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Commit 0e3f0104 authored by Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar Francois-Rene Rideau
Browse files

1.0.6: Clean up build with ASDF 3.3.1

Also, mark systems as immutable so that at startup there is no slow
ASDF initialization and reloading of code.
parent c9ae12dd
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(uiop:define-package :workout-timer/finalizer
(:nicknames :workout-timer/finalizer)
(:use :common-lisp :asdf :uiop :workout-timer/timer))
(in-package :workout-timer/finalizer)
;; Mark all systems as preloaded, even workout-timer:
;; otherwise dynamically looking for the base directory to the system-relative-pathname,
;; will cause seconds to be wasted at start time.
(defun register-systems-as-immutable ()
(map () 'register-immutable-system
(remove "workout-timer"
(already-loaded-systems) :test 'equal :key 'primary-system-name)))
(register-image-dump-hook 'register-systems-as-immutable)
#!/usr/bin/cl -Q -sp asdf
(make "workout-timer/static")
(uiop:define-package :workout-timer/timer
(:nicknames :workout-timer)
(:use :common-lisp :uiop
:mixalot :mixalot-vorbis :vorbisfile
:local-time :command-line-arguments)
(:mix :common-lisp :local-time :uiop ;; use TIMESTAMP< from LOCAL-TIME, not UIOP
:mixalot :mixalot-vorbis :vorbisfile
(:export #:main #:entry-point #:mix-it #:start-mixer #:end-mixer))
(in-package :workout-timer/timer)
(defparameter *version* "1.0.5")
(defparameter *version* "1.0.6")
(defparameter *mixer* nil)
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ programmed for a 7-minute workout but you can modify it to suit your own workout
(defsystem "workout-timer/static"
:class program-system
:defsystem-depends-on ("cffi-toolchain")
:depends-on ("workout-timer")
:depends-on ("workout-timer" "workout-timer/finalizer")
:build-operation :static-program-op
:build-pathname "workout-timer.static"
:entry-point "workout-timer:entry-point")
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