diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f121543fd4bb550dea713867f895c684c53acb5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+- Designed so that usage of GSL is as if GSL were written in CL:
+  information flow correctly through functions, full condition
+  handling, all information returned is available.
+- Conditions are handled in a Lisp-friendly way; full use of the CL
+  condition system with full explanations.
+- Uses CFFI.  Should work with any Common Lisp that supports CFFI with
+  callbacks and foreign-funcall.
+- This library is pure common lisp.  No C is used; the only requirement
+is that the GSL library must be loaded and accessible.
+- ??? No actual functions are defined, just the macros for gaining
+access to the functions.  Defining the functions you need yourself is
+very easy.
diff --git a/conditions.lisp b/conditions.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11c95bd30a52a4cb8455d3c81592d4ece8cf2cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conditions.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+; file:        conditions.lisp
+; description: GSL errors                                
+; date:        Sat Mar  4 2006 - 18:33                   
+; author:      Liam M. Healy
+; modified:    Wed Mar  8 2006 - 23:13
+(in-package :gsl)
+(cffi:defcenum gsl-errorno
+  "Error codes for GSL, from /usr/include/gsl/gsl_errno.h."
+  (:CONTINUE -2)
+(defparameter *gsl-error-alist*
+  '((-2 . "Iteration has not converged")
+    (-1 . "Failure")
+    (0 . "Success") 
+    (1 . "Input domain error")
+    (2 . "Output range error")
+    (3 . "Invalid pointer")
+    (4 . "Invalid argument supplied by user")
+    (5 . "Generic failure")
+    (6 . "Factorization failed")
+    (7 . "Sanity check failed - shouldn't happen")
+    (8 . "Malloc failed")
+    (9 . "Problem with user-supplied function")
+    (10 . "Iterative process is out of control")
+    (11 . "Exceeded max number of iterations")
+    (12 . "Tried to divide by zero")
+    (13 . "User specified an invalid tolerance")
+    (14 . "Failed to reach the specified tolerance")
+    (15 . "Underflow")
+    (16 . "Overflow ")
+    (17 . "Loss of accuracy")
+    (18 . "Failed because of roundoff error")
+    (19 . "Matrix, vector lengths are not conformant")
+    (20 . "Matrix not square")
+    (21 . "Apparent singularity detected")
+    (22 . "Integral or series is divergent")
+    (23 . "Requested feature is not supported by the hardware")
+    (24 . "Requested feature not (yet) implemented")
+    (25 . "Cache limit exceeded")
+    (26 . "Table limit exceeded")
+    (27 . "Iteration is not making progress towards solution")
+    (28 . "Jacobian evaluations are not improving the solution")
+    (29 . "Cannot reach the specified tolerance in F")
+    (30 . "Cannot reach the specified tolerance in X")
+    (31 . "Cannot reach the specified tolerance in gradient")
+    (32 . "End of file")))
+(define-condition gsl-error (arithmetic-error)
+  ((gsl-errno :initarg :gsl-errno :reader gsl-errno)
+   (gsl-reason :initarg :gsl-reason :reader gsl-reason)
+   (gsl-source-file :initarg :gsl-source-file :reader gsl-source-file)
+   (gsl-line-number :initarg :gsl-line-number :reader gsl-line-number))
+  (:report
+   (lambda (condition stream)
+     (format stream "~a (~a), ~a in ~a at line ~d"
+	     (rest (assoc (gsl-errno condition) *gsl-error-alist*))
+	     (cffi:foreign-enum-keyword 'gsl-errorno (gsl-errno condition))
+	     (gsl-reason condition)
+	     (gsl-source-file condition)
+	     (gsl-line-number condition))))
+  (:documentation
+   "An error that has been signalled by the GNU Scientific Library."))
+(define-condition gsl-warning (warning)
+  ((gsl-errno :initarg :gsl-errno :reader gsl-errno)
+   (gsl-context :initarg :gsl-context :reader gsl-context))
+  (:report
+   (lambda (condition stream)
+     (format stream "GSL condition ~a (~d), ~a in ~a"
+	     (cffi:foreign-enum-keyword 'gsl-errorno (gsl-errno condition))
+	     (gsl-errno condition)
+	     (rest (assoc (gsl-errno condition) *gsl-error-alist*))
+	     (gsl-context condition))))
+  (:documentation
+   "An warning that has been signalled by the GNU Scientific Library."))
