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  • Christophe Rhodes's avatar
    add richer location information to the position arg in compile-string-for-emacs · 0d9249b3
    Christophe Rhodes authored
    R's source location recording infrastructure works with line/column offsets
    rather than with character offsets, so to get the right srcrefs associated
    with some string source we need to communicate line and column information
    from the source buffer.  Unfortunately, only the emacs side can do that -- in
    principle, the R side has no direct access to the source file at all.  This
    means a protocol change, converting the position argument in
    swank:compile-string-for-emacs to a list of <position>s in the slime
    source location grammar.  At present, pass in both :position and :line
    kinds, and have swank:compile-string-for-emacs extract just the :position for
    passing on to swank-compile-string.