;;; -*- Package: C; Log: C.Log -*- ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain. ;;; If you want to use this code or any part of CMU Common Lisp, please contact ;;; Scott Fahlman or slisp-group@cs.cmu.edu. ;;; (ext:file-comment "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/compiler/represent.lisp,v 1.31 1992/02/13 20:39:51 wlott Exp $") ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; ;;; This file contains the implementation independent code for the ;;; representation selection phase in the compiler. Representation selection ;;; decides whether to use non-descriptor representations for objects and emits ;;; the appropriate representation-specific move and coerce vops. ;;; ;;; Written by Rob MacLachlan ;;; (in-package 'c) ;;;; Error routines: ;;; ;;; Problems in the VM definition often show up here, so we try to be as ;;; implementor-friendly as possible. ;;; ;;; GET-OPERAND-INFO -- Interface ;;; ;;; Given a TN ref for a VOP argument or result, return these values: ;;; 1] True if the operand is an argument, false otherwise. ;;; 2] The ordinal position of the operand. ;;; 3] True if the operand is a more operand, false otherwise. ;;; 4] The costs for this operand. ;;; 5] The load-scs vector for this operand (NIL if more-p.) ;;; 6] True if the costs or SCs in the VOP-INFO are inconsistent with the ;;; currently record ones. ;;; (defun get-operand-info (ref) (declare (type tn-ref ref)) (let* ((arg-p (not (tn-ref-write-p ref))) (vop (tn-ref-vop ref)) (info (vop-info vop))) (flet ((frob (refs costs load more-cost) (do ((refs refs (tn-ref-across refs)) (costs costs (cdr costs)) (load load (cdr load)) (n 0 (1+ n))) ((null costs) (assert more-cost) (values arg-p (+ n (or (position-in #'tn-ref-across ref refs) (error "Couldn't find REF?")) 1) t more-cost nil nil)) (when (eq refs ref) (let ((parse (vop-parse-or-lose (vop-info-name info) *backend*))) (multiple-value-bind (ccosts cscs) (compute-loading-costs (elt (if arg-p (vop-parse-args parse) (vop-parse-results parse)) n) arg-p) (return (values arg-p (1+ n) nil (car costs) (car load) (not (and (equalp ccosts (car costs)) (equalp cscs (car load)))))))))))) (if arg-p (frob (vop-args vop) (vop-info-arg-costs info) (vop-info-arg-load-scs info) (vop-info-more-arg-costs info)) (frob (vop-results vop) (vop-info-result-costs info) (vop-info-result-load-scs info) (vop-info-more-result-costs info)))))) ;;; LISTIFY-RESTRICTIONS -- Interface ;;; ;;; Convert a load-costs vector to the list of SCs allowed by the operand ;;; restriction. ;;; (defun listify-restrictions (restr) (declare (type sc-vector restr)) (collect ((res)) (dotimes (i sc-number-limit) (when (eq (svref restr i) t) (res (svref (backend-sc-numbers *backend*) i)))) (res))) ;;; BAD-COSTS-ERROR -- Internal ;;; ;;; Try to give a helpful error message when Ref has no cost specified for ;;; some SC allowed by the TN's primitive-type. ;;; (defun bad-costs-error (ref) (declare (type tn-ref ref)) (let* ((tn (tn-ref-tn ref)) (ptype (tn-primitive-type tn))) (multiple-value-bind (arg-p pos more-p costs load-scs incon) (get-operand-info ref) (collect ((losers)) (dolist (scn (primitive-type-scs ptype)) (unless (svref costs scn) (losers (svref (backend-sc-numbers *backend*) scn)))) (unless (losers) (error "Representation selection flamed out for no obvious reason.~@ Try again after recompiling the VM definition.")) (error "~S is not valid as the ~:R ~:[result~;argument~] to the~@ ~S VOP, since the TN's primitive type ~S allows SCs:~% ~S~@ ~:[which cannot be coerced or loaded into the allowed SCs:~ ~% ~S~;~*~]~:[~;~@ Current cost info inconsistent with that in effect at compile ~ time. Recompile.~%Compilation order may be incorrect.