diff --git a/basis-splines.lisp b/basis-splines.lisp
index dcc40231ac52b61f64d3b34bfd0ddaac25484de6..2bd780727dd51f5480e3aa0c119c9c470df414bf 100644
--- a/basis-splines.lisp
+++ b/basis-splines.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Basis splines.
 ;; Liam Healy 2008-02-18 14:43:20EST basis-splines.lisp
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-18 15:48:50EST basis-splines.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 19:36:35EST basis-splines.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 (defmfun evaluate-bspline (x B workspace)
-  ((x :double) (B :pointer) (workspace :pointer))
+  ((x :double) ((pointer B) :pointer) (workspace :pointer))
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Evaluate all B-spline basis functions at the position x and store
    them in the GSL vector B, so that the ith element of B is B_i(x).
@@ -84,21 +84,21 @@
 	 (sigma 0.1d0))
     ;; The data to be fitted.
     (dotimes (i ndata)
-      (let* ((xi (* i (/ 15 (1- ndata))))
+      (let* ((xi (coerce (* i (/ 15 (1- ndata))) 'double-float))
 	     (yi (+ (* (cos xi) (exp (* -0.1d0 xi)))
 		    (gaussian rng sigma))))
-	(setf (gsl-aref x i) xi
-	      (gsl-aref y i) yi
-	      (gsl-aref w i) (/ (expt sigma 2)))))
+	(setf (maref x i) xi
+	      (maref y i) yi
+	      (maref w i) (/ (expt sigma 2)))))
     ;; Uniform breakpoints [0, 15]
     (uniform-knots 0.0d0 15.0d0 bw)
     ;; Fit matrix
     (dotimes (i ndata)
       ;; Compute B_j
-      (evaluate-bspline (gsl-aref x i) B bw)
+      (evaluate-bspline (maref x i) B bw)
       ;; Fill in row i of X
       (dotimes (j ncoeffs)
-	(setf (gsl-aref Xmatrix i j) (gsl-aref B j))))
+	(setf (maref Xmatrix i j) (maref B j))))
     ;; Do the fit
     (weighted-linear-mfit Xmatrix w y c cov mw)
     ;; Return the smoothed curve
diff --git a/data/combination.lisp b/data/combination.lisp
index a5e43b2b99046e023b0547deccfd509394672cba..f2ed539a20c5d71ab8beb62ffe91daa202538d54 100644
--- a/data/combination.lisp
+++ b/data/combination.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Combinations
 ;; Liam Healy, Sun Mar 26 2006 - 11:51
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 10:01:38EST combination.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:49:21EST combination.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ;;;; Getting values
-(defmfun gsl-aref ((combination gsl-combination) &rest indices)
+(defmfun maref ((combination gsl-combination) &rest indices)
   (((pointer combination) :pointer) ((first indices) size))
   :type :method 
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 		 (make-sequence 'list (combination-size object)))))
     (loop for i from 0
 	  below (min (length seq) (combination-size object))
-	  do (setf (elt seq i) (gsl-aref object i)))
+	  do (setf (elt seq i) (maref object i)))
diff --git a/data/data.lisp b/data/data.lisp
index a513c7aaef86bec56862c249fb1983e6c887a0bc..fcd1105ccaf4f56693905419fd4a9cebd3e20c72 100644
--- a/data/data.lisp
+++ b/data/data.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Using GSL bulk data (vectors, matrices, etc.) storage.
 ;; Liam Healy, Sun Mar 26 2006 - 16:32
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 09:18:27EST data.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:57:18EST data.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -57,11 +57,11 @@
   (:documentation "The CL type of an element."))
 ;;; Accessing elements
-(export 'gsl-aref)
-(defgeneric gsl-aref (object &rest indices)
+(export 'maref)
+(defgeneric maref (object &rest indices)
   (:documentation "An element of the data."))
-(defgeneric (setf gsl-aref) (value object &rest indices)
+(defgeneric (setf maref) (value object &rest indices)
   (:method :after (value (object gsl-data) &rest indices)
     (push indices (cl-invalid object)))
   (:documentation "Set an element of the data."))
@@ -300,13 +300,13 @@
 		  (t sequence))))
 	  (loop for i from 0
 	     below (min (length seq) total-size)
-	     do (setf (elt seq i) (gsl-aref object i)))
+	     do (setf (elt seq i) (maref object i)))
 	;; set selected
 	(let ((seq (data-cache object)))
 	  (mapc (lambda (is)
 		  (let ((i (first is)))
-		    (setf (elt seq i) (gsl-aref object i))))
+		    (setf (elt seq i) (maref object i))))
 		(cl-invalid object))
   ;; Around method looks for cached value and returns it if valid;
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
   (:method (sequence (object gsl-data))
     (loop for i from 0
        below (min (length sequence) (apply #'* (storage-size object)))
-       do (setf (gsl-aref object i) (elt sequence i))))
+       do (setf (maref object i) (elt sequence i))))
   (:method :after (source (object gsl-data))
 	   (setf (cl-invalid object) t)))
@@ -372,24 +372,24 @@
 ;;;; Arithmetic operations
-(export '(gsl+ gsl- gsl* gsl/ gsl*c gsl+c))
+(export '(m+ m- m* m/ m*c m+c))
-(defgeneric gsl+ (a b)
+(defgeneric m+ (a b)
   (:documentation "Add."))
-(defgeneric gsl- (a b)
+(defgeneric m- (a b)
   (:documentation "Subtract."))
-(defgeneric gsl* (a b)
+(defgeneric m* (a b)
   (:documentation "Multiply."))
-(defgeneric gsl/ (a b)
+(defgeneric m/ (a b)
   (:documentation "Divide."))
-(defgeneric gsl+c (a x)
+(defgeneric m+c (a x)
   (:documentation "Add scalar."))
