diff --git a/code/remote.lisp b/code/remote.lisp
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe1cb60608e2952381b3715c95a2bc3ca71cc01a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/remote.lisp
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+;;; -*- Log: code.log; Package: wire -*-
+;;; **********************************************************************
+;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
+;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
+;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
+;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
+;;; **********************************************************************
+;;; This file implements a simple remote procedure call mechanism on top
+;;; of wire.lisp.
+;;; Written by William Lott.
+(in-package "WIRE")
+(export '(remote remote-value remote-value-bind create-request-server
+	  destroy-request-server connect-to-remote-server))
+(defstruct remote-wait
+  value1 value2 value3 value4 value5
+  abort
+  finished)
+(defvar *pending-returns* nil
+  "AList of wire . remote-wait structs")
+;;; MAYBE-NUKE-REMOTE-WAIT -- internal
+;;; If the remote wait has finished, remove the external translation.
+;;; Otherwise, mark the remote wait as finished so the next call to
+;;; MAYBE-NUKE-REMOTE-WAIT will really nuke it.
+(defun maybe-nuke-remote-wait (remote)
+  (cond ((remote-wait-finished remote)
+	 (forget-remote-translation remote)
+	 t)
+	(t
+	 (setf (remote-wait-finished remote)
+	       t)
+	 nil)))
+;;; REMOTE -- public
+;;; Execute the body remotly. Subforms are executed locally in the lexical
+;;; envionment of the macro call. No values are returned.
+(defmacro remote (wire-form &body forms)
+  "Evaluates the given forms remotly. No values are returned, as the remote
+evaluation is asyncronus."
+  (let ((wire (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,wire ,wire-form))
+       ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (form)
+		     `(wire-output-funcall ,wire
+					   ',(car form)
+					   ,@(cdr form)))
+	   forms)
+       (values))))
+;;; REMOTE-VALUE-BIND -- public
+;;; Send to remote forms. First, a call to the correct dispatch routine based
+;;; on the number of args, then the actual call. The dispatch routine will get
+;;; the second funcall and fill in the correct number of arguments.
+;;; Note: if there are no arguments, we don't even wait for the function to
+;;; return, cause we can kind of guess at what the currect results would be.
+(defmacro remote-value-bind (wire-form vars form &rest body)
+  "Bind vars to the multiple values of form (which is executed remotly). The
+forms in body are only executed if the remote function returned as apposed
+to aborting due to a throw."
+  (cond
+   ((null vars)
+    `(progn
+       (remote ,wire-form ,form)
+       ,@body))
+   (t
+    (let ((remote (gensym))
+	  (wire (gensym)))
+      `(let* ((,remote (make-remote-wait))
+	      (,wire ,wire-form)
+	      (*pending-returns* (cons (cons ,wire ,remote)
+				       *pending-returns*)))
+	 (unwind-protect
+	     (let ,vars
+	       (remote ,wire
+		 (,(case (length vars)
+		     (1 'do-1-value-call)
+		     (2 'do-2-value-call)
+		     (3 'do-3-value-call)
+		     (4 'do-4-value-call)
+		     (5 'do-5-value-call)
+		     (t 'do-n-value-call))
+		  (make-remote-object ,remote))
+		 ,form)
+	       (wire-force-output ,wire)
+	       (loop
+		 (system:serve-all-events)
+		 (when (remote-wait-finished ,remote)
+		   (return)))
+	       (unless (remote-wait-abort ,remote)
+		 ,(case (length vars)
+		    (1 `(setf ,(first vars) (remote-wait-value1 ,remote)))
+		    (2 `(setf ,(first vars) (remote-wait-value1 ,remote)
+			      ,(second vars) (remote-wait-value2 ,remote)))
+		    (3 `(setf ,(first vars) (remote-wait-value1 ,remote)
+			      ,(second vars) (remote-wait-value2 ,remote)
+			      ,(third vars) (remote-wait-value3 ,remote)))
+		    (4 `(setf ,(first vars) (remote-wait-value1 ,remote)
+			      ,(second vars) (remote-wait-value2 ,remote)
+			      ,(third vars) (remote-wait-value3 ,remote)
+			      ,(fourth vars) (remote-wait-value4 ,remote)))
+		    (5 `(setf ,(first vars) (remote-wait-value1 ,remote)
+			      ,(second vars) (remote-wait-value2 ,remote)
+			      ,(third vars) (remote-wait-value3 ,remote)
+			      ,(fourth vars) (remote-wait-value4 ,remote)
+			      ,(fifth vars) (remote-wait-value5 ,remote)))
+		    (t
+		     (do ((remaining-vars vars (cdr remaining-vars))
+			  (form (list 'setf)
+				(nconc form
+				       (list (car remaining-vars)
+					     `(pop values)))))
+			 ((null remaining-vars)
+			  `(let ((values (remote-wait-value1 ,remote)))
+			     ,form)))))
+		 ,@body))
+	   (maybe-nuke-remote-wait ,remote)))))))
+;;; REMOTE-VALUE -- public
+;;; Alternate interface to getting the single return value of a remote
+;;; function. Works pretty much just the same, except the single value is
+;;; returned.
