diff --git a/src/contrib/clx-inspector/clx-inspector.asd b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/clx-inspector.asd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27b912d728d085cd738eebbdb3bc65ebd2743ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/clx-inspector.asd
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
+(in-package :asdf)
+(require :clx)
+(defsystem :clx-inspector
+  :name "INSPECT"
+  :author "Skef Wholey et. al."
+  :maintainer "Fred Gilham"
+  :license "Public Domain"
+  :description "Graphical Inspector"
+  :long-description "Inspector that uses pop-up windows to display the
+  objects. Updates the values of the objects in the background."
+  :components
+  ((:file "clx-inspector")))
diff --git a/src/contrib/clx-inspector/clx-inspector.catalog b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/clx-inspector.catalog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8504c35a16f35409c312b71b94c7eec196e1b3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/clx-inspector.catalog
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+	CLX Inspector.
+Package Name:
+	Adds another inspector style as an alternative to the console
+	inspector. Inspecting objects pops up windows with the
+	contents of the object. The values of the object are updated
+	in the background. Multiple windows can be displayed at the
+	same time.
+	Original by Skef Wholey. Ported to CLX by Christopher Hoover
+	with "minor tweaks" by Bill Chiles. Updated and enhanced by
+	Fred Gilham.
+Net Address:
+        fred@sunbot.homedns.org    
+Copyright Status:
+ 	CMUCL public domain code. No Warranty.
+	clx-inspector.lisp
+How to Get:
+        Comes with CMUCL contrib library.
+	Depends on CMUCL-specific features.
+	(require :clx-inspector)
+	(inspect <object>) Once the window pops up, you can type "h"
+	to pop up a window of instructions.
diff --git a/src/contrib/clx-inspector/clx-inspector.lisp b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/clx-inspector.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8be008648c4111fe4b394e06f88a2e8747b6278f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/clx-inspector.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,2214 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: INSPECT; Log:code.log -*-
+;;; **********************************************************************
+;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
+;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
+;;; If you want to use this code or any part of CMU Common Lisp, please contact
+;;; Scott Fahlman or slisp-group@cs.cmu.edu.
+ "$Header: clx-inspector.lisp,v 1.1 2004/03/12 10:02:30 fmg $")
+;;; **********************************************************************
+;;; An inspector for CMU Common Lisp.
+;;; Written by Skef Wholey.
+;;; Ported to CLX by Christopher Hoover with minor tweaks by Bill Chiles.
+;;; Each Lisp object is displayed in its own X window, and components
+;;; of each object are "mouse sensitive" items that may be selected
+;;; for further investigation.
+;;; Some cleanup by FMG plus adding dynamic updating of values when
+;;; multiprocessing is present. (2000-2002)
+;;; Converted former "home-made object system" to CLOS.  FMG Oct 2002.
+;;; Fix inability to deal with circular lists. Paper over problem with
+;;; PCL and uninitialized slots. FMG March 2004.
+;;; Cleanup and minor fixes. FMG 2015. Haha.. ten years.. still works....
+;;; Add scroll wheel support. FMG 2015.
+(declaim (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 3) (space 1.5) (ext:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (provide :clx-inspector))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (setf lisp::*enable-package-locked-errors* nil))
+(in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (require :clx #+cmu "library:subsystems/clx-library"))
+(defpackage "INSPECT"
+  (:export inspect show-object remove-object-display remove-all-displays *interface-style*))
+(in-package "INSPECT")
+;;;; Parameters and stuff.
+(defvar *inspect-result*)
+(defparameter *update-interval* .5
+  "Seconds between item window background updates.")
+;;; CLX specials
+(defvar *display* nil)
+(defvar *screen* nil)
+(defvar *root* nil)
+(defvar *gcontext* nil)
+(defvar *black-pixel* nil)
+(defvar *white-pixel* nil)
+;; Inspect-Length is the number of components that will be displayed in a
+;; window at any one time.  If an object has more than Inspect-Length 
+;; components, we generally put it in a scrolling window.  Inspect-Level
+;; might someday correspond to Print-Level, controlling the amount of
+;; detail and mouse-sensitivity we get inside components, but for now
+;; it's ignored.
+(defparameter inspect-length 30)
+(defparameter inspect-level 1)
+;; Inspect-Print-Level and Inspect-Print-Length are used by
+;; IPrin1-To-String to generate the textual representation of
+;; components.
+(defparameter inspect-print-length 10)
+(defparameter inspect-print-level 3)
+;; The handler-case is an easy way to handle unbound slots. From what
+;; previous versions said, using slot-boundp didn't always work.
+(defun iprin1-to-string (object)
+  (let ((*print-length* inspect-print-length)
+	(*print-level* inspect-print-level)
+	(*print-pretty* nil))
+    (handler-case (prin1-to-string object)
+        (unbound-slot () "Unbound"))))
+;;;; Setting up fonts and cursors and stuff.
+;; We use Font structures to keep stuff like the character height and
+;; width of a font around for quick and easy size calculations. For
+;; variable width fonts, the Width slot will be Nil.
+(defstruct (font (:constructor make-font (name font height ascent width)))
+  name
+  font
+  height
+  ascent
+  width)
+;; The *Header-Font* is a big font usually used for displaying stuff
+;; in the header portion of an object view. *Entry-Font* is used as
+;; the main "body font" for an object, and *Italic-Font* is used for
+;; special stuff.
+;; You can go crazy with fonts here.
+;;(defparameter header-font-name "*-*-bold-r-*-sans-14-*-*")
+(defparameter header-font-name "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-14-*-*")
+(defvar *header-font*)
+;; XXX You must use a fixed-width font here. Variable-width fonts
+;; cause the tracking to fail miserably.
+(defparameter entry-font-name "*-courier-medium-r-normal--12-*-*")
+(defvar *entry-font*)
+;; XXX Better to use a fixed-width font here --- a variable-width font
+;; tends to result in bits and pieces of letters getting chopped off.
+(defparameter italic-font-name "*-courier-medium-o-normal--12-*-*")
+(defvar *italic-font*)
+;; The *Cursor* is a normal arrow thing used most of the time. During
+;; modification operations, we change the cursor to *Cursor-D* (while
+;; the destination for the modification is being chosen) and
+;; *Cursor-S* (while the source is being chosen).
+(defparameter cursor-name "library:contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11.cursor")
+(defvar *cursor*)
+(defparameter cursor-d-name "library:contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-d.cursor")
+(defvar *cursor-d*)
+(defparameter cursor-s-name "library:contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-s.cursor")
+(defvar *cursor-s*)
+;; This file contains the help message for the inspector. The text in
+;; the file must not extend past the 72nd column, and any initial
+;; whitespace on a line must be built on the space character only. The
+;; window that displays this text is too small in height for easy
+;; reading of this text.
+(defparameter help-file-pathname "library:contrib/clx-inspector/inspector.help")
+;;;; CLX stuff
+;; Max-Window-Width is used to constrain the width of our views.
+(declaim (fixnum max-window-width))
+(defparameter max-window-width 1000)
+;; Border is the number of pixels between an object view and the box
+;; we draw around it. VSP is the number of pixels we leave between
+;; lines of text. (We should put VSP in the fonts structure sometime
+;; so we can have font-specific vertical spacing.)
+(defparameter border 3)
+(defparameter vsp 2)
+;; The arrow bitmaps are used inside scrollbars.
+(defvar *up-arrow*)
+(defvar *down-arrow*)
+(defvar *up-arrow-i*)
+(defvar *down-arrow-i*)
+(defparameter arrow-bits
+  '(#*0000000000000000
+    #*0111111111111110
+    #*0100000000000010
+    #*0100000110000010
+    #*0100001111000010
+    #*0100011111100010
+    #*0100111111110010
+    #*0101111111111010
+    #*0100001111000010
+    #*0100001111000010
+    #*0100001111000010
+    #*0100001111000010
+    #*0100001111000010
+    #*0100000000000010
+    #*0111111111111110
+    #*0000000000000000))
+;; Font and cursor support
+(defun open-font (name)
+  (let* ((font (xlib:open-font *display* name))
+	 (max-width (xlib:max-char-width font))
+	 (min-width (xlib:min-char-width font))
+	 (width (if (= max-width min-width) max-width nil))
+	 (ascent (xlib:max-char-ascent font))
+	 (height (+ (xlib:max-char-descent font) ascent)))
+    (make-font name font height ascent width)))
+(defun get-cursor-pixmap-from-file (name)
+  (let ((pathname (probe-file name)))
+    (if pathname
+	(let* ((image (xlib:read-bitmap-file pathname))
+	       (pixmap (xlib:create-pixmap :width 16 :height 16
+					   :depth 1 :drawable *root*))
+	       (gc (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable pixmap
+					 :function boole-1
+					 :foreground *black-pixel*
+					 :background *white-pixel*)))
+	  (xlib:put-image pixmap gc image :x 0 :y 0 :width 16 :height 16)
+	  (xlib:free-gcontext gc)
+	  (values pixmap (xlib:image-x-hot image) (xlib:image-y-hot image)))
+	(values nil nil nil))))
+(defun open-cursor (name)
+  (multiple-value-bind
+      (cursor-pixmap cursor-x-hot cursor-y-hot)
+      (get-cursor-pixmap-from-file name)
+    (multiple-value-bind
+	(mask-pixmap mask-x-hot mask-y-hot)
+	(get-cursor-pixmap-from-file (make-pathname :type "mask" :defaults name))
+      (declare (ignore mask-x-hot mask-y-hot))
+      (let* ((white (xlib:make-color :red 1.0 :green 1.0 :blue 1.0))
+	     (black (xlib:make-color :red 0.0 :green 0.0 :blue 0.0))
+	     (cursor (xlib:create-cursor :source cursor-pixmap :mask mask-pixmap
+					 :x cursor-x-hot :y cursor-y-hot
+					 :foreground black :background white)))
+	(xlib:free-pixmap mask-pixmap)
+	(xlib:free-pixmap cursor-pixmap)
+	cursor))))
+(defun bitvec-list-to-pixmap (bvl width height)
+  (let* ((image (apply #'xlib:bitmap-image bvl))
+	 (pixmap (xlib:create-pixmap :width width :height height
+				     :drawable *root*
+				     :depth (xlib:screen-root-depth *screen*)))
+	 (gc (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable pixmap
+				   :function boole-1
+				   :foreground *black-pixel*
+				   :background *white-pixel*)))
+    (xlib:put-image pixmap gc image :x 0 :y 0 :width 16 :height 16 :bitmap-p t)
+    (xlib:free-gcontext gc)
+    pixmap))
+(defun invert-pixmap (pixmap)
+  (let* ((width (xlib:drawable-width pixmap))
+	 (height (xlib:drawable-height pixmap))
+	 (inv-pixmap (xlib:create-pixmap :width width :height height
+					 :drawable *root*
+					 :depth (xlib:screen-root-depth *screen*)))
+	 (gc (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable inv-pixmap
+				   :function boole-c1
+				   :foreground *black-pixel*
+				   :background *white-pixel*)))
+    (xlib:copy-area pixmap gc 0 0 width height inv-pixmap 0 0)
+    (xlib:free-gcontext gc)
+    inv-pixmap))
+;;; Draw-Bitmap, Draw-Box, and Draw-Block --- thin wrapper over X
+;;; drawing primitives.
