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  • Liam Healy's avatar
    Number symbols sequentially; intern specials for defmfun · 86d01196
    Liam Healy authored
    Created file init/utility.lisp, which now includes
    make-symbol-cardinal and make-symbol-cardinals.  These functions in
    turn will now take a list for name, and join the symbols together with
    "-", and will optionally intern in a package.  In #'callback-args in
    callback.lisp, the args are now numbered sequentionally (still
    uninterned, but no longer gensymmed).  In #'expand-defmfun-wrap in
    defmfun.lisp, the symbols for specials "dynfn" and "cbfn" that are
    made are now interned, numbered sequentially, and named after the
    function in which they occur.  This doesn't affect the functionality
    of the functions, it is just for readability of the macroexpansion.
    Expected tests pass.