diff --git a/code/format.lisp b/code/format.lisp
index 40ccc9d5af4f9b2130c225b753b27d0be4afa624..8f810d1b49f2d9e4da0a70ed4eaaa6a46a303964 100644
--- a/code/format.lisp
+++ b/code/format.lisp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
-  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/format.lisp,v 1.72 2007/10/04 14:39:31 rtoy Exp $")
+  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/format.lisp,v 1.73 2007/10/09 16:11:54 rtoy Exp $")
 ;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -1193,6 +1193,82 @@
 	(double-double-float #\w))))
+;; This is a modified version of scale in FLONUM-TO-DIGITS.  We only
+;; want the exponent, so most things not needed for the computation of
+;; the exponent has been removed.  We also implemented the
+;; floating-point log approximation given in Burger and Dybvig.  This
+;; is very noticeably faster for large and small numbers.  It is
+;; slower for intermediate sized numbers.
+(defun accurate-scale-exponent (v)
+  (declare (type float v))
+  (if (zerop v)
+      1
+      (let ((float-radix 2)		; b
+	    (float-digits (float-digits v)) ; p
+	    (min-e
+	     (etypecase v
+	       (single-float lisp::single-float-min-e)
+	       (double-float lisp::double-float-min-e)
+	       #+double-double
+	       (double-double-float lisp::double-double-float-min-e))))
+	(multiple-value-bind (f e)
+	    (integer-decode-float v)
+	  (let ( ;; FIXME: these even tests assume normal IEEE rounding
+		;; mode.  I wonder if we should cater for non-normal?
+		(high-ok (evenp f)))
+	    ;; This scale function is basically the same as the one in
+	    ;; FLONUM-TO-DIGITS, except we don't return the computed
+	    ;; digits.  We only want the exponent.
+	    (labels ((flog (v)
+		       (declare (optimize speed))
+		       ;; Compute (ceiling (- (log v 10d0) 1d-10))
+		       (ceiling (the (double-float -400d0 400d0)
+				  (- (log (the (double-float (0d0))
+					    (etypecase v
+					      (single-float
+					       (coerce v 'double-float))
+					      (double-float
+					       v)
+					      (double-double-float
+					       (double-double-hi v))))
+					  10d0)
+				     1d-10))))
+		     (fixup (r s m+ k)
+		       (if (if high-ok
+			       (>= (+ r m+) s)
+			       (> (+ r m+) s))
+			   (+ k 1)
+			   k))
+		     (scale (r s m+)
+		       (declare (integer r s m+)
+				(optimize speed))
+		       (let ((est (flog v)))
+			 (if (>= est 0)
+			     (fixup r (* s (the integer (aref lisp::*powers-of-ten* est))) m+ est)
+			     (let ((scale (the integer (aref lisp::*powers-of-ten* (- est)))))
+			       (fixup (* r scale) s (* m+ scale) est))))))
+	      (let (r s m+)
+		(declare (optimize speed))
+		(if (>= e 0)
+		    (let* ((be (expt float-radix e))
+			   (be1 (* be float-radix)))
+		      (if (/= f (expt float-radix (1- float-digits)))
+			  (setf r (* f be 2)
+				s 2
+				m+ be)
+			  (setf r (* f be1 2)
+				s (* float-radix 2)
+				m+ be1)))
+		    (if (or (= e min-e) 
+			    (/= f (expt float-radix (1- float-digits))))
+			(setf r (* f 2)
+			      s (* (expt float-radix (- e)) 2)
+			      m+ 1)
+			(setf r (* f float-radix 2)
+			      s (* (expt float-radix (- 1 e)) 2)
+			      m+ float-radix)))
+		(scale r s m+))))))))
 ;;;Here we prevent the scale factor from shifting all significance out of
 ;;;a number to the right.  We allow insignificant zeroes to be shifted in
 ;;;to the left right, athough it is an error to specify k and d such that this
@@ -1210,9 +1286,10 @@
 	   (or (float-infinity-p number)
 	       (float-nan-p number)))
       (prin1 number stream)
-      (multiple-value-bind (num expt)
-	  (lisp::scale-exponent (abs number))
-	(declare (ignore num))
+      ;;(multiple-value-bind (num expt)
+      ;;  (lisp::scale-exponent (abs number))
+      (multiple-value-bind (expt)
+	  (accurate-scale-exponent (abs number))
 	(let* ((expt (- expt k))
 	       (estr (decimal-string (abs expt)))
 	       (elen (if e (max (length estr) e) (length estr)))
@@ -1235,7 +1312,6 @@
 		  (format t "fdig = ~A~%" fdig)
 		  (format t "fmin = ~A~%" fmin)
 		  (format t "spaceleft = ~A~%" spaceleft)
-		  (format t "exp  = ~A~%" exp)
 		  (format t "expt = ~S~%" expt))
 		;; 1 extra for spaceleft so (format nil "~9,,,-1E" pi) will
@@ -1310,7 +1386,7 @@
 			     (dotimes (i (- e (length estr)))
 			       (write-char #\0 stream)))
 			   (write-string estr stream)))))))))
-      (values))
+  (values))
 (def-format-directive #\G (colonp atsignp params)
   (when colonp
diff --git a/code/print.lisp b/code/print.lisp
index e0bfd8b6d96dc49f50438c8bc31b3db443dd5ee5..6d0a2fc765677a2c276917d8ca9dce0f4705b857 100644
--- a/code/print.lisp
+++ b/code/print.lisp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
-  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/print.lisp,v 1.112 2006/07/13 16:38:51 rtoy Exp $")
+  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/print.lisp,v 1.113 2007/10/09 16:11:54 rtoy Exp $")
 ;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -1838,6 +1838,14 @@ radix-R.  If you have a power-list then pass it in as PL."
