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  • Raymond Toy's avatar
    Check for symbol length in character.1.body · 4b4c97c7
    Raymond Toy authored
    Cmucl converts a string to Unicode NFC form before creating a symbol.
    This means some symbols have names that longer than 1 character.  The
    test assumes the name has one character which causes an error in
    This just adds a check that the length is 1 before extracting the
    character from the symbol name.  This doesn't change behavior of the
    test (which was already assuming a length of 1), but allows cmucl not
    to signal an error but to finish the test with a meaningful list of
    characters whose corresponding symbol name is more than one character
    A couple of minor tweaks:
    - Ignore sse2f fasl created by cmucl/x86.
    - Add comment to makefile on how to run with cmucl.