diff --git a/lisp/sparc-arch.c b/lisp/sparc-arch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c74d9c5dd4517068c6fc4fa60ec0f53c35362177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/sparc-arch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <machine/trap.h>
+#include "lisp.h"
+#include "internals.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "validate.h"
+#include "os.h"
+#include "arch.h"
+#include "lispregs.h"
+#include "signal.h"
+#include "interrupt.h"
+char *arch_init()
+    return NULL;
+os_vm_address_t arch_get_bad_addr(int signal, int code,
+				  struct sigcontext *context)
+    unsigned long badinst;
+    int rs1;
+    /* On the sparc, we have to decode the instruction. */
+    /* Make sure it's not the pc thats bogus, and that it was lisp code */
+    /* that caused the fault. */
+    if ((context->sc_pc & 3) != 0 ||
+	((context->sc_pc < READ_ONLY_SPACE_START ||
+	 ((lispobj *)context->sc_pc < current_dynamic_space &&
+	  (lispobj *)context->sc_pc >=
+	      current_dynamic_space + DYNAMIC_SPACE_SIZE)))
+	return NULL;
+    badinst = *(unsigned long *)context->sc_pc;
+    if ((badinst >> 30) != 3)
+	/* All load/store instructions have op = 11 (binary) */
+	return NULL;
+    rs1 = (badinst>>14)&0x1f;
+    if (badinst & (1<<13)) {
+	/* r[rs1] + simm(13) */
+	int simm13 = badinst & 0x1fff;
+	if (simm13 & (1<<12))
+	    simm13 |= -1<<13;
+	return (os_vm_address_t)(SC_REG(context, rs1) + simm13);
+    }
+    else {
+	/* r[rs1] + r[rs2] */
+	int rs2 = badinst & 0x1f;
+	return (os_vm_address_t)(SC_REG(context, rs1) + SC_REG(context, rs2));
+    }
+void arch_skip_instruction(context)
+struct sigcontext *context;
+    /* Skip the offending instruction */
+    context->sc_pc = context->sc_npc;
+    context->sc_npc += 4;
+unsigned char *arch_internal_error_arguments(struct sigcontext *scp)
+    return (unsigned char *)(scp->sc_pc+4);
+boolean arch_pseudo_atomic_atomic(struct sigcontext *scp)
+    return (SC_REG(scp, reg_ALLOC) & 4);
+void arch_set_pseudo_atomic_interrupted(struct sigcontext *scp)
+    SC_REG(scp, reg_ALLOC) |= 1;
+unsigned long arch_install_breakpoint(void *pc)
+    unsigned long *ptr = (unsigned long *)pc;
+    unsigned long result = *ptr;
+    *ptr = trap_Breakpoint;
+    return result;
+void arch_remove_breakpoint(void *pc, unsigned long orig_inst)
+    *(unsigned long *)pc = orig_inst;
+static unsigned long *skipped_break_addr, displaced_after_inst;
+static int orig_sigmask;
+void arch_do_displaced_inst(struct sigcontext *scp,
+				   unsigned long orig_inst)
+    unsigned long *pc = (unsigned long *)scp->sc_pc;
+    unsigned long *npc = (unsigned long *)scp->sc_npc;
+    orig_sigmask = scp->sc_mask;
+    scp->sc_mask = BLOCKABLE;
+    *pc = orig_inst;
+    skipped_break_addr = pc;
+    displaced_after_inst = *npc;
+    *npc = trap_AfterBreakpoint;
+    sigreturn(scp);
+static void sigill_handler(signal, code, scp)
+int signal, code;
+struct sigcontext *scp;
+    int badinst;
+    sigsetmask(scp->sc_mask);
+    if (code == T_UNIMP_INSTR) {
+	int trap;
+	trap = *(unsigned long *)(scp->sc_pc) & 0x3fffff;
+	switch (trap) {
+	  case trap_PendingInterrupt:
+	    interrupt_handle_pending(scp);
+	    break;
+	  case trap_Halt:
+	    fake_foreign_function_call(scp);
+	    lose("%%primitive halt called; the party is over.\n");
+	  case trap_Error:
+	  case trap_Cerror:
+	    interrupt_internal_error(signal, code, scp, trap == trap_Cerror);
+	    break;
+	  case trap_Breakpoint:
+	    handle_breakpoint(signal, code, scp);
+	    break;
+	  case trap_FunctionEndBreakpoint:
+	    scp->sc_pc=(int)handle_function_end_breakpoint(signal, code, scp);
+	    scp->sc_npc=scp->sc_pc + 4;
+	    break;
+	  case trap_AfterBreakpoint:
+	    *skipped_break_addr = trap_Breakpoint;
+	    skipped_break_addr = NULL;
+	    *(unsigned long *)scp->sc_pc = displaced_after_inst;
+	    scp->sc_mask = orig_sigmask;
+	    break;
+	  default:
+	    interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, scp);
