diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 74dd1355f63c64cbfa510a918e9d00e2c643c9fd..cbc47057eaa1f609daa401f36e06aabfe1ae4b53 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ serve:
 	mkdir -p output/static
-	cp -rf content/static/* output/static
+#	cp -rf content/static/* output/static
 	cp content/favicon.ico output/
diff --git a/globals.lisp b/globals.lisp
index 46fa4b80ae3537d4483ac0f62ca4fd4b28c68bb6..5d531f42faf09397632df8c6233a0e2e36f1a537 100644
--- a/globals.lisp
+++ b/globals.lisp
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
-(in-package :cl-site)
-(defparameter *LAYOUT-DIR* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-site "layout/templates/")
-  "Pathname for location of template files.")
-(defparameter *OUTPUT-DIR* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-site "output/")
-  "Pathname where the generated output should be written to.")
-;; @TO-DO: store layout name as global, generate js/css pathnames from it. 
-;; (More template-related variables may go here in the future)
-(defparameter *DEFAULT-PAGE-TEMPLATE* "layout_2018.html"
-  "Default template to use unless another is explicitly specified.")
-;; @TO-DO: replace this with better css preprocessing.
-(defparameter *STYLES-DIR* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-site "layout/css/")
-  "Pathname for location and list of styles.")
-(defparameter *STYLES* 
-  (list "layout_2018.css")
-  "A list of strings representing relative filenames.")
-;; JS files - separate from static files, because they are processed differently
-;; within the template.
-(defparameter *SCRIPTS-DIR* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-site "layout/js/")
-  "Pathname for location and list of scripts.")
-(defparameter *SCRIPTS*
-  (list "scripts.js")
-  "A list of strings representing relative filenames.")
-;; General static files - images etc
-(defparameter *STATIC-DIR* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-site "layout/static/")
-  "Pathname for location of static files.")
-;; The only REQUIRED field is :content which must be the filename of the page content
-;; The :content field will NOT be sent to the template.
-;; @TO-DO: store fields within content files and parse them out.
-(defparameter *PAGES-DIR* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-site "content/")
-  "Pathname for location of page content.")
-(defparameter *PRIVATE-KEYS* '(:slug :content))
-;; Extra context for pages
-(defparameter *PAGE-CONTEXT*
-  `(("about.html" ((:title . "Common-Lisp.net | About")))
-    ("index.html" ((:title . "Welcome to Common-Lisp.net!")))
-    ("faq.html" ((:title . "Frequently asked questions")))
-    ("gitlab-migration-repository-mapping.html" ((:title . "GitLab migration")))
-    ("gitlab-migration-status.html" ((:title . "Migration to GitLab")))
-    ("independent-lists.html" ((:title . "Independent Mailing Lists")))
-    ("orphaned-mailing-lists.html" ((:title . "Orphaned mailing lists")))
-    ("orphaned-projects.html" ((:title . "Orphaned projects")))
-    ("phub.html" ((:title . "Projects")))
-    ("project-intro.html" ((:title . "Project Hosting")))))
-(defun page-context (filename)
-  (cadr (assoc filename *page-context* :test 'equalp)))
-(defun page-title (filename)
-  (or (cdr (assoc :title (page-context filename)))
-      (format nil "Common-Lisp.net | ~a"
-              (string-capitalize
-               (pathname-name (pathname filename))))))
-(defparameter *PAGES* 
-  (mapcar (lambda (p)
-            (let ((context
-                   (append (list (cons :content (file-namestring p)))
-                           (page-context (file-namestring p)))))
-              (when (not (assoc :title context))
-                (push (cons :title (page-title (file-namestring p)))
-                      context))
-              context))                         
-	  (directory (make-pathname :defaults *PAGES-DIR*
-				    :name :wild
-				    :type "html")))
-  "Each page is an alist containing info to be sent to the template via the context.")
-;; Initialize global context (will be appended to all individual page contexts)
-;; Used to store things like stylesheets, etc...
-(defparameter *GLOBAL-CONTEXT* ())
+;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
+(in-package :cl-site)
+(defparameter *LAYOUT-DIR* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-site "layout/templates/")
+  "Pathname for location of template files.")
+(defparameter *OUTPUT-DIR* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-site "output/")
+  "Pathname where the generated output should be written to.")
+;; @TO-DO: store layout name as global, generate js/css pathnames from it. 
+;; (More template-related variables may go here in the future)
+(defparameter *DEFAULT-PAGE-TEMPLATE* "layout_2018.html"
+  "Default template to use unless another is explicitly specified.")
+;; @TO-DO: replace this with better css preprocessing.
+(defparameter *STYLES-DIR* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-site "layout/css/")
+  "Pathname for location and list of styles.")
+(defparameter *STYLES* 
+  (list "layout_2018.css")
+  "A list of strings representing relative filenames.")