-(defgeneric gsl*c (a x)
+(defgeneric m*c (a x)
   (:documentation "Multiply by scalar."))
diff --git a/data/matrix.lisp b/data/matrix.lisp
index ad7d1bb5c959fbf7290cf06979062b512536ad8d..18c8c57bfc89a3b64c3f214682ddc2edd0864c0e 100644
--- a/data/matrix.lisp
+++ b/data/matrix.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Matrices
 ;; Liam Healy, Sun Mar 26 2006 - 11:51
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 09:45:48EST matrix.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:57:17EST matrix.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 ;;;; Getting values
-(defmfun-mdsfc gsl-aref ((matrix gsl-matrix) &rest indices)
+(defmfun-mdsfc maref ((matrix gsl-matrix) &rest indices)
   (((pointer matrix) :pointer)
    ((first indices) size)
@@ -104,14 +104,14 @@
 	  (min (array-dimension arr 1) (second (storage-size object)))
-	  (setf (aref arr i j) (gsl-aref object i j))))
+	  (setf (aref arr i j) (maref object i j))))
 ;;;; Setting values
-(defmfun-mdsfc (setf gsl-aref) (value (matrix gsl-matrix) &rest indices)
+(defmfun-mdsfc (setf maref) (value (matrix gsl-matrix) &rest indices)
   (((pointer matrix) :pointer)
    ((first indices) size)
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 	      (min (array-dimension array 1) (second (storage-size object)))
-	      (setf (gsl-aref object i j) (aref array i j)))))
+	      (setf (maref object i j) (aref array i j)))))
 (defmfun-mdsfc set-all ((object gsl-matrix) value)
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@
 ;;;; Arithmetic operations
-(defmfun-mdsfc gsl+ ((a gsl-matrix) (b gsl-matrix))
+(defmfun-mdsfc m+ ((a gsl-matrix) (b gsl-matrix))
   (((pointer a) gsl-matrix-c) ((pointer b) gsl-matrix-c))
   :invalidate (a)
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
    a'_i = a_i + b_i. The two matrices must have the
    same dimensions.")
-(defmfun-mdsfc gsl- ((a gsl-matrix) (b gsl-matrix))
+(defmfun-mdsfc m- ((a gsl-matrix) (b gsl-matrix))
   "gsl_matrix_sub" (((pointer a) gsl-matrix-c) ((pointer b) gsl-matrix-c))
   :invalidate (a)
   :documentation			; FDL
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@
    a, a'_i = a_i - b_i. The two matrices must have the
    same dimensions.")
-(defmfun-mdsfc gsl* ((a gsl-matrix) (b gsl-matrix))
+(defmfun-mdsfc m* ((a gsl-matrix) (b gsl-matrix))
   (((pointer a) gsl-matrix-c) ((pointer b) gsl-matrix-c))
   :invalidate (a)
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
   matrix b, a'(i,j) = a(i,j) * b(i,j). The two matrices must have the
   same dimensions.")
-(defmfun-mdsfc gsl/ ((a gsl-matrix) (b gsl-matrix))
+(defmfun-mdsfc m/ ((a gsl-matrix) (b gsl-matrix))
   (((pointer a) gsl-matrix-c) ((pointer b) gsl-matrix-c))
   :invalidate (a)
@@ -492,14 +492,14 @@
    matrix b, a'(i,j) = a(i,j) / b(i,j). The two matrices must have the
    same dimensions.")
-(defmfun-mdsfc gsl*c ((a gsl-matrix) x)
+(defmfun-mdsfc m*c ((a gsl-matrix) x)
   "gsl_matrix_scale" (((pointer a) gsl-matrix-c) (x :c-base-type))
   :invalidate (a)
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Multiply the elements of matrix a by the constant
   factor x, a'(i,j) = x a(i,j).")
-(defmfun-mdsfc gsl+c ((a gsl-matrix) x)
+(defmfun-mdsfc m+c ((a gsl-matrix) x)
   "gsl_matrix_add_constant" (((pointer a) gsl-matrix-c) (x :c-base-type))
   :invalidate (a)
   :documentation			; FDL
@@ -577,9 +577,9 @@
 (make-tests matrix-fixnum
- (letm ((intmat (matrix-fixnum 2 2)))	;(setf gsl-aref), gsl-aref
-   (setf (gsl-aref intmat 0 1) 77)
-   (gsl-aref intmat 0 1))
+ (letm ((intmat (matrix-fixnum 2 2)))	;(setf maref), maref
+   (setf (maref intmat 0 1) 77)
+   (maref intmat 0 1))
  (letm ((intmat (matrix-fixnum 2 2)))	;(setf data)
    (setf (data intmat) #2A((4 6) (8 2)))
    (data intmat))
@@ -637,8 +637,8 @@
    (LIST 77)
-      (SETF (GSL-AREF INTMAT 0 1) 77)
-      (GSL-AREF INTMAT 0 1))))
+      (SETF (MAREF INTMAT 0 1) 77)
+      (MAREF INTMAT 0 1))))
    (LIST #2A((4 6) (8 2)))
@@ -741,14 +741,14 @@
    (loop for i from 0 below 10
 	 (loop for j from 0 below 3
-	       do (setf (gsl-aref mat i j) (+ 0.23d0 j (* 100 i)))))
+	       do (setf (maref mat i j) (+ 0.23d0 j (* 100 i)))))
    (data mat))
  (letm ((mat (matrix-double #2A((1.0d0 2.0d0) (3.0d0 4.0d0))))
 	(ans (matrix-double 2 2)))
    (copy ans mat)
    (data ans))
  (letm ((mat (matrix-double #2A((1.0d0 2.0d0) (3.0d0 4.0d0)))))
-   (gsl* mat mat)
+   (m* mat mat)
    (data mat)))
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@
     (LETM ((MAT (MATRIX-DOUBLE 10 3)))
 			(+ 0.23d0 J (* 100 I)))))
       (DATA MAT))))
@@ -782,5 +782,5 @@
    (LIST #2A((1.0d0 4.0d0) (9.0d0 16.0d0)))
     (LETM ((MAT (MATRIX-DOUBLE #2A((1.0d0 2.0d0) (3.0d0 4.0d0)))))
-      (GSL* MAT MAT) (DATA MAT)))))
+      (M* MAT MAT) (DATA MAT)))))
diff --git a/data/permutation.lisp b/data/permutation.lisp
index a8a2e7bf24356033b0dd9af579f44aca5704c5c7..f6d253454a9faa3a7093eb248da8775978db6877 100644
--- a/data/permutation.lisp
+++ b/data/permutation.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Permutations
 ;; Liam Healy, Sun Mar 26 2006 - 11:51
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 09:56:49EST permutation.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:49:22EST permutation.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ;;;; Getting values
-(defmfun gsl-aref ((permutation gsl-permutation) &rest indices)
+(defmfun maref ((permutation gsl-permutation) &rest indices)
   (((pointer permutation) :pointer) ((first indices) size))
   :type :method 
@@ -250,9 +250,9 @@
- (letm ((perm-1 (permutation 4 t)))	;gsl-aref
+ (letm ((perm-1 (permutation 4 t)))	;maref
    (set-identity perm-1)
-   (gsl-aref perm-1 2))
+   (maref perm-1 2))
  (letm ((perm-1 (permutation 4 t)))	;data
    (set-identity perm-1)
    (data perm-1))
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
-      (GSL-AREF PERM-1 2))))
+      (MAREF PERM-1 2))))
    (LIST #(0 1 2 3))
diff --git a/data/vector.lisp b/data/vector.lisp
index 9a0453896d46221773e35c73899424157b1882d0..9df1da1c67fde47c9b4b50ddc96f9ce84f3b8178 100644
--- a/data/vector.lisp
+++ b/data/vector.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Vectors
 ;; Liam Healy, Sun Mar 26 2006 - 11:51
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 16:19:47EST vector.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:57:18EST vector.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ;;; Need to build real vector out of view pointer.