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    else if (code >= T_SOFTWARE_TRAP + 16 & code < T_SOFTWARE_TRAP + 32)
+	interrupt_internal_error(signal, code, scp, FALSE);
+    else
+	interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, scp);
+static void sigemt_handler(signal, code, scp)
+     int signal, code;
+     struct sigcontext *scp;
+    unsigned long badinst;
+    boolean subtract, immed;
+    int rd, rs1, op1, rs2, op2, result;
+    badinst = *(unsigned long *)scp->sc_pc;
+    if ((badinst >> 30) != 2 || ((badinst >> 20) & 0x1f) != 0x11) {
+	/* It wasn't a tagged add.  Pass the signal into lisp. */
+	interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, scp);
+	return;
+    }
+    /* Extract the parts of the inst. */
+    subtract = badinst & (1<<19);
+    rs1 = (badinst>>14) & 0x1f;
+    op1 = SC_REG(scp, rs1);
+    /* If the first arg is $ALLOC then it is really a signal-pending note */
+    /* for the pseudo-atomic noise. */
+    if (rs1 == reg_ALLOC) {
+	/* Perform the op anyway. */
+	op2 = badinst & 0x1fff;
+	if (op2 & (1<<12))
+	    op2 |= -1<<13;
+	if (subtract)
+	    result = op1 - op2;
+	else
+	    result = op1 + op2;
+	SC_REG(scp, reg_ALLOC) = result & ~7;
+	interrupt_handle_pending(scp);
+	return;
+    }
+    if ((op1 & 3) != 0) {
+	/* The first arg wan't a fixnum. */
+	interrupt_internal_error(signal, code, scp, FALSE);
+	return;
+    }
+    if (immed = badinst & (1<<13)) {
+	op2 = badinst & 0x1fff;
+	if (op2 & (1<<12))
+	    op2 |= -1<<13;
+    }
+    else {
+	rs2 = badinst & 0x1f;
+	op2 = SC_REG(scp, rs2);
+    }
+    if ((op2 & 3) != 0) {
+	/* The second arg wan't a fixnum. */
+	interrupt_internal_error(signal, code, scp, FALSE);
+	return;
+    }
+    rd = (badinst>>25) & 0x1f;
+    if (rd != 0) {
+	/* Don't bother computing the result unless we are going to use it. */
+	if (subtract)
+	    result = (op1>>2) - (op2>>2);
+	else
+	    result = (op1>>2) + (op2>>2);
+        current_dynamic_space_free_pointer =
+            (lispobj *) SC_REG(scp, reg_ALLOC);
+	SC_REG(scp, rd) = alloc_number(result);
+	SC_REG(scp, reg_ALLOC) =
+	    (unsigned long) current_dynamic_space_free_pointer;
+    }
+    arch_skip_instruction(scp);
+void arch_install_interrupt_handlers()
+    interrupt_install_low_level_handler(SIGILL,sigill_handler);
+    interrupt_install_low_level_handler(SIGEMT,sigemt_handler);
+extern lispobj call_into_lisp(lispobj fun, lispobj *args, int nargs);
+lispobj funcall0(lispobj function)
+    lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;
+    return call_into_lisp(function, args, 0);
+lispobj funcall1(lispobj function, lispobj arg0)
+    lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;
+    current_control_stack_pointer += 1;
+    args[0] = arg0;
+    return call_into_lisp(function, args, 1);
+lispobj funcall2(lispobj function, lispobj arg0, lispobj arg1)
+    lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;
+    current_control_stack_pointer += 2;
+    args[0] = arg0;
+    args[1] = arg1;
+    return call_into_lisp(function, args, 2);
+lispobj funcall3(lispobj function, lispobj arg0, lispobj arg1, lispobj arg2)
+    lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;
+    current_control_stack_pointer += 3;
+    args[0] = arg0;
+    args[1] = arg1;
+    args[2] = arg2;
+    return call_into_lisp(function, args, 3);
diff --git a/lisp/sparc-lispregs.h b/lisp/sparc-lispregs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d85d9f095dbe51e6d7632807388403490967450c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/sparc-lispregs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* $Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/lisp/sparc-lispregs.h,v 1.1 1992/09/08 20:21:10 wlott Exp $ */
+#define GREG(num) %g ## num
+#define OREG(num) %o ## num
+#define LREG(num) %l ## num
+#define IREG(num) %i ## num
+#define GREG(num) (num)
+#define OREG(num) ((num)+8)
+#define LREG(num) ((num)+16)
