diff --git a/clx/display.lisp b/clx/display.lisp
index cd10a5b88302de5adb7797d065e9531e30ad9289..4a2937ee88a57024b2ce26b9863dd46422b0effc 100644
--- a/clx/display.lisp
+++ b/clx/display.lisp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/clx/display.lisp,v 1.11 2003/08/29 09:17:50 gerd Exp $")
+  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/clx/display.lisp,v 1.12 2004/08/13 12:24:30 emarsden Exp $")
 (in-package :xlib)
@@ -312,29 +312,37 @@
 		      ,@(and timeout `(:timeout ,timeout)))
-(defun open-display (host &key (display 0) protocol authorization-name authorization-data)
+(defun open-display (host &key (display 0) (protocol :tcp) authorization-name authorization-data)
   ;; Implementation specific routine to setup the buffer for a specific host and display.
   ;; This must interface with the local network facilities, and will probably do special
-  ;; things to circumvent the nework when displaying on the local host.
+  ;; things to circumvent the network when displaying on the local host.
   ;; A string must be acceptable as a host, but otherwise the possible types
   ;; for host and protocol are not constrained, and will likely be very
-  ;; system dependent.  The default protocol is system specific.  Authorization,
-  ;; if any, is assumed to come from the environment somehow.
+  ;; system dependent.  The default protocol is system specific.
   (declare (type integer display))
   (declare (clx-values display))
-  ;; Get the authorization mechanism from the environment.  Handle the
-  ;; special case of a host name of "" and "unix" which means the
-  ;; protocol is :unix
-  (let ((actual-protocol (if (member host '("" "unix") :test #'equal) 
-			     :unix
-			     protocol)))
+  ;; If the HOST argument is empty (for instance the $DISPLAY environment variable was
+  ;; ":0") or if it is the special case of "unix", we connect to the X server using
+  ;; the :unix protocol. This is the most efficient transport to the local host, most
+  ;; often a Unix-domain socket. In this case, X11 does not store authorization data
+  ;; under the name "localhost", since that would make it impossible to store
+  ;; authorization data for concurrent X11 sessions on different hosts in the same
+  ;; $XAUTHORITY file. Rather, the authorization data is stored under the local host's
+  ;; hostname.
+  (let ((auth-host host))
+    (when (or (equal host "") (equal host "unix"))
+      (setf protocol :unix)
+      (setf auth-host (machine-instance)))
+    ;; If no authorization data was specified by the user, attempt to extract
+    ;; authorization data from the environment.
     (when (null authorization-name)
       (multiple-value-setq (authorization-name authorization-data)
-	(get-best-authorization host display actual-protocol)))
-    ;; PROTOCOL is the network protocol (something like :TCP or :UNIX).
-    (let* ((stream (open-x-stream host display actual-protocol))
-	   (disp (make-buffer *output-buffer-size* #'make-display-internal
+        (get-best-authorization auth-host display protocol)))
+    ;; PROTOCOL is the network protocol used to connect to the server
+    ;; (either :TCP or :UNIX).
+    (let* ((stream (open-x-stream host display protocol))
+           (disp (make-buffer *output-buffer-size* #'make-display-internal
 			      :host host :display display
 			      :output-stream stream :input-stream stream))
 	   (ok-p nil))
diff --git a/code/clx-ext.lisp b/code/clx-ext.lisp
index 9df35bc958ffe062eb01a610a47853792ce39f95..991fcdadd7f38d9813b5c3a5bd59ecb46769eb4f 100644
--- a/code/clx-ext.lisp
+++ b/code/clx-ext.lisp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
-  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/clx-ext.lisp,v 1.18 2003/08/29 09:17:50 gerd Exp $")
+  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/clx-ext.lisp,v 1.19 2004/08/13 12:24:30 emarsden Exp $")
 ;;; **********************************************************************
@@ -40,19 +40,16 @@
 (defun open-clx-display (&optional (string (cdr (assoc :display
 						       :test #'eq))))
-  "Parses a display specification including display and screen numbers.
-   This returns nil when there is no DISPLAY environment variable.  If string
+  "Parses the display specifier STRING, including display and screen numbers.
+   STRING defaults to the value of the  DISPLAY environment variable.  If STRING
    is non-nil, and any fields are missing in the specification, this signals an
    error.  If you specify a screen, then this sets XLIB:DISPLAY-DEFAULT-SCREEN
    to that screen since CLX initializes this form to the first of
-   XLIB:SCREEN-ROOTS.  This returns the display and screen objects."
+   XLIB:SCREEN-ROOTS.  Return the display and screen objects."
   (when string
     (let* ((string (coerce string 'simple-string))
 	   (length (length string))
 	   (host-name "")
-	   (protocol :tcp)
-	   (auth-name nil)
-	   (auth-data nil)
 	   (display-num nil)
 	   (screen-num nil))
       (declare (simple-string string))
@@ -82,20 +79,7 @@
 				 (setf screen-num
 				       (parse-integer string :start start
 						      :end second-dot)))))))))))
-      ;; If the $DISPLAY does not specify a hostname (for instance
-      ;; ":0"), or if the hostname is the special case of "unix", we
-      ;; connect to the X server using the :unix protocol. This is the
-      ;; most efficient transport to the local host, most often a Unix
-      ;; domain socket. In all other cases, we use the :tcp protocol. 
-      (when (or (equal host-name "") (equal host-name "unix"))
-        (setq protocol :unix)
-        (multiple-value-setq (auth-name auth-data)
-          (xlib::get-best-authorization (machine-instance) display-num :tcp)))
-      (let ((display (xlib:open-display host-name
-                                      :display display-num
-				      :protocol protocol
-                                      :authorization-name auth-name
-                                      :authorization-data auth-data)))
+      (let ((display (xlib:open-display host-name :display display-num)))
 	(when screen-num
 	  (let* ((screens (xlib:display-roots display))
 		 (num-screens (length screens)))