-;;; Need to #'cl-invalidate when (setf gsl-aref) called, see Mon Nov 26 2007.
+;;; Need to #'cl-invalidate when (setf maref) called, see Mon Nov 26 2007.
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ deallocated with the vector.
 ;;;; Getting values
-(defmfun-vdsfc gsl-aref ((vector gsl-vector) &rest indices)
+(defmfun-vdsfc maref ((vector gsl-vector) &rest indices)
   (((pointer vector) :pointer) ((first indices) size))
   :c-return :c-base-type
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ deallocated with the vector.
 ;;;; Setting values
-(defmfun-vdsfc (setf gsl-aref) (value (vector gsl-vector) &rest indices)
+(defmfun-vdsfc (setf maref) (value (vector gsl-vector) &rest indices)
   (((pointer vector) :pointer) ((first indices) size) (value :c-base-type))
   :c-return :void
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ deallocated with the vector.
 ;;;; Arithmetic operations
-(defmfun-vdsf gsl+ ((a gsl-vector) (b gsl-vector))
+(defmfun-vdsf m+ ((a gsl-vector) (b gsl-vector))
   "gsl_vector_add" (((pointer a) gsl-vector-c) ((pointer b) gsl-vector-c))
   :invalidate (a)
   :documentation			; FDL
@@ -301,34 +301,34 @@ deallocated with the vector.
   vector a, a'_i = a_i + b_i. The two vectors must have the
   same length.")
-(defmfun-vdsf gsl- ((a gsl-vector) (b gsl-vector))
+(defmfun-vdsf m- ((a gsl-vector) (b gsl-vector))
   "gsl_vector_sub" (((pointer a) gsl-vector-c) ((pointer b) gsl-vector-c))
   :invalidate (a)
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Subtract the elements of vector b from the elements of
    vector a, a'_i = a_i - b_i.  The two vectors must have the same length.")
-(defmfun-vdsf gsl* ((a gsl-vector) (b gsl-vector))
+(defmfun-vdsf m* ((a gsl-vector) (b gsl-vector))
   "gsl_vector_mul" (((pointer a) gsl-vector-c) ((pointer b) gsl-vector-c))
   :invalidate (a)
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Multiply the elements of vector a by the elements of
   vector b, a'_i = a_i * b_i. The two vectors must have the same length.")
-(defmfun-vdsf gsl/ ((a gsl-vector) (b gsl-vector))
+(defmfun-vdsf m/ ((a gsl-vector) (b gsl-vector))
   "gsl_vector_div" (((pointer a) gsl-vector-c) ((pointer b) gsl-vector-c))
   :invalidate (a)
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Divide the elements of vector a by the elements of
   vector b, a'_i = a_i / b_i. The two vectors must have the same length.")
-(defmfun-vdsf gsl*c ((a gsl-vector) x)
+(defmfun-vdsf m*c ((a gsl-vector) x)
   "gsl_vector_scale" (((pointer a) gsl-vector-c) (x :double))
   :invalidate (a)
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Multiply the elements of vector a by the constant factor x, a'_i = x a_i.")
-(defmfun-vdsf gsl+c ((a gsl-vector) x)
+(defmfun-vdsf m+c ((a gsl-vector) x)
   "gsl_vector_add_constant" (((pointer a) gsl-vector-c) (x :double))
   :invalidate (a)
   :documentation			; FDL
@@ -398,9 +398,9 @@ deallocated with the vector.
- (letm ((intvec (vector-fixnum 4)))	;(setf gsl-aref), gsl-aref
-   (setf (gsl-aref intvec 1) 77)
-   (gsl-aref intvec 1))
+ (letm ((intvec (vector-fixnum 4)))	;(setf maref), maref
+   (setf (maref intvec 1) 77)
+   (maref intvec 1))
  (letm ((intvec (vector-fixnum 4)))	;(setf data)
    (setf (data intvec) #(4 6 8 2))
    (data intvec))
@@ -446,8 +446,8 @@ deallocated with the vector.
    (LIST 77)
-      (SETF (GSL-AREF INTVEC 1) 77)
-      (GSL-AREF INTVEC 1))))
+      (SETF (MAREF INTVEC 1) 77)
+      (MAREF INTVEC 1))))
    (LIST #(4 6 8 2))
@@ -536,9 +536,9 @@ deallocated with the vector.
  (letm ((vec (vector-double 3)))
-   (setf (gsl-aref vec 0) -3.21d0
-	 (gsl-aref vec 1) 1.0d0
-	 (gsl-aref vec 2) 12.8d0
+   (setf (maref vec 0) -3.21d0
+	 (maref vec 1) 1.0d0
+	 (maref vec 2) 12.8d0
 	 (cl-invalid vec) t)
    (data vec))
  (letm ((vec (vector-double 3)))
@@ -560,9 +560,9 @@ deallocated with the vector.