+#define IREG(num) ((num)+24)
+#define NREGS	(32)
+#define reg_ZERO	GREG(0)
+#define reg_ALLOC	GREG(1)
+#define reg_NIL		GREG(2)
+#define reg_CSP		GREG(3)
+#define reg_CFP		GREG(4)
+#define reg_BSP		GREG(5)
+#define reg_NFP		GREG(6)
+#define reg_CFUNC	GREG(7)
+#define reg_NL0		OREG(0)
+#define reg_NL1		OREG(1)
+#define reg_NL2		OREG(2)
+#define reg_NL3		OREG(3)
+#define reg_NL4		OREG(4)
+#define reg_NL5		OREG(5)
+#define reg_NSP		OREG(6)
+#define reg_NARGS	OREG(7)
+#define reg_A0		LREG(0)
+#define reg_A1		LREG(1)
+#define reg_A2		LREG(2)
+#define reg_A3		LREG(3)
+#define reg_A4		LREG(4)
+#define reg_A5		LREG(5)
+#define reg_OCFP	LREG(6)
+#define reg_LRA		LREG(7)
+#define reg_FDEFN	IREG(0)
+#define reg_LEXENV	IREG(1)
+#define reg_L0		IREG(2)
+#define reg_L1		IREG(3)
+#define reg_L2		IREG(4)
+#define reg_CODE	IREG(5)
+#define reg_LIP		IREG(7)
+#define REGNAMES \
+	"ZERO",		"ALLOC",	"NULL",		"CSP", \
+	"CFP",		"BSP",		"NFP",		"CFUNC", \
+        "NL0",		"NL1",		"NL2",		"NL3", \
+        "NL4",		"NL5",		"NSP",		"NARGS", \
+        "A0",		"A1",		"A2",		"A3", \
+        "A4",		"A5",		"OCFP",		"LRA", \
+        "FDEFN",	"LEXENV",	"L0",		"L1", \
+        "L2",		"CODE",		"???",		"LIP"
+#define BOXED_REGISTERS { \
+    reg_A0, reg_A1, reg_A2, reg_A3, reg_A4, reg_A5, reg_FDEFN, reg_LEXENV, \
+    reg_NFP, reg_OCFP, reg_LRA, reg_L0, reg_L1, reg_CODE \
+#define SC_REG(sc, n) (((int *)((sc)->sc_g1))[n])
+#define SC_PC(sc) ((sc)->sc_pc)
+#define SC_NPC(sc) ((sc)->sc_npc)
diff --git a/lisp/sparc-validate.h b/lisp/sparc-validate.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e790de13b2199f60b7c95c3fb761e562019d4b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/sparc-validate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#define READ_ONLY_SPACE_START   (0x01000000)
+#define READ_ONLY_SPACE_SIZE    (0x04000000)
+#define STATIC_SPACE_START	(0x05000000)
+#define STATIC_SPACE_SIZE	(0x02000000)
+#define DYNAMIC_0_SPACE_START	(0x07000000)
+#define DYNAMIC_1_SPACE_START	(0x0b000000)
+#define DYNAMIC_SPACE_SIZE	(0x04000000)
+#define CONTROL_STACK_START	(0x00e00000)
+#define CONTROL_STACK_SIZE	(0x00080000)
+#define BINDING_STACK_START	(0x00f00000)
+#define BINDING_STACK_SIZE	(0x00080000)
+#define NUMBER_STACK_START	(0xf0000000)
+#define NUMBER_STACK_SIZE	(0x00100000)
diff --git a/lisp/sunos-os.h b/lisp/sunos-os.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d2eb79c3ba92957fabc3fee4b387be1e5ffd6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/sunos-os.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+typedef unsigned long os_vm_address_t;
+typedef long os_vm_size_t;
+typedef off_t os_vm_offset_t;
+typedef int os_vm_prot_t;
diff --git a/lisp/undefineds.c b/lisp/undefineds.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5770670229c1c6d23c0165263c03b495a1db23f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/undefineds.c
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* Routines that must be linked into the core for lisp to work. */
+/* $Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/lisp/undefineds.c,v 1.1 1992/09/08 20:19:03 wlott Exp $ */
+#ifdef sun
+#ifndef MACH
+#define SUNOS
+typedef int func();
+extern func
+#include "undefineds.h"
+static func *foo[] = {
+#include "undefineds.h"
diff --git a/lisp/undefineds.h b/lisp/undefineds.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd755012d06ced7149671d3307cd0db47a2044fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/undefineds.h
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+/* Routines that must be linked into the core for lisp to work. */
+/* $Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/lisp/undefineds.h,v 1.1 1992/09/08 20:19:21 wlott Exp $ */
+/* Pick up all the syscalls. */
+#if !defined(SUNOS) && !defined(parisc)
+#ifndef SUNOS
+#if !defined(SUNOS) && !defined(parisc)
+#ifndef ibmrt
+#if !defined(SUNOS) && !defined(parisc)
+/* Math routines. */
+/* Network support. */
+/* Other random things. */