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  • Eric Timmons's avatar
    Fix test-module-excessive-depend.script · eebb10b6
    Eric Timmons authored
    This test has probably been broken for a very long time, but it was missed due
    to UPGRADE-ASDF returning T all the time. This meant that the first LOAD-OP was
    performed in a new session, *not* the session created at the top of the
    file. Once UPGRADE-ASDF was fixed, then the done status of the LOAD-OP was
    persisted, resulting in the next LOAD-OP being a no op.
    However, this breakage wasn't immediately apparent because FILE-WRITE-DATE was
    compared with #'>= and the PLAN was not asserted to actually contain the
    operations we wanted to see. So on a fast computer (unless you got really
    unlucky) you'd never see the failed test.