    (LIST #(-3.21d0 1.0d0 12.8d0))
-      (SETF (GSL-AREF VEC 0) -3.21d0
-	    (GSL-AREF VEC 1) 1.0d0
-	    (GSL-AREF VEC 2) 12.8d0
+      (SETF (MAREF VEC 0) -3.21d0
+	    (MAREF VEC 1) 1.0d0
+	    (MAREF VEC 2) 12.8d0
       (DATA VEC))))
diff --git a/documentation/development.html b/documentation/development.html
index d0f9e7e300f45b5e155ecf2cd444beb11d5b609f..babf101e1a0c8e7de6610eebbf10432782ada83f 100644
--- a/documentation/development.html
+++ b/documentation/development.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-<!-- -*- mode: HTML; time-stamp-line-limit: -8; -*- -->
+<!-- -*- mode: HTML; time-stamp-line-limit: -18; -*- -->
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+<html xmlns="http://www.nw3.org/1999/xhtml">
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"/>
        <title>GSLL Development</title>
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
   equivalent probably won't be done, unless there is a need to have it
   present for some other GSL functionality that isn't present in CL.
+  <li>Data types that are not defined in Common Lisp portably (such as
+ uint) may not be well supported.  Others may be added but it
+ may be difficult to do so in a portable way.  There are several
+ macros that should make this relatively easy.
+ </li>
@@ -51,6 +56,10 @@
   It is possible that the library API will change but probably not
    substantially; most of the remaining work involves added functions.
+   Although many of the file output functions have been ported, none
+   have been tested, and they likely will need additional C or support
+   from other libraries.
    There seem to be differences in the random number generators
    between amd64 and i386, so many regression tests fail as the
@@ -96,16 +105,13 @@
-and expect a two failures on amd64, none? on i386.
+See <a href="documentation.html">documentation</a> regarding known failures.
     <address><a href="mailto:">Liam Healy</a></address>
-       Time-stamp: <2008-02-18 00:25:04EST index.html>
-<!-- Liam Healy 2008-02-18 11:36:11EST development.html -->
-<!-- Time-stamp: <2008-02-18 12:50:26EST development.html> -->
-<!-- $Id: $ -->
+       Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 19:08:21EST development.html>
 <!-- hhmts end -->
diff --git a/documentation/documentation.html b/documentation/documentation.html
index b79c27a19fd633966d8f7da95998ca5297fd2ccd..53f779fbddb26df5d7c65e5c2ca8ad0d84284e71 100644
--- a/documentation/documentation.html
+++ b/documentation/documentation.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<!-- -*- mode: HTML; time-stamp-line-limit: -8; -*- -->
+<!-- -*- mode: HTML; time-stamp-line-limit: -18; -*- -->
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
@@ -79,32 +79,47 @@ are functions whose symbols are exported so that an arglist prompt
 will be visible; however, the function should not be used outside a
 let binding.
- <h3>Data</h3>
+ <h3>Data: vectors, matrices, etc.</h3>
  <div class="content">
+ <p>
  Collectively, vectors, matrices, histograms and the like are called
- <i>data</i>.  There many different types supported by GSL, but GSLL
- has implemented only a few of these: complex, double-float,
- single-float, and fixnum, because those types are defined by
- the Common Lisp standard.  Others may be added but it may be
- difficult to do so in a portable way.  There are several macros that
- should make this relatively easy.
+ <i>data</i>.  There are many different types of vectors and matrices
+ supported by GSL, but GSLL has implemented only a few of these:
+ complex, double-float, single-float, and fixnum, because those types
+ are defined by the Common Lisp standard.
+ <p>Vectors and matrices can be converted to and from their Lisp
+ counterparts with <code>data</code> and <code>(setf data)</code>.
+ Setting the GSL value to a Lisp value at initialization
+ can be done within the <code>letm</code> by giving the Lisp value as
+ the first argument after the type, for example
+(letm ((vec (vector-double #(-3.21d0 1.0d0 12.8d0))))
+   (data vec))
+ Individual elements of data may be accessed with <code>maref</code>,
+ either directly or in a <code>setf</code>.
  <div class="content">
  Consistent with the <a href="development.html">development</a>
  philosophy, most of the interface to the library is done.  Notes
- particular chapters:
+ on particular chapters:
 <li><a href="Vectors-and-Matrices.html">Vectors and Matrices</a>
 	are done for integer, real, double, complex.
 	 Subvectors and views don't work.  Other element types may be
         difficult to port due to lack of CL definition.
-	      <base href="http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/">
+	      <base
+ href="http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/">
+<li>Functions that provide file input and output to files are not tested and
+ likely will need other definitions (perhaps in C) to function
+ properly, unless CFFI and the CL platform provide C stream
+ compatibility.
 <li>Some <a href="Sorting.html">sorting</a> functions fail on amd64 platforms,
  perhaps because of lack of unsigned integer vectors.
 <li><a href="BLAS-Support.html">BLAS</a> is completed, but with only very
  limited testing.
- <li><a href="Fast-Fourier-Transforms.html">FFTs</a> has not been done
+ <li><a href="Fast-Fourier-Transforms.html">FFTs</a> have not been done
  because GSL does not supply an example and it is not clear how it
  used.  Contributions welcome. 
 <li><a href="Simulated-Annealing.html">Simulated Annealing</a> has
@@ -114,17 +129,30 @@ let binding.
 <li><a href="Discrete-Hankel-Transforms.html">Discrete Hankel
  Transforms</a> has been done but there is no example given in the GSL
-<li><a href="Basis-Splines.html">Basis splines</a> have yet to be tested.
+<li><a href="Basis-Splines.html">Basis splines</a> example runs, but
+ the GSL documentation does not provide the result for comparison.
+There are failures observed in the regression tests
+<li>CLISP shows three "foreign callout errors". Remedy unknown.
+<li>Sorting shows two failures on amd64 platforms.  This is possibly
+because of the use of integer vectors to store unsigned integer
+<li>There are several regression failures that are apparently due to
+changes in GSL between versions 1.8 and 1.10.  These are:
+beta, chi-squared, dirichlet, elliptic-functions, fdist,
+gamma-randist, negative-binomial.
  <div class="footer">
     <address><a href="mailto:">Liam Healy</a></address>
-<!-- Created: Feb 25 2005 -->
 <!-- hhmts start -->
-       Time-stamp: <2008-02-18 14:56:02EST documentation.html>
+       Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 19:45:14EST documentation.html>
 <!-- hhmts end -->
diff --git a/documentation/index.html b/documentation/index.html
index 6004286ca71c6b3b63fb03f27e8d229ccc7757c2..73679e5f33688690ebe3145f917e17c0c32e08f9 100644
--- a/documentation/index.html
+++ b/documentation/index.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<!-- -*- mode: HTML; time-stamp-line-limit: -8; -*- -->
+<!-- -*- mode: HTML; time-stamp-line-limit: -18; -*- -->
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> 
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
@@ -28,13 +28,14 @@
       getting quick answers, even for someone not intending
       to program in Lisp.