+(defmacro remote-value (wire-form form &optional
+				  (on-server-unwind
+				   `(error "Remote server unwound")))
+  "Execute the single form remotly. The value of the form is returned.
+  The optional form on-server-unwind is only evaluated if the server unwinds
+  instead of returning."
+  (let ((remote (gensym))
+	(wire (gensym)))
+    `(let* ((,remote (make-remote-wait))
+	    (,wire ,wire-form)
+	    (*pending-returns* (cons (cons ,wire ,remote)
+				     *pending-returns*)))
+       (unwind-protect
+	   (progn
+	     (remote ,wire
+	       (do-1-value-call (make-remote-object ,remote))
+	       ,form)
+	     (wire-force-output ,wire)
+	     (loop
+	       (system:serve-all-events)
+	       (when (remote-wait-finished ,remote)
+		 (return))))
+	 (maybe-nuke-remote-wait ,remote))
+       (if (remote-wait-abort ,remote)
+	 ,on-server-unwind
+	 (remote-wait-value1 ,remote)))))
+;;; DEFINE-FUNCTIONS -- internal
+;;;   Defines two functions, one that the client runs in the server, and one
+;;; that the server runs in the client:
+;;; DO-n-VALUE-CALL -- internal
+;;;   Executed by the remote process. Reads the next object off the wire and
+;;; sends the value back. Unwind-protect is used to make sure we send something
+;;; back so the requestor doesn't hang.
+;;; RETURN-n-VALUE -- internal
+;;;   The remote procedure returned the given value, so fill it in the
+;;; remote-wait structure. Note, if the requestor has aborted, just throw
+;;; the value away.
+(defmacro define-functions (values)
+  (let ((do-call (intern (format nil "~:@(do-~D-value-call~)" values)))
+	(return-values (intern (format nil "~:@(return-~D-value~:P~)" values)))
+	(vars nil))
+    (dotimes (i values)
+      (push (gensym) vars))
+    (setf vars (nreverse vars))
+    `(progn
+       (defun ,do-call (result)
+	 (let (worked ,@vars)
+	   (unwind-protect
+	       (progn
+		 (multiple-value-setq ,vars
+		   (wire-get-object *current-wire*))
+		 (setf worked t))
+	     (if worked
+	       (remote *current-wire*
+		 (,return-values result ,@vars))
+	       (remote *current-wire*
+		 (remote-return-abort result)))
+	     (wire-force-output *current-wire*))))
+       (defun ,return-values (remote ,@vars)
+	 (let ((result (remote-object-value remote)))
+	   (unless (maybe-nuke-remote-wait result)
+	     ,@(let ((setf-forms nil))
+		 (dotimes (i values)
+		   (push `(setf (,(intern (format nil
+						  "~:@(remote-wait-value~D~)"
+						  (1+ i)))
+				 result)
+				,(nth i vars))
+			 setf-forms))
+		 (nreverse setf-forms))))
+	 nil))))
+(define-functions 1)
+(define-functions 2)
+(define-functions 3)
+(define-functions 4)
+(define-functions 5)
+;;; DO-N-VALUE-CALL -- internal
+;;; For more values then 5, all the values are rolled into a list and passed
+;;; back as the first value, so we use RETURN-1-VALUE to return it.
