;;; -*- Log: hemlock.log; Package: Hemlock-Internals -*- ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain. ;;; If you want to use this code or any part of CMU Common Lisp, please contact ;;; Scott Fahlman or slisp-group@cs.cmu.edu. ;;; (ext:file-comment "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/hemlock/streams.lisp,v 1992/02/15 01:02:09 wlott Exp $") ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; ;;; This file contains definitions of various types of streams used ;;; in Hemlock. They are implementation dependant, but should be ;;; portable to all implementations based on Spice Lisp with little ;;; difficulty. ;;; ;;; Written by Skef Wholey and Rob MacLachlan. ;;; (in-package "HEMLOCK-INTERNALS") (export '(make-hemlock-output-stream hemlock-region-stream hemlock-region-stream-p hemlock-output-stream make-hemlock-region-stream hemlock-output-stream-p make-kbdmac-stream modify-kbdmac-stream)) (defstruct (hemlock-output-stream (:include stream (:misc #'hemlock-output-misc)) (:print-function %print-hemlock-output-stream) (:constructor internal-make-hemlock-output-stream ())) ;; ;; The mark we insert at. mark) (defun %print-hemlock-output-stream (s stream d) (declare (ignore d s)) (write-string "#<Hemlock output stream>" stream)) (defun make-hemlock-output-stream (mark &optional (buffered :line)) "Returns an output stream whose output will be inserted at the Mark. Buffered, which indicates to what extent the stream may be buffered is one of the following: :None -- The screen is brought up to date after each stream operation. :Line -- The screen is brought up to date when a newline is written. :Full -- The screen is not updated except explicitly via Force-Output." (modify-hemlock-output-stream (internal-make-hemlock-output-stream) mark buffered)) (defun modify-hemlock-output-stream (stream mark buffered) (unless (and (markp mark) (memq (mark-kind mark) '(:right-inserting :left-inserting))) (error "~S is not a permanent mark." mark)) (setf (hemlock-output-stream-mark stream) mark) (case buffered (:none (setf (lisp::stream-out stream) #'hemlock-output-unbuffered-out (lisp::stream-sout stream) #'hemlock-output-unbuffered-sout)) (:line (setf (lisp::stream-out stream) #'hemlock-output-line-buffered-out (lisp::stream-sout stream) #'hemlock-output-line-buffered-sout)) (:full (setf (lisp::stream-out stream) #'hemlock-output-buffered-out (lisp::stream-sout stream) #'hemlock-output-buffered-sout)) (t (error "~S is a losing value for Buffered." buffered))) stream) (defmacro with-left-inserting-mark ((var form) &body forms) (let ((change (gensym))) `(let* ((,var ,form) (,change (eq (mark-kind ,var) :right-inserting))) (unwind-protect (progn (when ,change (setf (mark-kind ,var) :left-inserting)) ,@forms) (when ,change (setf (mark-kind ,var) :right-inserting)))))) (defun hemlock-output-unbuffered-out (stream character) (with-left-inserting-mark (mark (hemlock-output-stream-mark stream)) (insert-character mark character) (redisplay-windows-from-mark mark))) (defun hemlock-output-unbuffered-sout (stream string start end) (with-left-inserting-mark (mark (hemlock-output-stream-mark stream)) (insert-string mark string start end) (redisplay-windows-from-mark mark))) (defun hemlock-output-buffered-out (stream character) (with-left-inserting-mark (mark (hemlock-output-stream-mark stream)) (insert-character mark character))) (defun hemlock-output-buffered-sout (stream string start end) (with-left-inserting-mark (mark (hemlock-output-stream-mark stream)) (insert-string mark string start end))) (defun hemlock-output-line-buffered-out (stream character) (with-left-inserting-mark (mark (hemlock-output-stream-mark stream)) (insert-character mark character) (when (char= character #\newline) (redisplay-windows-from-mark mark)))) (defun hemlock-output-line-buffered-sout (stream string start end) (declare (simple-string string)) (with-left-inserting-mark (mark (hemlock-output-stream-mark stream)) (insert-string mark string start end) (when (find #\newline string :start start :end end) (redisplay-windows-from-mark mark)))) (defun hemlock-output-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2) (declare (ignore arg1 arg2)) (case operation (:charpos (mark-charpos (hemlock-output-stream-mark stream))) (:line-length (let* ((buffer (line-buffer (mark-line (hemlock-output-stream-mark stream))))) (when buffer (do ((w (buffer-windows buffer) (cdr w)) (min most-positive-fixnum (min (window-width (car w)) min))) ((null w) (if (/= min most-positive-fixnum) min)))))) ((:finish-output :force-output) (redisplay-windows-from-mark (hemlock-output-stream-mark stream))) (:close (setf (hemlock-output-stream-mark stream) nil)) (:element-type 'base-char))) (defstruct (hemlock-region-stream (:include stream (:in #'region-in) (:misc #'region-misc) (:in-buffer (make-string lisp::in-buffer-length))) (:print-function %print-region-stream) (:constructor internal-make-hemlock-region-stream (region mark))) ;; ;; The