-      <p>This code should be considered alpha but it is largely usable
+      <p>This code should be considered alpha and is still under
+      development, but it is largely usable
       now, with some GSL capability not yet available. See
       Development section below.</p>
  <p>This software is distributed under the <a
 	  and <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html">FDL</a>.
-	  See COPYING.</p> 
+	  See COPYING.  There is absolutely no warranty.</p> 
@@ -85,7 +86,9 @@ debugger invoked on a GSL-ERROR in thread #<THREAD "initial thread" {10032258C1}
       common-lisp-controller</a>, install with
         <code>clc-register-user-package</code> and then within Lisp
       <code>(clc:clc-require :gsll)</code>.
-  <p>GSLL has been tested with SBCL on Debian i386 and amd64.</p>
+  <p>GSLL has been tested with <a
+ href="http://sbcl.sourceforge.net/">SBCL</a> and <a
+ href="http://clisp.cons.org/">CLISP</a> on Debian i386 and amd64.</p>
  <h3>Additional information</h3>
@@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ svn checkout svn://common-lisp.net/project/gsll/subversion/trunk</pre>.</p>
 <!-- Created: Feb 25 2005 -->
 <!-- hhmts start -->
-       Time-stamp: <2008-02-18 12:51:51EST index.html>
+       Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 19:02:16EST index.html>
 <!-- hhmts end -->
diff --git a/histogram/operations.lisp b/histogram/operations.lisp
index 088ec8cf9a65f9d4805ab327444be03227f49c6b..73873e11f7f6480b2d9c071ec3ecbfa85f1cd69f 100644
--- a/histogram/operations.lisp
+++ b/histogram/operations.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Histogram operations
 ;; Liam Healy, Mon Jan  1 2007 - 16:47
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 17:10:53EST operations.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:57:17EST operations.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
 ;;; GSL documentation does not state what the return value for the
 ;;; C function means; assumed to be error code.
-(defmfun gsl+-1 (histogram1 histogram2)
+(defmfun m+-1 (histogram1 histogram2)
   (((pointer histogram1) :pointer) ((pointer histogram2) :pointer))
   :export nil
-  :index gsl+
+  :index m+
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Add the contents of the bins in histogram2 to the
    corresponding bins of histogram1 i.e. h'_1(i) =
@@ -43,32 +43,32 @@
 ;;; GSL documentation does not state what the return value for the
 ;;; C function means; assumed to be error code.
-(defmfun gsl+-2 (histogram1 histogram2)
+(defmfun m+-2 (histogram1 histogram2)
   (((pointer histogram1) :pointer) ((pointer histogram2) :pointer))
   :export nil
-  :index gsl+
+  :index m+
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Add the contents of the bins in histogram2 to the
    corresponding bins of histogram1 i.e. h'_1(i) =
    h_1(i) + h_2(i).  The two histograms must have identical bin
-(defmethod gsl+ ((histogram1 histogram) (histogram2 histogram))
+(defmethod m+ ((histogram1 histogram) (histogram2 histogram))
   ;; FDL
   "Add the contents of the bins in histogram2 to the
    corresponding bins of histogram1 i.e. h'_1(i) =
    h_1(i) + h_2(i).  The two histograms must have identical bin
-  (histo-1d2d histogram1 gsl+ (histogram2)))
+  (histo-1d2d histogram1 m+ (histogram2)))
 ;;; GSL documentation does not state what the return value for the
 ;;; C function means; assumed to be error code.
-(defmfun gsl--1 (histogram1 histogram2)
+(defmfun m--1 (histogram1 histogram2)
   (((pointer histogram1) :pointer) ((pointer histogram2) :pointer))
   :export nil
-  :index gsl-
+  :index m-
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Subtract the contents of the bins in histogram2 from the
    corresponding bins of histogram1 i.e. h'_1(i) = h_1(i) -
@@ -76,17 +76,17 @@
 ;;; GSL documentation does not state what the return value for the
 ;;; C function means; assumed to be error code.
-(defmfun gsl--2 (histogram1 histogram2)
+(defmfun m--2 (histogram1 histogram2)
   (((pointer histogram1) :pointer) ((pointer histogram2) :pointer))
   :export nil
-  :index gsl-
+  :index m-
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Subtract the contents of the bins in histogram2 from the
    corresponding bins of histogram1 i.e. h'_1(i) = h_1(i) -
    h_2(i).  The two histograms must have identical bin ranges.")
-(defmethod gsl- ((histogram1 histogram) (histogram2 histogram))
+(defmethod m- ((histogram1 histogram) (histogram2 histogram))
   ;; FDL
   "Subtract the contents of the bins in histogram2 from the
    corresponding bins of histogram1 i.e. h'_1(i) = h_1(i) -
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@
 ;;; GSL documentation does not state what the return value for the
 ;;; C function means; assumed to be error code.
-(defmfun gsl*-1 (histogram1 histogram2)
+(defmfun m*-1 (histogram1 histogram2)
   (((pointer histogram1) :pointer) ((pointer histogram2) :pointer))
   :export nil
-  :index gsl*
+  :index m*
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Multiply the contents of the bins of histogram1 by the
    contents of the corresponding bins in histogram2
@@ -108,32 +108,32 @@
 ;;; GSL documentation does not state what the return value for the
 ;;; C function means; assumed to be error code.
-(defmfun gsl*-2 (histogram1 histogram2)
+(defmfun m*-2 (histogram1 histogram2)
   (((pointer histogram1) :pointer) ((pointer histogram2) :pointer))
   :export nil
-  :index gsl*
+  :index m*
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Multiply the contents of the bins of histogram1 by the
    contents of the corresponding bins in histogram2
    i.e. h'_1(i) = h_1(i) * h_2(i).  The two histograms
    must have identical bin ranges.")
-(defmethod gsl* ((histogram1 histogram) (histogram2 histogram))
+(defmethod m* ((histogram1 histogram) (histogram2 histogram))
   ;; FDL
   "Multiply the contents of the bins of histogram1 by the
    contents of the corresponding bins in histogram2
    i.e. h'_1(i) = h_1(i) * h_2(i).  The two histograms
    must have identical bin ranges."
