diff --git a/code/sysmacs.lisp b/code/sysmacs.lisp
index 184af917b69b31f067e5c6211048952b726664e8..45e24b9929ff3170f7d3572f6a5e8248182ebdef 100644
--- a/code/sysmacs.lisp
+++ b/code/sysmacs.lisp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
-  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/sysmacs.lisp,v 1.23 1998/07/28 06:56:32 dtc Exp $")
+  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/sysmacs.lisp,v 1.24 2000/08/10 13:16:22 dtc Exp $")
 ;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -107,30 +107,32 @@
 	     (T ,@(if check-type `((check-type ,svar ,check-type)))
-;;; With-Mumble-Stream calls the function in the given Slot of the
+;;; With-Mumble-Stream calls the function in the given slot of the
 ;;; Stream with the Args for lisp-streams, or the Function with the
 ;;; Args for fundamental-streams.
-(defmacro with-in-stream (stream (slot &rest args) &optional stream-dispatch)
+(defmacro with-in-stream (stream (lisp-stream-slot &rest args)
+			  &optional stream-dispatch)
   `(let ((stream (in-synonym-of ,stream)))
     ,(if stream-dispatch
 	 `(if (lisp-stream-p stream)
-	      (funcall (,slot stream) stream ,@args)
+	      (funcall (,lisp-stream-slot stream) stream ,@args)
 	      ,@(when stream-dispatch
 		  `(,(destructuring-bind (function &rest args) stream-dispatch
 					 `(,function stream ,@args)))))
-	 `(funcall (,slot stream) stream ,@args))))
+	 `(funcall (,lisp-stream-slot stream) stream ,@args))))
-(defmacro with-out-stream (stream (slot &rest args) &optional stream-dispatch)
+(defmacro with-out-stream (stream (lisp-stream-slot &rest args)
+			   &optional stream-dispatch)
   `(let ((stream (out-synonym-of ,stream)))
     ,(if stream-dispatch
 	 `(if (lisp-stream-p stream)
-	      (funcall (,slot stream) stream ,@args)
+	      (funcall (,lisp-stream-slot stream) stream ,@args)
 	      ,@(when stream-dispatch
 		  `(,(destructuring-bind (function &rest args) stream-dispatch
 					 `(,function stream ,@args)))))
-	 `(funcall (,slot stream) stream ,@args))))
+	 `(funcall (,lisp-stream-slot stream) stream ,@args))))
 ;;;; These are hacks to make the reader win.