 (defconstant double-double-float-min-e double-float-min-e)
+(declaim (type (simple-array integer (326)) *powers-of-ten*))
+(defparameter *powers-of-ten*
+  (make-array 326
+	      :initial-contents
+	      (let (p)
+		(dotimes (k 326 (nreverse p))
+		  (push (expt 10 k) p)))))
 ;;; Implementation of Figure 1 from "Printing Floating-Point Numbers
 ;;; Quickly and Accurately", by Burger and Dybvig, 1996.  As the
 ;;; implementation of the Dragon algorithm above says: "DO NOT EVEN
@@ -1873,23 +1881,18 @@ radix-R.  If you have a power-list then pass it in as PL."
 	    (low-ok (evenp f))
 	    (result (make-array 50 :element-type 'base-char
 				:fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
-	(labels ((scale (r s m+ m-)
-		   ;; Keep increasing k until it's big enough
-		   (do ((k 0 (1+ k))
-			(s s (* s print-base)))
-		       ((not (let ((test (+ r m+)))
-			       (or (> test s)
-				   (and high-ok (= test s)))))
-			;; k is too big.  Decrease until
-			(do ((k k (1- k))
-			     (r r (* r print-base))
-			     (m+ m+ (* m+ print-base))
-			     (m- m- (* m- print-base)))
-			    ((not (let ((test (* (+ r m+) print-base)))
-				    (or (< test s)
-					(and (not high-ok) (= test s)))))
-			     ;; k is correct.  Generate the digits.
-			     (values k (generate r s m+ m-)))))))
+	(labels ((fixup (r s m+ m- k)
+		   (if (if high-ok
+			   (>= (+ r m+) s)
+			   (> (+ r m+) s))
+		       (values (+ k 1) (generate r (* s print-base) m+ m-))
+		       (values k (generate r s m+ m-))))
+		 (scale (r s m+ m-)
+		   (let ((est (ceiling (- (log v 10d0) 1d-10))))
+		     (if (>= est 0)
+			 (fixup r (* s (aref *powers-of-ten* est)) m+ m- est)
+			 (let ((scale (aref *powers-of-ten* (- est))))
+			   (fixup (* r scale) s (* m+ scale) (* m- scale) est)))))
 		 (generate (r s m+ m-)
 		   (multiple-value-bind (d r)
 		       (truncate (* r print-base) s)
@@ -1944,28 +1947,32 @@ radix-R.  If you have a power-list then pass it in as PL."
 			  m+ float-radix
 			  m- 1)))
 	    (when position
-	      (when relativep
-		;;(aver (> position 0))
-		(do ((k 0 (1+ k))
-		     ;; running out of letters here
-		     (l 1 (* l print-base)))
-		    ((>= (* s l) (+ r m+))
-		     ;; k is now \hat{k}
-		     (if (< (+ r (* s (/ (expt print-base (- k
-							     position)) 2)))
-			    (* s (expt print-base k)))
-			 (setf position (- k position))
-			 (setf position (- k position 1))))))
-	      (let ((low (max m- (/ (* s (expt print-base
-					       position)) 2)))
-		    (high (max m+ (/ (* s (expt print-base
-						position)) 2))))
-		(when (<= m- low)
-		  (setf m- low)
-		  (setf low-ok t))
-		(when (<= m+ high)
-		  (setf m+ high)
-		  (setf high-ok t))))
+	      (flet ((expt-ten (e)
+		       (if (minusp e)
+			   (/ (aref *powers-of-ten* (- e)))
+			   (aref *powers-of-ten* e))))
+		(when relativep
+		  (let ((r+m (+ r m+)))
+		    ;;(format t "r, s = ~A, ~A~%" r s)
+		    (do ((k 0 (1+ k))
+			 ;; running out of letters here
+			 (l 1 (* l print-base)))
+			((>= (* s l) r+m)
+			 ;; k is now \hat{k}
+			 ;;(format t "r>s, k = ~A~%" k)
+			 (if (< (+ r (* s (/ (expt-ten (- k position))
+					     2)))
+				(* s (expt-ten k)))
+			     (setf position (- k position))
+			     (setf position (- k position 1)))))))
+		(let ((low (max m- (/ (* s (expt-ten position)) 2)))
+		      (high (max m+ (/ (* s (expt-ten position)) 2))))
+		  (when (<= m- low)
+		    (setf m- low)
+		    (setf low-ok t))
+		  (when (<= m+ high)
+		    (setf m+ high)
+		    (setf high-ok t)))))
 	    (scale r s m+ m-)))))))