-  (histo-1d2d histogram1 gsl* (histogram2)))
+  (histo-1d2d histogram1 m* (histogram2)))
 ;;; GSL documentation does not state what the return value for the
 ;;; C function means; assumed to be error code.
-(defmfun gsl/-1 (histogram1 histogram2)
+(defmfun m/-1 (histogram1 histogram2)
   (((pointer histogram1) :pointer) ((pointer histogram2) :pointer))
   :export nil
-  :index gsl/
+  :index m/
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Divide the contents of the bins of histogram1 by the
    contents of the corresponding bins in histogram2
@@ -142,24 +142,24 @@
 ;;; GSL documentation does not state what the return value for the
 ;;; C function means; assumed to be error code.
-(defmfun gsl/-2 (histogram1 histogram2)
+(defmfun m/-2 (histogram1 histogram2)
   (((pointer histogram1) :pointer) ((pointer histogram2) :pointer))
   :export nil
-  :index gsl/
+  :index m/
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Divide the contents of the bins of histogram1 by the
    contents of the corresponding bins in histogram2
    i.e. h'_1(i) = h_1(i) / h_2(i).  The two histograms
    must have identical bin ranges.")
-(defmethod gsl/ ((histogram1 histogram) (histogram2 histogram))
+(defmethod m/ ((histogram1 histogram) (histogram2 histogram))
   ;; FDL
   "Divide the contents of the bins of histogram1 by the
    contents of the corresponding bins in histogram2
    i.e. h'_1(i) = h_1(i) / h_2(i).  The two histograms
    must have identical bin ranges."
-  (histo-1d2d histogram1 gsl/ (histogram2)))
+  (histo-1d2d histogram1 m/ (histogram2)))
 ;;; GSL documentation does not state what the return value for the
 ;;; C function means; assumed to be error code.
diff --git a/histogram/updating-accessing.lisp b/histogram/updating-accessing.lisp
index dccfa1ae888934a03ade74df9d5657549eee43fa..f83e501d46508fbd7b37395a8b3ac6107bd58ccc 100644
--- a/histogram/updating-accessing.lisp
+++ b/histogram/updating-accessing.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Updating and accessing histogram elements.
 ;; Liam Healy, Mon Jan  1 2007 - 14:43
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 17:04:08EST updating-accessing.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:49:16EST updating-accessing.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
    histograms for a small range of a larger dataset, ignoring the values
    outside the range of interest.")
-(defmfun gsl-aref ((histogram histogram) &rest i)
+(defmfun maref ((histogram histogram) &rest i)
   (((pointer histogram) :pointer) ((first i) size))
   :type :method 
@@ -127,22 +127,22 @@
    (set-ranges-uniform histo 0.0d0 10.0d0)
    (increment histo 2.7d0)
    (increment histo 6.9d0 2.0d0)
-   (gsl-aref histo 1))
+   (maref histo 1))
  (letm ((histo (histogram 10)))
    (set-ranges-uniform histo 0.0d0 10.0d0)
    (increment histo 2.7d0)
    (increment histo 6.9d0 2.0d0)
-   (gsl-aref histo 2))
+   (maref histo 2))
  (letm ((histo (histogram 10)))
    (set-ranges-uniform histo 0.0d0 10.0d0)
    (increment histo 2.7d0)
    (increment histo 6.9d0 2.0d0)
-   (gsl-aref histo 6))
+   (maref histo 6))
  (letm ((histo (histogram 10)))
    (set-ranges-uniform histo 0.0d0 10.0d0)
    (increment histo 2.7d0)
    (increment histo 6.9d0 2.0d0)
-   (gsl-aref histo 16))
+   (maref histo 16))
  (letm ((histo (histogram 10)))
    (set-ranges-uniform histo 0.0d0 10.0d0)
    (increment histo 2.7d0)
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
       (SET-RANGES-UNIFORM HISTO 0.0d0 10.0d0)
       (INCREMENT HISTO 2.7d0)
       (INCREMENT HISTO 6.9d0 2.0d0)
-      (GSL-AREF HISTO 1))))
+      (MAREF HISTO 1))))
    (LIST 1.0d0)
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
       (SET-RANGES-UNIFORM HISTO 0.0d0 10.0d0)
       (INCREMENT HISTO 2.7d0)
       (INCREMENT HISTO 6.9d0 2.0d0)
-      (GSL-AREF HISTO 2))))
+      (MAREF HISTO 2))))
    (LIST 2.0d0)
@@ -190,14 +190,14 @@
       (SET-RANGES-UNIFORM HISTO 0.0d0 10.0d0)
       (INCREMENT HISTO 2.7d0)
       (INCREMENT HISTO 6.9d0 2.0d0)
-      (GSL-AREF HISTO 6))))
+      (MAREF HISTO 6))))
      (SET-RANGES-UNIFORM HISTO 0.0d0 10.0d0)
      (INCREMENT HISTO 2.7d0)
      (INCREMENT HISTO 6.9d0 2.0d0)
-     (GSL-AREF HISTO 16)))
+     (MAREF HISTO 16)))
    (LIST 0.0d0 10.0d0)
@@ -223,6 +223,3 @@
       (INCREMENT HISTO 2.7d0)
       (INCREMENT HISTO 6.9d0 2.0d0)
       (HISTOGRAM-FIND HISTO 5.5d0)))))
diff --git a/polynomial.lisp b/polynomial.lisp
index f28af3c33dae5564392909f89d23471fbe0c7012..0921d88b88226de627db572411a887a125056553 100644
--- a/polynomial.lisp
+++ b/polynomial.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Polynomials
 ;; Liam Healy, Tue Mar 21 2006 - 18:33
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 08:49:41EST polynomial.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:49:15EST polynomial.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
    (workspace :pointer) ((gsl-array answer-pd) :pointer))
   ((loop for i from 0 below (dim0 answer-pd) by 2
-	 collect (complex (gsl-aref answer-pd i)
-			  (gsl-aref answer-pd (1+ i)))))
+	 collect (complex (maref answer-pd i)
+			  (maref answer-pd (1+ i)))))
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Arguments are:
    a GSL array of coefficients, a workspace, a gsl-array of doubles."
diff --git a/series-acceleration.lisp b/series-acceleration.lisp
index d3bbb88cc8b6cdb7b9095b7a0847effc83902b2a..7381421fefb21d50e5aed102ce6bf2753cbb4d4d 100644
--- a/series-acceleration.lisp
+++ b/series-acceleration.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Series acceleration.
