diff --git a/code/unix.lisp b/code/unix.lisp
index e54fd22e1b3a50df7d4833a173e8f97ae9942e44..49420a039f7276abbbcec283e7a5855cf0b1ea6a 100644
--- a/code/unix.lisp
+++ b/code/unix.lisp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
-  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/unix.lisp,v 1.87 2003/06/06 18:41:37 gerd Exp $")
+  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/unix.lisp,v 1.88 2003/06/07 09:39:46 gerd Exp $")
 ;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
 (use-package "SYSTEM")
 (use-package "EXT")
-(export '(
-	  daddr-t caddr-t ino-t swblk-t size-t time-t dev-t off-t uid-t gid-t
+(export '(daddr-t caddr-t ino-t swblk-t size-t time-t dev-t off-t uid-t gid-t
 	  timeval tv-sec tv-usec timezone tz-minuteswest tz-dsttime
 	  itimerval it-interval it-value tchars t-intrc t-quitc t-startc
 	  t-stopc t-eofc t-brkc ltchars t-suspc t-dsuspc t-rprntc t-flushc
@@ -179,39 +178,69 @@
 ;;;; Common machine independent structures.
-(def-alien-type quad-t (array unsigned-long 2))
 ;;; From sys/types.h
-(def-alien-type daddr-t #-(or linux alpha) long #+(or linux alpha) int)
+(def-alien-type int64-t (signed 64))
+(def-alien-type u-int64-t (unsigned 64))
+(def-alien-type daddr-t
+    #-(or linux alpha) long
+    #+(or linux alpha) int)
 (def-alien-type caddr-t (* char))
-(def-alien-type ino-t #-alpha unsigned-long #+alpha unsigned-int)
+(def-alien-type ino-t
+    #-alpha unsigned-long
+    #+alpha unsigned-int)
 (def-alien-type swblk-t long)
-(def-alien-type size-t #-(or linux alpha) long #+linux unsigned-int 
-  #+alpha unsigned-long)
-(def-alien-type time-t #-(or linux alpha) unsigned-long #+linux long
-  #+alpha unsigned-int)
-(def-alien-type dev-t #-(or alpha svr4 bsd linux) short #+linux unsigned-short
-	 #+alpha int #+(and (not linux) (or bsd svr4)) unsigned-long)
-(def-alien-type off-t #-alpha long #+alpha unsigned-long)
-(def-alien-type off-t quad-t)
-(def-alien-type uid-t #-(or alpha svr4) unsigned-short #+alpha unsigned-int
-  #+svr4 long)
-(def-alien-type uid-t unsigned-long)
+(def-alien-type size-t
+    #-(or linux alpha) long
+    #+linux unsigned-int 
+    #+alpha unsigned-long)
+(def-alien-type time-t
+    #-(or linux alpha) unsigned-long
+    #+linux long
+    #+alpha unsigned-int)
+(def-alien-type dev-t
+    #-(or alpha svr4 bsd linux) short
+    #+linux unsigned-short
+    #+alpha int
+    #+(and (not linux) (or bsd svr4)) unsigned-long)
-(def-alien-type gid-t #-(or alpha svr4) unsigned-short #+alpha unsigned-int
-  #+svr4 long)
+  (deftype file-offset () '(signed-byte 32))
+  (def-alien-type off-t
+      #-alpha long
+      #+alpha unsigned-long)		;??? very dubious
+  (def-alien-type uid-t
+      #-(or alpha svr4) unsigned-short
+      #+alpha unsigned-int
+      #+svr4 long)
+  (def-alien-type gid-t
+      #-(or alpha svr4) unsigned-short
+      #+alpha unsigned-int
+      #+svr4 long))
-(def-alien-type gid-t unsigned-long)
-(def-alien-type mode-t #-(or alpha svr4) unsigned-short
-  #+alpha unsigned-int #+svr4 unsigned-long)
-(def-alien-type nlink-t #-svr4 unsigned-short #+svr4 unsigned-long)
+  (deftype file-offset () '(signed-byte 64))
+  (def-alien-type off-t int64-t)
+  (def-alien-type uid-t unsigned-long)
+  (def-alien-type gid-t unsigned-long))
+(def-alien-type mode-t
+    #-(or alpha svr4) unsigned-short
+    #+alpha unsigned-int
