diff --git a/compiler/represent.lisp b/compiler/represent.lisp
index 12f1d8f55fd9e6a04d139a33499a8a88fc50789c..1c47ae43be6b889aec876bb800383e36045df266 100644
--- a/compiler/represent.lisp
+++ b/compiler/represent.lisp
@@ -16,14 +16,340 @@
 (in-package 'c)
+;;;; Error routines:
-(defun representation-select-1-block (block)
-  (declare (type ir2-block block))
-  )
+;;;    Problems in the VM definition often show up here, so we try to be as
+;;; implementor-friendly as possible.
+;;; GET-OPERAND-INFO  --  Interface
+;;;    Given a TN ref for a VOP argument or result, return these values:
+;;; 1] True if the operand is an argument, false otherwise.
+;;; 2] The ordinal position of the operand.
+;;; 3] True if the operand is a more operand, false otherwise.
+;;; 4] The costs for this operand.
+;;; 5] The load-scs vector for this operand (NIL if more-p.)
+(defun get-operand-info (ref)
+  (declare (type tn-ref ref))
+  (let* ((arg-p (not (tn-ref-write-p ref)))
+	 (vop (tn-ref-vop ref))
+	 (info (vop-info vop)))
+    (flet ((frob (refs costs restr load more-cost)
+	     (do ((refs refs (tn-ref-across refs))
+		  (costs costs (cdr costs))
+		  (load load (cdr load))
+		  (n 0 (1+ i)))
+		 ((null costs)
+		  (assert more-cost)
+		  (values arg-p
+			  (+ n (position-in #'tn-ref-across ref refs))
+			  t
+			  more-cost
+			  nil))
+	       (when (eq refs ref)
+		 (return
+		  (values arg-p
+			  n
+			  nil
+			  (car costs)
+			  (car load)))))))
+      (if arg-p
+	  (frob (vop-args vop) (vop-info-arg-costs info)
+	        (vop-info-arg-load-scs info)
+	        (vop-info-more-arg-costs info))
+	  (frob (vop-results vop) (vop-info-result-costs info)
+	        (vop-info-result-load-scs info)
+	        (vop-info-more-result-costs info))))))
+;;; LISTIFY-RESTRICTIONS  --  Interface
+;;;    Convert a load-costs vector to the list of SCs allowed by the operand
+;;; restriction.
+(defun listify-restrictions (restr)
+  (declare (type sc-vector restr))
+  (collect ((res))
+    (dotimes (i sc-number-limit)
+      (when (eql (svref restr i) i)
+	(res (svref *sc-numbers* i))))
+    (res)))
+;;; BAD-COSTS-ERROR  --  Internal
+;;;    Try to give a helpful error message when Ref has no cost specified for
+;;; some SC allowed by the TN's primitive-type.
+(defun bad-costs-error (ref)
+  (declare (type tn-ref ref))
+  (let* ((tn (tn-ref-tn ref))
+	 (vop (tn-ref-vop ref))
+	 (ptype (tn-primitive-type tn)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (arg-p pos more-p costs load-scs)
+			 (get-operand-info ref)
+      (collect ((losers))
+	(dolist (sc (primitive-type-scs ptype))
+	  (unless (svref costs (sc-number sc))
+	    (losers sc)))
+	(unless (losers)
+	  (error "Representation selection flamed out for no obvious reason.~@
+	          Try again after recompiling the VM definition."))
+	(error "~S is not valid as the ~:R ~:[result~;argument~] to the~@
+	        ~S VOP, since the TN's primitive type ~S allows SCs:~%  ~S~@
+		~:[which cannot be coerced or loaded into the allowed SCs:~
+		~%  ~S~;~]"
+	       tn pos arg-p
+	       (template-name info)
+	       (primitive-type-name ptype)
+	       (mapcar #'sc-name losers)
+	       more-p
+	       (mapcar #'sc-name (listify-restrictions load-scs)))))))
+;;; BAD-MOVE-ARG-ERROR  --  Internal
+(defun bad-move-arg-error (val pass)
+  (declare (type tn val pass))
+  (error "No :MOVE-ARGUMENT VOP defined to move ~S (SC ~S) to
+          ~S (SC ~S.)"
+	 val (sc-name (tn-sc val))
+	 pass (sc-name (tn-sc pass))))
-;;;    Select the best representation for a normal TN.
+;;;    Return the best representation for a normal TN.  SCs is a list of the SC
+;;; numbers of the SCs to select from.  Costs is a scratch vector.
