diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 15afc71095c058abeb48dce4c67bfb5e44d58faf..34c9d4c4c36f6534295c7bae613991df0a607948 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ endif
 ## MAJOR FAIL: gclcvs -- Compiler bug fixed upstream, but gcl fails to compile on modern Linuxen.
 ## grep for #+/#- features in the test/ directory to see plenty of disabled tests.
-lisp ?= sbcl
+l ?= sbcl
 ABCL ?= abcl
 ALLEGRO ?= alisp
@@ -117,30 +117,33 @@ mrproper: clean
 	rm -rf .pc/ build-stamp debian/patches/ debian/debhelper.log debian/cl-asdf/ # debian crap
 test-upgrade: build/asdf.lisp
-	./test/run-tests.sh -u ${lisp}
+	./test/run-tests.sh -u ${l}
+u: test-upgrade
 test-clean-load: build/asdf.lisp
-	./test/run-tests.sh -c ${lisp}
+	./test/run-tests.sh -c ${l}
+# test-glob has been replaced by t, and lisp by l, easier to type
 test-lisp: build/asdf.lisp
-	@cd test; ${MAKE} clean;./run-tests.sh ${lisp} ${test-glob}
+	@cd test; ${MAKE} clean;./run-tests.sh ${l} ${t}
+t: test-lisp
 test: test-lisp test-clean-load doc
 	@for lisp in ${lisps} ; do \
-		${MAKE} test-lisp test-upgrade lisp=$$lisp || exit 1 ; \
+		${MAKE} test-lisp test-upgrade l=$$lisp || exit 1 ; \
 # test upgrade is a very long run... This does just the regression tests
 	@for lisp in ${lisps} ; do \
-		${MAKE} test-lisp lisp=$$lisp || exit 1 ; \
+		${MAKE} test-lisp l=$$lisp || exit 1 ; \
 	@for lisp in ${lisps} ; do \
-		${MAKE} test-upgrade lisp=$$lisp || exit 1 ; \
+		${MAKE} test-upgrade l=$$lisp || exit 1 ; \
 test-all: test-forward-references doc test-all-lisps
diff --git a/action.lisp b/action.lisp
index 0c8e6b0c258a2eadee5f6104623aa4a17b026a8e..0a713673e27284f9f10b7bf061be46953bb90296 100644
--- a/action.lisp
+++ b/action.lisp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
    #:action-status #:action-stamp #:action-done-p
    #:component-operation-time #:mark-operation-done #:compute-action-stamp
    #:perform #:perform-with-restarts #:retry #:accept #:feature
-   #:traverse-actions #:traverse-sub-actions #:required-components #:required-files ;; in plan
+   #:traverse-actions #:traverse-sub-actions #:required-components ;; in plan
 (in-package :asdf/action)
@@ -26,34 +26,35 @@
 (defgeneric* traverse-actions (actions &key &allow-other-keys))
 (defgeneric* traverse-sub-actions (operation component &key &allow-other-keys))
 (defgeneric* required-components (component &key &allow-other-keys))
-(defgeneric* required-files (operation component &key &allow-other-keys))
 ;;;; Convenience methods
 (defmacro define-convenience-action-methods
-  (function (operation component &rest more-args) &key if-no-operation if-no-component)
-  (let ((rest (gensym "REST"))
-        (found (gensym "FOUND")))
-    `(progn
-       (defmethod ,function ((,operation symbol) ,component
-                             ,@(when more-args `(&rest ,rest))
-                             ,@(when (member '&key more-args) `(&key &allow-other-keys)))
-         (if ,operation
-             ,(if more-args
-                  `(apply ',function (make-operation ,operation) ,component ,rest)
-                  `(,function (make-operation ,operation) ,component))
-             ,if-no-operation))
-       (defmethod ,function ((,operation operation) ,component
-                             ,@(when more-args `(&rest ,rest))
-                             ,@(when (member '&key more-args) `(&key &allow-other-keys)))
-         (if (typep ,component 'component)
-             (error "No defined method for ~S on ~S" ',function ,component)
-             (let ((,found (find-component () ,component)))
-               (if ,found
-                   ,(if more-args
-                        `(apply ',function ,operation ,found ,rest)
-                        `(,function ,operation ,found))
-                   ,if-no-component)))))))
+  (function (operation component &optional keyp)
+   &key if-no-operation if-no-component operation-initargs)
+  (let* ((rest (gensym "REST"))
+         (found (gensym "FOUND"))
+         (more-args (when keyp `(&rest ,rest &key &allow-other-keys))))
+    (flet ((next-method (o c)
+             (if keyp
+                 `(apply ',function ,o ,c ,rest)
+                 `(,function ,o ,c))))
+      `(progn
+         (defmethod ,function ((,operation symbol) ,component ,@more-args)
+           (if ,operation
+               ,(next-method
+                 (if operation-initargs ;backward-compatibility with ASDF1's operate. Yuck.
+                     `(apply 'make-operation ,operation :original-initargs ,rest ,rest)
+                     `(make-operation ,operation))
+                 `(find-component () ,component))
+               ,if-no-operation))
+         (defmethod ,function ((,operation operation) ,component ,@more-args)
+           (if (typep ,component 'component)
+               (error "No defined method for ~S on ~S" ',function ,component)
+               (let ((,found (find-component () ,component)))
+                 (if ,found
+                     ,(next-method operation found)
+                     ,if-no-component))))))))
 ;;;; self-description
@@ -64,9 +65,7 @@ on this component, e.g. \"loading /a/b/c\".
 You can put together sentences using this phrase."))