+(cffi:defcallback gsl-error :void
+    ((reason :string) (file :string) (line :int) (error-number :int))
+  (error 'gsl-error
+	 :gsl-errno error-number
+	 :gsl-reason reason
+	 :gsl-source-file file
+	 :gsl-line-number line))
+ "gsl_set_error_handler"
+ :pointer (cffi:callback gsl-error))
diff --git a/gsll.asd b/gsll.asd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e261373627dff981cb26fa4ad203edaeaecd7b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gsll.asd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+; file:        numerica.asd                              
+; description: Definition of GSLL system 
+; date:        
+; author:      Liam Healy
+; modified:    Thu Mar  9 2006 - 23:14
+;;; $Id: $
+(asdf:defsystem "gsll"
+  :name "gsll"
+  :description "GNU Scientific Library for Lisp."
+  :version "0"
+  :author "Liam M. Healy"
+  :licence "GPL"
+  :depends-on (cffi)
+  :components
+  ((:file "init")
+   (:file "conditions" :depends-on (init))
+   (:file "interface" :depends-on (init))
+   (:file "mathematical" :depends-on (init))
+   ;; complex numbers not necessary?  Just make a struct.
+   (:file "special-functions" :depends-on ("interface"))
+   ))
diff --git a/init.lisp b/init.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62f67f61e926944a207b0daac481264f2d030120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/init.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+; file:        library.lisp                              
+; description: Load GSL                                  
+; date:        Sat Mar  4 2006 - 18:53                   
+; author:      Liam M. Healy
+; modified:    Wed Mar  8 2006 - 22:27
+(defpackage gsll
+  (:nicknames :gsl)
+  (:use :common-lisp :cffi))
+(cffi:define-foreign-library libgslcblas
+  (:unix (:or "/usr/lib/libgslcblas.so.0" "/usr/lib/libgslcblas.so"))
+  (t (:default "libgslcblas")))
+(cffi:use-foreign-library libgslcblas)
+(cffi:define-foreign-library libgsl
+  (:unix (:or "/usr/lib/libgsl.so.0" "/usr/lib/libgsl.so"))
+  (t (:default "libgsl")))
+(cffi:use-foreign-library libgsl)
diff --git a/interface.lisp b/interface.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9a33ada5f291c0b748779afa9468aa071dc2dc2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+; file:        interface.lisp                            
+; description: Macros to interface GSL functions.
+; date:        Mon Mar  6 2006 - 22:35                   
+; author:      Liam M. Healy
+; modified:    Sat Mar 11 2006 - 22:15
+(in-package :gsl)
+;;; http://common-lisp.net/project/cffi/
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (export '()))
+(cffi:defcstruct sf-result
+  "Results from special functions with value and error estimate."
+  ;; file:///usr/share/doc/gsl-ref-html/gsl-ref_7.html#SEC61
+  (val :double)
+  (err :double))
+(cffi:defcstruct sf-result-e10
+  "Results from special functions with value, error estimate
+and a scaling exponent e10, such that the value is val*10^e10."
+  ;; file:///usr/share/doc/gsl-ref-html/gsl-ref_7.html#SEC61
+  (val :double)
+  (err :double)
+  (e10 :int))
+(cffi:defcenum sf-mode
+  "Numerical precision modes with which to calculate special functions."
+  ;; file:///usr/share/doc/gsl-ref-html/gsl-ref_7.html#SEC62
+  :double-prec
+  :single-prec
+  :approx-prec)
+(defun pick-result (decl)
+  (case (second decl)
+    (sf-result
+     `((cffi:foreign-slot-value ,(first decl) 'sf-result 'val)
+       (cffi:foreign-slot-value ,(first decl) 'sf-result 'err)))
+    (:double `((cffi:mem-ref ,(first decl) :double)))))
+;;; Warning isn't quite right for lambdas.
+;;; New name?
+(defmacro defun-sf
+    (cl-name arguments gsl-name &key documentation return mode)
+  "Define a mathematical special function from GSL using the _e form
+   GSL function definition.  If cl-name is :lambda, make a lambda."
