem-ref ptr cffi-type offset) element)))
+(defun foreign-array-to-lisp (ptr cffi-type dimensions)
+  "Copy elements from ptr into a Lisp array.
+If ptr is a null pointer, returns nil."
+  (unless (null-pointer-p ptr)
+    (let ((array (make-array dimensions)))
+      (loop with foreign-type-size = (foreign-type-size cffi-type)
+     with size = (reduce #'* dimensions)
+     for i from 0 below size
+     for offset = (* i foreign-type-size)
+            for element = (mem-ref ptr cffi-type offset)
+            do (setf (apply #'aref array (row-major-index-to-indexes i
+dimensions)) element))
+      array)))
+(defun foreign-array-alloc (array cffi-type dimensions)
+  "Allocate a foreign array containing the elements of lisp array.
+The foreign array must be freed with foreign-array-free."
+  (check-type array array)
+  (let ((ptr (foreign-alloc cffi-type :count (reduce #'* dimensions))))
+    (lisp-array-to-foreign array ptr cffi-type dimensions)
+    ptr))
+(defun foreign-array-free (ptr)
+  "Free a foreign array allocated by foreign-array-alloc."
+  (foreign-free ptr))
+(defmacro with-foreign-array
+    ((var lisp-array cffi-type dimensions) &body body)
+  "Bind var to a foreign array containing lisp-array elements in body."
+  `(with-foreign-pointer (,var (* (reduce #'* ,dimensions)
+    (foreign-type-size ,cffi-type)))
+    (lisp-array-to-foreign ,lisp-array ,var ,cffi-type ,dimensions)
+    ,@body))
+(defun foreign-aref (ptr cffi-type dimensions &rest indexes)
+  (let ((offset (* (foreign-type-size cffi-type)
+     (apply #'indexes-to-row-major-index dimensions indexes))))
+    (mem-ref ptr cffi-type offset)))
+(defun (setf foreign-aref) (value ptr cffi-type dimensions &rest indexes)
+  (let ((offset (* (foreign-type-size cffi-type)
+     (apply #'indexes-to-row-major-index dimensions indexes))))
+    (setf (mem-ref ptr cffi-type offset) value)))
diff --git a/gsll.asd b/gsll.asd
index f42a2ebdf652d9b1d972e8b3ae16a4e9b2c8e4a2..e423e258684d411f1abe1ea2b65ffa2dba4e29f8 100644
--- a/gsll.asd
+++ b/gsll.asd
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ; description: Definition of GSLL system 
 ; date:        
 ; author:      Liam Healy
-; modified:    Tue Mar 21 2006 - 17:49
+; modified:    Tue Mar 21 2006 - 23:10
 ;;; $Id: $
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 	    ((:file "conditions")
 	     (:file "mathematical")))
    ;; complex numbers not necessary?  Just make a struct.
+   (:file "cffi-array")
+   (:file "polynomial" :depends-on (init interface cffi-array)) ; see file
    (:module special-functions
 	    :depends-on (init interface)
diff --git a/interface.lisp b/interface.lisp
index ceac491e873a9fd7fe842c561c01bd8402999e52..80c2e6805340d3ce69fff03e6c51d4104c95315d 100644
--- a/interface.lisp
+++ b/interface.lisp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ; description: Macros to interface GSL functions.
 ; date:        Mon Mar  6 2006 - 22:35                   
 ; author:      Liam M. Healy
-; modified:    Tue Mar 21 2006 - 17:11
+; modified:    Tue Mar 21 2006 - 23:10
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ and a scaling exponent e10, such that the value is val*10^e10."
   (err :double)
   (e10 :int))
+(cffi:defcstruct gsl-complex
+  "A complex number in GSL."
+  (dat :double :count 2))
 (cffi:defcenum sf-mode
   "Numerical precision modes with which to calculate special functions."
   ;; file:///usr/share/doc/gsl-ref-html/gsl-ref_7.html#SEC62
@@ -74,7 +78,7 @@ and a scaling exponent e10, such that the value is val*10^e10."
 (defun pick-result (decl)
   (if (listp (second decl))
       `((loop for i from 0 below ,(second (second decl))
-	  collect (cffi:mem-aref ,(first decl) ,(first (second decl)) i)))
+	 collect (cffi:mem-aref ,(first decl) ,(first (second decl)) i)))
       (case (second decl)
 	 `((cffi:foreign-slot-value ,(first decl) 'sf-result 'val)
@@ -83,6 +87,12 @@ and a scaling exponent e10, such that the value is val*10^e10."
 	 `((cffi:foreign-slot-value ,(first decl) 'sf-result-e10 'val)
 	   (cffi:foreign-slot-value ,(first decl) 'sf-result-e10 'e10)
 	   (cffi:foreign-slot-value ,(first decl) 'sf-result-e10 'err)))
+	(gsl-complex
+	 `((let ((carr
+		  (cffi:foreign-slot-value ,(first decl) 'gsl-complex 'dat)))
+	     (complex
+	      (cffi:mem-aref carr :double 0)
+	      (cffi:mem-aref carr :double 1)))))
 	(:double `((cffi:mem-ref ,(first decl) :double))))))
 (defun wfo-declare (d)
diff --git a/polynomial.lisp b/polynomial.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91c2f907cdebb737d2a604d4ec11453e60d7430d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polynomial.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+; file:        polynomial.lisp                           
+; description: Polynomials                               
+; date:        Tue Mar 21 2006 - 18:33                   
+; author:      Liam M. Healy                             
+; modified:    Tue Mar 21 2006 - 23:07
+;;; $Id: $
+(in-package :gsl)
+;;; To do:
+;;; Awaits incorporation of arrays into CFFI.
+;;; Divided difference needs to be checked.