+(defun draw-bitmap (window x y pixmap)
+  (xlib:copy-area pixmap *gcontext* 0 0 16 16 window x y))
+(defun draw-box (window x1 y1 x2 y2)
+  (declare (fixnum x1 y1 x2 y2))
+  (xlib:draw-rectangle window *gcontext* x1 y1 (- x2 x1) (- y2 y1)))
+(defun draw-block (window x1 y1 x2 y2)
+  (declare (fixnum x1 y1 x2 y2))
+  (xlib:draw-rectangle window *gcontext* x1 y1 (- x2 x1) (- y2 y1) t))
+;;; *X-Constraint* is used by Disp-String to truncate long strings so that
+;;; they stay inside windows of reasonable width.
+(defvar *x-constraint* nil)
+;;; Disp-String draws a string in an X window, trying to constrain it
+;;; to not run beyond the *X-Constraint*.  For variable width fonts,
+;;; we can only guess about the right length...
+(defun disp-string (window x y string disp-font)
+  (declare (simple-string string))
+  (let ((font (font-font disp-font))
+	(font-width (font-width disp-font))
+	(font-height (font-height disp-font))
+	(length (length string))
+	(max-width (if *x-constraint* (- *x-constraint* x) max-window-width)))
+    (cond (font-width
+	   ;; fixed width font
+	   (let ((end (if (<= (* length font-width) max-width)
+			  length
+			  (max 0 (truncate max-width font-width)))))
+	     (when window
+	       (xlib:with-gcontext (*gcontext* :font font)
+		 (xlib:draw-image-glyphs window *gcontext*
+					 x (+ y (font-ascent disp-font))
+					 string :end end)))
+	     (values (* end font-width) (+ font-height vsp))))
+	  (t
+	   ;; this is hackish...
+	   (multiple-value-bind (end width)
+	       (do* ((index length (1- index))
+		     (width (xlib:text-width font string :end index)
+			    (xlib:text-width font string :end index)))
+		    ((or (= index 0) (<= width max-width))
+		     (values index width)))
+	     (when window
+	       (xlib:with-gcontext (*gcontext* :font font)
+		 (xlib:draw-image-glyphs window *gcontext*
+					 x (+ y (font-ascent disp-font))
+					 string :end end)))
+	     (values width (+ font-height vsp)))))))
+;;;; Inspect-Init
+;;; Inspect-Init sets all this stuff up, using *Inspect-Initialized* to
+;;; know when it's already been done.
+(defvar *inspect-initialized* nil)
+(defun inspect-init ()
+  (unless *inspect-initialized*
+    (multiple-value-setq (*display* *screen*) (ext:open-clx-display))
+    (ext:carefully-add-font-paths
+     *display*
+     (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
+		 (concatenate 'string (namestring x) "fonts/"))
+ 	     (ext:search-list "library:")))
+    (setq *root* (xlib:screen-root *screen*))
+    (setq *black-pixel* (xlib:screen-black-pixel *screen*))
+    (setq *white-pixel* (xlib:screen-white-pixel *screen*))
+    (setq *gcontext* (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable *root* :function boole-1
+ 					   :foreground *black-pixel*
+ 					   :background *white-pixel*))
+    (setq *cursor* (open-cursor cursor-name))
+    (setq *cursor-d* (open-cursor cursor-d-name))
+    (setq *cursor-s* (open-cursor cursor-s-name))
+    (setq *header-font* (open-font header-font-name))
+    (setq *entry-font* (open-font entry-font-name))
+    (setq *italic-font* (open-font italic-font-name))
+    (setq *up-arrow* (bitvec-list-to-pixmap arrow-bits 16 16))
+    (setq *up-arrow-i* (invert-pixmap *up-arrow*))
+    (setq *down-arrow* (bitvec-list-to-pixmap (reverse arrow-bits) 16 16))
+    (setq *down-arrow-i* (invert-pixmap *down-arrow*))
+    (ext:enable-clx-event-handling *display* 'inspector-event-handler)
+    (setq *inspect-initialized* t)))
+;;; For debugging...
+(defun inspect-reinit (&optional (host "unix:0.0"))
+  (let ((win nil))
+    (setq *inspect-initialized* nil)
+    (when *display*
+      (ext:disable-clx-event-handling *display*)
+      (xlib:close-display *display*)))
+    (unwind-protect
+	(progn
+	  (multiple-value-setq
+	      (*display* *screen*)
+	    (ext:open-clx-display host))
+	  (setf (xlib:display-after-function *display*)
+		#'xlib:display-finish-output)
+	  (setq *root* (xlib:screen-root *screen*))
+	  (setq *black-pixel* (xlib:screen-black-pixel *screen*))
+	  (setq *white-pixel* (xlib:screen-white-pixel *screen*))
+	  (setq *gcontext* (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable *root*
+						 :function boole-1
+						 :foreground *black-pixel*
+						 :background *white-pixel*))
+	  (setq *cursor* (open-cursor cursor-name))
+	  (setq *cursor-d* (open-cursor cursor-d-name))
+	  (setq *cursor-s* (open-cursor cursor-s-name))
+	  (setq *header-font* (open-font header-font-name))
+	  (setq *entry-font* (open-font entry-font-name))
+	  (setq *italic-font* (open-font italic-font-name))
+	  (setq *up-arrow* (bitvec-list-to-pixmap arrow-bits 16 16))
+	  (setq *up-arrow-i* (invert-pixmap *up-arrow*))
+	  (setq *down-arrow* (bitvec-list-to-pixmap (reverse arrow-bits) 16 16))
+	  (setq *down-arrow-i* (invert-pixmap *down-arrow*))
+	  (setf (xlib:display-after-function *display*) nil)
+	  (setf win t))
+      (cond (win
+	     (ext:enable-clx-event-handling *display* 'inspector-event-handler)
+	     (setq *inspect-initialized* t))
+	    (*display*
+	     (xlib:close-display *display*))))))
+;;;; Mid-level interface between inspector and window system.
+(defclass view ()
+  ((name :initarg :name :accessor name)
+   (object :initarg :object :accessor object)
+   (view-item :initarg :view-item :accessor view-item)
+   (window :initarg :window :accessor window)
+   #+:mp (update-process :initarg :update-process :accessor update-process :initform nil)
+   (stack :initarg :stack :accessor stack :initform nil))
+  (:documentation "We use view classes to associate objects with their
+graphical images (View-Items, see below), the X windows that they're
+displayed in, and maybe even a user-supplied Name for the whole
+(defun make-view (name object view-item window)
+  (let* ((new-view (make-instance 'view
+				  :name name
+				  :object object
+				  :view-item view-item
+				  :window window)))
+    ;; Create a background process to update the view once per second.
+    (setf (update-process new-view)
+	  (mp:make-process
+	   #'(lambda ()
+	       (loop
+		  (update-view-of-object new-view)
+		  (sleep *update-interval*)))
+	   :name (format nil "Background update process for ~A" name)))
+    new-view))
+(defun make-view (name object view-item window)
+  (make-instance 'view
+		 :name name
+		 :object object
+		 :view-item view-item
+		 :window window))
+;;; *views* is a list of all the live views of objects.
+(defvar *views* nil)
+;;; CLX window to view object mapping.
+(defvar *windows-to-views* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
+(defun add-window-view-mapping (window view)
+  (setf (gethash window *windows-to-views*) view))
+(defun delete-window-view-mapping (window)
+  (remhash window *windows-to-views*))
+(defun map-window-to-view (window)
+  (multiple-value-bind (view found-p)
+      (gethash window *windows-to-views*)
+    (unless found-p (error "No such window as ~S in mapping!" window))
+    view))
+;; *Tracking-Mode* is a kind of hack used so things know what to do
+;; during modify operations. If it's :Source, only objects that are
+;; really there will be selectable. If it's :Destination, objects that
+;; aren't necessarily really there (like the values of unbound
+;; symbols) will be selectable.
+(declaim (type (member '(:source :destination) *tracking-mode*)))
+(defvar *tracking-mode* :source)
+;; *Mouse-X* and *Mouse-Y* are a good approximation of where the mouse
+;; is in the window that the mouse is in.
+(declaim (fixnum *mouse-x* *mouse-y*))
+(defvar *mouse-x* 0)
+(defvar *mouse-y* 0)
+;;;; Event Handling for CLX. Translates events in X windows to
+;;;; commands operating on views.
+;; We're interested in these events:
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defconstant important-xevents
+    '(:key-press :button-press :exposure :pointer-motion
+		 :enter-window :leave-window #+notready :structure-notify))
+  (defconstant important-xevents-mask
+    (apply #'xlib:make-event-mask important-xevents)))
+;; We need to add some mouse key translations to handle the scroll
+;; wheel. XXX These should be in CMUCL, not here.
+(ext:define-mouse-keysym 4 25607 "Scrollupdown" "Super" :button-press)
+(ext:define-mouse-keysym 4 25608 "Scrollupup" "Super" :button-release)
+(ext:define-mouse-keysym 5 25609 "Scrolldowndown" "Super" :button-press)
+(ext:define-mouse-keysym 5 25610 "Scrolldownup" "Super" :button-release)
+(defun inspector-event-handler (display)
+  (xlib:event-case (display :discard-p t :force-output-p t :timeout .1)
+    ((:exposure) (event-window count)
+     (when (zerop (the fixnum count))
+       (redisplay-item
+	(view-item (map-window-to-view event-window))))
+     t)
+    ((:key-press) (event-window state code)
+     (do-command (map-window-to-view event-window)
+		 (ext:translate-key-event display code state))
+     t)
+    ((:button-press :button-release) (event-key event-window state code)
+     (do-command (map-window-to-view event-window)
+		 (ext:translate-mouse-key-event code state event-key))
+     t)
+    ((:enter-notify :motion-notify) (event-window x y)
+     (cond ((xlib:event-listen display)
+	    ;; if there are other things in the queue, blow this event off...
+	    nil)
+	   (t
+	    ;; This is the alternative to the background update
+	    ;; process. When the mouse enters the window, its values
+	    ;; get updated.
+	    #-:mp (update-view-of-object (map-window-to-view event-window))
+	    (setf *mouse-x* x)
+	    (setf *mouse-y* y)
+	    (tracker (view-item (map-window-to-view event-window)) x y)
+	    t)))
+    ((:leave-notify) (event-window)
+     (tracker (view-item (map-window-to-view event-window)) -1 -1)
+     t)
+    ((:no-exposure) ()
+     ;; just ignore this one
+     t)
+    ((:client-message) (event-window display data)
+     ;; User used the window manager to close a window.
