diff --git a/uiop/contrib/debug.lisp b/uiop/contrib/debug.lisp
index 17534e2e00b25b8cc960af8b8ec81ff569f72b3e..b65d00e17dd0561a52f1a673ed4ff2e15a60fe61 100644
--- a/uiop/contrib/debug.lisp
+++ b/uiop/contrib/debug.lisp
@@ -49,16 +49,16 @@
 ;;; Now for the debugging stuff itself.
 ;;; First, my all-purpose print-debugging macro
 (defmacro DBG (tag &rest exprs)
-  "simple debug statement macro:
-TAG is typically a constant string or keyword,
-but in general is an expression returning a tag to be printed first;
+    "debug macro for print-debugging:
+TAG is typically a constant string or keyword to identify who is printing,
+but can be an arbitrary expression returning a tag to be princ'ed first;
 if the expression returns NIL, nothing is printed.
 EXPRS are expressions, which when the TAG was not NIL are evaluated in order,
 with their source code then their return values being printed each time.
-The last expresion is *always* evaluated and its values are returned,
+The last expresion is *always* evaluated and its multiple values are returned,
 but its source and return values are only printed if TAG was not NIL;
 previous expressions are not evaluated at all if TAG returned NIL.
-The macro expansion has relatively low overhead in space of time."
+The macro expansion has relatively low overhead in space or time."
   (let* ((last-expr (car (last exprs)))
          (other-exprs (butlast exprs))
          (tag-var (gensym "TAG"))
diff --git a/uiop/image.lisp b/uiop/image.lisp
index 274ca0e6ff74ec36b3b1d99bd56068b77e1be801..bf802a2790ab36984e66176e475fc39758f23d57 100644
--- a/uiop/image.lisp
+++ b/uiop/image.lisp
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ if we are not called from a directly executable image."
   (defun restore-image (&key
                           (lisp-interaction *lisp-interaction*)
-                          (restore-hook *image-restore-hook* restore-hook-p)
+                          (restore-hook *image-restore-hook*)
                           (prelude *image-prelude*)
                           (entry-point *image-entry-point*)
                           (if-already-restored '(cerror "RUN RESTORE-IMAGE ANYWAY")))
@@ -248,12 +248,14 @@ if we are not called from a directly executable image."
 by setting appropriate variables, running various hooks, and calling any specified entry point."
     (when *image-restored-p*
       (if if-already-restored
-          (call-function if-already-restored "Image already ~:[being ~;~]restored" (eq *image-restored-p* t))
+          (call-function if-already-restored "Image already ~:[being ~;~]restored"
+                         (eq *image-restored-p* t))
           (return-from restore-image)))
     (with-fatal-condition-handler ()
+      (setf *lisp-interaction* lisp-interaction)
+      (setf *image-restore-hook* restore-hook)
+      (setf *image-prelude* prelude)
       (setf *image-restored-p* :in-progress)
-      (when restore-hook-p
-        (setf *image-restore-hook* restore-hook))
       (standard-eval-thunk prelude)
       (setf *image-restored-p* t)
diff --git a/uiop/package.lisp b/uiop/package.lisp
index 4bf0ff75a00836fe45cb3c6e31167682630626a8..2609e9ad87390a4fbcb53a70f6968619f60c17dd 100644
--- a/uiop/package.lisp
+++ b/uiop/package.lisp
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ package on the list if the list is not empty.
 MIX -- Takes a list of package designators.  MIX behaves like 
 \(:USE PKG1 PKG2 ... PKGn\) but additionally uses :SHADOWING-IMPORT-FROM to
 resolve conflicts in favor of the first found symbol.  It may still yield
-an error if there is a conflict with an explicitly :SHADOWING-IMPORT-FROM symbol.
+an error if there is a conflict with an explicitly :IMPORT-FROM symbol.
 REEXPORT -- Takes a list of package designators.  For each package, p, in the list,
 export symbols with the same name as those exported from p.  Note that in the case
 of shadowing, etc. the symbols with the same name may not be the same symbols.