~]" tn pos arg-p (template-name (vop-info (tn-ref-vop ref))) (primitive-type-name ptype) (mapcar #'sc-name (losers)) more-p (unless more-p (mapcar #'sc-name (listify-restrictions load-scs))) incon))))) ;;; BAD-COERCE-ERROR -- Internal ;;; ;;; Try to give a helpful error message when we fail to do a coercion ;;; for some reason. ;;; (defun bad-coerce-error (op) (declare (type tn-ref op)) (let* ((op-tn (tn-ref-tn op)) (op-sc (tn-sc op-tn)) (op-scn (sc-number op-sc)) (ptype (tn-primitive-type op-tn)) (write-p (tn-ref-write-p op))) (multiple-value-bind (arg-p pos more-p costs load-scs incon) (get-operand-info op) (declare (ignore costs more-p)) (collect ((load-lose) (no-move-scs) (move-lose)) (dotimes (i sc-number-limit) (let ((i-sc (svref (backend-sc-numbers *backend*) i))) (when (eq (svref load-scs i) t) (cond ((not (sc-allowed-by-primitive-type i-sc ptype)) (load-lose i-sc)) ((not (find-move-vop op-tn write-p i-sc ptype #'sc-move-vops)) (let ((vops (if write-p (svref (sc-move-vops op-sc) i) (svref (sc-move-vops i-sc) op-scn)))) (if vops (dolist (vop vops) (move-lose (template-name vop))) (no-move-scs i-sc)))) (t (error "Representation selection flamed out for no ~ obvious reason.")))))) (unless (or (load-lose) (no-move-scs) (move-lose)) (error "Representation selection flamed out for no obvious reason.~@ Try again after recompiling the VM definition.")) (error "~S is not valid as the ~:R ~:[result~;argument~] to VOP:~ ~% ~S~%Primitive type: ~S~@ SC restrictions:~% ~S~@ ~@[The primitive type disallows these loadable SCs:~% ~S~%~]~ ~@[No move VOPs are defined to coerce to these allowed SCs:~ ~% ~S~%~]~ ~@[These move VOPs couldn't be used due to operand type ~ restrictions:~% ~S~%~]~ ~:[~;~@ Current cost info inconsistent with that in effect at compile ~ time. Recompile.~%Compilation order may be incorrect.~]" op-tn pos arg-p (template-name (vop-info (tn-ref-vop op))) (primitive-type-name ptype) (mapcar #'sc-name (listify-restrictions load-scs)) (mapcar #'sc-name (load-lose)) (mapcar #'sc-name (no-move-scs)) (move-lose) incon))))) ;;; BAD-MOVE-ARG-ERROR -- Internal ;;; (defun bad-move-arg-error (val pass) (declare (type tn val pass)) (error "No :MOVE-ARGUMENT VOP defined to move ~S (SC ~S) to ~ ~S (SC ~S.)" val (sc-name (tn-sc val)) pass (sc-name (tn-sc pass)))) ;;;; VM Consistency Checking: ;;; ;;; We do some checking of the consistency of the VM definition at load ;;; time. ;;; CHECK-MOVE-FUNCTION-CONSISTENCY -- Interface ;;; (defun check-move-function-consistency () (dotimes (i sc-number-limit) (let ((sc (svref (backend-sc-numbers *backend*) i))) (when sc (let ((moves (sc-move-functions sc))) (dolist (const (sc-constant-scs sc)) (unless (svref moves (sc-number const)) (warn "No move function defined to load SC ~S from constant ~ SC ~S." (sc-name sc) (sc-name const)))) (dolist (alt (sc-alternate-scs sc)) (unless (svref moves (sc-number alt)) (warn "No move function defined to load SC ~S from alternate ~ SC ~S." (sc-name sc) (sc-name alt))) (unless (svref (sc-move-functions alt) i) (warn "No move function defined to save SC ~S to alternate ~ SC ~S." (sc-name sc) (sc-name alt))))))))) ;;; (check-move-function-consistency) ;;;; Representation selection: ;;; VOPs that we ignore in initial cost computation. We ignore SET in the ;;; hopes that nobody is setting specials inside of loops. We ignore ;;; TYPE-CHECK-ERROR because we don't want the possibility of error to bias the ;;; result. Notes are suppressed for T-C-E as well, since we don't need to ;;; worry about the efficiency of that case. ;;; (defconstant ignore-cost-vops '(set type-check-error)) (defconstant suppress-note-vops '(type-check-error)) (declaim (start-block select-tn-representation)) ;;; ADD-REPRESENTATION-COSTS -- Local ;;; ;;; We special-case the move VOP, since using this costs for the normal MOVE ;;; would spuriously encourage descriptor representations. We won't actually ;;; need to coerce to descriptor and back, since we will replace the MOVE with ;;; a specialized move VOP. What we do is look at the other operand. If its ;;; representation has already been chosen (e.g. if it is wired), then we use ;;; the appropriate move costs, otherwise we just ignore the references. ;;; (defun add-representation-costs (refs scs costs ops-slot costs-slot more-costs-slot write-p) (do ((ref refs (tn-ref-next ref))) ((null ref)) (flet ((add-costs (cost) (dolist (scn scs) (let ((res (svref cost scn))) (unless res (bad-costs-error ref)) (incf (svref costs scn) res))))) (let* ((vop (tn-ref-vop ref)) (info (vop-info vop))) (case (vop-info-name info) (#.ignore-cost-vops) (move (let ((rep (tn-sc (tn-ref-tn (if write-p (vop-args vop) (vop-results vop)))))) (when rep (if write-p (dolist (scn scs) (let ((res (svref (sc-move-costs (svref (backend-sc-numbers *backend*) scn)) (sc-number rep)))) (when res (incf (svref costs scn) res)))) (dolist (scn scs) (let ((res (svref (sc-move-costs rep) scn))) (when res (incf (svref costs scn) res)))))))) (t (do ((cost (funcall costs-slot info) (cdr cost)) (op (funcall ops-slot vop) (tn-ref-across op))) ((null cost) (add-costs (funcall more-costs-slot info))) (when (eq op ref) (add-costs (car cost)) (return)))))))) (undefined-value)) ;;; SELECT-TN-REPRESENTATION -- Internal ;;; ;;; Return the best representation for a normal TN. SCs is a list of the SC ;;; numbers of the SCs to select from. Costs is a scratch vector. ;;; ;;; What we do is sum the costs for each reference to TN in each of the ;;; SCs, and then return the SC having the lowest cost. ;;; (defun select-tn-representation (tn scs costs) (declare (type tn tn) (type sc-vector costs) (inline add-representation-costs)) (dolist (scn scs) (setf (svref costs scn) 0)) (add-representation-costs (tn-reads tn) scs costs #'vop-args #'vop-info-arg-costs #'vop-info-more-arg-costs nil) (add-representation-costs (tn-writes tn) scs costs #'vop-results #'vop-info-result-costs #'vop-info-more-result-costs t) (let ((min most-positive-fixnum) (min-scn nil)) (dolist (scn scs) (let ((cost (svref costs scn))) (when (< cost min) (setq min cost) (setq min-scn scn)))) (svref (backend-sc-numbers *backend*) min-scn))) (declaim (end-block)) ;;; NOTE-NUMBER-STACK-TN -- Internal ;;; ;;; Prepare for the possibility of a TN being allocated on the number stack ;;; by setting NUMBER-STACK-P in all functions that TN is referenced in and in ;;; all the functions in their tail sets. Refs is a TN-Refs list of references ;;; to the TN. ;;; (defun note-number-stack-tn (refs) (declare (type (or tn-ref null) refs)) (do ((ref refs (tn-ref-next ref))) ((null ref)) (let* ((lambda (block-home-lambda (ir2-block-block (vop-block (tn-ref-vop ref))))) (tails (lambda-tail-set lambda))) (flet ((frob (fun) (setf (ir2-environment-number-stack-p (environment-info (lambda-environment fun))) t))) (frob lambda) (when tails (dolist (fun (tail-set-functions tails)) (frob fun)))))) (undefined-value)) ;;; GET-OPERAND-NAME -- Internal ;;; ;;; If TN is a variable, return the name. If TN is used by a VOP emitted ;;; for a return, then return a string indicating this. Otherwise, return NIL. ;;; (defun get-operand-name (tn arg-p) (declare (type tn tn)) (let* ((actual (if (eq (tn-kind tn) :alias) (tn-save-tn tn) tn)) (reads (tn-reads tn)) (leaf (tn-leaf actual))) (cond ((lambda-var-p leaf) (leaf-name leaf)) ((and (not arg-p) reads (return-p (vop-node (tn-ref-vop reads)))) "<return value>") (t nil)))) ;;; DO-COERCE-EFFICIENCY-NOTE -- Internal ;;; ;;; If policy indicates, give an efficiency note for doing the a coercion ;;; Vop, where Op is the operand we are coercing for and Dest-TN is the ;;; distinct destination in a move. ;;; (defun do-coerce-efficiency-note (vop op dest-tn) (declare (type vop-info vop) (type tn-ref op) (type (or tn null) dest-tn)) (let* ((note (or (template-note vop) (template-name vop))) (cost (template-cost vop)) (op-vop (tn-ref-vop op)) (op-node (vop-node op-vop)) (op-tn (tn-ref-tn op)) (*compiler-error-context* op-node)) (cond ((eq (tn-kind op-tn) :constant)) ((policy op-node (<= speed brevity) (<= space brevity))) ((member (template-name (vop-info op-vop)) suppress-note-vops)) ((null dest-tn) (let* ((op-info (vop-info op-vop)) (op-note (or (template-note op-info) (template-name op-info))) (arg-p (not (tn-ref-write-p op))) (name (get-operand-name op-tn arg-p)) (pos (1+ (or (position-in #'tn-ref-across op (if arg-p (vop-args op-vop) (vop-results op-vop))) (error "Couldn't fine op? Bug!"))))) (compiler-note "Doing ~A (cost ~D)~:[~2*~; ~:[to~;from~] ~S~], for:~%~6T~ The ~:R ~:[result~;argument~] of ~A." note cost name arg-p name pos arg-p op-note))) (t (compiler-note "Doing ~A (cost ~D)~@[ from ~S~]~@[ to ~S~]." note cost (get-operand-name op-tn t) (get-operand-name dest-tn nil))))) (undefined-value)) ;;; FIND-MOVE-VOP -- Internal ;;; ;;; Find a move VOP to move from the operand OP-TN to some other ;;; representation corresponding to OTHER-SC and OTHER-PTYPE. Slot is the SC ;;; slot that we grab from (move or move-argument). Write-P indicates that OP ;;; is a VOP result, so OP is the move result and other is the arg, otherwise ;;; OP is the arg and other is the result. ;;; ;;; If an operand is of primitive type T, then we use the type of the other ;;; operand instead, effectively intersecting the argument and result type ;;; assertions. This way, a move VOP can restrict whichever operand makes more ;;; sense, without worrying about which operand has the type info. ;;; (defun find-move-vop (op-tn write-p other-sc other-ptype slot) (declare (type tn op-tn) (type sc other-sc) (type primitive-type other-ptype) (type function slot)) (let* ((op-sc (tn-sc op-tn)) (op-scn (sc-number op-sc)) (other-scn (sc-number other-sc)) (any-ptype (backend-any-primitive-type *backend*)) (op-ptype (tn-primitive-type op-tn))) (let ((other-ptype (if (eq other-ptype any-ptype) op-ptype other-ptype)) (op-ptype (if (eq op-ptype any-ptype) other-ptype op-ptype))) (dolist (info (if write-p (svref (funcall slot op-sc) other-scn) (svref (funcall slot other-sc) op-scn)) nil) (when (and (operand-restriction-ok (first (template-arg-types info)) (if write-p other-ptype op-ptype) :tn op-tn :t-ok nil) (operand-restriction-ok (first (template-result-types info)) (if write-p op-ptype other-ptype) :t-ok nil)) (return info)))))) ;;; EMIT-COERCE-VOP -- Internal ;;; ;;; Emit a coercion VOP for Op Before the specifed VOP or die trying. SCS ;;; is the operand's LOAD-SCS vector, which we use to determine what SCs the ;;; VOP will accept. We pick any acceptable coerce VOP, since it practice it ;;; seems uninteresting to have more than one applicable. ;;; ;;; What we do is look at each SC allowed by both the operand restriction ;;; and the operand primitive-type, and see if there is a move VOP which moves ;;; between the operand's SC and load SC. If we find such a VOP, then we make ;;; a TN having the load SC as the representation. ;;; ;;; Dest-TN is the TN that we are moving to, for a move or move-arg. This ;;; is only for efficiency notes. ;;; ;;; If the TN is an unused result TN, then we don't actually emit the move; ;;; we just change to the right kind of TN. ;;; (defun