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  • Alan Ruttenberg's avatar
    JSS syntax for fields · 83cba3fb
    Alan Ruttenberg authored
    <thing> is either {<lisp expression>} or a class name or abbreviation that find-java-class can use
      If <thing> is a lisp expression, then it is evaluated (in the lexical environment) and used as an instance
      If <thing> is a class name the result of find-java-class is used and a static field access is done.
    <field> is either {<lisp expression} or string
      If <field> is a lisp expression it should evaluate to a string that names a field
      If <field> is a string (no quotes) it is used as the field name
    eg. #"" -> (get-java-field (find-java-class ' "baz" t)
        #"{foo}.baz" -> (get-java-field (find-java-class foo) "baz" t)