Enable gitlab continuous integration
Adds support for continuous integration.
Every build will download the last snapshot and build cmucl as needed. Then it runs the regression tests to verify that everything passes as expected.
The gitlab.common-lisp.net system has migrated to a new host. One consequence of this is that the remotes for all cloned repos must now refer to the host gitlab.common-lisp.net rather than simply common-lisp.net.
You can see your current remotes from a cloned directory with git remote -v
If you see common-lisp.net in there without the gitlab. in front of it, then please update your remotes by using e.g. the following command:
git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.common-lisp.net:/{$user|$group}/{$repo}.git (assuming your remote name is origin).
gitlab-runner users: If you are running gitlab-runner on your own infrastructure, you need to update your config to point to https://gitlab.common-lisp.net, if it was previously pointing at simply https://common-lisp.net. The common-lisp.net host can no longer be used interchangeably with gitlab.common-lisp.net as may have worked previously. N.B. you can simply edit your gitlab-runner config and change the hostname; it should not be necessary to change anything with the token which you'll see along with that host url in the gitlab-runner config file.
Adds support for continuous integration.
Every build will download the last snapshot and build cmucl as needed. Then it runs the regression tests to verify that everything passes as expected.