+     (when (eq (xlib:atom-name display (aref data 0)) :wm_delete_window)
+       ;; Make the program think the user hit the "D" key in the event
+       ;; window.
+       (do-command (map-window-to-view event-window) #k"D"))
+     t)
+    (t (event-key)
+       (format t "Inspector received unexpected event, ~S, recieved." event-key)
+       t)))
+;;; Some debugging code...
+    (xlib:event-cond (display :timeout 0 :peek-p t)
+		     (t (event-key)
+			(unless (eq event-key :motion-notify)
+			  (format t "Event received: ~S~%" event-key))))
+(defun discard-event-on-window (display window type)
+  (loop
+    (unless (xlib:process-event display :timeout 0
+	      :handler #'(lambda (&key event-window event-type &allow-other-keys)
+			   (and (eq event-window window)
+				(eq event-type type))))
+      (return))))
+;;;; More stuff that interfaces between X and the view stuff.
+;; NEXT-WINDOW-POSITION currently uses a very dumb heuristic to decide
+;; where the next inspector window ought to go. If there aren't any
+;; windows, it puts the view of an object in the upper left hand
+;; corner. Otherwise, it'll put it underneath the last one created.
+;; When putting the new window below the last one, if it should extend
+;; below the bottom of the screen, we position it to just fit on the
+;; bottom. Thus, all future windows created in this fashion will "pile
+;; up" on the bottom of the screen.
+(defun next-window-position (width height)
+  (declare (ignore width))
+  (if *views*
+      (let ((window (window (car *views*))))
+	(xlib:with-state (window)
+	  (let ((drawable-x (xlib:drawable-x window))
+		(drawable-y (xlib:drawable-y window))
+		(drawable-height (xlib:drawable-height window))
+		(border-width (xlib:drawable-border-width window)))
+	    (declare (fixnum drawable-y drawable-height border-width))
+	    (multiple-value-bind (children parent root) (xlib:query-tree window)
+	      (declare (ignore children))
+	      (let ((root-height (xlib:drawable-height root)))
+		(declare (fixnum root-height))
+		(multiple-value-bind
+		    (new-x new-y)
+		    (if (eq parent root)
+			(values drawable-x (+ drawable-y drawable-height
+					      (* 2 border-width)))
+			;; Deal with reparented windows...
+			(multiple-value-bind (root-x root-y)
+					     (xlib:translate-coordinates
+					      parent drawable-x drawable-y root)
+			  (declare (fixnum root-y))
+			  (values root-x (+ root-y drawable-height
+					    (* 2 border-width)))))
+		  (declare (fixnum new-y))
+		  (values new-x
+			  (if (> (+ new-y height border-width) root-height)
+			      (- root-height height border-width)
+			      new-y))))))))
+      (values 200 20)))
+;;;; View-Item.  A view item is the object that contains the actual
+;;;; underlying object being inspected as well as the window being
+;;;; used to display it and some other information about the window.
+(defclass view-item ()
+  ((window :initarg :window :accessor window)
+   (x :initarg :x :accessor x)
+   (y :initarg :y :accessor y)
+   (width :initarg :width :accessor width)
+   (height :initarg :height :accessor height))
+  (:documentation "View-Items are objects with methods to display
+themselves, track the mouse inside their boundries, handle mouse
+clicks on themselves, and so on. Everything we put up on the screen is
+backed in some way by a View-Item. These are the components of the
+total view of an object as described in a view object."))
+(defmethod print-object ((item view-item) stream)
+  (format stream "#<~S {~8,'0X}>" (type-of item)
+	  (kernel:get-lisp-obj-address item)))
+(defgeneric view-item-p (item)
+  (:method ((item t))
+	   nil)
+  (:method ((item view-item))
+	   t))
+;; The following generic functions constitute the interface to the
+;; view-item objects. Subclasses of view-item implement behavior by
+;; overriding these methods.
+(defgeneric display (item window x y))
+(defgeneric tracker (item x y)
+  (:method ((item view-item) x y)
+	   (update-current-item item x y)))
+(defgeneric untracker (item)
+  (:method ((item view-item))
+	   nil))
+(defgeneric mouse-handler (item view key-event)
+  (:method ((item view-item) view key-event)
+	   (declare (ignore view key-event))
+	   nil))
+(defgeneric walker (item function)
+  (:method ((item view-item) function)
+	   (declare (ignore function))
+	   nil))
+;;;; The following are functions that apply to all view-items.
+;; The *Current-Item* is the view item that is currently under the
+;; mouse, to the best of our knowledge, or Nil if the mouse isn't over
+;; an item that does anything with its Tracker method.
+(defvar *current-item* nil)
+;; Display-Item invokes the Display method of an item to put it up on
+;; the specified window. The window, position, and size are all set,
+;; and the size is returned.
+(defun display-item (item window x y)
+  (setf (window item) window
+	(x item) x
+	(y item) y)
+  (multiple-value-bind (width height)
+      (display item window x y)
+    (setf (width item) width)
+    (setf (height item) height)
+    (values width height)))
+;; Redisplay-Item redraws an item (if, say, it's changed, or if its
+;; window has received an exposure event). If the item is the
+;; *Current-Item*, we call its tracker method to make sure it gets
+;; highlighted if it's supposed to be.
+(defun redisplay-item (item)
+  (when (window item)
+    (xlib:clear-area (window item)
+		     :x (x item) :y (y item)
+		     :width (width item)
+		     :height (height item))
+    (multiple-value-bind (width height)
+	(display item (window item) (x item) (y item))
+      (setf (width item) width)
+      (setf (height item) height))
+    (xlib:display-force-output *display*)
+    (when (and *current-item*
+	       (eq (window *current-item*)
+		   (window item)))
+      (tracker *current-item* *mouse-x* *mouse-y*))))
+;; Size-Item uses the Display method to calculate the size of an item
+;; once displayed. If the window supplied to View-Item is Nil, all the
+;; size calculation will get done, but no graphical output will
+;; happen.
+(defun size-item (item)
+  (if (slot-boundp item 'width)
+    (values (width item) (height item))
+    (display-item item nil 0 0)))
+;;;; Tracking and untracking.
+;; Update-Current-Item is used by trackers to figure out if an item is
+;; really under the mouse. If it is, and it's not the same as the
+;; *Current-Item*, the *Current-Item* gets untracked. If the mouse is
+;; inside the current item, Update-Current-Item returns T.
+(defun update-current-item (item x0 y0)
+  (let ((old-current *current-item*))
+    (with-slots (x y width height) item
+    (if (and (<= x x0 (+ x width))
+	     (<= y y0 (+ y height)))
+      (setq *current-item* item)
+      (setq *current-item* nil))
+    (when (and old-current (not (eq *current-item* old-current)))
+      (untracker old-current)))
+    (eq item *current-item*)))
+;; The Boxifying-Tracker and Boxifying-Untracker highlight and
+;; unhighlight an item by drawing or erasing a box around the object.
+(defun boxifying-tracker (item x y)
+  (when (update-current-item item x y)
+    (boxify-item item boole-1)))
+(defun boxifying-untracker (item)
+  (boxify-item item boole-c1))
+(defun boxify-item (item function)
+  (when (view-item-p item)
+    (with-slots (x y width height window) item
+      (xlib:with-gcontext (*gcontext* :function function)
+	(xlib:draw-rectangle window *gcontext* (1- x) y (1+ width) (- height 2)))
+      (xlib:display-force-output *display*))))
+;; Track-In-List tries to track inside of each item in the List.
+(defun track-in-list (list x0 y0)
+  (dolist (item list)
+    (when (view-item-p item)
+      (with-slots (x y width height) item
+	(when (and (<= x x0 (+ x width))
+		   (<= y y0 (+ y height)))
+	  (tracker item x0 y0)
+	  (return-from track-in-list nil)))))
+  (when *current-item*
+    (untracker *current-item*)
+    (setq *current-item* nil)))
+;;;; Specialized View-Item definitions.
+(defclass inspection-item (view-item)
+  ((objects :initarg :objects :accessor objects)  ; Objects being inspected (for decaching)
+   (headers :initarg :headers :accessor headers)  ; List of items in header, may be Nil
+   (entries :initarg :entries :accessor entries)) ; List of items below header
+  (:documentation "Inspection-Items are used as the `top-level' items
+in the display of an object. They've got a list of header items and a
+list of entry items."))
+(defun make-inspection-item (objects headers entries)
+  (make-instance 'inspection-item :objects objects :headers headers :entries entries))
+;; Inspection item methods
+(defmethod display ((item inspection-item) window x0 y0)
+  (let ((y (+ y0 border))
+	(x (+ x0 border))
+	(max-width 0)
+	(max-x 0)
+	(first-entry-y nil)
+	(header-end-y nil)
+	(sb (when (scrolling-inspection-item-p item)
+	      (scrollbar item))))
+    (when sb
+      (funcall (reset-index sb) sb))
+    ;; First, header items.
+    (when (headers item)
+      (dolist (element (headers item))
+	(multiple-value-bind (width height)
+			     (display-item element window x y)
+	  (incf y height)
+	  (setq max-width (max max-width width))))
+      (setq header-end-y y)
+      (incf y vsp))
+    (when sb
+      (incf x (+ 16 border))
+      (funcall (reset-index sb) sb))
+    ;; Then do entry items.
+    (let ((max-name-width 0))
+      (setq first-entry-y y)
+      ;; Figure out width of widest entry slot name.
+      (dolist (element (entries item))
+	(when (slot-item-p element)
+	  (setq max-name-width
+		(max max-name-width (length (name element))))))
+      (dolist (element (entries item))
+	(when (slot-item-p element)
+	  (unless (slot-boundp element 'max-name-width)
+	    (setf (max-name-width element) max-name-width)))
+	(multiple-value-bind (width height)
+			     (display-item element window x y)
+	  (incf y height)
+	  (setq max-width (max max-width (+ width (if sb (+ 16 border) 0)))))))
+    (setq max-x (+ x0 border max-width border))
+    ;; Display scrollbar, if any.
+    (when sb
+      (setf (bottom sb) y)
+      (display-item sb window (+ x0 border) first-entry-y)
+      (unless (slot-boundp sb 'window-width)
+	(setf (window-width sb) (- max-width 16 border))))
+    ;; Finally, draw a box around the whole thing.
+    (when window
+      (draw-box window x0 y0 max-x y)
+      (when header-end-y
+	(xlib:draw-line window *gcontext* x0 header-end-y max-x header-end-y)))
+    ;; And return size.