+    #+svr4 unsigned-long)
+(def-alien-type nlink-t
+    #-svr4 unsigned-short
+    #+svr4 unsigned-long)
 (defconstant FD-SETSIZE
   #-(or hpux alpha linux FreeBSD) 256
@@ -836,75 +865,6 @@
       (svref *unix-errors* error-number)
       (format nil "Unknown error [~d]" error-number)))
-;;;; Memory-mapped files
-(defconstant +null+ (sys:int-sap 0))
-(defconstant prot_read 1)		; Readable
-(defconstant prot_write 2)		; Writable
-(defconstant prot_exec 4)		; Executable
-(defconstant prot_none 0)		; No access
-(defconstant map_shared 1)		; Changes are shared
-(defconstant map_private 2)		; Changes are private
-(defconstant map_fixed 16)		; Fixed, user-defined address
-(defconstant map_noreserve #x40)	; Don't reserve swap space
-(defconstant map_anonymous
-  #+solaris #x100			; Solaris
-  #+linux 32				; Linux
-  #+freebsd #x1000)
-;; The return value from mmap that means mmap failed.
-(defconstant map_failed -1)
-(defun unix-mmap (addr length prot flags fd offset)
-  (declare (type (or null system-area-pointer) addr)
-	   (type (unsigned-byte 32) length)
-           (type (integer 1 7) prot)
-	   (type (unsigned-byte 32) flags)
-	   (type unix-fd fd)
-	   (type (signed-byte 32) offset))
-  ;; Can't use syscall, because the address that is returned could be
-  ;; "negative".  Hence we explicitly check for mmap returning
-  (let ((result
-	 (alien-funcall (extern-alien "mmap" (function int system-area-pointer
-						       size-t int int int off-t))
-			(or addr +null+) length prot flags (or fd -1) offset)))
-    (if (= result map_failed)
-	(values nil unix-errno)
-	(sys:int-sap result))))
-(defun unix-mmap (addr length prot flags fd offset)
-  (declare (type (or null system-area-pointer) addr)
-	   (type (unsigned-byte 32) length)
-           (type (integer 1 7) prot)
-	   (type (unsigned-byte 32) flags)
-	   (type unix-fd fd)
-	   (type (signed-byte 32) offset))
-  ;; Can't use syscall, because the address that is returned could be
-  ;; "negative".  Hence we explicitly check for mmap returning
-  (let ((result
-	 (alien-funcall
-	  (extern-alien "mmap"
-			(function int system-area-pointer
-				  size-t int int int
-				  unsigned-long unsigned-long))
-	  (or addr +null+) length prot flags (or fd -1) offset 0)))
-    (if (= result map_failed)
-	(values nil unix-errno)
-	(sys:int-sap result))))
-(defun unix-munmap (addr length)
-  (declare (type system-area-pointer addr)
-	   (type (unsigned-byte 32) length))
-  (syscall ("munmap" system-area-pointer size-t) t addr length))
 ;;;; Lisp types used by syscalls.
@@ -978,14 +938,17 @@
 ;;;; System calls.
-(defmacro syscall ((name &rest arg-types) success-form &rest args)
-  `(let ((result (alien-funcall (extern-alien ,name (function int ,@arg-types))
-				,@args)))
-     (if (minusp result)
+(defmacro %syscall ((name (&rest arg-types) result-type)
+		    success-form &rest args)
+  `(let* ((fn (extern-alien ,name (function ,result-type ,@arg-types)))
+	  (result (alien-funcall fn ,@args)))
+     (if (eql -1 result)
 	 (values nil unix-errno)
+(defmacro syscall ((name &rest arg-types) success-form &rest args)
+  `(%syscall (,name (,@arg-types) int) ,success-form ,@args))
 ;;; Like syscall, but if it fails, signal an error instead of returing error
 ;;; codes.  Should only be used for syscalls that will never really get an
 ;;; error.