+  (let ((args (mapcar #'first arguments))
+	(return-symb-type
+	 (mapcar (lambda (typ) (list (gensym "RET") typ)) return)))
+    `(,@(if (eq cl-name :lambda)
+	    '(lambda)
+	    `(defun ,cl-name))
+	,(if mode 
+	     `(,@args &optional (mode :double-prec))
+	     `(,@args))
+	,@(when documentation (list documentation))
+	(cffi:with-foreign-objects
+	    (,@(mapcar (lambda (d) `(,(first d) ',(second d)))
+		       return-symb-type))
+	  (let ((status
+		 (cffi:foreign-funcall
+		  ,gsl-name
+		  ,@(mapcan (lambda (ar) (list (second ar) (first ar)))
+			    arguments)
+		  ,@(when mode '(sf-mode mode))
+		  ,@(mapcan (lambda (r) `(:pointer ,(first r))) return-symb-type)
+		  :int)))
+	    (unless (eql :success (cffi:foreign-enum-keyword 'gsl-errorno status))
+	      (warn 'gsl-warning
+		    :gsl-errno status :gsl-context `(,',cl-name ,,@args)))
+	    (values
+	     ,@(mapcan #'pick-result return-symb-type)))))))
+;;; arguments: list like ((x :double) (y :double))
+;;; mode: t or nil
diff --git a/mathematical.lisp b/mathematical.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..46d7d19b972569748c938ab40527d8d6a7346708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mathematical.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+; file:        mathematical.lisp                         
+; description: Mathematical functions                    
+; date:        Wed Mar  8 2006 - 22:09                   
+; author:      Liam M. Healy
+; modified:    Thu Mar  9 2006 - 23:10
+(in-package :gsl)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (export '(nanp infinityp finitep log+1 exp-1 hypotenuse approximately=)))
+;;; Infinities and Not-a-number
+(defmacro pmnil (x)
+  "+1, -1, or nil"
+  `(let ((v ,x))
+     (when (or (= 1 v) (= -1 v))
+       v)))
+(defun nanp (x)
+  "Return T if x is a double-float NaN."
+  (= 1
+     (cffi:foreign-funcall
+      "gsl_isnan"
+      :double x
+      :int)))
+(defun infinityp (x)
+  "Return +1 if x is positive infinity, -1 if negative infinity
+   nil if finite."
+  (pmnil
+   (cffi:foreign-funcall
+    "gsl_isinf"
+    :double x
+    :int)))
+(defun finitep (x)
+  "Return T if finite."
+  (= 1
+     (cffi:foreign-funcall
+      "gsl_finite"
+      :double x
+      :int)))
+;;; Elementary functions
+(defun log+1 (x)
+  "log(1+x), computed in a way that is accurate for small x."
+  (cffi:foreign-funcall
+   "gsl_log1p"
+   :double x
+   :double))
+(defun exp-1 (x)
+  "exp(x)-1, computed in a way that is accurate for small x."
+  (cffi:foreign-funcall
+   "gsl_expm1"
+   :double x
+   :double))
+(defun hypotenuse (x y)
+  "sqrt{x^2 + y^2} computed in a way that avoids overflow."
+  (cffi:foreign-funcall
+   "gsl_hypot"
+   :double x
+   :double y
+   :double))
+;; Not clear why this function exists
+(defun gsl-asinh (x)
+  "arcsinh"
+  (cffi:foreign-funcall
+   "gsl_asinh"
+   :double x
+   :double))
+;;; Not clear why this function exists
+(defun gsl-atanh (x)
+  "arcsinh"
+  (cffi:foreign-funcall
+   "gsl_atanh"
+   :double x
+   :double))
+;;; gsl_ldexp
+;;; gsl_frexp
+;;; not mapped because CL has equivalents.
+;;; Small integer powers
+;;; Does CL need these?
+A common complaint about the standard C library is its lack of a
+function for calculating (small) integer powers. GSL provides a
+simple functions to fill this gap. For reasons of efficiency,
+these functions do not check for overflow or underflow
+Function: double gsl_pow_int (double x, int n)
+    This routine computes the power x^n for integer n. The power is computed efficiently--for example, x^8 is computed as ((x^2)^2)^2, requiring only 3 multiplications. A version of this function which also computes the numerical error in the result is available as gsl_sf_pow_int_e. 
+Function: double gsl_pow_2 (const double x)
+Function: double gsl_pow_3 (const double x)
+Function: double gsl_pow_4 (const double x)
+Function: double gsl_pow_5 (const double x)
+Function: double gsl_pow_6 (const double x)
+Function: double gsl_pow_7 (const double x)
+Function: double gsl_pow_8 (const double x)
+Function: double gsl_pow_9 (const double x)
+    These functions can be used to compute small integer powers x^2, x^3, etc. efficiently. The functions will be inlined when possible so that use of these functions should be as efficient as explicitly writing the corresponding product expression.
+;;; Approximate Comparison of Floating Point Numbers
+;;; It is sometimes useful to be able to compare two floating point
+;;; numbers approximately, to allow for rounding and truncation
+;;; errors. This function implements the approximate
+;;; floating-point comparison algorithm proposed by D.E. Knuth in
+;;; Section 4.2.2 of Seminumerical Algorithms (3rd edition).
+(defun approximately= (x y epsilon)
+  "This function determines whether x and y are approximately equal
+    to a relative accuracy epsilon.