+    (values (- max-x x0) (- (+ y border) y0))))
+(defmethod tracker ((inspection-item inspection-item) x0 y0)
+  (dolist (item (headers inspection-item))
+    (with-slots (x y width height) item
+      (when (and (<= x x0 (+ x width))
+		 (<= y y0 (+ y height)))
+      (tracker item x0 y0)
+      (return-from tracker nil))))
+  (track-in-list (entries inspection-item) x0 y0))
+(defmethod walker ((item inspection-item) function)
+  (flet ((walk-item-list (list function)
+	   (dolist (item list)
+	     (walker item function))))
+    (with-slots (x width) item
+      (let ((*x-constraint* (if (slot-boundp item 'width)
+			      (+ x width (- border))
+			      max-window-width)))
+	(walk-item-list (headers item) function)
+	(walk-item-list (entries item) function)))))
+(defclass scrolling-inspection-item (inspection-item)
+  ((scrollbar :initarg :scrollbar :accessor scrollbar) ; Scrollbar display item
+   (set-next :initarg :set-next :accessor set-next)    ; To set next state
+   (next :initarg :next :accessor next))               ; To get & increment next state
+  (:documentation "Scrolling-Inspection-Items are used as the
+'top-level' of display of objects that have lots of components and so
+have to scroll. In addition to headers and entries, they've got a
+scrollbar item and stuff so that the entries can lazily compute where
+they are and what they should display."))
+(defun make-scrolling-inspection-item (objects headers entries scrollbar)
+  (make-instance 'scrolling-inspection-item 
+		 :objects objects
+		 :headers headers
+		 :entries entries
+		 :scrollbar scrollbar))
+(defgeneric scrolling-inspection-item-p (item)
+  (:method ((item t))
+	   nil)
+  (:method ((item scrolling-inspection-item))
+	   t))
+;; Scrolling-inspection-item methods.
+(defmethod tracker ((item scrolling-inspection-item) x0 y0)
+  (dolist (element (headers item))
+    (with-slots (x y height width) element
+      (when (and (<= x x0 (+ x width))
+		 (<= y y0 (+ y height)))
+	(tracker element x0 y0)
+	(return-from tracker nil))))
+  (let ((sb (scrollbar item)))
+    (with-slots (x y width height) sb
+      (if (and (<= x x0 (+ x width))
+	       (<= y y0 (+ y height)))
+	(tracker sb x0 y0)
+	(track-in-list (entries item) x0 y0)))))
+(defclass scrollbar (view-item)
+  ((scrollee :initarg :scrollee :accessor scrollee) ; Item for which this guy's a scrollbar
+   (bottom :initarg bottom :accessor bottom)        ; Y coordinate of end (hack, hack)
+   (active-button :initarg :active-button :accessor active-button :initform nil)
+   (first-index :initarg :first-index :accessor first-index)    ; Index of first thing to
+					                        ; be displayed
+   (next-element :initarg :next-element :accessor next-element) ; Function to extract next 
+					                        ; element to be displayed
+   (reset-index :initarg :reset-index :accessor reset-index)    ; Function to reset internal
+					                        ; index for next-element
+   (window-width :initarg :window-width :accessor window-width) ; Max X for scrollees
+   (bar-height :initarg :bar-height :accessor bar-height)       ; Height of bar in pixels
+   (bar-top :initarg :bar-top :accessor bar-top)
+   (bar-bottom :initarg :bar-bottom :accessor bar-bottom)
+   (num-elements :initarg :num-elements :accessor num-elements) ; Number of elements in scrollee
+   (num-elements-displayed :initarg :num-elements-displayed
+			   :accessor num-elements-displayed ))  ; Number of elements displayed
+					                        ; at once
+  (:documentation "A Scrollbar has buttons and a thumb bar and the
+stuff it needs to figure out whatever it needs to figure out."))
+(defun make-scrollbar (first-index num-elements num-elements-displayed
+			    next-element reset-index)
+  (make-instance 'scrollbar
+		 :first-index first-index :num-elements num-elements
+		 :num-elements-displayed num-elements-displayed
+		 :next-element next-element :reset-index reset-index))
+;;; Scrollbar methods.
+;; Yeah, we use a hard-wired constant 16 here, which is the width and
+;; height of the buttons. Grody, yeah, but hey, "16" is only two
+;; keystrokes...
+(defmethod display ((scrollbar scrollbar) window x y)
+  (with-slots (active-button bottom bar-bottom bar-top bar-height
+	       first-index num-elements num-elements-displayed)
+      scrollbar
+    (when window
+      (draw-bitmap window x y
+		   (if (eq active-button :top)
+		     *up-arrow-i* *up-arrow*))
+      (draw-bitmap window x (- bottom 16)
+		   (if (eq active-button :bottom)
+		     *down-arrow-i* *down-arrow*))
+      (draw-box window x (+ y 16) (+ x 15) (- bottom 17))
+      (setf bar-top (+ y 17)
+	    bar-bottom (- bottom 17)
+	    bar-height (- bar-bottom bar-top))
+      (draw-block window x
+		  (+ bar-top (truncate (* first-index bar-height) num-elements))
+		  (+ x 16)
+		  (- bar-bottom
+		     (truncate (* (- num-elements (+ first-index num-elements-displayed))
+				  bar-height)
+			       num-elements)))
+    (xlib:display-force-output *display*))
+  (values 16 (- bottom y))))
+(defmethod tracker ((scrollbar scrollbar) x0 y0)
+  (with-slots (active-button window x y bottom) scrollbar
+    (update-current-item scrollbar x0 y0)
+    (cond ((<= y y0 (+ y 16))
+	   (setf active-button :top)
+	   (draw-bitmap window x y *up-arrow-i*))
+	  ((<= (- bottom 16) y0 bottom)
+	   (setf active-button :bottom)
+	   (draw-bitmap window x (- bottom 16) *down-arrow-i*))
+	  (t
+	   (untracker scrollbar)))
+    (xlib:display-force-output *display*)))
+(defmethod untracker ((scrollbar scrollbar))
+  (with-slots (active-button window x y bottom) scrollbar
+    (cond ((eq active-button :top)
+	   (draw-bitmap window x y *up-arrow*))
+	  ((eq active-button :bottom)
+	   (draw-bitmap window x (- bottom 16) *down-arrow*)))
+    (xlib:display-force-output *display*)
+    (setf active-button nil)))
+(defmethod mouse-handler ((scrollbar scrollbar) view key-event)
+  (declare (ignore view))
+  (with-slots (first-index active-button num-elements num-elements-displayed
+	       bar-top bar-bottom bar-height scrollee)
+      scrollbar
+    (let* ((old-first first-index)
+	   (new-first old-first))
+      (cond ((or (eq key-event #k"Scrolldowndown") 
+		 (eq active-button :bottom))
+	     (incf new-first
+		   (if (eq key-event #k"Rightdown")
+		       num-elements-displayed
+		       1)))
+	    ((or (eq key-event #k"Scrollupdown")
+		 (eq active-button :top))
+	     (decf new-first
+		   (if (eq key-event #k"Rightdown")
+		       num-elements-displayed
+		       1)))
+	    ((<= bar-top *mouse-y* bar-bottom)
+	     (setq new-first
+		   (truncate (* (- *mouse-y* bar-top)
+				num-elements)
+			     bar-height))))
+      (setq new-first (max new-first 0))
+      (setq new-first (min new-first (- num-elements num-elements-displayed)))
+      (unless (= new-first old-first)
+	(setf first-index new-first)
+	(funcall (reset-index scrollbar) scrollbar)
+	(dolist (element (entries scrollee))
+	  (redisplay-item element))
+	(redisplay-item scrollbar)))))
+(defclass scrolling-item (view-item)
+  ((scrollbar :initarg :scrollbar :accessor scrollbar)
+   (item :initarg :item :accessor item))
+  (:documentation "Scrolling-Items are used as the entries in
+Scrolling-Inspection-Items. They know the scrollbar that moves them
+around so they can lazily do their stuff."))
+(defun make-scrolling-item (scrollbar item)
+  (make-instance 'scrolling-item :scrollbar scrollbar :item item))
+;; Scrolling item methods.
+(defmethod display ((item scrolling-item) window x y)
+  (with-slots (scrollbar item) item
+    (funcall (next-element scrollbar) item)
+    (let ((*x-constraint* (if (slot-boundp scrollbar 'window-width)
+			    (+ (window-width scrollbar) x)
+			    max-window-width)))
+      (multiple-value-bind (width height) (display item window x y)
+	(values 
+	 (or (and (slot-boundp scrollbar 'window-width)
+		  (window-width scrollbar))
+	     width)
+	 height)))))
+(defmethod tracker :before ((scrolling-item scrolling-item) x y)
+  (update-current-item scrolling-item x y))
+(defmethod tracker ((scrolling-item scrolling-item) x y)
+  (tracker (item scrolling-item) x y))
+(defmethod walker ((scrolling-item scrolling-item) function)
+  (walker (item scrolling-item) function))
+(defclass string-item (view-item)
+  ((item-string :initarg :item-string :accessor item-string) ; String to be displayed
+   (font :initarg :font :accessor font))      ; Font in which to display it
+  (:documentation "String-Items just have a string of text and a font
+that it gets displayed in."))
+(defun make-string-item (string &optional (font *entry-font*))
+  (make-instance 'string-item :item-string string :font font))
+;;; String item method.
+(defmethod display ((item string-item) window x y)
+  (disp-string window x y (item-string item) (font item)))
+(defclass slot-item (view-item)
+  ((name :initarg :name :accessor name)              ; String name of slot
+   (object :initarg :object :accessor object)        ; Display item for contents of slot
+   (max-name-width :initarg :max-name-width 
+		   :accessor max-name-width))        ; Length of longest slot name in structure
+  (:documentation "Slot-Items have a string name for the slot (e.g.,
+structure slot name or vector index) and an object item for the
+contents of the slot. The Max-Name-Width is used so that all the slots
+in an inspection item can line their objects up nicely in a
+left-justified column."))
+(defun make-slot-item (name object)
+  (make-instance 'slot-item :name name :object object))
+(defgeneric slot-item-p (item)
+  (:method ((item t))
+	   nil)
+  (:method ((item slot-item))
+	   t))
+;;; Slot item methods.
+(defmethod display ((item slot-item) window x y)
+  (with-slots (name object max-name-width) item
+    (let ((name-pixel-width (* (+ 2 max-name-width)
+			       (font-width *entry-font*))))
+      (disp-string window x y name *entry-font*)
+      (multiple-value-bind (width height) (display-item object window (+ x name-pixel-width) y)
+	(values (+ name-pixel-width width border)
+		(max (+ (font-height *entry-font*) vsp) height))))))
+(defmethod tracker ((item slot-item) x y)
+  (tracker (object item) x y))
+(defmethod walker ((item slot-item) function)
+  (with-slots (object max-name-width) item
+    (walker object function)
+    (setf (width item)
+	  (+ (* (+ 2 max-name-width) (font-width *entry-font*))
+	     (width object)
+	     border))))
+(defclass list-item (view-item)
+  ((item-list :initarg :item-list :accessor item-list))  ; List of things to be displayed
+  (:documentation "List-Items are used to display several things on
+the same line, one after the other."))
+(defun make-list-item (list)
+  (make-instance 'list-item :item-list list))
+;;; List item methods.
+;; If a thing in the item list is a string, we just Disp-String it.