+;; JS files - separate from static files, because they are processed differently
+;; within the template.
+(defparameter *SCRIPTS-DIR* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-site "layout/js/")
+  "Pathname for location and list of scripts.")
+(defparameter *SCRIPTS*
+  (list "scripts.js")
+  "A list of strings representing relative filenames.")
+;; General static files - images etc
+(defparameter *STATIC-DIR* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-site "content/static/")
+  "Pathname for location of static files.")
+;; The only REQUIRED field is :content which must be the filename of the page content
+;; The :content field will NOT be sent to the template.
+;; @TO-DO: store fields within content files and parse them out.
+(defparameter *PAGES-DIR* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-site "content/")
+  "Pathname for location of page content.")
+(defparameter *PRIVATE-KEYS* '(:slug :content))
+;; Extra context for pages
+(defparameter *PAGE-CONTEXT*
+  `(("about.html" ((:title . "Common-Lisp.net | About")))
+    ("index.html" ((:title . "Welcome to Common-Lisp.net!")))
+    ("faq.html" ((:title . "Frequently asked questions")))
+    ("gitlab-migration-repository-mapping.html" ((:title . "GitLab migration")))
+    ("gitlab-migration-status.html" ((:title . "Migration to GitLab")))
+    ("independent-lists.html" ((:title . "Independent Mailing Lists")))
+    ("orphaned-mailing-lists.html" ((:title . "Orphaned mailing lists")))
+    ("orphaned-projects.html" ((:title . "Orphaned projects")))
+    ("phub.html" ((:title . "Projects")))
+    ("project-intro.html" ((:title . "Project Hosting")))))
+(defun page-context (filename)
+  (cadr (assoc filename *page-context* :test 'equalp)))
+(defun page-title (filename)
+  (or (cdr (assoc :title (page-context filename)))
+      (format nil "Common-Lisp.net | ~a"
+              (string-capitalize
+               (pathname-name (pathname filename))))))
+(defparameter *PAGES* 
+  (mapcar (lambda (p)
+            (let ((context
+                   (append (list (cons :content (file-namestring p)))
+                           (page-context (file-namestring p)))))
+              (when (not (assoc :title context))
+                (push (cons :title (page-title (file-namestring p)))
+                      context))
+              context))                         
+	  (directory (make-pathname :defaults *PAGES-DIR*
+				    :name :wild
+				    :type "html")))
+  "Each page is an alist containing info to be sent to the template via the context.")
+;; Initialize global context (will be appended to all individual page contexts)
+;; Used to store things like stylesheets, etc...
+(defparameter *GLOBAL-CONTEXT* ())
diff --git a/layout/static/imgs/lotusflower.png b/layout/static/imgs/lotusflower.png
deleted file mode 100644
index f3d5be9b4d51c98e352692dea700b0b800616fc7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/layout/static/imgs/lotusflower.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/process.lisp b/process.lisp
index 469cb7706a58cc830f4024104ae608530919191d..9679971a2d08048ba8472f7b90748951dd1df89a 100644
--- a/process.lisp
+++ b/process.lisp
@@ -1,150 +1,146 @@
-;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
-(in-package :cl-site)
-;; Copies/renders stylesheets + adds to global context
-(defun process-styles ()
-  (let
-      ((styles-list (mapcar
-                     (lambda (s) (progn
-                              (uiop:copy-file (make-path *STYLES-DIR* s)
-                                              (make-path *OUTPUT-DIR* s))
-                              (cons :location s)))
-                     *STYLES*)))
-    (push (cons :styles styles-list) *GLOBAL-CONTEXT*)))
-;; Copies/renders script files + adds to global context
-(defun process-scripts () nil)
-;; Copies/renders static assets (imgs, etc)
-(defun process-static ())
-(defun process-static ()
-  (let*
-      ((static-output-dir (merge-pathnames #P"static/" *OUTPUT-DIR*))
-       (static-list (mapcar
-                     (lambda (s) (progn
-                              (uiop:copy-file (make-path *STATIC-DIR* s)
-                                              (make-path static-output-dir s))
-                              (cons :location s)))
-                     (mapcar
-                      (lambda (p) (file-namestring p))
-                      (directory (make-pathname :defaults *STATIC-DIR*
-                                                :name :wild
-                                                :type :wild))))))
-    (push (cons :static static-list) *GLOBAL-CONTEXT*)))
-;; process-pages : Copies/renders pages - called last
-(defun render-page (page template-path)
-  (let*
-      ((page-path (make-path *PAGES-DIR* page t))
-       (output-path (make-path *OUTPUT-DIR* page t))
-       (page-content (let ((mustache:*load-path* (cons *PAGES-DIR* mustache:*load-path*))
-                           (mustache:*default-pathname-type* "html"))
-                       (mustache:render* page-path)))
-       (page-context (remove-if (lambda (p) (find p *PRIVATE-KEYS*))