region we read from. region ;; ;; The mark pointing to the next character to read. mark) (defun %print-region-stream (s stream d) (declare (ignore s d)) (write-string "#<Hemlock region stream>" stream)) (defun make-hemlock-region-stream (region) "Returns an input stream that will return successive characters from the given Region when asked for input." (internal-make-hemlock-region-stream region (copy-mark (region-start region) :right-inserting))) (defun modify-hemlock-region-stream (stream region) (setf (hemlock-region-stream-region stream) region (lisp::stream-in-index stream) lisp::in-buffer-length) (let* ((mark (hemlock-region-stream-mark stream)) (start (region-start region)) (start-line (mark-line start))) ;; Make sure it's dead. (delete-mark mark) (setf (mark-line mark) start-line (mark-charpos mark) (mark-charpos start)) (push mark (line-marks start-line))) stream) (defun region-readline (stream eof-errorp eof-value) (close-line) (let ((mark (hemlock-region-stream-mark stream)) (end (region-end (hemlock-region-stream-region stream)))) (cond ((mark>= mark end) (if eof-errorp (error "~A hit end of file." stream) (values eof-value nil))) ((eq (mark-line mark) (mark-line end)) (let* ((limit (mark-charpos end)) (charpos (mark-charpos mark)) (dst-end (- limit charpos)) (result (make-string dst-end))) (declare (simple-string result)) (%sp-byte-blt (line-chars (mark-line mark)) charpos result 0 dst-end) (setf (mark-charpos mark) limit) (values result t))) ((= (mark-charpos mark) 0) (let* ((line (mark-line mark)) (next (line-next line))) (always-change-line mark next) (values (line-chars line) nil))) (t (let* ((line (mark-line mark)) (chars (line-chars line)) (next (line-next line)) (charpos (mark-charpos mark)) (dst-end (- (length chars) charpos)) (result (make-string dst-end))) (declare (simple-string chars result)) (%sp-byte-blt chars charpos result 0 dst-end) (setf (mark-charpos mark) 0) (always-change-line mark next) (values result nil)))))) (defun region-in (stream eof-errorp eof-value) (close-line) (let* ((mark (hemlock-region-stream-mark stream)) (charpos (mark-charpos mark)) (line (mark-line mark)) (chars (line-chars line)) (length (length chars)) (last (region-end (hemlock-region-stream-region stream))) (last-line (mark-line last)) (buffer (lisp::stream-in-buffer stream)) (start 0) (len 0)) (declare (fixnum length charpos start len) (simple-string chars)) (cond ((eq line last-line) (let ((last-charpos (mark-charpos last))) (setq len (- last-charpos charpos)) (cond ((>= charpos last-charpos) (if eof-errorp (error "~A hit end of file." stream) (return-from region-in eof-value))) ((> len lisp::in-buffer-length) (%sp-byte-blt chars charpos buffer 0 lisp::in-buffer-length) (setq start 0 len lisp::in-buffer-length)) (t (setq start (- lisp::in-buffer-length len)) (%sp-byte-blt chars charpos buffer start lisp::in-buffer-length))))) ((line> line last-line) (if eof-errorp (error "~a hit end of file." stream) (return-from region-in eof-value))) (t (setq len (- length charpos)) (cond ((< len lisp::in-buffer-length) (let ((end (1- lisp::in-buffer-length))) (setq start (- lisp::in-buffer-length len 1)) (%sp-byte-blt chars charpos buffer start end) (setf (schar buffer end) #\newline)) (incf len)) (t (%sp-byte-blt chars charpos buffer 0 lisp::in-buffer-length) (setq start 0 len lisp::in-buffer-length))))) (setf (lisp::stream-in-index stream) (1+ start)) (character-offset mark len) (schar buffer start))) (defun region-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2) (case operation (:listen (mark< (hemlock-region-stream-mark stream) (region-end (hemlock-region-stream-region stream)))) (:read-line (region-readline stream arg1 arg2)) (:clear-input (move-mark (hemlock-region-stream-mark stream) (region-end (hemlock-region-stream-region stream)))) (:close (delete-mark (hemlock-region-stream-mark stream)) (setf (hemlock-region-stream-region stream) nil)) (:element-type 'base-char))) ;;;; Stuff to support keyboard macros. (defstruct (kbdmac-stream (:include editor-input (:get #'kbdmac-get) (:unget #'kbdmac-unget) (:listen #'kbdmac-listen)) (:constructor make-kbdmac-stream ())) buffer ; The simple-vector that holds the characters. index) ; Index of the next character. (defun kbdmac-get (stream ignore-abort-attempts-p) (declare (ignore ignore-abort-attempts-p)) (let ((index (kbdmac-stream-index stream))) (setf (kbdmac-stream-index stream) (1+ index)) (setq *last-key-event-typed* (svref (kbdmac-stream-buffer stream) index)))) (defun kbdmac-unget (ignore stream) (declare (ignore ignore)) (if (plusp (kbdmac-stream-index stream)) (decf (kbdmac-stream-index stream)) (error "Nothing to unread."))) (defun kbdmac-listen (stream) (declare (ignore stream)) t) ;;; MODIFY-KBDMAC-STREAM -- Internal ;;; ;;; Bash the kbdmac-stream Stream so that it will return the Input. ;;; (defun modify-kbdmac-stream (stream input) (setf (kbdmac-stream-index stream) 0) (setf (kbdmac-stream-buffer stream) input) stream)