+;; That way, we don't have to cons lots of full string items all the
+;; time.
+(defmethod display ((item list-item) window x0 y0)
+  (let ((x x0)
+	(max-height 0))
+    (dolist (item (item-list item))
+      (multiple-value-bind (width height)
+	  (if (stringp item)
+	    (disp-string window x y0 item *entry-font*)
+	    (display-item item window x y0))
+	(incf x width)
+	(setq max-height (max max-height height))))
+    (values (- x x0) max-height)))
+(defmethod tracker ((item list-item) x y)
+  (track-in-list (item-list item) x y))
+(defmethod walker ((item list-item) function)
+  (dolist (element (item-list item))
+    (when (view-item-p element)
+      (walker element function))))
+(defclass object-item (view-item)
+  ((object :initarg :object :accessor object)  ; The Lisp object itself
+   (item-string :initarg :item-string :accessor item-string) ; String representation cache
+   (place :initarg :place :accessor place)     ; Place where it came from
+   (index :initarg :index :accessor index)     ; Index into where it came from
+   (ref :initarg :ref :accessor ref)           ; Function to get object, given place and index
+   (setter :initarg :setter :accessor setter)) ; Function to set object, given place, index 
+					       ; and new value
+  (:documentation "Object-Items are used to display component Lisp
+objects. They know where the object came from and how to get it again
+(for decaching) and how to change it (for modification)."))
+(defun make-object-item (object place index ref set)
+  (make-instance 'object-item :object object :place place :index index :ref ref :setter set))
+(defgeneric object-item-p (item)
+  (:method ((item t))
+	   nil)
+  (:method ((item object-item))
+	   t))
+;;; Object item methods.
+(defmethod display ((item object-item) window x y)
+  (unless (and (slot-boundp item 'item-string) (item-string item))
+    (setf (item-string item) (iprin1-to-string (object item))))
+  (disp-string window x y (item-string item) *entry-font*))
+(defmethod tracker ((item object-item) x y)
+  (when (update-current-item item x y)
+    (boxify-item item boole-1)))
+(defmethod untracker ((item object-item))
+  (boxify-item item boole-c1))
+(defmethod mouse-handler ((item object-item) view key-event)
+  (cond ((eq key-event #k"Leftdown")
+	 ;; Open in current window
+	 (push (cons (object view)
+		     (view-item view))
+	       (stack view))
+	 (update-view-of-object view (object item)))
+	((eq key-event #k"Rightdown")
+	 ;; Open in new window
+	 (create-view-of-object (object item) (prin1 (type-of item))))
+	((eq key-event #k"Middledown")
+	 ;; Return object from inspect
+	 (setq *inspect-result* (object item))
+	 (try-to-quit))
+	((eq key-event #k"Super-Middledown")
+	 ;; Return object but leave windows around
+	 (setq *inspect-result* (object item))
+	 (try-to-proceed))))
+(defmethod walker ((item object-item) function)
+  (funcall function item))
+;;; Object* items.
+(defclass object*-item (object-item)
+   ((live :initarg :live :accessor live)
+    (string* :initarg :string* :accessor string*))
+   (:documentation "Object*-Items are like Object-Items except that
+sometimes they can be like string items and be not-selectable."))
+(defun make-object*-item (string* object live place index ref set)
+  (make-instance 'object*-item
+		 :string* string* 
+		 :object object
+		 :live live
+		 :place place
+		 :index index
+		 :ref ref
+		 :setter set))
+(defgeneric object*-item-p (item)
+  (:method ((item t))
+	   nil)
+  (:method ((item object*-item))
+	   t))
+;;; Object* item methods.
+(defmethod display ((item object*-item) window x y)
+  (if (live item)
+    (call-next-method)
+    (disp-string window x y (string* item) *italic-font*)))
+(defmethod tracker ((item object*-item) x y)
+  (if (or (live item) (eq *tracking-mode* :destination))
+    (boxifying-tracker item x y)
+    (update-current-item item x y)))
+(defmethod untracker ((item object*-item))
+  (when (or (live item) (eq *tracking-mode* :destination))
+    (boxifying-untracker item)))
+(defmethod mouse-handler ((item object*-item) view key-event)
+  (when (live item)
+    (call-next-method)))
+;;;; Display stuff. This uses the methods defined above to actually
+;;;; render the objects onto a visible window.
+;; Computing display items for Lisp objects.
+(defgeneric plan-view (object &key header stream)
+  (:documentation "Plan-View returns a top-level View-Item for the
+  given Object."))
+(defgeneric replan-view (object plan)
+  (:documentation "Replan-view tries to fix up the existing Plan if
+possible, but might punt and just return a new View-Item if things
+have changed too much."))
+(defun replan (plan)
+  "Replan is for the update function. It sets up the right calling
+  convention for calling the generic replan-view function."
+  (let ((object (objects plan)))
+    (replan-view object plan)))
+(defun replan-object-item (item)
+  "Replan-Object-Item is used at the leaves of the replanning walk."
+  (if (object*-item-p item)
+      (multiple-value-bind (decached-object live)
+	  (funcall (ref item) (place item) (index item))
+	(unless (and (eq live (live item))
+		     (eq decached-object (object item))
+		     (or (symbolp decached-object) (numberp decached-object)
+			 ;; ...
+			 ))
+	  (setf (live item) live)
+	  (setf (object item) decached-object)
+	  (setf (item-string item) nil)
+	  (redisplay-item item)))
+      (let ((decached-object (funcall (ref item)
+				      (place item) (index item))))
+	(unless (and (eq decached-object (object item))
+		     (or (symbolp decached-object) (numberp decached-object)
+			 ;; ... any others that'll be the same?
+			 ))
+	  (setf (object item) decached-object)
+	  (setf (item-string item) nil)
+	  (redisplay-item item)))))
+;; Figure out how long random list structures are. Deals with dotted
+;; lists and circular lists.
+;;  This routine is too simple --- I'm not sure it always works. In
+;;  particular, I doubt it gives an accurate count for every kind of
+;;  circular list.
+(defun count-conses (list)
+  (if (atom list)
+    (values 0 :atom)
+    (do ((count 1 (1+ count))
+	 (tortoise list)
+	 (tortoise-advance nil (not tortoise-advance))
+	 (hare (cdr list) (cdr hare)))
+	((or (null hare) (not (listp hare)) (eq hare tortoise))
+	 (cond ((null hare)
+		(values count :proper-list))
+	       ((not (listp hare))
+		(values count :dotted-list))
+	       ((eq hare tortoise)
+		(values count :circular-list))))
+      (when tortoise-advance
+	(setf tortoise (cdr tortoise))))))
+;; For lists, what we stash in the Inspection-Item-Objects slot is the
+;; list of the top level conses, rather than the conses themselves.
+;; This lets us detect when conses "in the middle" of the list change.
+(defmethod plan-view ((object list) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (cond 
+    ;; Display the list object as a "list": ( .... )
+    ((or (and (< (size-item (make-string-item (iprin1-to-string object)))
+		 (- max-window-width (* 2 border)))
+	      (<= (count-conses object) inspect-length))
+	 (= (count-conses object) 1))
+     (do ((list object (cdr list))
+	  (i 0 (1+ i))
+	  (items (list "(")))
+	 ((or (not (consp (cdr list)))
+	      ;; The following covers circular lists.
+	      (> i (count-conses object)))
+	  (push (make-object-item (car list) list nil 'lref 'lset) items)
+	  (when (not (null (cdr list)))
+	    (push " . " items)
+	    (push (make-object-item (cdr list) list nil 'lref* 'lset*) items))
+	  (push ")" items)
+	  (make-inspection-item
+	   (copy-n-conses object (count-conses object))
+	   nil
+	   (list (make-list-item (nreverse items)))))
+       (push (make-object-item (car list) list nil 'lref 'lset) items)
+       (push " " items)))
+    ((<= (count-conses object) inspect-length)
+     (let ((items nil))
+       (push (make-list-item (list "("
+				   (make-object-item
+				    (car object) object nil 'lref 'lset)))
+	     items)
+       (do ((list (cdr object) (cdr list)))
+	   ((not (consp (cdr list)))
+	    (cond ((null (cdr list))
+		   (push (make-list-item
+			  (list " "
+				(make-object-item
+				 (car list) list nil 'lref 'lset)
+				")"))
+			 items))
+		  (t
+		   (push (make-list-item
+			  (list " "
+				(make-object-item
+				 (car list) list nil 'lref 'lset)))
+			 items)
+		   (push " ." items)
+		   (push (make-list-item
+			  (list " "
+				(make-object-item
+				 (cdr list) list nil 'lref* 'lset*)
+				")"))
+			 items))))
+	 (push (make-list-item
+		(list " "
+		      (make-object-item
+		       (car list) list nil 'lref 'lset)))
+	       items))
+       (make-inspection-item (copy-n-conses object (count-conses object))
+			     nil (nreverse items))))
+    ;; This list is too long --- use a scrolling view.
+    (t
+     (let ((scrollbar
+	    (let ((index 0)
+		  (cons object)
+		  (last (last object)))
+	      (make-scrollbar
+	       0
+	       (+ (count-conses object) (if (cdr last) 1 0))
+	       inspect-length
+	       #'(lambda (item)
+		   (setf (item-list item)
+			 `(,(cond ((eq cons object) "(")
+				  ((not (consp cons)) " . ")
+				  (t " "))
+			   ,(if (consp cons)
+				(make-object-item (car cons) cons nil 'lref 'lset)
+				(make-object-item cons last nil 'lref* 'lset*))
+			   ,@(if (or (and (eq cons last) (null (cdr cons)))
+				     (atom cons))
+				 `(")"))))
+		   (incf index)
+		   (unless (atom cons)
+		     (setq cons (cdr cons))))
+	       #'(lambda (item)
+		   (setq index (first-index item))
+		   (setq cons (nthcdr index object)))))))
+       (setf (scrollee scrollbar)
+	     (make-scrolling-inspection-item
+	      (copy-n-conses object (count-conses object))
+	      nil
+	      (let ((items nil))
+		(dotimes (i inspect-length)
+		  (push (make-scrolling-item scrollbar (make-list-item nil))
+			items))
+		(nreverse items))
+	      scrollbar)))
+	 )))
+;; This is kind of like (maplist #'identity list), except that it
+;; doesn't choke on non-nil-terminated lists.
+(defun copy-conses (list)
+  (do ((list list (cdr list))
+       (conses nil))
+      ((atom list)
+       (nreverse conses))
+    (push list conses)))
+;; This will copy "n" conses; this deals with circular lists.
