From 0de420caaed973d00a802343b197971a2c573f97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rtoy <rtoy>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 15:01:20 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Implement a much faster and much less consy bignum printer
 and a faster bignum reader.  Contributed by Mark Wooding on cmucl-imp, May
 24, 2004.

 code/print.lisp  | 135 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 code/reader.lisp | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 187 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/code/print.lisp b/code/print.lisp
index c86fbb340..1e92a1772 100644
--- a/code/print.lisp
+++ b/code/print.lisp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
-  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/print.lisp,v 1.93 2004/04/23 12:33:39 rtoy Exp $")
+  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/print.lisp,v 1.94 2004/06/09 15:01:20 rtoy Exp $")
 ;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -1234,59 +1234,100 @@
 ;;;; Bignum printing
-;;; Written by Steven Handerson
-;;;  (based on Skef's idea)
-;;; Rewritten to remove assumptions about the length of fixnums for the
-;;; MIPS port by William Lott.
-;;; *BASE-POWER* holds the number that we keep dividing into the bignum for
-;;; each *print-base*.  We want this number as close to *most-positive-fixnum*
-;;; as possible, i.e. (floor (log most-positive-fixnum *print-base*)).
-(defparameter *base-power* (make-array 37 :initial-element nil))
+;;; Contributed by Mark Wooding, based on the algorithm in Emacs calc
+;;; by David I. Bell and Landon Curt Noll.  Slightly modified to be
+;;; less scheme-like by rtoy.  Caching by rtoy.
-;;; *FIXNUM-POWER--1* holds the number of digits for each *print-base* that
-;;; fit in the corresponding *base-power*.
-(defparameter *fixnum-power--1* (make-array 37 :initial-element nil))
+;;; A cache of the power lists we need for the algorithm.  A power
+;;; list is an alist of (2^k . r^(2^k)), where r is the desired
+;;; *print-base*.  The last entry in the alist should be (1 . r).
+(defparameter *power-lists*
+  (make-array 37 :initial-contents (let ((r '()))
+				     (dotimes (k 37)
+				       (push (list (cons 1 k)) r))
+				     (nreverse r))))
 ;;; PRINT-BIGNUM -- internal.
-;;; Print the bignum to the stream.  We first generate the correct value for
-;;; *base-power* and *fixnum-power--1* if we have not already.  Then we call
-;;; bignum-print-aux to do the printing.
 (defun print-bignum (big stream)
-  (unless (aref *base-power* *print-base*)
-    (do ((power-1 -1 (1+ power-1))
-	 (new-divisor *print-base* (* new-divisor *print-base*))
-	 (divisor 1 new-divisor))
-	((not (fixnump new-divisor))
-	 (setf (aref *base-power* *print-base*) divisor)
-	 (setf (aref *fixnum-power--1* *print-base*) power-1))))
-  (bignum-print-aux (cond ((minusp big)
-			   (write-char #\- stream)
-			   (- big))
-			  (t big))
-		    (aref *base-power* *print-base*)
-		    (aref *fixnum-power--1* *print-base*)
-		    stream)
+  (print-bignum-fast big stream)
-;;; BIGNUM-PRINT-AUX -- internal.
-(defun bignum-print-aux (big divisor power-1 stream)
-  (multiple-value-bind (newbig fix) (truncate big divisor)
-    (if (fixnump newbig)
-	(sub-output-integer newbig stream)
-	(bignum-print-aux newbig divisor power-1 stream))
-    (do ((zeros power-1 (1- zeros))
-	 (base-power *print-base* (* base-power *print-base*)))
-	((> base-power fix)
-	 (dotimes (i zeros) (write-char #\0 stream))
-	 (sub-output-integer fix stream)))))
+(defun power-list (n r)
+  "Compute a list of pairs (2^i . r^{2^i}), stopping with the largest r^{2^i}
+greater than n."
+  (declare (integer n) (fixnum r))
+  (do ((l nil (acons i r l))
+       (i 1 (* 2 i))
+       (r r (* r r)))
+      ((> r n) l)))
+(declaim (inline digit-to-char))
+(defun digit-to-char (d)
+  "Convert digit into a character representation.  We use 0..9, a..z for
+10..35, and A..Z for 36..52."