-                                (push (cons :page-content page-content) page) :key 'car)))
-    (with-open-file (output-stream output-path
-                                   :direction :output
-                                   :if-exists :supersede)
-      (let ((mustache:*load-path* (cons *PAGES-DIR* mustache:*load-path*))
-            (mustache:*default-pathname-type* "html"))
-        (mustache:render template-path (append page-context *GLOBAL-CONTEXT*)
-                         output-stream)))))
-(defun process-pages ()
-  (format t "Processing pages..~%")
-  (generate-news)
-  (let ((template-path (pathname (merge-pathnames *LAYOUT-DIR* *DEFAULT-PAGE-TEMPLATE*))))
-    (ensure-directories-exist *OUTPUT-DIR*)
-    (loop for page in *PAGES*
-       do
-         (format t "Generating ~A~%" (cdr (assoc :content page)))
-         (render-page page template-path))
-    (format t "Done.~%")))
-;; Process news
-(defparameter +edit-news-link+ "https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/clo/cl-site/edit/master/content/news.md")
-(defun generate-news ()
-  (let ((html
-         (markdown:parse-file (merge-pathnames "news.md" *PAGES-DIR*))))
-    (with-open-file (f (merge-pathnames "news.html" *PAGES-DIR*)
-                       :direction :output
-                       :if-does-not-exist :create
-                       :if-exists :supersede)
-      (write-string "<div id=\"bodyText\">" f)
-      (format f "<a class=\"btn btn-secondary float-right\" href=\"~A\"><i class=\"far fa-edit\"></i>&nbsp;Edit this page</a>" +edit-news-link+)
-      (write-string "<h1>Latest Common-Lisp.net news</h1>" f)
-      (write-string html f)
-      (write-string "</div>" f))
-    (with-open-file (f (merge-pathnames "newsbox.html" *PAGES-DIR*)
-                       :direction :output
-                       :if-does-not-exist :create
-                       :if-exists :supersede)
-      (write-string (generate-news-box-content html) f))))
-(defun shallow-copy-object (original)
-  (let* ((class (class-of original))
-         (copy (allocate-instance class)))
-    (dolist (slot (mapcar #'c2mop:slot-definition-name (c2mop:class-slots class)))
-      (when (slot-boundp original slot)
-        (setf (slot-value copy slot)
-              (slot-value original slot))))
-    copy))
-(defun generate-news-box-content (html &key (count 5))
-  (let ((dom (plump-parser:parse html)))
-    (let ((state :start)
-          (node (plump:first-child dom))
-          (news (plump:make-root))
-          (current-news))
-      (block done
-        (flet ((next-node ()
-                 (setf node (plump:next-sibling node))
-                 (when (null node)
-                   ;;(print "DONE")
-                   (return-from done))
-                 node))
-          (loop
-             ;;(print state)
-             ;;(print node)
-             (ecase state
-               (:start
-                (if (and (plump:element-p node)
-                         (equalp (plump:tag-name node) "h3"))
-                    (setf state :read-news-heading)
-                    ;; else
-                    (next-node)))
-               (:read-news-heading
-                ;; If enough news, exit
-                (when (= (length (plump:children news)) count)
-                  (return-from done))
-                ;; Start a new one
-                (setf current-news
-                      (plump:make-element news "section"))
-                (let ((title-node (shallow-copy-object node)))
-                  (setf (plump:tag-name title-node) "h7")
-                  (plump:append-child current-news title-node))
-                (next-node)
-                (setf state :read-news-content))
-               (:read-news-content
-                ;; We assume the node is a paragraph and we read its content
-                (if (and (plump:element-p node)
-                         (equalp (plump:tag-name node) "p"))
-                    (progn
-                      (plump:append-child current-news (shallow-copy-object node))
-                      (next-node)
-                      (setf state :start))
-                    ;; else
-                    (next-node)))))))
-      (plump:serialize news nil))))
+;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
+(in-package :cl-site)
+;; Copies/renders stylesheets + adds to global context
+(defun process-styles ()
+  (let
+      ((styles-list (mapcar
+                     (lambda (s) (progn
+                              (uiop:copy-file (make-path *STYLES-DIR* s)
+                                              (make-path *OUTPUT-DIR* s))
+                              (cons :location s)))
+                     *STYLES*)))
+    (push (cons :styles styles-list) *GLOBAL-CONTEXT*)))
+;; Copies/renders script files + adds to global context
+(defun process-scripts () nil)
+;; Copies/renders static assets (imgs, etc)
+(defun process-static ()
+  (let ((destination-root (merge-pathnames #P"static/" *output-dir*))
+        (sources (directory (merge-pathnames "**/*.*" *static-dir*)))
+        static-list)
+    (dolist (source sources)
+      (let* ((relative-path (enough-namestring source *static-dir*))