@@ -993,7 +956,7 @@
 (defmacro syscall* ((name &rest arg-types) success-form &rest args)
   `(let ((result (alien-funcall (extern-alien ,name (function int ,@arg-types))
-     (if (minusp result)
+     (if (eql -1 result)
 	 (error "Syscall ~A failed: ~A" ,name (get-unix-error-msg))
@@ -1003,6 +966,53 @@
 (defmacro int-syscall ((name &rest arg-types) &rest args)
   `(syscall (,name ,@arg-types) (values result 0) ,@args))
+(defmacro off-t-syscall ((name arg-types) &rest args)
+  `(%syscall (,name ,arg-types off-t) (values result 0) ,@args))
+;;;; Memory-mapped files
+(defconstant +null+ (sys:int-sap 0))
+(defconstant prot_read 1)		; Readable
+(defconstant prot_write 2)		; Writable
+(defconstant prot_exec 4)		; Executable
+(defconstant prot_none 0)		; No access
+(defconstant map_shared 1)		; Changes are shared
+(defconstant map_private 2)		; Changes are private
+(defconstant map_fixed 16)		; Fixed, user-defined address
+(defconstant map_noreserve #x40)	; Don't reserve swap space
+(defconstant map_anonymous
+  #+solaris #x100			; Solaris
+  #+linux 32				; Linux
+  #+freebsd #x1000)
+;; The return value from mmap that means mmap failed.
+(defconstant map_failed -1)
+(defun unix-mmap (addr length prot flags fd offset)
+  (declare (type (or null system-area-pointer) addr)
+	   (type (unsigned-byte 32) length)
+           (type (integer 1 7) prot)
+	   (type (unsigned-byte 32) flags)
+	   (type unix-fd fd)
+	   (type file-offset offset))
+  ;; Can't use syscall, because the address that is returned could be
+  ;; "negative".  Hence we explicitly check for mmap returning
+  (let ((result
+	 (alien-funcall (extern-alien "mmap" (function int system-area-pointer
+						       size-t int int int off-t))
+			(or addr +null+) length prot flags (or fd -1) offset)))
+    (if (= result map_failed)
+	(values nil unix-errno)
+	(sys:int-sap result))))
+(defun unix-munmap (addr length)
+  (declare (type system-area-pointer addr)
+	   (type (unsigned-byte 32) length))
+  (syscall ("munmap" system-area-pointer size-t) t addr length))
 ;;; Unix-access accepts a path and a mode.  It returns two values the
 ;;; first is T if the file is accessible and NIL otherwise.  The second
@@ -1261,13 +1271,9 @@
    l_xtnd       Extend the file size.
   (declare (type unix-fd fd)
-	   (type (signed-byte 32) offset)
+	   (type file-offset offset)
 	   (type (integer 0 2) whence))
-  #-(and x86 bsd) (int-syscall ("lseek" int off-t int) fd offset whence)
-  ;; Need a 64-bit return value type for this. TBD. For now,
-  ;; don't use this with any 2G+ partitions.
-  #+(and bsd x86) (int-syscall ("lseek" int unsigned-long unsigned-long int)
-		     fd offset 0 whence))
+  (off-t-syscall ("lseek" (int off-t int)) fd offset whence))
 ;;; Unix-mkdir accepts a name and a mode and attempts to create the
 ;;; corresponding directory with mode mode.
diff --git a/general-info/release-19a.txt b/general-info/release-19a.txt
index d3a5710382c4701eb3bb76376e6e57831581e71e..2125ac97f9f8d67c9c2ea6291ec958d6dc25ebf3 100644
--- a/general-info/release-19a.txt
+++ b/general-info/release-19a.txt
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ New in this release:
      - When a profiled function is redefined, it is re-profiled.
      - A basic implementation of simple-streams added.  Some
        functionality may be missing.
+     - UNIX:UNIX-LSEEK working with files > 2G on BSDs.
   * Numerous ANSI compliance fixes:
      - Many bugs in CMUCL's type system detected by Paul Dietz'