 ;; Liam Healy, Wed Nov 21 2007 - 18:41
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 18:04:12EST series-acceleration.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:49:18EST series-acceleration.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@
     (letm ((levin (levin maxterms))
 	   (array (vector-double maxterms)))
       (dotimes (n maxterms)
-	(setf (gsl-aref array n) (coerce (/ (expt (1+ n) 2)) 'double-float))
-	(incf sum (gsl-aref array n)))
+	(setf (maref array n) (coerce (/ (expt (1+ n) 2)) 'double-float))
+	(incf sum (maref array n)))
       (multiple-value-bind (accelerated-sum error)
 	  (accelerate array levin)
 	(format t "~&term-by-term sum =~f using ~d terms" sum maxterms)
diff --git a/solve-minimize-fit/linear-least-squares.lisp b/solve-minimize-fit/linear-least-squares.lisp
index c6f1f5ed3d71a7469f8e6c4e3f951ea8fc6d80d7..d2303f2ada244bb026fbd2b0cb1d93b3fde9493c 100644
--- a/solve-minimize-fit/linear-least-squares.lisp
+++ b/solve-minimize-fit/linear-least-squares.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Linear least squares, or linear regression
 ;; Liam Healy <2008-01-21 12:41:46EST linear-least-squares.lisp>
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 18:33:16EST linear-least-squares.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 19:43:59EST linear-least-squares.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@
 (defmfun multi-linear-estimate (x coefficients covariance)
-  ((x :double) (coefficients :pointer)
-   (covariance :pointer) (y :double) (y-error :double))
+  (((pointer x) :pointer) ((pointer coefficients) :pointer)
+   ((pointer covariance) :pointer) (y :double) (y-error :double))
   :documentation			; FDL
   "Use the best-fit multilinear regression coefficients
    and their covariance matrix to compute the fitted function value
@@ -270,15 +270,15 @@
 	  (loop for i from 0 below (dim0 x)
 		(format t "~&data: ~12,5f ~12,5f ~12,5f"
-			(gsl-aref x i)
-			(gsl-aref y i)
-			(/ (gsl-aref w i))))
+			(maref x i)
+			(maref y i)
+			(/ (maref w i))))
 	  (loop for i from -30 below 130 by 10 ; don't print everything
-		xf = (+ (gsl-aref x 0)
+		xf = (+ (maref x 0)
 			(* (/ i 100)
-			   (- (gsl-aref x (1- (dim0 x)))
-			      (gsl-aref x 0))))
+			   (- (maref x (1- (dim0 x)))
+			      (maref x 0))))
 		(multiple-value-bind (yf yferr)
 		    (linear-estimate xf c0 c1 cov00 cov01 cov11)
@@ -308,26 +308,26 @@
 	 (c (vector-double 3)))
     (loop for i from 0
 	  for row in data do
-	  (setf (gsl-aref X i 0) 1.0d0
-		(gsl-aref X i 1) (first row)
-		(gsl-aref X i 2) (expt (first row) 2)
-		(gsl-aref y i) (second row)
-		(gsl-aref w i) (/ (expt (third row) 2))))
+	  (setf (maref X i 0) 1.0d0
+		(maref X i 1) (first row)
+		(maref X i 2) (expt (first row) 2)
+		(maref y i) (second row)
+		(maref w i) (/ (expt (third row) 2))))
     (letm ((ws (fit-workspace n 3)))
       (setf chisq
 	    (weighted-linear-mfit X w y c cov ws)))
     (format t "~&Best fit: Y = ~10,8f + ~10,8f X + ~10,8f X^2"
-	    (gsl-aref c 0) (gsl-aref c 1) (gsl-aref c 2))
+	    (maref c 0) (maref c 1) (maref c 2))
     (format t "~&Covariance matrix:")
      t "~&~10,8f ~10,8f ~10,8f"
-     (gsl-aref cov 0 0) (gsl-aref cov 0 1) (gsl-aref cov 0 2))
+     (maref cov 0 0) (maref cov 0 1) (maref cov 0 2))
      t "~&~10,8f ~10,8f ~10,8f"
-     (gsl-aref cov 1 0) (gsl-aref cov 1 1) (gsl-aref cov 1 2))
+     (maref cov 1 0) (maref cov 1 1) (maref cov 1 2))
      t "~&~10,8f ~10,8f ~10,8f"
-     (gsl-aref cov 2 0) (gsl-aref cov 2 1) (gsl-aref cov 2 2))
+     (maref cov 2 0) (maref cov 2 1) (maref cov 2 2))
     (format t "~&Chisq = ~10,6f" chisq)))
 ;;; (mv-linear-least-squares-example (mv-linear-least-squares-data))
diff --git a/solve-minimize-fit/minimization-multi.lisp b/solve-minimize-fit/minimization-multi.lisp
index 59082a7f31efee2c4b54be6db7075444e5a2c042..4c7d80b25c23b2715abdd47d4b8e0b485147164e 100644
--- a/solve-minimize-fit/minimization-multi.lisp
+++ b/solve-minimize-fit/minimization-multi.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Multivariate minimization.
 ;; Liam Healy  <Tue Jan  8 2008 - 21:28>
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 18:39:48EST minimization-multi.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:49:17EST minimization-multi.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -360,11 +360,11 @@
 	  (let ((x (mfdfminimizer-x minimizer)))
 	    (format t "~&~d~6t~10,6f~18t~10,6f~28t~12,9f"
-		    iter (gsl-aref x 0) (gsl-aref x 1)
+		    iter (maref x 0) (maref x 1)
 		    (mfdfminimizer-minimum minimizer)))
 	  finally (return
 		    (let ((x (mfdfminimizer-x minimizer)))
-		      (values (gsl-aref x 0) (gsl-aref x 1)))))))
+		      (values (maref x 0) (maref x 1)))))))
 ;;; Because def-minimization-functions bind a symbol
 ;;; of the same name as the first function, and we want both to run,
@@ -390,9 +390,9 @@
 		  (not (min-test-size size 1.0d-2)))
 	    (let ((x (mfminimizer-x minimizer)))
 	      (format t "~&~d~6t~10,6f~18t~10,6f~28t~12,9f~40t~8,3f"
-		      iter (gsl-aref x 0) (gsl-aref x 1)
+		      iter (maref x 0) (maref x 1)
 		      (mfminimizer-minimum minimizer)
 	    finally (return
 		      (let ((x (mfminimizer-x minimizer)))
-			(values (gsl-aref x 0) (gsl-aref x 1))))))))
+			(values (maref x 0) (maref x 1))))))))
diff --git a/solve-minimize-fit/nonlinear-least-squares.lisp b/solve-minimize-fit/nonlinear-least-squares.lisp
index 90e4385bfbfac2c6d6bc7293608a4d686ae118a4..a11f7228bd30969720755030e33f1593f801b5c3 100644
--- a/solve-minimize-fit/nonlinear-least-squares.lisp
+++ b/solve-minimize-fit/nonlinear-least-squares.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Nonlinear least squares fitting.