diff --git a/uiop/run-program.lisp b/uiop/run-program.lisp
index 15b609323e58f757395401e4daf24399a9f74b01..bdd88970b917a798b93b9327f2dc195bee0ad675 100644
--- a/uiop/run-program.lisp
+++ b/uiop/run-program.lisp
@@ -555,6 +555,16 @@ It returns a process-info plist with possible keys:
                     (when (eq error-output :stream) (prop :error-stream err))))))
         (nreverse process-info-r))))
+  (defun %process-info-pid (process-info)
+    (let ((process (getf process-info :process)))
+      (declare (ignorable process))
+      #+(or allegro lispworks) process
+      #+clozure (ccl::external-process-pid process)
+      #+ecl (si:external-process-pid process)
+      #+(or cmu scl) (ext:process-pid process)
+      #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-pid process)
+      #-(or allegro cmu sbcl scl) (error "~S not implemented" '%process-info-pid)))
   (defun %wait-process-result (process-info)
     (or (getf process-info :exit-code)
         (let ((process (getf process-info :process)))
diff --git a/uiop/utility.lisp b/uiop/utility.lisp
index 2cc9594d173f6c845ef2eea19010e67790cb51cb..388a98d135ff10816f040548e69d756b142916b8 100644
--- a/uiop/utility.lisp
+++ b/uiop/utility.lisp
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@
    ;; magic helper to define debugging functions:
    #:uiop-debug #:load-uiop-debug-utility #:*uiop-debug-utility*
-   #:undefine-function #:undefine-functions #:defun* #:defgeneric* #:with-upgradability ;; (un)defining functions
-   #:if-let ;; basic flow control
+   ;; (un)defining functions
+   #:undefine-function #:undefine-functions #:defun* #:defgeneric* #:with-upgradability
+   #:nest #:if-let ;; basic flow control
    #:while-collecting #:appendf #:length=n-p #:ensure-list ;; lists
    #:remove-plist-keys #:remove-plist-key ;; plists
    #:emptyp ;; sequences
@@ -110,11 +111,65 @@
         (let* ((utility-file (or utility-file *uiop-debug-utility*))
                (file (ignore-errors (probe-file (eval utility-file)))))
           (if file (load file)
-              (error "Failed to locate debug utility file: ~S" utility-file)))))))
+              (error "Failed to locate debug utility file: ~S" utility-file))))))
+  (defmacro :DBG (tag &rest exprs) ;; NB: universally accessible in the KEYWORD package
+    "debug macro for print-debugging:
+TAG is typically a constant string or keyword to identify who is printing,
+but can be an arbitrary expression returning a tag to be princ'ed first;
+if the expression returns NIL, nothing is printed.
+EXPRS are expressions, which when the TAG was not NIL are evaluated in order,
+with their source code then their return values being printed each time.
+The last expresion is *always* evaluated and its multiple values are returned,
+but its source and return values are only printed if TAG was not NIL;
+previous expressions are not evaluated at all if TAG returned NIL.
+The macro expansion has relatively low overhead in space or time."
+    (let* ((last-expr (car (last exprs)))
+           (other-exprs (butlast exprs))
+           (tag-var (gensym "TAG"))
+           (thunk-var (gensym "THUNK")))
+      `(let ((,tag-var ,tag))
+         (flet ,(when exprs `((,thunk-var () ,last-expr)))
+           (if ,tag-var
+               (DBG-helper ,tag-var
+                           (list ,@(loop :for x :in other-exprs :collect
+                                         `(cons ',x #'(lambda () ,x))))
+                           ',last-expr ,(if exprs `#',thunk-var nil))
+               ,(if exprs `(,thunk-var) '(values)))))))
+  (defun DBG-helper (tag expressions-thunks last-expression last-thunk)
+    ;; Helper for the above debugging macro
+    (labels
+      ((f (stream fmt &rest args)
+         (with-standard-io-syntax
+           (let ((*print-readably* nil)
+                 (*package* (find-package :cl)))
+             (apply 'format stream fmt args)
+             (finish-output stream))))
+       (z (stream)
+         (f stream "~&"))
+       (e (fmt arg)
+         (f *error-output* fmt arg))
+       (x (expression thunk)
+         (e "~&  ~S => " expression)
+         (let ((results (multiple-value-list (funcall thunk))))
+           (e "~{~S~^ ~}~%" results)
+           (apply 'values results))))
+      (map () #'z (list *standard-output* *error-output* *trace-output*))
+      (e "~A~%" tag)
+      (loop :for (expression . thunk) :in expressions-thunks
+            :do (x expression thunk))
+      (if last-thunk
+          (x last-expression last-thunk)
+          (values)))))
 ;;; Flow control
 (with-upgradability ()
+  (defmacro nest (&rest things)
+    "Macro to do keep code nesting and indentation under control." ;; Thanks to mbaringer
+    (reduce #'(lambda (outer inner) `(,@outer ,inner))
+            things :from-end t))
   (defmacro if-let (bindings &body (then-form &optional else-form)) ;; from alexandria
     ;; bindings can be (var form) or ((var1 form1) ...)
     (let* ((binding-list (if (and (consp bindings) (symbolp (car bindings)))