+(defun select-tn-representation (tn scs costs)
+  (declare (type tn tn) (type sc-vector costs))
+  (dolist (scn scs)
+    (setf (svref costs scn) 0))
+  (macrolet ((scan-refs (refs ops-slot costs-slot more-costs-slot)
+			`(do ((ref ,refs (tn-ref-next ref)))
+			     ((null ref))
+			   (let* ((vop (tn-ref-vop ref))
+				  (info (vop-info vop)))
+			     (do ((cost (,costs-slot info) (cdr cost))
+				  (op (,ops-slot vop) (tn-ref-across op)))
+				 ((null cost)
+				  (add-costs (,more-costs-slot info)))
+			       (when (eq op ref)
+				 (add-costs (car cost))
+				 (return))))))
+	     (add-costs (cost)
+	       `(let ((cost ,cost))
+		  (dolist (scn scs)
+		    (let ((res (svref cost scn)))
+		      (unless res
+			(bad-costs-error ref))
+		      (incf (svref costs scn) res))))))
+    (scan-refs (tn-reads tn) vop-args vop-info-arg-costs
+	       vop-info-more-arg-costs)
+    (scan-refs (tn-writes tn) vop-results vop-info-result-costs
+	       vop-info-more-result-costs))
+  (let ((min most-positive-fixnum)
+	(min-scn nil))
+    (dolist (scn scs)
+      (let ((cost (svref costs scn)))
+	(when (< cost min)
+	  (setq min cost)
+	  (setq min-scs scn))))
+    (svref *sc-numbers* min-scn)))
+;;; NOTE-NUMBER-STACK-TN  --  Internal
+;;;    Prepare for the possibility of a TN being allocated on the number stack
+;;; by allocating a number-FP in all functions that TN is referenced in and in
+;;; all the functions in their tail sets.  Refs is a TN-Refs list of references
+;;; to the TN.
+(defun note-number-stack-tn (refs)
+  (declare (type (or tn-ref null) refs))
+  (do ((ref refs (tn-ref-next refs)))
+      ((null ref))
+    (let* ((lambda (block-lambda
+		    (ir2-block-block
+		     (vop-block (tn-ref-fop ref)))))
+	   (tails (lambda-tail-set lambda)))
+      (flet ((frob (fun)
+	       (let ((env (lambda-environment lambda))
+		     (2env (environment-info env)))
+		 (unless (ir2-environment-number-fp 2env)
+		   (setf (ir2-environment-number-fp 2env)
+			 (make-number-fp-tn env))))))
+	(frob lambda)
+	(when tails
+	  (dolist (fun (tail-set-functions tails))
+	    (frob fun))))))
+  (undefined-value))
-(defun select-tn-representation (tn)
+;;;    Allocate Old-Number-FP and Old-Number-FP-Pass TNs for all functions in
+;;; tail sets that have locations which might be allocated on the number stack.
+(defun allocate-old-number-fp-tns (component)
+  (dolist (fun (component-lambdas component))
+    (let* ((env (lambda-environment fun))
+	   (2env (environment-info env)))
+      (unless (ir2-environment-old-number-fp 2env)
+	(let ((tails (lambda-tail-set fun)))
+	  (when tails
+	    (let ((info (tail-set-info tails)))
+	      (when (eq (return-info-kind info) :fixed)
+		(dolist (loc (return-info-locations ))
+		  (when (sc-number-stack-p (tn-sc loc))
+		    (setf (ir2-environment-old-number-fp 2env)
+			  (make-normal-tn *any-primitive-type*))
+		    (setf (ir2-environment-old-number-fp-pass 2env)
+			  (make-normal-tn *any-primitive-type*))
+		    (return))))))))))
+  (undefined-value))
+;;; EMIT-COERCE-VOP  --  Internal
+;;;    Emit a coercion VOP for Op or die trying.  SCS is the operand's LOAD-SCS
+;;; vector, which we use to determine what SCs the VOP will accept.  We pick
+;;; any acceptable coerce VOP, since it practice it seems uninteresting to have
+;;; more than one applicable.
+;;;    What we do is look at each SC allowed by the operand restriction, and
+;;; see if there is a move VOP which moves between the operand's SC and load
+;;; SC.  If we find such a VOP, then we make a TN having the load SC as the
+;;; representation.