+(defun do-n-value-call (result)
+  (let (worked values)
+    (unwind-protect
+	(progn
+	  (setf values
+		(multiple-value-list (wire-get-object *current-wire*)))
+	  (setf worked t))
+      (if worked
+	(remote *current-wire*
+	  (return-1-values result values))
+	(remote *current-wire*
+	  (remote-return-abort result)))
+      (wire-force-output *current-wire*))))
+;;; REMOTE-RETURN-ABORT -- internal
+;;; The remote call aborted instead of returned.
+(defun remote-return-abort (result)
+  (setf result (remote-object-value result))
+  (unless (maybe-nuke-remote-wait result)
+    (setf (remote-wait-abort result) t)))
+;;; SERVE-REQUESTS -- internal
+;;; Serve all pending requests on the given wire.
+(defun serve-requests (wire on-death)
+  (handler-bind
+      ((wire-eof #'(lambda (condition)
+		     (declare (ignore condition))
+		     (system:invalidate-descriptor (wire-fd wire))
+		     (mach:unix-close (wire-fd wire))
+		     (dolist (pending *pending-returns*)
+		       (when (eq (car pending)
+				 wire)
+			 (unless (maybe-nuke-remote-wait (cdr pending))
+			   (setf (remote-wait-abort (cdr pending))
+				 t))))
+		     (when on-death
+		       (funcall on-death))
+		     (return-from serve-requests (values))))
+       (wire-error #'(lambda (condition)
+		       (declare (ignore condition))
+		       (system:invalidate-descriptor (wire-fd wire)))))
+    (loop
+      (unless (wire-listen wire)
+	(return))
+      (wire-get-object wire)))
+  (values))
+;;; NEW-CONNECTION -- internal
+;;;   Maybe build a new wire and add it to the servers list of fds. If the user
+;;; Supplied a function, close the socket if it returns NIL. Otherwise, install
+;;; the wire.
+(defun new-connection (socket addr on-connect)
+  (let ((wire (make-wire socket))
+	(on-death nil))
+    (if (or (null on-connect)
+	    (multiple-value-bind (okay death-fn)
+				 (funcall on-connect wire addr)
+	      (setf on-death death-fn)
+	      okay))
+      (system:add-fd-handler socket :input
+	#'(lambda (socket)
+	    (declare (ignore socket))
+	    (serve-requests wire on-death)))
+      (ext:close-socket socket))))
+;;; REQUEST-SERVER structure
+;;; Just a simple handle on the socket and system:serve-event handler that make
+;;; up a request server.
+(defstruct (request-server
+	    (:print-function %print-request-server))
+  socket
+  handler)
+(defun %print-request-server (rs stream depth)
+  (declare (ignore depth))
+  (format stream "#<Requst server for ~D>" (request-server-socket rs)))
+;;; Create a TCP/IP listener on the given port.  If anyone tries to connect to
+;;; it, call NEW-CONNECTION to do the connecting.
+(defun create-request-server (port &optional on-connect)
+  "Create a request server on the given port.  Whenevery anyone connects to it
+   call the given function with the newly created wire and the address of the
+   connector.  If the function returns NIL, the connection is destroyed;
+   otherwise, it is accepted.  This returns a manifestation of the server that
+   DESTROY-REQUEST-SERVER accepts to kill the request server."
+  (let* ((socket (ext:create-inet-listener port))
+	 (handler (system:add-fd-handler socket :input
+		    #'(lambda (socket)
+			(multiple-value-bind
+			    (newconn addr)
+			    (ext:accept-tcp-connection socket)
+			  (new-connection newconn addr on-connect))))))
+    (make-request-server :socket socket
+			 :handler handler)))
+;;; Removes the request server from SERVER's list of file descriptors and
+;;; closes the socket behind it.
+(defun destroy-request-server (server)
+  "Quit accepting connections to the given request server."
+  (system:remove-fd-handler (request-server-handler server))
+  (ext:close-socket (request-server-socket server))
+  nil)
+;;; Just like the doc string says, connect to a remote server. A handler is
+;;; installed to handle return values, etc.
+(defun connect-to-remote-server (hostname port &optional on-death)
+  "Connect to a remote request server addressed with the given host and port
+   pair.  This returns the created wire."
+  (let* ((socket (ext:connect-to-inet-socket hostname port))
+	 (wire (make-wire socket)))
+    (system:add-fd-handler socket :input
+      #'(lambda (socket)
+	  (declare (ignore socket))
+	  (serve-requests wire on-death)))
+    wire))