;;; -*- Package: SPARC -*- ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at ;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain. ;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact ;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; ;;; $Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/compiler/sparc/macros.lisp,v 1.7 1992/07/31 21:49:19 wlott Exp $ ;;; ;;; This file contains various useful macros for generating SPARC code. ;;; ;;; Written by William Lott. ;;; (in-package "SPARC") ;;; Instruction-like macros. (defmacro move (dst src) "Move SRC into DST unless they are location=." (once-only ((n-dst dst) (n-src src)) `(unless (location= ,n-dst ,n-src) (inst move ,n-dst ,n-src)))) (macrolet ((frob (op inst shift) `(defmacro ,op (object base &optional (offset 0) (lowtag 0)) `(inst ,',inst ,object ,base (- (ash ,offset ,,shift) ,lowtag))))) (frob loadw ld word-shift) (frob storew st word-shift)) (defmacro load-symbol (reg symbol) `(inst add ,reg null-tn (static-symbol-offset ,symbol))) (macrolet ((frob (slot) (let ((loader (intern (concatenate 'simple-string "LOAD-SYMBOL-" (string slot)))) (storer (intern (concatenate 'simple-string "STORE-SYMBOL-" (string slot)))) (offset (intern (concatenate 'simple-string "SYMBOL-" (string slot) "-SLOT") (find-package "VM")))) `(progn (defmacro ,loader (reg symbol) `(inst ld ,reg null-tn (+ (static-symbol-offset ',symbol) (ash ,',offset word-shift) (- other-pointer-type)))) (defmacro ,storer (reg symbol) `(inst st ,reg null-tn (+ (static-symbol-offset ',symbol) (ash ,',offset word-shift) (- other-pointer-type)))))))) (frob value) (frob function)) (defmacro load-type (target source &optional (offset 0)) "Loads the type bits of a pointer into target independent of byte-ordering issues." (once-only ((n-target target) (n-source source) (n-offset offset)) (ecase (backend-byte-order *target-backend*) (:little-endian `(inst ldub ,n-target ,n-source ,n-offset)) (:big-endian `(inst ldub ,n-target ,n-source (+ ,n-offset 3)))))) ;;; Macros to handle the fact that we cannot use the machine native call and ;;; return instructions. (defmacro lisp-jump (function) "Jump to the lisp function FUNCTION. LIP is an interior-reg temporary." `(progn (inst j ,function (- (ash function-header-code-offset word-shift) function-pointer-type)) (move code-tn ,function))) (defmacro lisp-return (return-pc &key (offset 0) (frob-code t)) "Return to RETURN-PC." `(progn (inst j ,return-pc (- (* (1+ ,offset) word-bytes) other-pointer-type)) ,(if frob-code `(move code-tn ,return-pc) '(inst nop)))) (defmacro emit-return-pc (label) "Emit a return-pc header word. LABEL is the label to use for this return-pc." `(progn (align lowtag-bits) (emit-label ,label) (inst lra-header-word))) ;;;; Stack TN's ;;; Load-Stack-TN, Store-Stack-TN -- Interface ;;; ;;; Move a stack TN to a register and vice-versa. ;;; (defmacro load-stack-tn (reg stack) `(let ((reg ,reg) (stack ,stack)) (let ((offset (tn-offset stack))) (sc-case stack ((control-stack) (loadw reg cfp-tn offset)))))) (defmacro store-stack-tn (stack reg) `(let ((stack ,stack) (reg ,reg)) (let ((offset (tn-offset stack))) (sc-case stack ((control-stack) (storew reg cfp-tn offset)))))) ;;; MAYBE-LOAD-STACK-TN -- Interface ;;; (defmacro maybe-load-stack-tn (reg reg-or-stack) "Move the TN Reg-Or-Stack into Reg if it isn't already there." (once-only ((n-reg reg) (n-stack reg-or-stack)) `(sc-case ,n-reg ((any-reg descriptor-reg) (sc-case ,n-stack ((any-reg descriptor-reg) (move ,n-reg ,n-stack)) ((control-stack) (loadw ,n-reg cfp-tn (tn-offset ,n-stack)))))))) ;;;; Storage allocation: (defmacro with-fixed-allocation ((result-tn temp-tn type-code size) &body body) "Do stuff to allocate an other-pointer object of fixed Size with a single word header having the specified Type-Code. The result is placed in Result-TN, and Temp-TN is a non-descriptor temp (which may be randomly used by the body.) The body is placed inside the PSEUDO-ATOMIC, and presumably initializes the object." (once-only ((result-tn result-tn) (temp-tn