diff --git a/data/foreign-array.lisp b/data/foreign-array.lisp
index b59ae3a48536421aa5f7e5a551df96d008a61e2a..d550a2c38c0de5057d95864facff48a6d99c4f57 100644
--- a/data/foreign-array.lisp
+++ b/data/foreign-array.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; A grid:foreign-array with added metadata for GSL.
 ;; Liam Healy 2008-04-06 21:23:41EDT
-;; Time-stamp: <2010-07-01 19:38:35EDT foreign-array.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2010-07-13 10:24:43EDT foreign-array.lisp>
 ;; Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Liam M. Healy
 ;; Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -80,16 +80,16 @@
    gsl-vector-c or gsl-matrix-c is given."
   (let* ((cstruct
 	  (case category
-	    (:vector 'gsl-vector-c)
-	    (:matrix 'gsl-matrix-c)
+	    ((vector :vector 1) 'gsl-vector-c)
+	    ((matrix :matrix 2) 'gsl-matrix-c)
 	    (t (error "Unrecognized category ~a" category))))
 	   (case category
-	     (:vector
+	     ((vector :vector 1)
 	      `((foreign-array ,(cffi:foreign-slot-value mpointer cstruct 'size))
-	     (:matrix
+	     ((matrix :matrix 2)
 		 ,(cffi:foreign-slot-value mpointer cstruct 'size0)
 		 ,(cffi:foreign-slot-value mpointer cstruct 'size1))
diff --git a/init/funcallable.lisp b/init/funcallable.lisp
index f997b45b5b9cc1a04ea11ae3cdf1b7e63e60a939..a4358d5a1d531bb47573cd4a96e3cefaf491cd8b 100644
--- a/init/funcallable.lisp
+++ b/init/funcallable.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Generate a lambda that calls the user function; will be called by callback.
 ;; Liam Healy 
-;; Time-stamp: <2010-07-12 21:09:21EDT funcallable.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2010-07-13 10:37:28EDT funcallable.lisp>
 ;; Copyright 2009, 2010 Liam M. Healy
 ;; Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -61,6 +61,21 @@
+(defun faify-form (ptr argspec)
+  "Make the form that turns the mpointer into a foreign-array."
+  (ecase (parse-callback-argspec argspec 'array-type)
+    (:foreign-array			; a GSL mpointer
+     `(make-foreign-array-from-mpointer
+       ,ptr
+       ',(grid:cffi-cl (parse-callback-argspec argspec 'element-type))
+       ,(length (parse-callback-argspec argspec 'dimensions))))
+    (:cvector				; a raw C vector
+     `(grid:make-foreign-array-from-pointer
+       ,ptr
+       ',(parse-callback-argspec argspec 'dimensions)
+       ',(grid:cffi-cl (parse-callback-argspec argspec 'element-type))
+       t))))
 ;;;; Reference foreign elements and make multiple-value-bind form
@@ -168,9 +183,10 @@
 	    `(funcall ,function-designator
 		      ,@(if outarrayp
-			    (append inargs-names outargs-names)
+			    (append (mapcar 'faify-form inargs-names inargs-specs)
+				    (mapcar 'faify-form outargs-names outarrayp))
 			    ;; no arrays to return, just return the value
-			    inargs-names)))
+			    (mapcar 'faify-form inargs-names inargs-specs))))
 	  (parse-callback-fnspec fnspec 'return-spec)
diff --git a/solve-minimize-fit/minimization-multi.lisp b/solve-minimize-fit/minimization-multi.lisp
index 60f0dfe4c1aec060457dcc5bc382d7137ed3deb8..38bdb3e3b059be0d7d86e6ef7fe2af4454c9a784 100644
--- a/solve-minimize-fit/minimization-multi.lisp
+++ b/solve-minimize-fit/minimization-multi.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Multivariate minimization.
 ;; Liam Healy  <Tue Jan  8 2008 - 21:28>
-;; Time-stamp: <2010-07-12 21:28:04EDT minimization-multi.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2010-07-13 10:33:06EDT minimization-multi.lisp>
 ;; Copyright 2008, 2009 Liam M. Healy
 ;; Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -397,42 +397,47 @@
 ;;; vector-double-float.  They could as well have been written to
 ;;; accept the correct number of scalar double-floats.
-(defun paraboloid-vector (mpointer)
+(defun paraboloid-vector (xy)
   "A paraboloid function of two arguments, given in GSL manual Sec. 35.4.
    This version takes a vector-double-float argument."
   ;; An alternative access to the passed-in vector would be to
   ;; bind a variable to
   ;; (make-foreign-array-from-mpointer mpointer 'double-float :vector)
   ;; and then call grid:gref on it.