+(defun copy-n-conses (list n)
+  (do ((i 1 (1+ i))
+       (list list (cdr list))
+       (conses nil))
+      ((or (atom list) (= i n)) (nreverse conses))
+    (push list conses)))
+(defmethod replan-view ((object list) plan)
+  (cond ((do ((list (car object) (cdr list))
+	      (conses object (cdr conses)))
+	     ((or (null list) (null conses))
+	      (and (null list) (null conses)))
+	   (unless (and (eq list (car conses))
+			(eq (cdr list) (cadr conses)))
+	     (return nil)))
+	 (walker plan #'replan-object-item)
+	 plan)
+	(t
+	 (plan-view (car object)))))
+(defun lref (object ignore) (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (car object))
+(defun lref* (object ignore) (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (cdr object))
+(defun lset (object ignore new) (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (setf (car object) new))
+(defun lset* (object ignore new) (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (setf (cdr object) new))
+(defmethod plan-view ((object vector) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (let* ((type (type-of object))
+	 (length (array-dimension object 0))
+	 (header
+	  `(,(make-string-item (format nil "~A" (if (listp type) (car type) type))
+			       *header-font*)
+	    ,(make-string-item (format nil "Length = ~D" length)
+			       *header-font*)
+	    ,@(if (array-has-fill-pointer-p object)
+		  `(,(make-list-item (list "Fill-Pointer: "
+					   (make-object-item
+					    (fill-pointer object)
+					    object nil 'fpref 'fpset))))))))
+     (cond ((<= length inspect-length)
+	    (make-inspection-item
+	     object
+	     header
+	     (let ((items nil))
+	       (dotimes (i length)
+		 (push (make-slot-item (prin1-to-string i)
+				       (make-object-item
+					(aref object i) object i 'vref 'vset))
+		       items))
+	       (nreverse items))))
+	   (t
+	    (let ((scrollbar
+		   (let ((index 0))
+		     (make-scrollbar
+		      0
+		      length
+		      inspect-length
+		      #'(lambda (item)
+			  (setf (name item) (prin1-to-string index))
+			  (let ((obj (object item)))
+			    (setf (object obj) (aref object index))
+			    (setf (index obj) index)
+			    (setf (item-string obj) nil))
+			  (incf index))
+		      #'(lambda (item)
+			  (setq index (first-index item)))))))
+	      (setf (scrollee scrollbar)
+		    (make-scrolling-inspection-item
+		     object
+		     header
+		     (let ((items nil)
+			   (name-width (length (iprin1-to-string (1- length)))))
+		       (dotimes (i inspect-length)
+			 (let ((slot
+				(make-slot-item
+				 nil
+				 (make-object-item nil object nil 'vref 'vset))))
+			   (setf (max-name-width slot) name-width)
+			   (push (make-scrolling-item scrollbar slot) items)))
+		       (nreverse items))
+		     scrollbar)))))))
+(defmethod replan-view ((object vector) plan)
+  (cond ((= (length object) (length (objects plan)))
+	 (walker plan #'replan-object-item)
+	 plan)
+	(t
+	 (plan-view object))))
+(defun vref (object index)
+  (aref object index))
+(defun vset (object index new)
+  (setf (aref object index) new))
+(defun fpref (object index)
+  (declare (ignore index))
+  (fill-pointer object))
+(defun fpset (object index new)
+  (declare (ignore index))
+  (setf (fill-pointer object) new))
+(defmethod plan-view ((object array) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (lisp::with-array-data ((data object)
+			  (start)
+			  (end))
+    (let* ((length (- end start))
+	   (dimensions (array-dimensions object))
+	   (rev-dimensions (reverse dimensions))
+	   (header
+	    (list (make-string-item
+		   (format nil "Array of ~A" (array-element-type object))
+		   *header-font*)
+		  (make-string-item
+		   (format nil "Dimensions = ~S" dimensions)
+		   *header-font*))))
+      (cond ((<= length inspect-length)
+	     (make-inspection-item
+	      object
+	      header
+	      (let ((items nil))
+		(dotimes (i length)
+		  (push (make-slot-item (index-string i rev-dimensions)
+					(make-object-item
+					 (aref data (+ start i))
+					 object (+ start i) 'vref 'vset))
+			items))
+		(nreverse items))))
+	    (t
+	     (let ((scrollbar
+		    (let ((index 0))
+		      (make-scrollbar
+		       0
+		       length
+		       inspect-length
+		       #'(lambda (item)
+			   (setf (name item)
+				 (index-string index rev-dimensions))
+			   (let ((obj (object item)))
+			     (setf (object obj)
+				   (aref data (+ start index)))
+			     (setf (index obj) (+ start index))
+			     (setf (item-string obj) nil))
+			   (incf index))
+		       #'(lambda (item)
+			   (setq index (first-index item)))))))
+	       (setf (scrollee scrollbar)
+		     (make-scrolling-inspection-item
+		      object
+		      header
+		      (let ((items nil)
+			    (name-width (length (index-string (1- length)
+							      rev-dimensions))))
+			(dotimes (i inspect-length)
+			  (let ((slot
+				 (make-slot-item
+				  nil
+				  (make-object-item nil data nil 'vref 'vset))))
+			    (setf (max-name-width slot) name-width)
+			    (push (make-scrolling-item scrollbar slot) items)))
+			(nreverse items))
+		      scrollbar))))))))
+(defun index-string (index rev-dimensions)
+  (if (null rev-dimensions)
+      "[]"
+      (let ((list nil))
+	(dolist (dim rev-dimensions)
+	  (multiple-value-bind (q r)
+			       (floor index dim)
+	    (setq index q)
+	    (push r list)))
+	(format nil "[~D~{,~D~}]" (car list) (cdr list)))))
+(defmethod replan-view ((object array) plan)
+  (cond ((and (equal (array-dimensions object)
+		     (array-dimensions (objects plan)))
+	      (lisp::with-array-data ((data1 object)
+				      (start1) (end1))
+		(lisp::with-array-data ((data2 (objects plan))
+					(start2) (end2))
+		  (and (eq data1 data2)
+		       (= start1 start2)
+		       (= end1 end2)))))
+	 (walker plan #'replan-object-item)
+	 plan)
+	(t
+	 (plan-view object))))
+(defmethod plan-view ((object t) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (make-inspection-item
+   object
+   nil
+   (list (make-object-item object (list object) nil 'lref 'lset))))
+(defmethod replan-view ((object t) plan)
+  (declare (ignore object))
+  (walker plan #'replan-object-item)
+  plan)
+(defmethod plan-view ((object structure-object) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (let* ((dd (kernel:layout-info (kernel:%instance-layout object)))
+	 (dsds (kernel:dd-slots dd)))
+    (make-inspection-item
+     object
+     (list (make-string-item
+	    (format nil "~A ~A"
+		    (symbol-name (kernel:dd-name dd))
+		    object)
+	    *header-font*))
+     (let ((items nil))
+       (dolist (dsd dsds)
+	 (push (make-slot-item
+		(kernel:dsd-%name dsd)
+		(make-object-item
+		 (funcall (fdefinition (kernel:dsd-accessor dsd)) object)
+		 object (kernel:dsd-index dsd)
+		 #'(lambda (str ignore)
+		     (declare (ignore ignore))
+		     (funcall (fdefinition (kernel:dsd-accessor dsd))
+			      str))
+		 #'(lambda (str ignore val)
+		     (declare (ignore ignore))
+		     (funcall (fdefinition `(setf ,(kernel:dsd-accessor dsd)))
+			      val str))))
+	       items))
+       (nreverse items)))))
+(defmethod replan-view ((object structure-object) plan)
+  (declare (ignore object))
+  (walker plan #'replan-object-item)
+  plan)
+(defmethod plan-view ((object standard-object) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (let ((class (pcl:class-of object)))
+    (make-inspection-item
+     object
+     (list (make-string-item (format nil "~S ~A"
+				     (pcl:class-name class)
+				     object)
+			     *header-font*))
+     (let ((slotds (pcl::slots-to-inspect class object))
+	   instance-slots class-slots other-slots)
+       (dolist (slotd slotds)
+	 (with-slots ((slot pcl::name) (allocation pcl::allocation)) slotd
+	   (let* ((boundp (slot-boundp object slot))
+		  (item (make-slot-item (prin1-to-string slot)
+					(make-object*-item
+					 "Unbound"
+					 (and boundp (slot-value object slot))
+					 boundp
+					 object
+					 slot
+					 'ref-slot
+					 'set-slot))))
+	     (case allocation
+	       (:instance (push item instance-slots))
+	       (:class (push item class-slots))
+	       (otherwise
+		(setf (name item)
+		      (format nil "~S [~S]" slot allocation))
+		(push item other-slots))))))
+       (append (unless (null instance-slots)
+		 (cons (make-string-item "These slots have :INSTANCE allocation"
+					 *entry-font*)
+		       (nreverse instance-slots)))
+	       (unless (null class-slots)
+		 (cons (make-string-item "These slots have :CLASS allocation"
+					 *entry-font*)
+		       (nreverse class-slots)))
+	       (unless (null other-slots)
+		 (cons (make-string-item "These slots have allocation as shown"
+					 *entry-font*)
+		       (nreverse other-slots))))))))
+(defun ref-slot (object slot)
+  (if (slot-boundp object slot)
+    (values (slot-value object slot) t)
+    (values nil nil)))
+(defun set-slot (object slot val)
+  (setf (slot-value object slot) val))
+;;; Should check to see if we need to redo the entire plan or not.
+(defmethod replan-view ((object standard-object) plan)
+  (declare (ignore plan))
+  (plan-view object))
+(defmethod plan-view ((object symbol) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (make-inspection-item
+   object
+   (list (make-string-item (format nil "Symbol ~A" object) *header-font*))
+   (list (make-slot-item "Value"
+			 (make-object*-item
+			  "Unbound" (if (boundp object) (symbol-value object))
+			  (boundp object) object nil 'valref 'valset))
+	 (make-slot-item "Function"
+			 (make-object*-item
+			  "Undefined" (if (fboundp object) (symbol-function object))
+			  (fboundp object) object nil 'defref 'defset))
+	 (make-slot-item "Properties"
+			 (make-object-item
+			  (symbol-plist object) object nil 'plistref 'plistset))
+	 (make-slot-item "Package"
+			 (make-object-item
+			  (symbol-package object) object nil 'packref 'packset)))))
+(defmethod replan-view ((object symbol) plan)
+  (declare (ignore object))
+  (walker plan #'replan-object-item)
+  plan)
+(defun valref (object ignore) (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (if (boundp object)
+      (values (symbol-value object) t)
+      (values nil nil)))
+(defun defref (object ignore) (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (if (fboundp object)
+      (values (symbol-function object) t)
+      (values nil nil)))
+(defun plistref (object ignore) (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (symbol-plist object))
+(defun packref (object ignore) (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (symbol-package object))
+(defun valset (object ignore new) (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (setf (symbol-value object) new))
+(defun defset (object ignore new) (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (setf (symbol-function object) new))
+(defun plistset (object ignore new) (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (setf (symbol-plist object) new))
+(defun packset (object ignore new) (declare (ignore ignore))
+  (lisp::%set-symbol-package object new))
+;; This is all very gross and silly now, just so we can get something
+;; working quickly. Eventually do this with a special stream that
+;; listifies things as it goes along...