+;;; Quadratic solver always gives output range warning, except when it needs to.
+;;; Cubic solver always gives output range warning.
+;;; finish
+;;;; Polynomial Evaluation
+(export 'polynomial-eval)
+(defun polynomial-eval (coefficients x)
+  "Evaluate the polyonomial with coefficients at the point x."
+  (let ((len (length coefficients)))
+    (cffi::with-foreign-array (coef coefficients :double (list len))
+      (cffi:foreign-funcall
+       "gsl_poly_eval"
+       :pointer coef
+       :int len
+       :double x
+       :double))))
+;;;; Divided Difference Representation of Polynomials
+;;; Use with-divided-difference to compute the divided difference, an
+;;; opaque object that is then passed to 
+;;; get-divided-difference, eval-divided-difference
+;;; in the body.
+ '(with-divided-difference get-divided-difference
+   eval-divided-difference taylor-divided-difference))
+(defmacro with-divided-difference ((dd xa ya) &body body)
+  "Compute the divided difference and bind dd to it.
+   This variable may then be passed to divided-difference
+   functions in the body."
+  `(let ((,dd (find-divided-difference ,xa ,ya)))
+    (unwind-protect 
+	 (progn ,@body)
+      (cffi::foreign-array-free (first ,dd))
+      (cffi::foreign-array-free (second ,dd)))))
+;;; Do not call this function directly; use with-divided-difference.
+(defun find-divided-difference (xa ya)
+  "Find the divided difference representation of the interpolating polynomial
+   for the points stored in the arrays @var{xa} and @var{ya}."
+  (let* ((size (length xa))
+	 (dd (foreign-alloc :double :count size))
+	 (xac (foreign-alloc :double :count size)))
+    (cffi::with-foreign-array (yac ya :double (list size))
+      ;; return code not checked
+      (cffi:foreign-funcall
+       "gsl_poly_dd_init"
+       :pointer dd
+       :pointer xac
+       :pointer yac
+       :uint size	   ; "size_t is almost always an unsigned int"
+       :int))
+    (list dd xac size)))
+(defun get-divided-difference (dd)
+  "Convert the divided difference into an array."
+  (cffi::foreign-array-to-lisp
+   (first dd) :double (list (third dd))))
+(defun eval-divided-difference (dd x)
+  "Evaluate the polynomial stored in divided-difference form
+   at the point @var{x}."
+  (cffi:foreign-funcall
+   "gsl_poly_dd_eval"
+   :pointer (first dd)
+   :pointer (second dd)
+   :uint (third dd)	   ; "size_t is almost always an unsigned int"
+   :double x
+   :double))
+(defun taylor-divided-difference (dd xp)
+  "Convert the divided-difference representation of a polynomial
+   to a Taylor expansion about the point xp."
+  (let ((cc (foreign-alloc :double :count (third dd)))
+	(workspace (foreign-alloc :double :count (third dd))))
+    (unwind-protect
+	 (progn
+	   ;; Return value not checked.
+	   (cffi:foreign-funcall
+	    "gsl_poly_dd_taylor"
+	    :pointer cc
+	    :double xp
+	    :pointer (first dd)
+	    :pointer (second dd)
+	    :uint (third dd) ; "size_t is almost always an unsigned int"
+	    :pointer workspace
+	    :int)
+	   (cffi::foreign-array-to-lisp
+	    cc :double (list (third dd))))
+      (cffi::foreign-array-free workspace)
+      (cffi::foreign-array-free cc))))
+;;;; Quadratic Equations
+;;; GSL seems to always give a output range error warning:
+;;;   GSL condition ERANGE (2), Output range error in
+;;; (SOLVE-QUADRATIC 1.0d0 2.0d0 1.0d0)
+;;; Oddly, there is NO warning if a complex answer is generated
+;;; from the real root solver.
+(defun-sf solve-quadratic ((a :double) (b :double) (c :double))
+  "gsl_poly_solve_quadratic"
+  :documentation
+  "The real roots of the quadratic equation a x^2 + b x + c = 0.
+   Warning: if roots are not real, nonsense is produced and
+   no warning is given."
+  :return (:double :double))
+(defun-sf solve-quadratic-complex ((a :double) (b :double) (c :double))
+  "gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic"
+  :documentation
+  "The complex roots of the quadratic equation a x^2 + b x + c = 0."
+  :return (gsl-complex gsl-complex)) 
+;;;; Cubic Equations
+;;; GSL seems to always give warning:
+;;;   GSL condition EFAULT (3), Invalid pointer in
+;;; (SOLVE-CUBIC -3.0d0 3.0d0 -1.0d0)
+;;; GSL appears to give a different return code (EDOM) if there is
+;;; only one real root.
+;;; (solve-cubic -6.0d0 -13.0d0 42.0d0)
+;;; -3.0d0
+;;; 1.9999999999999996d0
+;;; 7.0d0
+;;; (solve-cubic -1.0d0 1.0d0 -1.0d0)
+;;; 1.0d0
+;;; 1.9999999999999996d0
+;;; 7.0d0
+(defun-sf solve-cubic ((a :double) (b :double) (c :double))
+  "gsl_poly_solve_cubic"
+  :documentation
+  "Find the real roots of the cubic equation, x^3 + a x^2 + b x + c = 0
+   with a leading coefficient of unity.  The real roots are returned.
+   No special indication is given if there is only one real root."
+  :return (:double :double :double))
+(defun-sf solve-cubic-complex ((a :double) (b :double) (c :double))
+  "gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic"
+  :documentation
+  "Find the complex roots of the cubic equation, x^3 + a x^2 + b x + c = 0
+   with a leading coefficient of unity.  The real roots are returned.
+   No special indication is given if there is only one real root."
+  :return (gsl-complex gsl-complex gsl-complex))