From 4533e1beac6a6ea5e476ed97ccd4f5526e522cb3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Liam M. Healy" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 13:35:37 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Update status.text, last element of list

Update status.text mostly be removing obsolete information without
replacing it with current information.  Use alexandria:lastcar for the
last element of list so I do not use private definitions (non-loaded
 documentation/status.text | 41 ++++++---------------------------------
 test-unit/convert.lisp    |  6 +++---
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/documentation/status.text b/documentation/status.text
index 9ba70f2e..bf614566 100644
--- a/documentation/status.text
+++ b/documentation/status.text
@@ -1,41 +1,15 @@
 === Test results summary ===
-64-bit SBCL:   TOTAL: 1223 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors.
-64-bit CCL:    TOTAL: 1228 assertions passed, 0 failed, 0 execution errors.
-64-bit CLISP:  not tested; bug in CLISP causes crash on loading
-32-bit SBCL:   TOTAL: 1069 assertions passed, 31 failed, 0 execution errors.
-32-bit CLISP:  TOTAL: 1051 assertions passed, 27 failed, 5 execution errors.
+64-bit SBCL: TOTAL: 4013 assertions passed, 3 failed, 0 execution errors.
+64-bit CCL: 
+64-bit CLISP:
+32-bit SBCL: 
+32-bit CLISP:
 === 32-bit implementations === 
-Small numerical differences account for most of these errors.
-In addition, CLISP has these additional problems:
-CHEBYSHEV: Should have signalled TYPE-ERROR but saw #<SIMPLE-ERROR #x20EB4F1E>
-MATRIX-SET-ALL-M+: FFI::WRITE-MEMORY-AS: NIL cannot be converted to the foreign type SINGLE-FLOAT
-SHUFFLING-SAMPLING: FFI::WRITE-MEMORY-AS: NIL cannot be converted to the foreign type FFI:INT
-NUMERICAL-INTEGRATION: FFI::FOREIGN-CALL-OUT: 3.1415926535897932385L0 cannot be converted to the foreign type DOUBLE-FLOAT
-VECTOR-SET-ALL-M+: FFI::WRITE-MEMORY-AS: NIL cannot be converted to the foreign type SINGLE-FLOAT
 === 64-bit SBCL ===
-2 failures each in matrix-min and vector-min for (signed-byte 8) and
-(signed-byte 16): 
-Expected (-91) but saw (165)
-Expected (-91) but saw (65445)
-Expected (-68) but saw (188)
-Expected (-68) but saw (65468)
-This gives an errorneous error value (4th returned value) when run
-from the shell; run inside SLIME gives the correct answer.
-=== Other known bugs ===
-Fail in CCL but not in SBCL:
-(mv-linear-least-squares-example (mv-linear-least-squares-data))
+=== 64-bit CCL ===
 === GSL questions ===
 Sun Nov  9 2008:
@@ -54,9 +28,6 @@ What are the _e functions in interpolation for, how are the results to
 be interpreted?
 === SBCL problems? ===
-Mon Feb 16 2009
-(copy (mathieu-ce-array 0.0d0 (/ PI 2) 6) 'array)
-gives an error
 The two LU tests that remultiply to check the result fail in both SBCL
 and CCL; the problem is in the matrix-product-triangular. 2/23/09.
diff --git a/test-unit/convert.lisp b/test-unit/convert.lisp
index 6c2f5995..7a2b1b89 100644
--- a/test-unit/convert.lisp
+++ b/test-unit/convert.lisp
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 ;; Convert the GSL tests
 ;; Liam Healy 2010-05-22 13:03:53EDT convert.lisp
-;; Time-stamp: <2010-05-30 10:29:38EDT convert.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2010-07-21 13:27:06EDT convert.lisp>
 ;;; This file is not normally loaded; it is only used to convert the
-;;; GSL tests in C to CL tests.  It requires cl-ppcre, lisp-util, and iterate.
+;;; GSL tests in C to CL tests.  It requires cl-ppcre, alexandria, and iterate.
 ;;; (convert-tests-in-file "/home/liam/mathematics/gsl/cdf/test.c")
 ;;; Things it won't do yet:
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 		   (replace-function-name (translate-c-numbers (replace-tolerance string))))))
-	  (if (and (numberp (lu:last1 ppcre-convert)) (zerop (lu:last1 ppcre-convert)))
+	  (if (and (numberp (alexandria:lastcar ppcre-convert)) (zerop (alexandria:lastcar ppcre-convert)))
 	      (append (butlast ppcre-convert) (list '+dbl-epsilon+))