diff --git a/src/code/room.lisp b/src/code/room.lisp
index 1c5418ba8eb081772aee5b1184a59d86ea69ec88..65123f72c180674443ea70c5afeeefb26cab6646 100644
--- a/src/code/room.lisp
+++ b/src/code/room.lisp
@@ -707,11 +707,24 @@
 ;;; INSTANCE-USAGE  --  Public
-(defun instance-usage (space &key (top-n 15))
-  (declare (type spaces space) (type (or fixnum null) top-n))
-  "Print a breakdown by instance type of all the instances allocated in
-  Space.  If TOP-N is true, print only information for the the TOP-N types with
-  largest usage."
+(defun instance-usage (space &key 
+			       (top-n 15) 
+			       entries-var 
+			       (call-source "Unknown Caller"))
+  "Print a breakdown by instance type of all the allocation in Space.  
+  :TOP-N 
+      If true, print only the TOP-N types by largest usage.
+      If bound, contains the name of the symbol used to store the hash-table
+      of allocated entries for later processing.
+      A string identifying the location from which instance-usage was called."
+  (declare (type spaces space) (type (or fixnum null) top-n)
+	   (type (or symbol null) entries-var) (type string call-source))
   (format t (intl:gettext "~2&~@[Top ~D ~]~(~A~) instance types:~%") top-n space)
   (let ((totals (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
 	(total-objects 0)
@@ -734,6 +747,10 @@
     (collect ((totals-list))
+      ;; set entries-var to the list of entries in totals
+      (when entries-var
+	(setf (symbol-value entries-var) (list call-source totals)))
       (maphash #'(lambda (class what)
 		   (totals-list (cons (prin1-to-string
 				       (class-proper-name class))
diff --git a/src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot b/src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
index fff26e0dc33d07ba24a1df6089ef34ce0b45747d..d91ce06ece2a290df04fe823ec2f204db2f202dc 100644
--- a/src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
+++ b/src/i18n/locale/cmucl.pot
@@ -6333,10 +6333,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #: src/code/room.lisp
 msgid ""
-"Print a breakdown by instance type of all the instances allocated in\n"
-"  Space.  If TOP-N is true, print only information for the the TOP-N types "
-"  largest usage."
+"Print a breakdown by instance type of all the allocation in Space.  \n"
+"  :TOP-N \n"
+"      If true, print only the TOP-N types by largest usage.\n"
+"      If bound, contains the name of the symbol used to store the hash-table"
+"      of allocated entries for later processing.\n"
+"      A string identifying the location from which instance-usage was "
 msgstr ""
 #: src/code/room.lisp