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  • Daniel Kochmański's avatar
    encapsulation: add dynamic-extent declaration · 9cd7308e
    Daniel Kochmański authored
    Fix proposed by Cliff Brunk:
    "I use your Common Lisp metering system pretty often on under MCL 2.01.
    Thanks for making this nice profiling tool available, it has helped alot.
    However, I notied that the amount of space used by functions that contain
    an &optional is much higher for the monitoring-encapsulation than
    from the original function.  I beleive this is because the encapsulation
    creates a list for the optional arguments using &rest.  If one adds
    a dynmaic-extentent declaration after the lambda list in many implementations
    of Common Lisp the &rest arglist will be stack allocated and the amount of
    storage reported will be a truer indication of how the function performs
    outside of the encapsulation.  Below is the modification that I'm currently
    using and seems to work at least under MCL.
    Cliff Brunk"