temp-tn) (type-code type-code) (size size)) `(pseudo-atomic (:extra (pad-data-block ,size)) (inst or ,result-tn alloc-tn other-pointer-type) (inst li ,temp-tn (logior (ash (1- ,size) type-bits) ,type-code)) (storew ,temp-tn ,result-tn 0 other-pointer-type) ,@body))) ;;;; Type testing noise. ;;; GEN-RANGE-TEST -- internal ;;; ;;; Generate code that branches to TARGET iff REG contains one of VALUES. ;;; If NOT-P is true, invert the test. Jumping to NOT-TARGET is the same ;;; as falling out the bottom. ;;; (defun gen-range-test (reg target not-target not-p min seperation max values) (let ((tests nil) (start nil) (end nil) (insts nil)) (multiple-value-bind (equal less-or-equal greater-or-equal label) (if not-p (values :ne :gt :lt not-target) (values :eq :le :ge target)) (flet ((emit-test () (if (= start end) (push start tests) (push (cons start end) tests)))) (dolist (value values) (cond ((< value min) (error "~S is less than the specified minimum of ~S" value min)) ((> value max) (error "~S is greater than the specified maximum of ~S" value max)) ((not (zerop (rem (- value min) seperation))) (error "~S isn't an even multiple of ~S from ~S" value seperation min)) ((null start) (setf start value)) ((> value (+ end seperation)) (emit-test) (setf start value))) (setf end value)) (emit-test)) (macrolet ((inst (name &rest args) `(push (list 'inst ',name ,@args) insts))) (do ((remaining (nreverse tests) (cdr remaining))) ((null remaining)) (let ((test (car remaining)) (last (null (cdr remaining)))) (if (atom test) (progn (inst cmp reg test) (if last (inst b equal target) (inst b :eq label))) (let ((start (car test)) (end (cdr test))) (cond ((and (= start min) (= end max)) (warn "The values ~S cover the entire range from ~ ~S to ~S [step ~S]." values min max seperation) (push `(unless ,not-p (inst b ,target)) insts)) ((= start min) (inst cmp reg end) (if last (inst b less-or-equal target) (inst b :le label))) ((= end max) (inst cmp reg start) (if last (inst b greater-or-equal target) (inst b :ge label))) (t (inst cmp reg start) (inst b :lt (if not-p target not-target)) (inst cmp reg end) (if last (inst b less-or-equal target) (inst b :le label)))))))))) (nreverse insts))) (defun gen-other-immediate-test (reg target not-target not-p values) (gen-range-test reg target not-target not-p (+ other-immediate-0-type lowtag-limit) (- other-immediate-1-type other-immediate-0-type) (ash 1 type-bits) values)) (defun test-type-aux (reg temp target not-target not-p lowtags immed hdrs function-p) (let* ((fixnump (and (member even-fixnum-type lowtags :test #'eql) (member odd-fixnum-type lowtags :test #'eql))) (lowtags (sort (if fixnump (delete even-fixnum-type (remove odd-fixnum-type lowtags :test #'eql) :test #'eql) (copy-list lowtags)) #'<)) (lowtag (if function-p vm:function-pointer-type vm:other-pointer-type)) (hdrs (sort (copy-list hdrs) #'<)) (immed (sort (copy-list immed) #'<))) (append (when immed `((inst and ,temp ,reg type-mask) ,@(if (or fixnump lowtags hdrs) (let ((fall-through (gensym))) `((let (,fall-through (gen-label)) ,@(gen-other-immediate-test temp (if not-p not-target target) fall-through nil immed) (emit-label ,fall-through)))) (gen-other-immediate-test temp target not-target not-p immed)))) (when fixnump `((inst andcc zero-tn ,reg 3) ,(if (or lowtags hdrs) `(inst b :eq ,(if not-p not-target target)) `(inst b ,(if not-p :ne :eq) ,target)))) (when (or lowtags hdrs) `((inst and ,temp ,reg lowtag-mask))) (when lowtags (if hdrs (let ((fall-through (gensym))) `((let ((,fall-through (gen-label))) ,@(gen-range-test temp (if not-p not-target target) fall-through nil 0 1 (1- lowtag-limit) lowtags) (emit-label ,fall-through)))) (gen-range-test temp target not-target not-p 0 1 (1- lowtag-limit) lowtags))) (when hdrs `((inst cmp ,temp ,lowtag) (inst b :ne ,(if not-p target not-target)) (inst nop) (load-type ,temp ,reg (- ,lowtag)) ,@(gen-other-immediate-test temp target not-target not-p hdrs)))))) (defconstant immediate-types (list base-char-type unbound-marker-type)) (defconstant function-subtypes (list