+  (declare (fixnum d))
+  (labels ((offset (d b) (code-char (+ d (char-code b)))))
+    (cond ((< d 10) (offset d #\0))
+	  ((< d 36) (offset (- d 10) #\A))
+	  (t (error "overflow in digit-to-char")))))
+(defun print-fixnum-sub (n r z s)
+  "Print a fixnum N to stream S, maybe with leading zeros.  This isn't
+ever-so efficient, but we probably don't need to care."
+  (declare (fixnum n r z)
+	   (stream s))
+  (labels ((gen-digits (n l z)
+	     (declare (fixnum n z)
+		      (list l))
+	     (cond ((zerop n)
+		    (dotimes (i z)
+		      (write-char #\0 s))
+		    (dolist (d l)
+		      (write-char d s)))
+		   (t
+		    (multiple-value-bind (n d)
+			(truncate n r)
+		      (gen-digits n (cons (digit-to-char d) l) (1- z)))))))
+    (gen-digits n nil z)))
+(defun print-bignum-fast-sub (n r z s pl)
+  "Use the power list (see power-list) PL to split N roughly in half; then
+print the left and right halves using (cdr PL).  Make sure we count the
+leading zeroes correctly."
+  (declare (integer n)
+	   (type (integer 2 36) r)
+	   (stream s)
+	   (list pl)
+	   (fixnum z))
+  (if (fixnump n)
+      (print-fixnum-sub n r z s)
+      (do ((nz (caar pl) (caar rest))
+	   (split (cdar pl) (cdar rest))
+	   (rest pl (rest rest)))
+	  ((<= split n)
+	   (multiple-value-bind (u v)
+	       (truncate n split)
+	     (print-bignum-fast-sub u r (if (> z nz) (- z nz) 0) s rest)
+	     (print-bignum-fast-sub v r nz s rest))))))
+(defun maybe-update-power-list (n base)
+  ;; Look up entry and see if we need to add entries to it
+  (let ((pl (aref *power-lists* base)))
+    (do ((index (caar pl) (caar pl))
+	 (max (cdar pl) (cdar pl)))
+	((>= max n))
+      (setf pl (acons (* index 2) (* max max)  pl)))
+    (setf (aref *power-lists* base) pl)
+    pl))
+(defun print-bignum-fast (n s)
+  "Primary fast bignum-printing interface.  Prints integer N to stream S in
+radix-R.  If you have a power-list then pass it in as PL."
+  (when (minusp n)
+    (write-char #\- s)
+    (setf n (- n)))
+  (print-bignum-fast-sub n *print-base* 0 s (maybe-update-power-list n *print-base*)))
 (defun output-ratio (ratio stream)
diff --git a/code/reader.lisp b/code/reader.lisp
index 332b6f4c1..488871eab 100644
--- a/code/reader.lisp
+++ b/code/reader.lisp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
-  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/reader.lisp,v 1.47 2004/04/23 12:32:32 rtoy Exp $")
+  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/reader.lisp,v 1.48 2004/06/09 15:01:20 rtoy Exp $")
 ;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -1314,6 +1314,7 @@
 ;;;; Number reading functions.
 (defmacro digit* nil
   `(do ((ch char (inch-read-buffer)))
        ((or (eofp ch) (not (digit-char-p ch))) (setq char ch))
@@ -1355,6 +1356,7 @@
 	    (expt base digits)))))
 (defun make-integer ()
   "Minimizes bignum-fixnum multiplies by reading a 'safe' number of digits, 
   then multiplying by a power of the base and adding."
@@ -1386,6 +1388,102 @@
 				 (the index (* num base))))))))
        (setq number (+ num (* number base-power)))))))
+(defun make-integer ()
+  "Minimizes bignum-fixnum multiplies by reading a 'safe' number of digits, 
+  then multiplying by a power of the base and adding."
