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  • Raymond Toy's avatar
    Deprecate FLOAT-TRAPPING-NAN-P in favor of FLOAT-SIGNALING-NAN-P. · 9b6ad201
    Raymond Toy authored
    These numbers are called signaling, not trapping NaN in almost all
     * code/exports.lisp:
       * Export FLOAT-SIGNALING-NAN-P.
     * code/float.lisp:
       * Implement FLOAT-SIGNALING-NAN-P.
       * Make FLOAT-TRAPPING-NAN-P an inline call to the
         FLOAT-SIGNALING-NAN-P and add a docstring to say it is
     * code/print.lisp:
       * Print "Signaling" instead of "Trapping".
     * i18n/locale/cmucl.pot:
       * Regenerated due to the changes in docstrings.