+(defmethod plan-view ((object function) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (let ((stream (make-string-output-stream)))
+    (let ((*standard-output* stream)
+	  (ext:*describe-print-level* 30))
+      (describe object))
+    (close stream)
+    (with-input-from-string (in (get-output-stream-string stream))
+      (plan-view-text 
+       object
+       (list
+	(make-string-item (format nil "Function ~S" object) *header-font*)
+	(make-string-item
+	 (format nil "Argument list: ~A" (kernel:%function-arglist object))))
+       in))))
+(defun plan-view-text (object header stream)
+  (let ((list nil))
+    (do ((line (read-line stream nil nil) (read-line stream nil nil)))
+	((null line))
+      (push line list))
+    (setq list (nreverse list))
+    (if (<= (length list) inspect-length)
+	(make-inspection-item
+	 object
+	 header
+	 (mapcar #'make-string-item list))
+	(let ((index 0)
+	      (vector (coerce list 'vector)))
+	  (let ((scrollbar (make-scrollbar
+			    0 (length list) inspect-length
+			    #'(lambda (item)
+				(setf (item-string item)
+				      (aref vector index))
+				(incf index))
+			    #'(lambda (item)
+				(setq index
+				      (first-index item))))))
+	    (setf (scrollee scrollbar)
+		  (make-scrolling-inspection-item
+		   object
+		   header
+		   (let ((items nil))
+		     (dotimes (i inspect-length)
+		       (push 
+			(make-scrolling-item 
+			 scrollbar
+			 ;; This is to ensure that the slots in
+			 ;; the string item are bound.
+			 (let ((string-item (make-string-item "")))
+			   (setf (x string-item) 0
+				 (y string-item) 0
+				 (width string-item) 0
+				 (height string-item) 0)
+			   string-item))
+			items))
+		     (nreverse items))
+		   scrollbar)))))))
+;;;; Displaying old and new plans in old and new windows.
+(defun new-plan-in-new-view (object plan &optional name)
+  (multiple-value-bind (width height) (size-item plan)
+    ;; add border
+    (incf width 10)
+    (incf height 10)
+    (multiple-value-bind (x y) (next-window-position width height)
+      (let* ((window (xlib:create-window :parent *root* :x x :y y
+					 :width width :height height
+					 :background *white-pixel*
+					 :border-width 2))
+	     (view (make-view name object plan window)))
+	(xlib:set-wm-properties window
+				:name "Inspector Window"
+				:icon-name "Inspector Display"
+				:resource-name "Inspector"
+				:x x :y y :width width :height height
+				:user-specified-position-p t
+				:user-specified-size-p t
+				:min-width width :min-height height
+				:width-inc nil :height-inc nil)
+	(setf (xlib:wm-protocols window) `(:wm_delete_window))
+	(add-window-view-mapping window view)
+	(xlib:map-window window)
+	(xlib:clear-area window)
+	(xlib:with-state (window)
+	  (setf (xlib:window-event-mask window) important-xevents-mask)
+	  (setf (xlib:window-cursor window) *cursor*))
+	(xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
+	(display-item plan window 5 5)
+	(push view *views*)
+	(multiple-value-bind
+	    (x y same-screen-p child mask root-x root-y root)
+	    (xlib:query-pointer window)
+	  (declare (ignore same-screen-p child mask root-x root-y root))
+	  (when (and (< 0 x (+ width 10)) (< 0 y (+ height 10)))
+	    (tracker plan x y)))
+	(xlib:display-force-output *display*)
+	view))))
+(defun create-view-of-object (object &optional name)
+  (new-plan-in-new-view object (plan-view object) name))
+(defun new-plan-in-old-view (view old new)
+  (unless (eq new old)
+    (setf (view-item view) new)
+    (let ((window (window view)))
+      (when (and *current-item*
+		 (eql (window *current-item*) window))
+	(setq *current-item* nil))
+      (multiple-value-bind (width height)
+			   (size-item new)
+	(xlib:with-state (window)
+	  (setf (xlib:drawable-width window) (+ width 10))
+	  (setf (xlib:drawable-height window) (+ height 10)))
+	(xlib:clear-area window)
+	(display-item new window 5 5)
+	(setf (window new) window
+	      (x new) 5
+	      (y new) 5
+	      (width new) width
+	      (height new) height)
+	(xlib:display-force-output *display*)
+	(multiple-value-bind
+	    (x y same-screen-p child mask root-x root-y root)
+	    (xlib:query-pointer window)
+	  (declare (ignore same-screen-p child mask root-x root-y root))
+	  (when (and (< 0 x (+ width 10)) (< 0 y (+ height 10)))
+	    (tracker new x y)))))))
+(defun update-view-of-object (view &optional (object (object view)))
+  (cond ((eq object (object view))
+	 (new-plan-in-old-view view
+			       (view-item view)
+			       (replan (view-item view))))
+	(t
+	 (setf (object view) object)
+	 (new-plan-in-old-view view (view-item view) (plan-view object))))
+  (xlib:display-force-output *display*))
+;; DELETING-WINDOW-DROP-EVENT checks for any events on win. If there
+;; is one, it is removed from the queue, and t is returned. Otherwise,
+;; returns nil.
+(defun deleting-window-drop-event (display win)
+  (xlib:display-finish-output display)
+  (let ((result nil))
+    (xlib:process-event
+     display :timeout 0
+     :handler #'(lambda (&key event-window window &allow-other-keys)
+		  (if (or (eq event-window win) (eq window win))
+		      (setf result t)
+		      nil)))
+    result))
+(defun remove-view-of-object (view)
+  (let (#+:mp (update-process (update-process view))
+	(window (window view)))
+    #+:mp (mp:destroy-process update-process)
+    (setf (xlib:window-event-mask window) #.(xlib:make-event-mask))
+    (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
+    (loop (unless (deleting-window-drop-event *display* window) (return)))
+    (xlib:destroy-window window)
+    (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
+    (delete-window-view-mapping window)
+    (setq *views* (delete view *views*))))
+;;;; The command interpreter.
+(defvar *can-quit* nil)
+(defvar *can-proceed* nil)
+(defvar *unwinding* t)
+(defun try-to-quit ()
+  (setq *current-item* nil)
+  (when *can-quit*
+    (setq *unwinding* nil)
+    (ext:flush-display-events *display*)
+    (throw 'inspect-exit nil))
+  (try-to-proceed))
+(defun try-to-proceed ()
+  (when *can-proceed*
+    (setq *unwinding* nil)
+    (ext:flush-display-events *display*)
+    (throw 'inspect-proceed nil)))
+(defvar *do-command* nil)
+(defun do-command (view key-event)
+  (cond (*do-command*
+	 (funcall *do-command* view key-event))
+	;; If we get scrollwheel down key events anywhere in the view,
+	;; the scrollbar wants to know about them. Yes, a bit
+	;; ad-hoc....
+	((and (or (eq key-event #k"Scrollupdown") 
+		  (eq key-event #k"Scrolldowndown"))
+	      (typep (view-item view) 'scrolling-inspection-item))
+	 (dotimes (i 5) ; Simulate multiple clicks.
+	   (mouse-handler (scrollbar (view-item view)) view key-event)))
+	((or (eq key-event #k"d") (eq key-event #k"D"))
+	 ;; Delete current window.
+	 (remove-view-of-object view)
+	 (setq *current-item* nil)
+	 (unless *views*
+	   (try-to-quit)
+	   (try-to-proceed)))
+	((or (eq key-event #k"h") (eq key-event #k"H") (eq key-event #k"?"))
+	 (let ((inspect-length (max inspect-length 30)))
+	   (with-open-file (stream help-file-pathname :direction :input)
+	     (new-plan-in-new-view
+	      nil
+	      (plan-view-text nil
+			      (list (make-string-item "Help" *header-font*))
+			      stream)
+	      "Help Window"))))
+	((or (eq key-event #k"m") (eq key-event #k"M"))
+	 ;; Modify something.
+	 ;; Since the tracking stuff sets up event handlers that can
+	 ;; throw past the CLX event dispatching form in
+	 ;; INSPECTOR-EVENT-HANDLER, those handlers are responsible
+	 ;; for discarding their events when throwing to this CATCH
+	 ;; tag.
+	 (catch 'quit-modify
+	   (let* ((destination-item (track-for-destination))
+		  (source (cond
+			   ((eq key-event #k"m")
+			    (object (track-for-source)))
+			   (t
+			    (format *query-io*
+				    "~&Form to evaluate for new contents: ")
+			    (force-output *query-io*)
+			    (eval (read *query-io*))))))
+	     (funcall (setter destination-item)
+		      (place destination-item)
+		      (index destination-item)
+		      source)
+	     (update-view-of-object view))))
+	((or (eq key-event #k"q") (eq key-event #k"Q"))
+	 ;; Quit.
+	 (try-to-quit))
+	((or (eq key-event #k"p") (eq key-event #k"P"))
+	 ;; Proceed.
+	 (try-to-proceed))
+	((or (eq key-event #k"r") (eq key-event #k"R"))
+	 ;; Recompute object (decache).
+	 (update-view-of-object view))
+	((or (eq key-event #k"u") (eq key-event #k"U"))
+	 ;; Up (pop history stack).
+	 (when (stack view)
+	   (let ((parent (pop (stack view))))
+	     (setf (object view) (car parent))
+	     (new-plan-in-old-view view (view-item view) (cdr parent))
+	     (update-view-of-object view))))
+	((or (eq key-event #k"Leftdown")
+	     (eq key-event #k"Middledown")
+	     (eq key-event #k"Rightdown")
+	     (eq key-event #k"Super-Leftdown")
+	     (eq key-event #k"Super-Middledown")
+	     (eq key-event #k"Super-Rightdown")
+;;	     (eq key-event #k"Scrollupdown")
+;;	     (eq key-event #k"Scrolldowndown")
+;;	     (eq key-event #k"Super-Scrollupdown")
+;;	     (eq key-event #k"Super-Scrolldowndown")
+	     )
+	 (when *current-item*
+	   (mouse-handler *current-item* view key-event)))))
+;;;; Stuff to make modification work.
+(defun track-for-destination ()
+  (track-for :destination *cursor-d*))
+(defun track-for-source ()
+  (track-for :source *cursor-s*))
+;; TRACK-FOR loops over SYSTEM:SERVE-EVENT waiting for some event
+;; handler to throw to this CATCH tag. Since any such handler throws
+;; past SYSTEM:SERVE-EVENT, and therefore, past the CLX event
+;; dispatching form in INSPECTOR-EVENT-HANDLER, it is that handler's
+;; responsibility to discard its event.
+(defun track-for (tracking-mode cursor)
+  (let ((*tracking-mode* tracking-mode)
+	(*do-command* #'track-for-do-command))
+    (catch 'track-for
+      (unwind-protect
+	  (progn
+	    (dolist (view *views*)
+	      (setf (xlib:window-cursor (window view))
+		    cursor))
+	    (xlib:display-force-output *display*)
+	    (loop
+	     (system:serve-event)))
+	(dolist (view *views*)
+	  (setf (xlib:window-cursor (window view))
+		*cursor*))
+	(xlib:display-force-output *display*)))))
+;; TRACK-FOR-DO-COMMAND is the "DO-COMMAND" executed when tracking.