+  (read-unwind-read-buffer)
+  ;; Use the fast reader if the number has enough digits.  It seems
+  ;; that the fast reader is slower for small numbers but much faster
+  ;; for large numbers.  The value of 500 is an approximate break-even
+  ;; point.
+  (if (>= (the fixnum *ouch-ptr*) 500)
+      (fast-read-integer *read-base*)
+      (let* ((base *read-base*)
+	     (digits-per (aref *integer-reader-safe-digits* base))
+	     (base-power (aref *integer-reader-base-power* base)) 
+	     (negativep nil)
+	     (number 0))
+	(declare (type index digits-per base-power))
+	(let ((char (inch-read-buffer)))
+	  (cond ((char= char #\-)
+		 (setq negativep t))
+		((char= char #\+))
+		(t (unread-buffer))))
+	(loop
+	   (let ((num 0))
+	     (declare (type index num))
+	     (dotimes (digit digits-per)
+	       (let* ((ch (inch-read-buffer)))
+		 (cond ((or (eofp ch) (char= ch #\.))
+			(return-from make-integer
+			  (let ((res
+				 (if (zerop number) num
+				     (+ num (* number
+					       (expt base digit))))))
+			    (if negativep (- res) res))))
+		       (t (setq num (+ (digit-char-p ch base)
+				       (the index (* num base))))))))
+	     (setq number (+ num (* number base-power))))))))
+(defun fast-read-integer (r)
+  "Fast bignum-reading interface.  Reads from stream S an integer in radix
+R.  If we find some kind of error (bad characters, EOF), then NIL is
+returned; otherwise the number.  Reads at least one digit, but may not get to
+the end of the stream."
+  (let ((v (make-array 32 :element-type 'integer
+		       :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)))
+    ;; V maps integers i to r^(2^i).
+    (vector-push-extend r v)
+    (labels ((scan (ch l)
+	       ;; Character CH has been read.  L contains a list of entries
+	       ;; of the form (n . i), where i is the base-2 log of the
+	       ;; length of n in digits.  We read digits and push entries
+	       ;; onto the front of the list as (d . 1), and then fix the
+	       ;; list to maintain the invariant that entries on the list
+	       ;; have strictly increasing length.
+	       (declare (type (or character list) ch) (list l))
+	       (if (or (eofp ch) (char= ch #\.))
+		   (finish l)
+		   (let ((d (digit-char-p ch r)))
+		     (declare (type (or null fixnum) d))
+		     (labels ((fix (x i l)
+				(declare (integer x) (fixnum i) (list l))
+				(if (>= i (fill-pointer v))
+				    (vector-push-extend
+				     (let ((x (aref v (1- i))))
+				       (* x x))
+				     v))
+				(if (null l)
+				    (scan (inch-read-buffer) (cons (cons x i) nil))
+				    (let ((y (caar l)) (j (cdar l)) (rest (cdr l)))
+				      (declare (integer y) (fixnum j) (list l))
+				      (if (= i j)
+					  (fix (+ (* y (aref v i)) x) (1+ i) rest)
+					  (scan (inch-read-buffer) (cons (cons x i) l)))))))
+		       (fix d 0 l)))))
+	     (finish (l)
+	       ;; Convert the list into a final answer.  The main loop below
+	       ;; counts Z as the length of what we've built so far in
+	       ;; digits.  Remember that, since this is a stack, we're
+	       ;; effectively working right-to-left here.
+	       (declare (list l))
+	       (labels ((create-integer (a z l)
+			  (declare (integer a z) (list l))
+			  (if (null l)
+			      a
+			      (create-integer (+ (* z (the integer (caar l))) a)
+					      (* z (aref v (cdar l)))
+					      (cdr l)))))
+		 (create-integer 0 1 l))))
+      (let ((ch (inch-read-buffer)))
+	(cond ((char= ch #\-)
+	       (let ((n (scan (inch-read-buffer) nil)))
+		 (- n)))
+	      ((char= ch #\+)
+	       (scan (inch-read-buffer) nil))
+	      (t
+	       (scan ch nil)))))))
 (defun make-float ()
   ;; Assume that the contents of *read-buffer* are a legal float, with nothing