;;; -*- Package: SPARC -*- ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain. ;;; If you want to use this code or any part of CMU Common Lisp, please contact ;;; Scott Fahlman or slisp-group@cs.cmu.edu. ;;; (ext:file-comment "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/compiler/sparc/parms.lisp,v 1.22 1994/10/24 22:56:12 ram Exp $") ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; ;;; This file contains some parameterizations of various VM ;;; attributes for the SPARC. This file is separate from other stuff so ;;; that it can be compiled and loaded earlier. ;;; ;;; Written by Rob MacLachlan ;;; ;;; Converted to MIPS by William Lott. ;;; (in-package "SPARC") (use-package "C") ;;;; Compiler constants. (eval-when (compile eval load) #+svr4 (adjoin :svr4 (backend-features *target-backend*)) #+svr4 (adjoin :solaris (backend-features *target-backend*)) (setf (backend-name *target-backend*) "SPARC") #+svr4 (setf (backend-version *target-backend*) "SPARCstation/Solaris 2") #-svr4 (setf (backend-version *target-backend*) "SPARCstation/Sun 4") (setf (backend-fasl-file-type *target-backend*) "sparcf") (setf (backend-fasl-file-implementation *target-backend*) sparc-fasl-file-implementation) (setf (backend-fasl-file-version *target-backend*) 5) (setf (backend-register-save-penalty *target-backend*) 3) (setf (backend-byte-order *target-backend*) :big-endian) (setf (backend-page-size *target-backend*) #+mach 4096 #+sunos 8192) ); eval-when (pushnew :new-assembler *features*) ;;;; Machine Architecture parameters: (export '(word-bits byte-bits word-shift word-bytes float-sign-shift single-float-bias single-float-exponent-byte single-float-significand-byte single-float-normal-exponent-min single-float-normal-exponent-max single-float-hidden-bit single-float-trapping-nan-bit single-float-digits double-float-bias double-float-exponent-byte double-float-significand-byte double-float-normal-exponent-min double-float-normal-exponent-max double-float-hidden-bit double-float-trapping-nan-bit double-float-digits float-underflow-trap-bit float-overflow-trap-bit float-imprecise-trap-bit float-invalid-trap-bit float-divide-by-zero-trap-bit)) (eval-when (compile load eval) (defconstant word-bits 32 "Number of bits per word where a word holds one lisp descriptor.") (defconstant byte-bits 8 "Number of bits per byte where a byte is the smallest addressable object.") (defconstant word-shift (1- (integer-length (/ word-bits byte-bits))) "Number of bits to shift between word addresses and byte addresses.") (defconstant word-bytes (/ word-bits byte-bits) "Number of bytes in a word.") (defconstant float-sign-shift 31) (defconstant single-float-bias 126) (defconstant single-float-exponent-byte (byte 8 23)) (defconstant single-float-significand-byte (byte 23 0)) (defconstant single-float-normal-exponent-min 1) (defconstant single-float-normal-exponent-max 254) (defconstant single-float-hidden-bit (ash 1 23)) (defconstant single-float-trapping-nan-bit (ash 1 22)) (defconstant double-float-bias 1022) (defconstant double-float-exponent-byte (byte 11 20)) (defconstant double-float-significand-byte (byte 20 0)) (defconstant double-float-normal-exponent-min 1) (defconstant double-float-normal-exponent-max #x7FE) (defconstant double-float-hidden-bit (ash 1 20)) (defconstant double-float-trapping-nan-bit (ash 1 19)) (defconstant single-float-digits (+ (byte-size single-float-significand-byte) 1)) (defconstant double-float-digits (+ (byte-size double-float-significand-byte) word-bits 1)) (defconstant float-inexact-trap-bit (ash 1 0)) (defconstant float-divide-by-zero-trap-bit (ash 1 1)) (defconstant float-underflow-trap-bit (ash 1 2)) (defconstant float-overflow-trap-bit (ash 1 3)) (defconstant float-invalid-trap-bit (ash 1 4)) (defconstant float-round-to-nearest 0) (defconstant float-round-to-zero 1) (defconstant float-round-to-positive 2) (defconstant float-round-to-negative 3) (defconstant float-rounding-mode (byte 2 30)) ; RD (defconstant float-sticky-bits (byte 5 5)) ; aexc (defconstant float-traps-byte (byte 5 23)) ; TEM (defconstant float-exceptions-byte (byte 5 0)) ; cexc ;;; According to the SPARC doc (as opposed to FPU doc), the fast mode bit (EFM) ;;; is "reserved", and should always be zero. (defconstant float-fast-bit 0) ); eval-when ;;; NUMBER-STACK-DISPLACEMENT ;;; ;;; The number of bytes reserved above the number stack pointer. These ;;; slots are required by architecture for a place to spill register windows. ;;; (defconstant number-stack-displacement (* 16 vm:word-bytes)) ;;;; Description of the target address space. (export '(target-read-only-space-start target-static-space-start target-dynamic-space-start)) ;;; Where to put the different spaces. ;;; (defparameter target-read-only-space-start #x01000000) (defparameter target-static-space-start #x05000000) (defparameter target-dynamic-space-start #x07000000) ;;;; Other random constants. (export '(halt-trap pending-interrupt-trap error-trap cerror-trap breakpoint-trap function-end-breakpoint-trap after-breakpoint-trap object-not-list-trap object-not-instance-trap trace-table-normal trace-table-call-site trace-table-function-prologue trace-table-function-epilogue)) (defenum (:suffix -trap :start 8) halt pending-interrupt error cerror breakpoint function-end-breakpoint after-breakpoint) (defenum (:prefix object-not- :suffix -trap :start 16) list instance) (defenum (:prefix trace-table-) normal call-site function-prologue function-epilogue) ;;;; Static symbols. (export '(static-symbols static-functions)) ;;; These symbols are loaded into static space directly after NIL so ;;; that the system can compute their address by adding a constant ;;; amount to NIL. ;;; ;;; The fdefn objects for the static functions are loaded into static ;;; space directly after the static symbols. That way, the raw-addr ;;; can be loaded directly out of them by indirecting relative to NIL. ;;; (defparameter static-symbols '(t ;; The C startup code must fill these in. lisp::lisp-environment-list lisp::lisp-command-line-list lisp::*initial-fdefn-objects* ;; Functions that the C code needs to call lisp::%initial-function lisp::maybe-gc kernel::internal-error di::handle-breakpoint lisp::fdefinition-object ;; Free Pointers. lisp::*read-only-space-free-pointer* lisp::*static-space-free-pointer* lisp::*initial-dynamic-space-free-pointer* ;; Things needed for non-local-exit. lisp::*current-catch-block* lisp::*current-unwind-protect-block* *eval-stack-top* ;; Interrupt Handling lisp::*free-interrupt-context-index* unix::*interrupts-enabled* unix::*interrupt-pending* )) (defparameter static-functions '(length two-arg-+ two-arg-- two-arg-* two-arg-/ two-arg-< two-arg-> two-arg-= two-arg-<= two-arg->= two-arg-/= eql %negate two-arg-and two-arg-ior two-arg-xor two-arg-gcd two-arg-lcm )) ;;;; Assembler parameters: ;;; The number of bits per element in the assemblers code vector. ;;; (defparameter *assembly-unit-length* 8)