emit-coerce-vop (op dest-tn scs before) (declare (type tn-ref op) (type sc-vector scs) (type (or vop null) before) (type (or tn null) dest-tn)) (let* ((op-tn (tn-ref-tn op)) (ptype (tn-primitive-type op-tn)) (write-p (tn-ref-write-p op)) (vop (tn-ref-vop op)) (node (vop-node vop)) (block (vop-block vop))) (dotimes (i sc-number-limit (bad-coerce-error op)) (let ((i-sc (svref (backend-sc-numbers *backend*) i))) (when (and (eq (svref scs i) t) (sc-allowed-by-primitive-type i-sc ptype)) (let ((res (find-move-vop op-tn write-p i-sc ptype #'sc-move-vops))) (when res (when (>= (vop-info-cost res) *efficiency-note-cost-threshold*) (do-coerce-efficiency-note res op dest-tn)) (let ((temp (make-representation-tn ptype i))) (change-tn-ref-tn op temp) (cond ((not write-p) (emit-move-template node block res op-tn temp before)) ((and (null (tn-reads op-tn)) (eq (tn-kind op-tn) :normal))) (t (emit-move-template node block res temp op-tn before)))) (return)))))))) ;;; COERCE-SOME-OPERANDS -- Internal ;;; ;;; Scan some operands and call EMIT-COERCE-VOP on any for which we can't ;;; load the operand. The coerce VOP is inserted Before the specified VOP. ;;; Dest-TN is the destination TN if we are doing a move or move-arg, and is ;;; NIL otherwise. This is only used for efficiency notes. ;;; (proclaim '(inline coerce-some-operands)) (defun coerce-some-operands (ops dest-tn load-scs before) (declare (type (or tn-ref null) ops) (list load-scs) (type (or tn null) dest-tn) (type (or vop null) before)) (do ((op ops (tn-ref-across op)) (scs load-scs (cdr scs))) ((null scs)) (unless (svref (car scs) (sc-number (tn-sc (tn-ref-tn op)))) (emit-coerce-vop op dest-tn (car scs) before))) (undefined-value)) ;;; COERCE-VOP-OPERANDS -- Internal ;;; ;;; Emit coerce VOPs for the args and results, as needed. ;;; (defun coerce-vop-operands (vop) (declare (type vop vop)) (let ((info (vop-info vop))) (coerce-some-operands (vop-args vop) nil (vop-info-arg-load-scs info) vop) (coerce-some-operands (vop-results vop) nil (vop-info-result-load-scs info) (vop-next vop))) (undefined-value)) ;;; EMIT-ARG-MOVES -- Internal ;;; ;;; Iterate over the more operands to a call VOP, emitting move-arg VOPs and ;;; any necessary coercions. We determine which FP to use by looking at the ;;; MOVE-ARGS annotation. If the vop is a :LOCAL-CALL, we insert any needed ;;; coercions before the ALLOCATE-FRAME so that lifetime analysis doesn't get ;;; confused (since otherwise, only passing locations are written between A-F ;;; and call.) ;;; (defun emit-arg-moves (vop) (let* ((info (vop-info vop)) (node (vop-node vop)) (block (vop-block vop)) (how (vop-info-move-args info)) (args (vop-args vop)) (fp-tn (tn-ref-tn args)) (nfp-tn (if (eq how :local-call) (tn-ref-tn (tn-ref-across args)) nil)) (pass-locs (first (vop-codegen-info vop))) (prev (vop-prev vop))) (do ((val (do ((arg args (tn-ref-across arg)) (req (template-arg-types info) (cdr req))) ((null req) arg)) (tn-ref-across val)) (pass pass-locs (cdr pass))) ((null val) (assert (null pass))) (let* ((val-tn (tn-ref-tn val)) (pass-tn (first pass)) (pass-sc (tn-sc pass-tn)) (res (find-move-vop val-tn nil pass-sc (tn-primitive-type pass-tn) #'sc-move-arg-vops))) (unless res (bad-move-arg-error val-tn pass-tn)) (change-tn-ref-tn val pass-tn) (let* ((this-fp (cond ((not (sc-number-stack-p pass-sc)) fp-tn) (nfp-tn) (t (assert (eq how :known-return)) (setq nfp-tn (make-number-stack-pointer-tn)) (setf (tn-sc nfp-tn) (svref (backend-sc-numbers *backend*) (first (primitive-type-scs (tn-primitive-type nfp-tn))))) (emit-context-template node block (template-or-lose 'compute-old-nfp *backend*) nfp-tn vop) (assert (not (sc-number-stack-p (tn-sc nfp-tn)))) nfp-tn))) (new (emit-move-arg-template node block res val-tn this-fp pass-tn vop)) (after (cond ((eq how :local-call) (assert (eq (vop-info-name (vop-info prev)) 'allocate-frame)) prev) (prev (vop-next prev)) (t (ir2-block-start-vop block))))) (coerce-some-operands (vop-args new) pass-tn (vop-info-arg-load-scs res) after))))) (undefined-value)) ;;; EMIT-MOVES-AND-COERCIONS -- Internal ;;; ;;; Scan the IR2 looking for move operations that need to be replaced with ;;; special-case VOPs and emitting coercion VOPs for operands of normal VOPs. ;;; We delete moves to TNs that are never read at this point, rather than ;;; possibly converting them to some expensive move operation. ;;; (defun emit-moves-and-coercions (block) (declare (type ir2-block block)) (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block) (vop-next vop))) ((null vop)) (let ((info (vop-info vop)) (node (vop-node vop)) (block (vop-block vop))) (cond ((eq (vop-info-name info) 'move) (let* ((args (vop-args vop)) (x (tn-ref-tn args)) (y (tn-ref-tn (vop-results vop))) (res (find-move-vop x nil (tn-sc y) (tn-primitive-type y) #'sc-move-vops))) (cond ((and (null (tn-reads y)) (eq (tn-kind y) :normal)) (delete-vop vop)) ((eq res info)) (res (when (>= (vop-info-cost res) *efficiency-note-cost-threshold*) (do-coerce-efficiency-note res args y)) (emit-move-template node block res x y vop) (delete-vop vop)) (t (coerce-vop-operands vop))))) ((vop-info-move-args info) (emit-arg-moves vop)) (t (coerce-vop-operands vop)))))) ;;; NOTE-IF-NUMBER-STACK -- Internal ;;; ;;; If TN is in a number stack SC, make all the right annotations. Note ;;; that this should be called after TN has been referenced, since it must ;;; iterate over the referencing environments. ;;; (proclaim '(inline note-if-number-stack)) (defun note-if-number-stack (tn 2comp restricted) (declare (type tn tn) (type ir2-component 2comp)) (when (if restricted (eq (sb-name (sc-sb (tn-sc tn))) 'non-descriptor-stack) (sc-number-stack-p (tn-sc tn))) (unless (ir2-component-nfp 2comp) (setf (ir2-component-nfp 2comp) (make-nfp-tn))) (note-number-stack-tn (tn-reads tn)) (note-number-stack-tn (tn-writes tn))) (undefined-value)) ;;; SELECT-REPRESENTATIONS -- Interface ;;; ;;; Entry to representation selection. First we select the representation ;;; for all normal TNs, setting the TN-SC. After selecting the TN ;;; representations, we set the SC for all :ALIAS TNs to be the representation ;;; chosen for the original TN. We then scan all the IR2, emitting any ;;; necessary coerce and move-arg VOPs. Finally, we scan all TNs looking for ;;; ones that might be placed on the number stack, noting this so that the ;;; number-FP can be allocated. This must be done last, since references in ;;; new environments may be introduced by MOVE-ARG insertion. ;;; (defun select-representations (component) (let ((costs (make-array sc-number-limit)) (2comp (component-info component))) (do ((tn (ir2-component-normal-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn))) ((null tn)) (assert (tn-primitive-type tn)) (unless (tn-sc tn) (let* ((scs (primitive-type-scs (tn-primitive-type tn))) (sc (if (rest scs) (select-tn-representation tn scs costs) (svref (backend-sc-numbers *backend*) (first scs))))) (assert sc) (setf (tn-sc tn) sc)))) (do ((alias (ir2-component-alias-tns 2comp) (tn-next alias))) ((null alias)) (setf (tn-sc alias) (tn-sc (tn-save-tn alias)))) (do-ir2-blocks (block component) (emit-moves-and-coercions block)) (macrolet ((frob (slot restricted) `(do ((tn (,slot 2comp) (tn-next tn))) ((null tn)) (note-if-number-stack tn 2comp ,restricted)))) (frob ir2-component-normal-tns nil) (frob ir2-component-wired-tns t) (frob ir2-component-restricted-tns t))) (undefined-value))