+             (destination (merge-pathnames relative-path destination-root)))
+        (when (pathname-name destination) ;; ignore directories
+          (ensure-directories-exist destination)
+          (uiop:copy-file source destination)
+          (push (cons :location relative-path) static-list))))
+    (push (cons :static (nreverse static-list))
+	         *global-context*)))
+;; process-pages : Copies/renders pages - called last
+(defun render-page (page template-path)
+  (let*
+      ((page-path (make-path *PAGES-DIR* page t))
+       (output-path (make-path *OUTPUT-DIR* page t))
+       (page-content (let ((mustache:*load-path* (cons *PAGES-DIR* mustache:*load-path*))
+                           (mustache:*default-pathname-type* "html"))
+                       (mustache:render* page-path)))
+       (page-context (remove-if (lambda (p) (find p *PRIVATE-KEYS*))
+                                (push (cons :page-content page-content) page) :key 'car)))
+    (with-open-file (output-stream output-path
+                                   :direction :output
+                                   :if-exists :supersede)
+      (let ((mustache:*load-path* (cons *PAGES-DIR* mustache:*load-path*))
+            (mustache:*default-pathname-type* "html"))
+        (mustache:render template-path (append page-context *GLOBAL-CONTEXT*)
+                         output-stream)))))
+(defun process-pages ()
+  (format t "Processing pages..~%")
+  (generate-news)
+  (let ((template-path (pathname (merge-pathnames *LAYOUT-DIR* *DEFAULT-PAGE-TEMPLATE*))))
+    (ensure-directories-exist *OUTPUT-DIR*)
+    (loop for page in *PAGES*
+       do
+         (format t "Generating ~A~%" (cdr (assoc :content page)))
+         (render-page page template-path))
+    (format t "Done.~%")))
+;; Process news
+(defparameter +edit-news-link+ "https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/clo/cl-site/edit/master/content/news.md")
+(defun generate-news ()
+  (let ((html
+         (markdown:parse-file (merge-pathnames "news.md" *PAGES-DIR*))))
+    (with-open-file (f (merge-pathnames "news.html" *PAGES-DIR*)
+                       :direction :output
+                       :if-does-not-exist :create
+                       :if-exists :supersede)
+      (write-string "<div id=\"bodyText\">" f)
+      (format f "<a class=\"btn btn-secondary float-right\" href=\"~A\"><i class=\"far fa-edit\"></i>&nbsp;Edit this page</a>" +edit-news-link+)
+      (write-string "<h1>Latest Common-Lisp.net news</h1>" f)
+      (write-string html f)
+      (write-string "</div>" f))
+    (with-open-file (f (merge-pathnames "newsbox.html" *PAGES-DIR*)
+                       :direction :output
+                       :if-does-not-exist :create
+                       :if-exists :supersede)
+      (write-string (generate-news-box-content html) f))))
+(defun shallow-copy-object (original)
+  (let* ((class (class-of original))
+         (copy (allocate-instance class)))
+    (dolist (slot (mapcar #'c2mop:slot-definition-name (c2mop:class-slots class)))
+      (when (slot-boundp original slot)
+        (setf (slot-value copy slot)
+              (slot-value original slot))))
+    copy))
+(defun generate-news-box-content (html &key (count 5))
+  (let ((dom (plump-parser:parse html)))
+    (let ((state :start)
+          (node (plump:first-child dom))
+          (news (plump:make-root))
+          (current-news))
+      (block done
+        (flet ((next-node ()
+                 (setf node (plump:next-sibling node))
+                 (when (null node)
+                   ;;(print "DONE")
+                   (return-from done))
+                 node))
+          (loop
+             ;;(print state)
+             ;;(print node)
+             (ecase state
+               (:start
+                (if (and (plump:element-p node)
+                         (equalp (plump:tag-name node) "h3"))
+                    (setf state :read-news-heading)
+                    ;; else
+                    (next-node)))
+               (:read-news-heading
+                ;; If enough news, exit
+                (when (= (length (plump:children news)) count)
+                  (return-from done))
+                ;; Start a new one
+                (setf current-news
+                      (plump:make-element news "section"))
+                (let ((title-node (shallow-copy-object node)))
+                  (setf (plump:tag-name title-node) "h7")
+                  (plump:append-child current-news title-node))
+                (next-node)
+                (setf state :read-news-content))
+               (:read-news-content
+                ;; We assume the node is a paragraph and we read its content
+                (if (and (plump:element-p node)
+                         (equalp (plump:tag-name node) "p"))
+                    (progn
+                      (plump:append-child current-news (shallow-copy-object node))
+                      (next-node)
+                      (setf state :start))
+                    ;; else
+                    (next-node)))))))
+      (plump:serialize news nil))))