 ;; Liam Healy, 2008-02-09 12:59:16EST nonlinear-least-squares.lisp
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 18:26:44EST nonlinear-least-squares.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:49:18EST nonlinear-least-squares.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
     (macrolet ((fitx (i) `(vref (fdffit-slot fit 'x) ,i))
-	       (err (i) `(sqrt (gsl-aref covariance ,i ,i))))
+	       (err (i) `(sqrt (maref covariance ,i ,i))))
       (format t "~&iter: ~d x = ~15,8f ~15,8f ~15,8f |f(x)|=~7,6g"
 	      0 (fitx 0) (fitx 1) (fitx 2)
 	      (norm (make-data-from-pointer (fdffit-slot fit 'f))))
diff --git a/solve-minimize-fit/roots-multi.lisp b/solve-minimize-fit/roots-multi.lisp
index 08b4474581651a36c60172590098ef9ae70d5328..51766372e19ac486917614282642bb49ac4fc1e2 100644
--- a/solve-minimize-fit/roots-multi.lisp
+++ b/solve-minimize-fit/roots-multi.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; Multivariate roots.                
 ;;; Liam Healy 2008-01-12 12:49:08
-;;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 18:15:07EST roots-multi.lisp>
+;;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:49:17EST roots-multi.lisp>
 ;;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -392,11 +392,11 @@
 (defparameter *powell-A* 1.0d4)
 (defun powell (argument return)
   "Powell's test function."
-  (setf (gsl-aref return 0)
-	(- (* *powell-A* (gsl-aref argument 0) (gsl-aref argument 1))
+  (setf (maref return 0)
+	(- (* *powell-A* (maref argument 0) (maref argument 1))
-	(gsl-aref return 1)
-	(+ (exp (- (gsl-aref argument 0))) (exp (- (gsl-aref argument 1)))
+	(maref return 1)
+	(+ (exp (- (maref argument 0))) (exp (- (maref argument 1)))
 	   (- (1+ (/ *powell-A*))))))
 ;;; (def-mfunction powell 2)
@@ -443,15 +443,15 @@
 		(iterate-mfsolver solver)
 		(format t "~&iter=~d~8tx0=~12,8g~24tx1=~12,8g~38tf0=~12,8g~52tf1=~12,8g"
-			(gsl-aref argval 0)
-			(gsl-aref argval 1)
-			(gsl-aref fnval 0)
-			(gsl-aref fnval 1))
+			(maref argval 0)
+			(maref argval 1)
+			(maref fnval 0)
+			(maref fnval 1))
 		finally (return
-			  (values (gsl-aref argval 0)
-				  (gsl-aref argval 1)
-				  (gsl-aref fnval 0)
-				  (gsl-aref fnval 1)))))))))
+			  (values (maref argval 0)
+				  (maref argval 1)
+				  (maref fnval 0)
+				  (maref fnval 1)))))))))
 (defun rosenbrock-df (argument jacobian)
@@ -479,10 +479,10 @@
   (flet ((print-state (iter argval fnval)
 	   (format t "~&iter=~d~8tx0=~12,8g~24tx1=~12,8g~38tf0=~12,8g~52tf1=~12,8g"
-		   (gsl-aref argval 0)
-		   (gsl-aref argval 1)
-		   (gsl-aref fnval 0)
-		   (gsl-aref fnval 1))))
+		   (maref argval 0)
+		   (maref argval 1)
+		   (maref fnval 0)
+		   (maref fnval 1))))
     (let ((max-iter 1000))
       (letm ((vect (vector-double #(-10.0d0 -5.0d0))))
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@
 		  (iterate-mfdfsolver solver)
 		  (print-state iter argval fnval)
 		  finally (return
-			    (values (gsl-aref argval 0)
-				    (gsl-aref argval 1)
-				    (gsl-aref fnval 0)
-				    (gsl-aref fnval 1))))))))))
+			    (values (maref argval 0)
+				    (maref argval 1)
+				    (maref fnval 0)
+				    (maref fnval 1))))))))))
diff --git a/wavelet.lisp b/wavelet.lisp
index 8369f9d509c21a1178c35d03a6fa0efe62697d3b..4a92bf17db32e36e6b6879c478bbb1394ed9da98 100644
--- a/wavelet.lisp
+++ b/wavelet.lisp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;; Wavelet transforms.
 ;; Liam Healy, Mon Nov 26 2007 - 20:43
-;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-17 18:37:40EST wavelet.lisp>
+;; Time-stamp: <2008-02-23 18:49:16EST wavelet.lisp>
 ;; $Id: $
 (in-package :gsl)
@@ -394,13 +394,13 @@
     (letm ((absvector (vector-double n))
 	   (permutation (permutation n)))
       (dotimes (i n)
-	(setf (gsl-aref absvector i) (abs (gsl-aref vector i))))
+	(setf (maref absvector i) (abs (maref vector i))))
       ;; Sort and set to 0 all but the largest 20.
       (sort-vector-index permutation absvector)
       (dotimes (i (- n 20))
-	(setf (gsl-aref vector (gsl-aref permutation i))
+	(setf (maref vector (maref permutation i))
 	      0.0d0))) ;; Transform back
-    (dotimes (i n) (format t "~&~a" (gsl-aref vector i)))
+    (dotimes (i n) (format t "~&~a" (maref vector i)))
     (cl-invalidate vector)
     (wavelet-transform-inverse wavelet vector 1 workspace)
     (data vector)))