funcallable-instance-header-type closure-header-type function-header-type closure-function-header-type)) (defmacro test-type (register temp target not-p &rest type-codes) (let* ((type-codes (mapcar #'eval type-codes)) (lowtags (remove lowtag-limit type-codes :test #'<)) (extended (remove lowtag-limit type-codes :test #'>)) (immediates (intersection extended immediate-types :test #'eql)) (headers (set-difference extended immediate-types :test #'eql)) (function-p nil)) (unless type-codes (error "Must supply at least on type for test-type.")) (when (and headers (member other-pointer-type lowtags)) (warn "OTHER-POINTER-TYPE supersedes the use of ~S" headers) (setf headers nil)) (when (and immediates (or (member other-immediate-0-type lowtags) (member other-immediate-1-type lowtags))) (warn "OTHER-IMMEDIATE-n-TYPE supersedes the use of ~S" immediates) (setf immediates nil)) (when (intersection headers function-subtypes) (unless (subsetp headers function-subtypes) (error "Can't test for mix of function subtypes and normal ~ header types.")) (setq function-p t)) (let ((n-reg (gensym)) (n-temp (gensym)) (n-target (gensym)) (not-target (gensym))) `(let ((,n-reg ,register) (,n-temp ,temp) (,n-target ,target) (,not-target (gen-label))) (declare (ignorable ,n-temp)) ,@(if (constantp not-p) (test-type-aux n-reg n-temp n-target not-target (eval not-p) lowtags immediates headers function-p) `((cond (,not-p ,@(test-type-aux n-reg n-temp n-target not-target t lowtags immediates headers function-p)) (t ,@(test-type-aux n-reg n-temp n-target not-target nil lowtags immediates headers function-p))))) (inst nop) (emit-label ,not-target))))) ;;;; Error Code (defvar *adjustable-vectors* nil) (defmacro with-adjustable-vector ((var) &rest body) `(let ((,var (or (pop *adjustable-vectors*) (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))) (setf (fill-pointer ,var) 0) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (push ,var *adjustable-vectors*)))) (eval-when (compile load eval) (defun emit-error-break (vop kind code values) (let ((vector (gensym))) `((let ((vop ,vop)) (when vop (note-this-location vop :internal-error))) (inst unimp ,kind) (with-adjustable-vector (,vector) (write-var-integer (error-number-or-lose ',code) ,vector) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (tn) `(let ((tn ,tn)) (write-var-integer (make-sc-offset (sc-number (tn-sc tn)) (tn-offset tn)) ,vector))) values) (inst byte (length ,vector)) (dotimes (i (length ,vector)) (inst byte (aref ,vector i)))) (align word-shift))))) (defmacro error-call (vop error-code &rest values) "Cause an error. ERROR-CODE is the error to cause." (cons 'progn (emit-error-break vop error-trap error-code values))) (defmacro cerror-call (vop label error-code &rest values) "Cause a continuable error. If the error is continued, execution resumes at LABEL." `(progn (inst b ,label) ,@(emit-error-break vop cerror-trap error-code values))) (defmacro generate-error-code (vop error-code &rest values) "Generate-Error-Code Error-code Value* Emit code for an error with the specified Error-Code and context Values." `(assemble (*elsewhere*) (let ((start-lab (gen-label))) (emit-label start-lab) (error-call ,vop ,error-code ,@values) start-lab))) (defmacro generate-cerror-code (vop error-code &rest values) "Generate-CError-Code Error-code Value* Emit code for a continuable error with the specified Error-Code and context Values. If the error is continued, execution resumes after the GENERATE-CERROR-CODE form." (let ((continue (gensym "CONTINUE-LABEL-")) (error (gensym "ERROR-LABEL-"))) `(let ((,continue (gen-label))) (emit-label ,continue) (assemble (*elsewhere*) (let ((,error (gen-label))) (emit-label ,error) (cerror-call ,vop ,continue ,error-code ,@values) ,error))))) ;;; PSEUDO-ATOMIC -- Handy macro for making sequences look atomic. ;;; (defmacro pseudo-atomic ((&key (extra 0)) &rest forms) (let ((n-extra (gensym))) `(let ((,n-extra ,extra)) (without-scheduling () (inst add alloc-tn 4)) ,@forms (without-scheduling () (inst taddcctv alloc-tn (- ,n-extra 4))))))