+    The relative accuracy is measured using an interval of size 2
+    \delta, where \delta = 2^k \epsilon and k is the maximum
+    base-2 exponent of x and y as computed by the function
+    frexp().
+    If x and y lie within this interval, they are considered
+    approximately equal and the function returns 0. Otherwise if
+    x < y, the function returns -1, or if x > y, the function
+    returns +1.
+    The implementation is based on the package fcmp by
+    T.C. Belding."
+  (pmnil
+   (cffi:foreign-funcall
+    "gsl_fcmp"
+    :double x
+    :double y
+    :double epsilon
+    :double)))
diff --git a/special-functions.lisp b/special-functions.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b16eeb2efae7cae4744a44e44abe46991309621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/special-functions.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+; file:        special-functions.lisp                                
+; description: GSL types                                 
+; date:        Sat Mar  4 2006 - 21:07                   
+; author:      Liam M. Healy
+; modified:    Sun Mar 12 2006 - 00:40
+(in-package :gsl)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (export
+   '(airy-ai airy-bi airy-ai-scaled airy-bi-scaled
+     airy-ai-deriv airy-ai-deriv-scaled airy-bi-deriv airy-bi-deriv-scaled
+     airy-zero-ai airy-zero-bi airy-zero-ai-deriv airy-zero-bi-deriv)))
+;;;; Airy functions
+(defun-sf airy-ai ((x :double))
+  "gsl_sf_airy_Ai_e"
+  :return (sf-result)
+  :documentation "The Airy function Ai(x)."
+  :mode t)
+;;; (airy-ai 0.45d0)
+;;; 0.24308135437540998d0
+;;; 6.288670879282072d-17
+(defun-sf airy-bi ((x :double))
+  "gsl_sf_airy_Bi_e"
+  :return (sf-result)
+  :documentation "The Airy function Bi(x)."
+  :mode t)
+(defun-sf airy-ai-scaled ((x :double))
+  "gsl_sf_airy_Ai_scaled_e"
+  :return (sf-result)
+  :documentation "The scaled Airy function @math{S_A(x) Ai(x)}.  For @math{x>0} the scaling factor @math{S_A(x)} is @c{$\exp(+(2/3) x^{3/2})$} @math{\exp(+(2/3) x^(3/2))}, and is 1 for @math{x<0}."
+  :mode t)
+(defun-sf airy-bi-scaled ((x :double))
+  "gsl_sf_airy_Bi_scaled_e"
+  :return (sf-result)
+  :documentation "The scaled Airy function @math{S_B(x) Bi(x)}.  For @math{x>0} the scaling factor @math{S_B(x)} is @c{$\exp(-(2/3) x^{3/2})$} @math{exp(-(2/3) x^(3/2))}, and is 1 for @math{x<0}."
+  :mode t)
+(defun-sf airy-ai-deriv ((x :double))
+  "gsl_sf_airy_Ai_deriv_e"
+  :return (sf-result)
+  :documentation "The Airy function derivative Ai'(x)."
+  :mode t)
+(defun-sf airy-bi-deriv ((x :double))
+  "gsl_sf_airy_Bi_deriv_e"
+  :return (sf-result)
+  :documentation "The Airy function derivative Bi'(x)."
+  :mode t)
+(defun-sf airy-ai-deriv-scaled ((x :double))
+  "gsl_sf_airy_Ai_deriv_scaled_e"
+  :return (sf-result)
+  :documentation "The scaled Airy function derivative S_A(x) Ai'(x).  For @math{x>0} the scaling factor @math{S_A(x)} is @c{$\exp(+(2/3) x^{3/2})$} @math{\exp(+(2/3) x^(3/2))}, and is 1 for @math{x<0}."
+  :mode t)
+(defun-sf airy-bi-deriv-scaled ((x :double))
+  "gsl_sf_airy_Bi_deriv_scaled_e"
+  :return (sf-result)
+  :documentation "The scaled Airy function derivative S_B(x) Bi'(x).  For @math{x>0} the scaling factor @math{S_B(x)} is @c{$\exp(-(2/3) x^{3/2})$} @math{exp(-(2/3) x^(3/2))}, and is 1 for @math{x<0}."
+  :mode t)
+(defun-sf airy-zero-ai ((s :unsigned-int))
+  "gsl_sf_airy_zero_Ai_e"
+  :return (sf-result)
+  :documentation "The location of the @var{s}-th zero of the Airy function @math{Ai(x)}."
+  :mode t)
+(defun-sf airy-zero-bi ((s :unsigned-int))
+  "gsl_sf_airy_zero_Bi_e"
+  :return (sf-result)
+  :documentation "The location of the @var{s}-th zero of the Airy function @math{Bi(x)}."
