diff --git a/init/funcallable.lisp b/init/funcallable.lisp
index 428405001498659f0eaf3b7664610923b34475ff..1373275de4b9db635999993fa30daaa3623629c2 100644
--- a/init/funcallable.lisp
+++ b/init/funcallable.lisp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 ;; Generate a lambda that calls the user function; will be called by callback.
 ;; Liam Healy 
-;; Time-stamp: <2011-10-23 22:10:08EDT funcallable.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2012-11-18 11:16:47EST funcallable.lisp>
-;; Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011 Liam M. Healy
+;; Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Liam M. Healy
 ;; Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
 (defun value-from-dimensions (argspec dimension-values &optional total)
-  "Return a list of numerical sizes for dimensions of an array.  If
-   total = T, then return the product of those dimensions."
+  "Return argspec 'dimensions with numerical sizes for dimensions substituted for dim0, dim1.  If total = T, then return the product of those dimensions.  The list dimensions-values is a list of one or two numerical values, (dim0-value dim1-value) or (dim0-value)."
   ;; (DIM0) -> numerical value
   ;; (DIM0 DIM0) -> product of numerical values
   (let ((list
@@ -36,7 +35,8 @@
 		       (parse-callback-argspec argspec 'dimensions)))))
     (if total
-	(apply '* list) list)))
+	(apply '* list)
+	list)))
 (defun all-io (direction &optional (arrays t))
   "Create a function that returns dimensions for argspecs that are arrays
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
-(defun faify-form (ptr argspec)
+(defun faify-form (ptr argspec dimension-values)
   "Make the form that turns the mpointer into a foreign-array."
   ;; No finalizer, because pointer might be reused by GSL.
   (ecase (parse-callback-argspec argspec 'array-type)
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@
        ',(grid:cffi-cl (parse-callback-argspec argspec 'element-type))
-       ,(length (parse-callback-argspec argspec 'dimensions))
+       ,(length (value-from-dimensions argspec dimension-values))
        nil))				; no finalizer
     (:cvector				; a raw C vector
-       ',(parse-callback-argspec argspec 'dimensions)
+       ',(value-from-dimensions argspec dimension-values)
        ',(grid:cffi-cl (parse-callback-argspec argspec 'element-type))
     ((nil) ptr)))
@@ -158,54 +158,56 @@
   (let* ((argspecs (remove :slug (parse-callback-fnspec fnspec 'arguments-spec)))
 	 (inargs-specs (vspecs-direction argspecs :input))
-	  (make-symbol-cardinals
-	   'input
-	   (length (remove nil (mapcar (all-io :input nil) argspecs)))))
+	   (make-symbol-cardinals
+	    'input
+	    (length (remove nil (mapcar (all-io :input nil) argspecs)))))
 	 (outarrayp (vspecs-direction argspecs :output t))
 	 (outargs-names (make-symbol-cardinals 'output (length outarrayp)))
-	  (loop for arg in argspecs
-	     with oarg = (copy-list outargs-names)
-	     and iarg = (copy-list inargs-names)
-	     append
-	     (if (and (eql (parse-callback-argspec arg 'io) :output)
-		      (parse-callback-argspec arg 'array-type))
-		 (list (pop oarg))
-		 (if (eql (parse-callback-argspec arg 'io) :input)
-		     (list (pop iarg))))))
+	   (loop for arg in argspecs
+		 with oarg = (copy-list outargs-names)
+		 and iarg = (copy-list inargs-names)
+		 append
+		 (if (and (eql (parse-callback-argspec arg 'io) :output)
+			  (parse-callback-argspec arg 'array-type))
+		     (list (pop oarg))
+		     (if (eql (parse-callback-argspec arg 'io) :input)
+			 (list (pop iarg))))))
-	  (if (symbolp user-function)
-	      (let ((uf user-function)) `',uf)
-	      user-function)))
+	   (if (symbolp user-function)
+	       (let ((uf user-function)) `',uf)
+	       user-function)))
     `(lambda ,lambda-args
        ,(if (and scalarsp (or inargs-specs outarrayp))
 	    (let ((call-form
-		   `(funcall
-		     ,function-designator
-		     ,@(array-element-refs inargs-names inargs-specs dimension-values))))
+		    `(funcall
+		      ,function-designator
+		      ,@(array-element-refs inargs-names inargs-specs dimension-values))))
 	      (if outarrayp
 		  (callback-set-mvb outargs-names call-form fnspec dimension-values)
 		  ;; no specified output, return what the function returns
-	    `(funcall ,function-designator
-		      ,@(if outarrayp
-			    (append (mapcar 'faify-form inargs-names inargs-specs)
-				    (mapcar 'faify-form outargs-names outarrayp))
-			    ;; no arrays to return, just return the value
-			    (mapcar 'faify-form inargs-names inargs-specs))))
+	    (let ((faify-form-dv
+		    (alexandria:rcurry 'faify-form dimension-values)))
+	      `(funcall ,function-designator
+			,@(if outarrayp
+			      (append (mapcar faify-form-dv inargs-names inargs-specs)
+				      (mapcar faify-form-dv outargs-names outarrayp))
+			      ;; no arrays to return, just return the value
+			      (mapcar faify-form-dv inargs-names inargs-specs)))))
-	  (parse-callback-fnspec fnspec 'return-spec)
-	  (:success-failure
-	   ;; We always return success, because if there is a
-	   ;; problem, a CL error should be signalled.
-	   '(+success+))
-	  (:pointer
-	   ;; For unclear reasons, some GSL functions want callbacks
-	   ;; to return a void pointer which is apparently meaningless.
-	   '((cffi:null-pointer)))
-	  ;; If it isn't either of these things, return what the
-	  ;; function returned.
-	  (otherwise nil)))))
+	     (parse-callback-fnspec fnspec 'return-spec)
+	   (:success-failure
+	    ;; We always return success, because if there is a
+	    ;; problem, a CL error should be signalled.
+	    '(+success+))
+	   (:pointer
+	    ;; For unclear reasons, some GSL functions want callbacks
+	    ;; to return a void pointer which is apparently meaningless.
+	    '((cffi:null-pointer)))
+	   ;; If it isn't either of these things, return what the
+	   ;; function returned.
+	   (otherwise nil)))))
 (defun make-funcallables-for-object (object)
   "Make compiled functions for the object that can be funcalled in the callback."
diff --git a/ordinary-differential-equations/evolution.lisp b/ordinary-differential-equations/evolution.lisp
index 4cc71f1617f35ab65718d59f3fc953fa19910b39..556b50e3f31ca71402840122f9e93ec2cf5655d3 100644
--- a/ordinary-differential-equations/evolution.lisp
+++ b/ordinary-differential-equations/evolution.lisp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 ;; Evolution functions for ODE integration.
 ;; Liam Healy, Sun Sep 30 2007 - 14:31
-;; Time-stamp: <2012-01-13 12:01:23EST evolution.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2012-11-17 12:06:56EST evolution.lisp>
-;; Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 Liam M. Healy
+;; Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 Liam M. Healy
 ;; Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;; /usr/include/gsl_odeiv.h
 (in-package :gsl)
 (defmobject ode-evolution "gsl_odeiv_evolve"