From b8bbec47adf00c70de81df9d5143c033570f2ffb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dtc <dtc>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 17:30:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] o Fix the generation of new variable leafs by the proclaim
 functions.   The new variables were being created by copying the old leafs
 which   incorrectly copied over any refs, or sets etc, which should have been
   cleared in the new leafs.

o Fix the handling of the 'special identifier in the proclaim IR1
  translator which had been incorrectly using the identifier rather than
  the variable name when updating the hash tables.
 compiler/ir1tran.lisp | 71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/ir1tran.lisp b/compiler/ir1tran.lisp
index d1d02967d..d5bebda93 100644
--- a/compiler/ir1tran.lisp
+++ b/compiler/ir1tran.lisp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
-  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/compiler/ir1tran.lisp,v 1.116 2000/07/07 09:33:02 dtc Exp $")
+  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/compiler/ir1tran.lisp,v 1.117 2000/07/13 17:30:11 dtc Exp $")
 ;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -2555,12 +2555,15 @@
 	     (type-specifier type) name (type-specifier old-type))))))
     (dolist (var (get-old-vars names))
-      (let ((new (etypecase var
-		   (global-var (copy-global-var var))
-		   (constant (copy-constant var)))))
-	(setf (leaf-type new) type)
-	(setf (leaf-where-from new) :declared)
-	(setf (gethash (leaf-name var) *free-variables*) new)))))
+      (let ((name (leaf-name var)))
+	(setf (gethash name *free-variables*)
+	      (etypecase var
+		(global-var
+		 (make-global-var :name name :type type :where-from :declared
+				  :kind (global-var-kind var)))
+		(constant
+		 (make-constant :name name :type type :where-from :declared
+				:value (constant-value var)))))))))
@@ -2579,12 +2582,16 @@
-       (let ((new (if (defined-function-p var)
-		      (copy-defined-function var)
-		      (copy-global-var var))))
-	 (setf (leaf-type new) type)
-	 (setf (leaf-where-from new) :declared)
-	 (setf (gethash name *free-functions*) new))
+       (setf (gethash name *free-functions*)
+	     (let ((kind (global-var-kind var)))
+	       (if (defined-function-p var)
+		   (make-defined-function
+		    :name name :type type :where-from :declared :kind kind
+		    :inlinep (defined-function-inlinep var)
+		    :inline-expansion (defined-function-inline-expansion var)
+		    :functional (defined-function-functional var))
+		   (make-global-var :name name :type type :where-from :declared
+				    :kind kind))))
        (when (defined-function-p var)
 	 (let ((fun (defined-function-functional var)))
 	   (when fun
@@ -2629,24 +2636,26 @@
       (let ((form (eval what)))
 	(unless (consp form)
 	  (compiler-error "Malformed PROCLAIM spec: ~S." form))
-	(let ((name (first form))
+	(let ((identifier (first form))
 	      (args (rest form))
 	      (ignore nil))
-	  (case name
+	  (case identifier
 	     (dolist (old (get-old-vars (rest form)))
-	       (when (or (constant-p old)
-			 (eq (global-var-kind old) :constant))
-		 (compiler-error
-		  "Attempt to proclaim constant ~S to be special." name))
-	       (ecase (global-var-kind old)
-		 (:special)
-		 (:global
-		  (let ((new (copy-global-var old)))
-		    (setf (global-var-kind new) :special)
-		    (setf (gethash name *free-variables*) new))))))
+	       (let ((name (leaf-name old)))
+		 (when (or (constant-p old)
+			   (eq (global-var-kind old) :constant))
+		   (compiler-error
+		    "Attempt to proclaim constant ~S to be special." name))
+		 (ecase (global-var-kind old)
+		   (:special)
+		   (:global
+		    (setf (gethash name *free-variables*)
+			  (make-global-var :name name :type (leaf-type old)
+					   :where-from (leaf-where-from old)
+					   :kind :special)))))))
 	     (when (endp args)
 	       (compiler-error "Malformed TYPE proclamation: ~S." form))
@@ -2661,7 +2670,7 @@
 	       (compiler-error "Malformed FTYPE proclamation: ~S." form))
 	     (process-ftype-proclamation (first args) (rest args)))
 	    ((inline notinline maybe-inline)
-	     (process-inline-proclamation name args))
+	     (process-inline-proclamation identifier args))
 	    ;; No non-global state to be updated.
 	    ((optimize optimize-interface declaration freeze-type
@@ -2671,9 +2680,9 @@
 	    ((start-block end-block)
 	     (setq ignore t))
-	     (cond ((member name type-specifier-symbols)
-		    (process-type-proclamation name args))
-		   ((info declaration recognized name)
+	     (cond ((member identifier type-specifier-symbols)
+		    (process-type-proclamation identifier args))
+		   ((info declaration recognized identifier)
 		    (setq ignore t))
 		    (setq ignore t)