+(defun emit-coerce-vop (op scs)
+  (declare (type tn-ref op) (type sc-vector scs))
+  (let* ((op-tn (tn-ref-tn op))
+	 (op-sc (tn-sc op-tn))
+	 (op-scn (sc-number op-sc))
+	 (write-p (tn-ref-write-p op))
+	 (vop (tn-ref-vop op))
+	 (node (vop-node vop))
+	 (block (vop-block vop)))
+    (dotimes (i sc-number-limit (bad-costs-error op))
+      (when (eql (svref scs i) i)
+	(let ((res (if write-p
+		       (svref (sc-move-vops op-sc) i)
+		       (svref (sc-move-vops (svref *sc-numbers* i))
+			      op-scn))))
+	  (when res
+	    (let ((temp (make-representation-tn i)))
+	      (change-tn-ref-tn op temp)
+	      (if write-p 
+		  (emit-move-template node block res temp op-tn vop)
+		  (emit-move-template node block res op-tn temp vop)))
+	    (return)))))))
+;;; COERCE-VOP-OPERANDS  --  Internal
+;;;    Scan the operands to VOP and call EMIT-COERCE-VOP on any for which we
+;;; can't load the operand.
+(defun coerce-vop-operands (vop)
+  (declare (type vop vop))
+  (let ((info (vop-info vop)))
+    (macrolet ((scan (ops load-scs)
+		 `(do ((op ,ops (tn-ref-across op))
+		       (scs ,load-scs (cdr scs)))
+		      ((null scs))
+		    (unless (svref (car scs)
+				   (sc-number (tn-sc (tn-ref-tn op))))
+		      (emit-coerce-vop op (car scs))))))
+      (scan (vop-args vop) (vop-info-arg-load-scs info))
+      (scan (vop-results vop) (vop-info-result-load-scs info)))))
+;;;    Scan the IR2 looking for move operations that need to be replaced with
+;;; special-case VOPs and emitting coercion VOPs for operands of normal VOPs.
+(defun emit-moves-and-coercions (block)
+  (declare (type ir2-block block))
+  (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block)
+	    (vop-next vop)))
+      ((null vop))
+    (let ((info (vop-info vop))
+	  (node (vop-node vop))
+	  (block (vop-block vop)))
+      (case (vop-info-name info)
+	(move-arguments
+	 (let* ((info-args (vop-codegen-info vop))
+		(fp-tn (first info-args))
+		(nfp-tn (second info-args))
+		(pass-locs (third (info-args))))
+	   (do ((val (vop-args vop) (tn-ref-across val))
+		(pass pass-locs (cdr pass-loc)))
+	       ((null val))
+	     (let* ((val-tn (tn-ref-tn val))
+		    (pass-tn (first pass))
+		    (pass-sc (tn-sc pass-tn))
+		    (res (svref (sc-move-arg-vops pass-sc)
+				(sc-number (tn-sc val-tn)))))
+	       (unless res
+		 (bad-move-arg-error val-tn pass-tn))
+	       (emit-move-arg-template node block res val-tn
+				       (if (sc-number-stack-p pass-sc)
+					   nfp-tn fp-tn)
+				       pass-tn
+				       vop)))))
+	(move
+	 (let ((x (tn-ref-tn (vop-args op)))
+	       (y (tn-ref-tn (vop-results vop)))
+	       (res (svref (sc-move-vops (tn-sc y))
+			   (sc-number (tn-sc x)))))
+	   (cond (res
+		  (emit-move-template node block res x y vop)
+		  (delete-vop vop))
+		 (t
+		  (coerce-vop-operands vop)))))
+	(t
+	 (coerce-vop-operands vop))))))
+;;;    Entry to representation selection.  First we select the representation
+;;; for all normal TNs, setting the TN-SC.  If we select a representation that
+;;; allows the number stack, then we note this so that the number-FP can be
+;;; allocated.  Next we allocate old-NFP passing TNs for functions that may
+;;; return values on the number stack.  Finally, we scan the IR2 looking for
+;;; places that we need to insert coercions and representation-specific moves.
+(defun select-representations (component)
+  (let ((costs (make-array sc-number-limit)))
+    (do ((tn (ir2-component-normal-tns (component-info component))
+	     (tn-next tn)))
+	((null tn))
+      (let* ((scs (primitive-type-scs (tn-primitive-type tn)))
+	     (sc (if (rest scs)
+		     (select-tn-representation tn scs costs)
+		     (svref *sc-numbers* (first scs)))))
+	(setf (tn-sc tn) sc)
+	(when (sc-number-stack-p tn)
+	  (note-number-stack-tn tn)))))
+  (allocate-old-number-fp-tns component)
+  (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
+    (emit-moves-and-coercions block))
+  (undefined-value))