diff --git a/bin/install-asdf-as-module b/bin/install-asdf-as-module
index 62cafaca19240fcc857bc45dd71c334afba1b8f0..39df30a29337ceb7414d860885a6fbe8a69f48b8 100644
--- a/bin/install-asdf-as-module
+++ b/bin/install-asdf-as-module
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ It notably doesn't work on:
 (defun install-asdf-as-module ()
   (let ((fasl (asdf-module-fasl)))
     (ensure-directories-exist (translate-logical-pathname fasl))
-    (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
-      (compile-file* (subpathname *asdf-dir* "build/asdf.lisp") :output-file fasl))))
+    (compile-file (subpathname *asdf-dir* "build/asdf.lisp") :output-file fasl)))
 (trace compile-file*)
diff --git a/uiop/image.lisp b/uiop/image.lisp
index 3d9e320a2328aa1af80c06fa86fa4c2b11cb8389..292786c9ca4e25f54bd40c151962955dea352d1a 100644
--- a/uiop/image.lisp
+++ b/uiop/image.lisp
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@ depending on whether *LISP-INTERACTION* is set, enter debugger or die"
     "Extract user arguments from command-line invocation of current process.
 Assume the calling conventions of a generated script that uses --
 if we are not called from a directly executable image."
+    (declare (ignorable arguments))
     #+abcl arguments
     ;; LispWorks command-line processing isn't transparent to the user, and
     ;; we need to rely on cl-launch or some other script to set it for us.
diff --git a/uiop/pathname.lisp b/uiop/pathname.lisp
index edb4ee5e30b55768bcc8c569dc5c28842294205e..87440fc75473c7fa3f05f425153a8e012b2a5d18 100644
--- a/uiop/pathname.lisp
+++ b/uiop/pathname.lisp
@@ -544,6 +544,25 @@ then it is merged with the PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME of PATHNAME."
                     ;; scheme-specific parts: port username password, not others:
                     . #.(or #+scl '(:parameters nil :query nil :fragment nil))))
+  (defun ensure-absolute-pathname (path &optional defaults (on-error 'error))
+    "Given a pathname designator PATH, return an absolute pathname as specified by PATH
+considering the DEFAULTS, or, if not possible, use CALL-FUNCTION on the specified ON-ERROR behavior,
+with a format control-string and other arguments as arguments"
+    (cond
+      ((absolute-pathname-p path))
+      ((stringp path) (ensure-absolute-pathname (pathname path) defaults on-error))
+      ((not (pathnamep path)) (call-function on-error "not a valid pathname designator ~S" path))
+      ((let ((default-pathname (if (pathnamep defaults) defaults (call-function defaults))))
+         (or (if (absolute-pathname-p default-pathname)
+                 (absolute-pathname-p (merge-pathnames* path default-pathname))
+                 (call-function on-error "Default pathname ~S is not an absolute pathname"
+                                default-pathname))
+             (call-function on-error "Failed to merge ~S with ~S into an absolute pathname"
+                            path default-pathname))))
+      (t (call-function on-error
+                        "Cannot ensure ~S is evaluated as an absolute pathname with defaults ~S"
+                        path defaults))))
   (defun subpathp (maybe-subpath base-pathname)
     "if MAYBE-SUBPATH is a pathname that is under BASE-PATHNAME, return a pathname object that
 when used with MERGE-PATHNAMES* with defaults BASE-PATHNAME, returns MAYBE-SUBPATH."
@@ -558,11 +577,9 @@ when used with MERGE-PATHNAMES* with defaults BASE-PATHNAME, returns MAYBE-SUBPA
   (defun enough-pathname (maybe-subpath base-pathname)
     "if MAYBE-SUBPATH is a pathname that is under BASE-PATHNAME, return a pathname object that
 when used with MERGE-PATHNAMES* with defaults BASE-PATHNAME, returns MAYBE-SUBPATH."
-    (check-type maybe-subpath (or null pathname))
-    (check-type base-pathname (or null pathname))
-    (when (pathnamep base-pathname) (assert (absolute-pathname-p base-pathname)))
-    (or (and base-pathname (subpathp maybe-subpath base-pathname))
-        maybe-subpath))
+    (let ((sub (when maybe-subpath (pathname maybe-subpath)))
+	  (base (when base-pathname (ensure-absolute-pathname (pathname base-pathname)))))
+      (or (and base (subpathp sub base)) sub)))
   (defun call-with-enough-pathname (maybe-subpath defaults-pathname thunk)
     "In a context where *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* is bound to DEFAULTS-PATHNAME (if not null,
@@ -576,26 +593,7 @@ given DEFAULTS-PATHNAME as a base pathname."
                                                   (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
                                   &body body)
     "Shorthand syntax for CALL-WITH-ENOUGH-PATHNAME"
-    `(call-with-enough-pathname ,pathname ,defaults #'(lambda (,pathname-var) ,@body)))
-  (defun ensure-absolute-pathname (path &optional defaults (on-error 'error))
-    "Given a pathname designator PATH, return an absolute pathname as specified by PATH
-considering the DEFAULTS, or, if not possible, use CALL-FUNCTION on the specified ON-ERROR behavior,
-with a format control-string and other arguments as arguments"
-    (cond
-      ((absolute-pathname-p path))
-      ((stringp path) (ensure-absolute-pathname (pathname path) defaults on-error))
-      ((not (pathnamep path)) (call-function on-error "not a valid pathname designator ~S" path))
-      ((let ((default-pathname (if (pathnamep defaults) defaults (call-function defaults))))
-         (or (if (absolute-pathname-p default-pathname)
-                 (absolute-pathname-p (merge-pathnames* path default-pathname))
-                 (call-function on-error "Default pathname ~S is not an absolute pathname"
-                                default-pathname))
-             (call-function on-error "Failed to merge ~S with ~S into an absolute pathname"
-                            path default-pathname))))
-      (t (call-function on-error
-                        "Cannot ensure ~S is evaluated as an absolute pathname with defaults ~S"
-                        path defaults)))))
+    `(call-with-enough-pathname ,pathname ,defaults #'(lambda (,pathname-var) ,@body))))
 ;;; Wildcard pathnames