diff --git a/interface/inspect.lisp b/interface/inspect.lisp
index 11838a4b8c0c1106e319374d5cc6dc5c6ac9a0bb..d8673ccf1a94f04664d09867d26386c2a8134a51 100644
--- a/interface/inspect.lisp
+++ b/interface/inspect.lisp
@@ -517,24 +517,29 @@
 				    :right-attachment :attach-form
 				    :top-attachment :attach-form
 				    :bottom-attachment :attach-form))
-	   instance-slots class-slots other-slots)
+	   (instance-slots ())
+	   (class-slots ())
+	   (other-slots ()))
       (dolist (slotd slotds)
 	(with-slots ((slot pcl::name) (allocation pcl::allocation))
-		    slotd
+	  slotd
 	  (case allocation
 	    (:instance (push slotd instance-slots))
 	    (:class (push slotd class-slots))
-	    (otherwise (push slotd other-slots))))
-	(when instance-slots
-	  (show-slot-list object instance-slots view t
-			  "Slots with Instance allocation:"))
-	(when class-slots
-	  (show-slot-list object class-slots view t
-			  "Slots with Class allocation:"))
-	(when other-slots
-	  (show-slot-list object other-slots view nil
-			  "Slots with Other allocation:"))))))
+	    (otherwise (push slotd other-slots)))))
+      (when instance-slots
+	(show-slot-list object instance-slots view t
+			"Slots with Instance allocation:"))
+      (when class-slots
+	(show-slot-list object class-slots view t
+			"Slots with Class allocation:"))
+      (when other-slots
+	(show-slot-list object other-slots view nil
+			"Slots with Other allocation:"))
+      (when view (manage-child view)))))