+;; Since this throws past the CLX event handling form in
+;; INSPECTOR-EVENT-HANDLER, the responsibility for discarding the
+;; current event lies here.
+(defun track-for-do-command (view key-event)
+  (declare (ignore view))
+  (cond
+    ((or (eq key-event #k"q") (eq key-event #k"Q"))
+     (xlib:discard-current-event *display*)
+     (throw 'quit-modify t))
+    ((or (eq key-event #k"Leftdown")
+	 (eq key-event #k"Middledown")
+	 (eq key-event #k"Rightdown"))
+     (when (object-item-p *current-item*)
+       (throw 'track-for
+	      (prog1 *current-item*
+		(when (object*-item-p *current-item*)
+		  (untracker *current-item*)
+		  (setq *current-item* nil))
+		(xlib:discard-current-event *display*)))))))
+;;;; Top-level program interface.
+(defun show-object (object &optional name)
+  (inspect-init)
+  (dolist (view *views*)
+    (when (if name
+	      (eq name (name view))
+	      (eq object (object view)))
+      (update-view-of-object view object)
+      (return-from show-object nil)))
+  (create-view-of-object object name))
+(defun remove-object-view (object &optional name)
+  (dolist (view *views*)
+    (when (if name
+	      (eq name (name view))
+	      (eq object (object view)))
+      (remove-view-of-object view)
+      (return nil))))
+(defun remove-all-views ()
+  (dolist (view *views*)
+    (remove-view-of-object view)))
+;;;; Top-level user interface.
+(defvar *interface-style* :graphics
+  "This specifies the default value for the interface argument to INSPECT.  The
+   default value of this is :graphics, indicating when running under X, INSPECT
+   should use a graphics interface instead of a command-line oriented one.")
+(defun inspect (&optional (object nil object-p)
+			  (interface *interface-style*))
+  "(inspect <object> <interface>)
+Interactively examine Lisp objects.
+object: The object to examine.
+interface: one of [:window :windows :graphics :graphical :x 
+                   :command-line :tty]
+Any of [:window :windows :graphics :graphical :x] give a windowing
+interface. Once you've got a window, type <h> or <H> to get a help
+window explaining how to use it.
+Either of [:command-line :tty] gives a pure command-line inspector.
+If <interface> is not supplied, the default is to use a windowing
+interface if running under X11, and a command-line interface if not.
+If neither argument is given, the windowing version of inspect will
+resume inspection of items left active from previous uses if there are
+any, otherwise give an error. The command-line interface will give an
+  (cond ((or (member interface '(:command-line :tty))
+	     (not (assoc :display ext:*environment-list*)))
+	 (when object-p (tty-inspect object)))
+	((not (member interface '(:window :windows :graphics :graphical :x)))
+	 (error "Interface must be one of :window, :windows, :graphics, ~
+		 :graphical, :x, :command-line, or :tty -- not ~S."
+		interface))
+	(object-p
+	 (inspect-init)
+	 (let ((disembodied-views nil)
+	       (*inspect-result* object)
+	       (*x-constraint* max-window-width)
+	       (*can-quit* t)
+	       (*can-proceed* t))
+	   (let ((*views* nil))
+	     (create-view-of-object object "User Supplied Object")
+	     (catch 'inspect-proceed
+	       (unwind-protect
+		   (progn
+		     (catch 'inspect-exit
+		       (loop
+			(system:serve-event)))
+		     (setq *unwinding* t))
+		 (when *unwinding*
+		   (do ((view (pop *views*)
+			      (pop *views*)))
+		       ((null view))
+		     (remove-view-of-object view)))))
+	     (setq disembodied-views *views*))
+	   (dolist (view (reverse disembodied-views))
+	     (push view *views*))
+	   *inspect-result*))
+	(*views*
+	 (inspect-init)
+	 (let ((*inspect-result* nil)
+	       (*can-quit* t)
+	       (*can-proceed* t))
+	   (catch 'inspect-proceed
+	     (catch 'inspect-exit
+	       (loop
+		(system:serve-event))))
+	   *inspect-result*))
+	(t (error "No object supplied for inspection and no previous ~
+		   inspection object exists."))))
diff --git a/src/contrib/clx-inspector/compile-clx-inspector.lisp b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/compile-clx-inspector.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf4ca37bc6c2fd9a84c17052dd703a910c567fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/compile-clx-inspector.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+(compile-file "modules:clx-inspector/clx-inspector"
+	      :load t)
diff --git a/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-d.cursor b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-d.cursor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..641ca264da17aac1ff084087dd137d47364a46b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-d.cursor
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#define inspect-d_width 16
+#define inspect-d_height 16
+#define inspect-d_x_hot 1
+#define inspect-d_y_hot 1
+static char inspect-d_bits[] = {
+ 0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x06,0x00,0x0e,0x00,0x1e,0x00,0x3e,0x00,0x7e,0x00,0xfe,
+ 0x00,0xfe,0x45,0x3e,0x6c,0x36,0x54,0x62,0x54,0x60,0x44,0xc0,0x44,0xc0,0x44,
+ 0x00,0x00};
diff --git a/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-d.mask b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-d.mask
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..568b29536c9be278859ac6a02283de8a1f15abc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-d.mask
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#define inspect-d_width 16
+#define inspect-d_height 16
+static char inspect-d_bits[] = {
+ 0x07,0x00,0x0f,0x00,0x1f,0x00,0x3f,0x00,0x7f,0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff,0x01,0xff,
+ 0xef,0xff,0xff,0x7f,0xfe,0xff,0xfe,0xff,0xfe,0xf7,0xef,0xe0,0xef,0xe0,0xef,
+ 0xe0,0xef};
diff --git a/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-s.cursor b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-s.cursor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..328b74571a46d06f9e80a2c7e21a578211437ddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-s.cursor
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#define inspect-s_width 16
+#define inspect-s_height 16
+#define inspect-s_x_hot 1
+#define inspect-s_y_hot 1
+static char inspect-s_bits[] = {
+ 0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x06,0x00,0x0e,0x00,0x1e,0x00,0x3e,0x00,0x7e,0x00,0xfe,
+ 0x00,0xfe,0x79,0x3e,0x44,0x36,0x04,0x62,0x38,0x60,0x40,0xc0,0x44,0xc0,0x3c,
+ 0x00,0x00};
diff --git a/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-s.mask b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-s.mask
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..124089208cc79ab9601f0b3c5d115cc507531c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11-s.mask
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#define inspect-s_width 16
+#define inspect-s_height 16
+static char inspect-s_bits[] = {
+ 0x07,0x00,0x0f,0x00,0x1f,0x00,0x3f,0x00,0x7f,0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff,0x01,0xff,
+ 0xfd,0xff,0xff,0x7f,0xfe,0xff,0x7e,0xff,0xfc,0xf7,0xff,0xe0,0xff,0xe0,0x7f,
+ 0xe0,0x7f};
diff --git a/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11.cursor b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11.cursor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef3029ca5de20d380de73781e07a324d890cd0bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11.cursor
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#define inspect_width 16
+#define inspect_height 16
+#define inspect_x_hot 3
+#define inspect_y_hot 1
+static char inspect_bits[] = {
+ 0x00,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x18,0x00,0x38,0x00,0x78,0x00,0xf8,0x00,0xf8,0x01,0xf8,
+ 0x03,0xf8,0x07,0xf8,0x00,0xd8,0x00,0x88,0x01,0x80,0x01,0x00,0x03,0x00,0x03,
+ 0x00,0x00};
diff --git a/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11.mask b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11.mask
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..995dd384277c16f48d94cdd0a199af54116e8ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspect11.mask
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#define inspect_width 16
+#define inspect_height 16
+static char inspect_bits[] = {
+ 0x0c,0x00,0x1c,0x00,0x3c,0x00,0x7c,0x00,0xfc,0x00,0xfc,0x01,0xfc,0x03,0xfc,
+ 0x07,0xfc,0x0f,0xfc,0x0f,0xfc,0x01,0xdc,0x03,0xcc,0x03,0x80,0x07,0x80,0x07,
+ 0x00,0x03};
diff --git a/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspector.help b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspector.help
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2907cb127e8ec9a261c616bf69e90db0cf1e988c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contrib/clx-inspector/inspector.help
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+The component objects of the window's object will become highlighted    
+(surrounded by a box) as the mouse passes over them.  In an inspector
+window, keystrokes and mouse clicks are interpreted as follows:
+        Left            When the mouse is over a component object,
+                        clicking Left will inspect that object in
+                        the current inspector window.  The "up" command
+                        (below) can be used to return to the current
+                        object.
+        Middle          When the mouse is over a component object,
+                        clicking Middle will exit the inspector, deleting
+                        all new windows, and returning the component
+                        as the result of the call to Inspect.
+        Right           When the mouse is over a component object,
+                        clicking Right will inspect that object in
+                        a new inspector window.
+        Shift-Middle    When the mouse is over a component object,
+                        clicking Shift-Middle will exit the inspector,
+                        leaving all windows displayed, and returning the
+                        component as the result of the call to Inspect.
+        d, D            Typing "d" or "D" inside an inspector window
+                        will delete that window, and exit the inspector
+                        if there are no more inspector windows.
+        h, H, ?         Typing "h", "H", or "?" inside an inspector
+                        window will create a window with helpful
+                        instructions.
+        m, M            Typing "m" or "M" inside an inspector window
+                        will allow one to modify a component of an
+                        object.  The mouse cursor will change from an
+                        arrow to an arrow with an "M" beside it,
+                        indicating that one should select the component
+                        to be modified.  Clicking any mouse button while
+                        the mouse is over a component will select that
+                        component as a destination for modification.
+                        If one has typed "m", the source object will
+                        also be selected by the mouse, with the mouse
+                        cursor changed to an arrow with an "S" beside
+                        it.  The object will replace the destination
+                        component.
+                        If one has typed "M", the source object will be
+                        prompted for on the *Query-IO* stream.
+                        When choosing the destination or source with the
+                        mouse, one may type "q" or "Q" to abort the
+                        modify operation.
+        q, Q            Typing "q" or "Q" will quit the inspector,
+                        deleting all new inspector windows.
+        p, P            Typing "p" or "P" will proceed from the
+                        inspector, leaving all inspector windows intact.
+        r, R            Typing "r" or "R" will recompute the display for
+                        the object in the window.  This is used to
+                        maintain a consistent display for an object that
+                        may have changed since the display was computed.
+        u, U            Typing "u" or "U" takes one back up the chain of
+                        investigation, to the object for which this
+                        object was displayed as a component.  This only
+                        works for displays generated by modifying a
+                        previously current display; this does not work
+                        for a display generated as a new inspector
+                        window.