-  (let ((x (get-value 'grid:vector-double-float mpointer 0))
-	(y (get-value 'grid:vector-double-float mpointer 1))
+  (let ((x (grid:gref xy 0))
+	(y (grid:gref xy 1))
 	(dp0 (aref *paraboloid-center* 0))
 	(dp1 (aref *paraboloid-center* 1)))
     (+ (* 10 (expt (- x dp0) 2))
        (* 20 (expt (- y dp1) 2))
-(defun paraboloid-derivative
-    (arguments-gv-pointer derivative-gv-pointer)
-  (let ((x (get-value 'grid:vector-double-float arguments-gv-pointer 0))
-	(y (get-value 'grid:vector-double-float arguments-gv-pointer 1))
+(defun paraboloid-derivative (xy output)
+  (let ((x (grid:gref xy 0))
+	(y (grid:gref xy 1))
 	(dp0 (aref *paraboloid-center* 0))
 	(dp1 (aref *paraboloid-center* 1)))
-    (setf (get-value 'grid:vector-double-float derivative-gv-pointer 0)
+    (setf (grid:gref output 0)
 	  (* 20 (- x dp0))
-	  (get-value 'grid:vector-double-float derivative-gv-pointer 1)
+	  (grid:gref output 1)
 	  (* 40 (- y dp1)))))
 (defun paraboloid-and-derivative
     (arguments-gv-pointer value-pointer derivative-gv-pointer)
+  (lu:print-variables arguments-gv-pointer value-pointer derivative-gv-pointer)
-      (setf (grid:dcref value-pointer)
+      (setf (grid:gref value-pointer 0)
 	    (paraboloid-vector arguments-gv-pointer))
      arguments-gv-pointer derivative-gv-pointer)))
 (defun multimin-example-derivative
     (&optional (method +conjugate-fletcher-reeves+) (print-steps t))
+  "This is an example solving the multidimensional minimization problem
+   of a paraboloid using the derivative.  The callback functions
+   paraboloid-vector and paraboloid-derivative expect vectors.
+   Contrast this with multimin-example-derivative-scalars, which
+   expects and returns the scalar components."
   (let* ((initial #m(5.0d0 7.0d0))
@@ -472,6 +477,11 @@
 (defun multimin-example-derivative-scalars
     (&optional (method +conjugate-fletcher-reeves+) (print-steps t))
+  "This is an example solving the multidimensional minimization problem
+   of a paraboloid using the derivative.  The callback functions
+   paraboloid-scalar and paraboloid-derivative-scalar expect scalars.
+   Contrast this with multimin-example-derivative, which
+   expects and returns vectors."
   (let* ((initial #m(5.0d0 7.0d0))
@@ -497,8 +507,6 @@
 	 (let ((x (solution minimizer)))
 	   (values (grid:gref x 0) (grid:gref x 1) (function-value minimizer)))))))
 (save-test minimization-multi
  (multimin-example-no-derivative +simplex-nelder-mead-on2+ nil)
  (multimin-example-derivative +conjugate-fletcher-reeves+ nil)
diff --git a/solve-minimize-fit/roots-multi.lisp b/solve-minimize-fit/roots-multi.lisp
index 62ad91880a96329f07d8de1673cb874291d6dd73..25b70dab625a91c9c2e56ad29cf1781cf7450412 100644
--- a/solve-minimize-fit/roots-multi.lisp
+++ b/solve-minimize-fit/roots-multi.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; Multivariate roots.                
 ;;; Liam Healy 2008-01-12 12:49:08
-;;; Time-stamp: <2010-06-30 19:57:28EDT roots-multi.lisp>
+;;; Time-stamp: <2010-07-13 09:52:54EDT roots-multi.lisp>
 ;; Copyright 2008, 2009 Liam M. Healy
 ;; Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -376,6 +376,13 @@
 ;;;; Examples
+;;; This is the example given in GSL manual, Sec. 35.8.
+;;; http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/Example-programs-for-Multidimensional-Root-finding.html
+;;; These examples use use scalarsp=T in the
+;;; multi-dimensional-root-solver argument.  To see how vectors would
+;;; be used, see minimization-multi.
 (defparameter *powell-A* 1.0d4)
 (defun powell (arg0 arg1)
   "Powell's test function."
@@ -384,8 +391,6 @@
    (+ (exp (- arg0)) (exp (- arg1)) (- (1+ (/ *powell-A*))))))
 ;; not used?
-;;; This is the example given in Sec. 34.8.
 (defparameter *rosenbrock-a* 1.0d0)
 (defparameter *rosenbrock-b* 10.0d0)