+  :mode t)
+(defun-sf airy-zero-ai-deriv ((s :unsigned-int))
+  "gsl_sf_airy_zero_Ai_deriv_e"
+  :return (sf-result)
+  :documentation "The location of the @var{s}-th zero of the Airy
+function derivative @math{Ai'(x)}."
+  :mode t)
+(defun-sf airy-zero-bi-deriv ((s :unsigned-int))
+  "gsl_sf_airy_zero_Bi_deriv_e"
+  :return (sf-result)
+  :documentation "The location of the @var{s}-th zero of the Airy function derivative @math{Bi'(x)}."
+  :mode t)
+;;;; Bessel functions
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (export
+   '(bessel-J0 bessel-J1 bessel-Jn)))
+(defun-sf bessel-J0 ((x :double))
+  "gsl_sf_bessel_J0_e"
+  :documentation
+  "The regular cylindrical Bessel function of zeroth order, @math{J_0(x)}."
+  :return (sf-result))
+(defun-sf bessel-J1 ((x :double))
+  "gsl_sf_bessel_J1_e"
+  :documentation
+  "The regular cylindrical Bessel function of first order, @math{J_1(x)}."
+  :return (sf-result))
+(defun-sf bessel-Jn ((n :int) (x :double))
+  "gsl_sf_bessel_Jn_e"
+  :documentation
+  "The regular cylindrical Bessel function of order @var{n}, @math{J_n(x)}."
+  :return (sf-result))
+;;; Doesn't work; how do I get an array of doubles back?
+(defun bessel-Jn-array (nmin nmax x)
+  "The values of the regular cylindrical Bessel functions @math{J_n(x)} for @math{n} from @var{nmin} to @var{nmax} inclusive.  The values are computed using recurrence relations for efficiency, and therefore may differ slightly from the exact values."
+  (with-foreign-objects ((ptr :double))
+    (let ((status
+	   (foreign-funcall "gsl_sf_bessel_Jn_array"
+			    :int
+			    nmin
+			    :int
+			    nmax
+			    :double
+			    x
+			    :pointer
+			    ptr
+			    :int)))
+      (unless
+	  (eql :success
+	       (foreign-enum-keyword 'gsl-errorno status))
+	(warn 'gsl-warning
+	      :gsl-errno
+	      status
+	      :gsl-context
+	      `(foobar ,nmin ,nmax ,x)))
+      (loop for i from 0 below (- nmax nmin)
+	    collect (cffi:mem-aref ptr :double i)))))
+(defun-sf regular-spherical-bessel ((order :int) (x :double))
+  "gsl_sf_bessel_jl_e"
+  :documentation "The regular spherical Bessel function j_l."
+  :return (sf-result))
+;;; (regular-spherical-bessel 3 12.4d0)
+;;; 0.07813007015855176d0
+;;; 1.9083196617232666d-16
+;;;; Dilogarithm
+;;; dilog merge complex and real
+(defun dilogarithm (x)
+  "The dilogarithm."
+  (etypecase x
+    (double-float
+     (funcall
+      (defun-sf :lambda ((x :double)) 
+	"gsl_sf_dilog_e"
+	:return (sf-result))
+      x))
+    (complex
+     (multiple-value-bind (re re-err im im-err)
+	 (funcall
+	  ;; returns two gsl_sf_result
+	  (defun-sf :lambda
+	      ((radius :double) (angle :double))
+	    "gsl_sf_complex_dilog_e"
+	    :return (sf-result sf-result))
+	  (abs x)
+	  (phase x))
+       (values 
+	(complex re im)
+	(complex re-err im-err))))))
+(defun-sf jacobian-elliptic-functions	  ; CL name
+    ((u :double) (m :double))		  ; inputs
+  "gsl_sf_elljac_e"			  ; GSL name
+  :documentation
+  "The Jacobian elliptic functions sn(u|m), cn(u|m), dn(u|m)
+   computed by descending Landen transformations.
+   See Abramowitz & Stegun, Chapter 16"
+  :return (:double :double :double))
+;;; > (jacobian-elliptic-functions 0.61802d0 0.5d0)
+;;; 0.564575752943391
+;;; 0.8253812568676386
+;;; 0.916857191493965
+;;; > (jacobian-elliptic-functions 0.2d0 0.81d0)
+;;; 0.19762082367187697
+;;; 0.9802785369736752
+;;; 0.9840560289645665
+;;; > (jacobian-elliptic-functions 0.61802d0 1.5d0)
+;;; ;;;error