Tasty replaces center point
Created by: reiniervandijk
Use the code below. Open in Tasty, visualize child1 node and it's center. Now inspect child2 or root object and see how center is disappearing (when :center is unbound) or replaced with center of new object. This is very unwanted behavior, because it doesn't allow for inspection of multiple center points (which is important for debugging/inspection in general).
(define-object tasty-center-test (base-object)
((child1 :type 'box-solid
:center (make-point 1 0 0) :width 1 :length 1 :height 1)
(child2 :type 'box-solid :width 1 :length 1 :height 1))
Imported comments:
By genworks on 2013-02-26 03:12:04 UTC
Indeed that should not be the desired behavior. I see what the problem is but I don't see an instant fix for it. What is happening is that the root-path of the displayed object (i.e. the point) is coming from the inspector itself, rather than from the actual object whose center (or any other 3d point) is supposedly being displayed.
We will have to come up with a different strategy for containing the Gendl point object to be displayed, corresponding to the 3d point (i.e. 3d vector) which is the actual value of the center or other 3d point which is listed in the inspector.
For the time being, it should simply be noted that the points display is limited to the object currently being inspected in the inspector.
By genworks on 2013-02-27 03:37:25 UTC
As mentioned this is partially fixed for PDF, PNG, JPEG, SVG. The fix involved a deeper change to the Gendl display machinery than I had anticipated so it needs to be tracked carefully. X3D and VRML still need proper display of points (probably as a tiny sphere).
Also the dynamic display-controls (imposed by the line-thickness and color controls in tasty) still need to be implemented for the new way of displaying points. Also, scaling control.