 (defmethod operation-description (operation component)
   (format nil (compatfmt "~@<~A on ~A~@:>")
-          (class-of operation) component))
-(define-convenience-action-methods operation-description (operation component))
+          (type-of operation) component))
 (defgeneric* explain (operation component))
 (defmethod explain ((o operation) (c component))
   (asdf-message (compatfmt "~&~@<; ~@;~A~:>~%") (operation-description o c)))
@@ -144,8 +143,8 @@ You can put together sentences using this phrase."))
 ;;;; Inputs, Outputs, and invisible dependencies
-(defgeneric* output-files (operation component))
-(defgeneric* input-files (operation component))
+(defgeneric* (output-files) (operation component))
+(defgeneric* (input-files) (operation component))
 (defgeneric* operation-done-p (operation component)
   (:documentation "Returns a boolean, which is NIL if the action is forced to be performed again"))
 (define-convenience-action-methods output-files (operation component))
@@ -162,7 +161,8 @@ You can put together sentences using this phrase."))
    (multiple-value-bind (pathnames fixedp) (call-next-method)
      ;; 1- Make sure we have absolute pathnames
-     (let* ((directory (pathname-directory-pathname (component-pathname component)))
+     (let* ((directory (pathname-directory-pathname
+                        (component-pathname (find-component () component))))
                 :for pathname :in pathnames
diff --git a/asdf.asd b/asdf.asd
index 0ab8794f04830d5ca9367bf8a39780dc1299ee1b..35971664286c4a9794894e33fa4f09a1697888d5 100644
--- a/asdf.asd
+++ b/asdf.asd
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
   :licence "MIT"
   :description "Another System Definition Facility"
   :long-description "ASDF builds Common Lisp software organized into defined systems."
-  :version "2.26.125" ;; to be automatically updated by bin/bump-revision
+  :version "2.26.126" ;; to be automatically updated by bin/bump-revision
   :depends-on ()
   :components ((:module "build" :components ((:file "asdf"))))
   :in-order-to (#+asdf2.27 (compile-op (monolithic-load-concatenated-source-op asdf/defsystem))))
@@ -28,9 +28,6 @@
   (declare (ignorable o))
   (perform (make-instance 'load-source-op) c))
-#+(and clisp (not asdf2.27))
-(rename-package :asdf :asdf-utilities)
 (defsystem :asdf/defsystem
   :licence "MIT"
diff --git a/backward-driver.lisp b/backward-driver.lisp
index 1f15aab678d7efda17887bf56bb84c3dd163a25b..2a81121aad952de3f5b0dae7d459bde95390b315 100644
--- a/backward-driver.lisp
+++ b/backward-driver.lisp
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
    :asdf/run-program :asdf/lisp-build
-   #:coerce-pathname #:component-name-to-pathname-components))
+   #:coerce-pathname #:component-name-to-pathname-components
+   #+(or ecl mkcl) #:compile-file-keeping-object
+   ))
 (in-package :asdf/backward-driver)
 ;;;; Backward compatibility with various pathname functions.
@@ -34,3 +36,5 @@
     (values relabs path filename)))
+#+(or ecl mkcl)
+(defun* compile-file-keeping-object (&rest args) (apply #'compile-file* args))
diff --git a/bundle.lisp b/bundle.lisp
index d70ecda3dc89836205c76eefe9de8bdcd4a08c9d..b0af6ba587dff89cef05a8bbaf31935869a9414f 100644
--- a/bundle.lisp
+++ b/bundle.lisp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
    #:bundle-op #:bundle-op-build-args #:bundle-type #:bundle-system #:bundle-pathname-type
    #:fasl-op #:load-fasl-op #:lib-op #:dll-op #:binary-op
-   #:monolithic-op #:monolithic-bundle-op #:required-files
+   #:monolithic-op #:monolithic-bundle-op #:direct-dependency-files
    #:monolithic-binary-op #:monolithic-fasl-op #:monolithic-lib-op #:monolithic-dll-op
    #:compiled-file #:precompiled-system #:prebuilt-system
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
         #+mkcl (equal type (compile-file-type :fasl-p nil))
         #+(or allegro clisp clozure cmu lispworks sbcl scl xcl) (equal type (compile-file-type)))))
-(defgeneric* trivial-system-p (component))
+(defgeneric* (trivial-system-p) (component))
 (defun* user-system-p (s)
   (and (typep s 'system)
@@ -221,13 +221,13 @@
   (declare (ignorable o))
   `((lib-op ,@(required-components c :other-systems t :component-type 'system
                                      :goal-operation 'load-op
-                                     :keep-operation 'load-op))))
+                                     :keep-operation 'compile-op))))
 (defmethod component-depends-on ((o monolithic-fasl-op) (c system))
   (declare (ignorable o))
   `((fasl-op ,@(required-components c :other-systems t :component-type 'system
                                       :goal-operation 'load-fasl-op
-                                      :keep-operation 'load-fasl-op))))
+                                      :keep-operation 'fasl-op))))
 (defmethod component-depends-on ((o program-op) (c system))
   (declare (ignorable o))
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
   (declare (ignorable o))
   `((compile-op ,@(required-components c :other-systems nil :component-type '(not system)
                                          :goal-operation 'load-op
-                                         :keep-operation 'load-op))))
+                                         :keep-operation 'compile-op))))
 (defmethod component-depends-on ((o fasl-op) (c system))
   (declare (ignorable o))
@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@
       `((,op ,c))
-(defmethod required-files (o c &key (test 'identity) (key 'output-files) &allow-other-keys)
+(defun* direct-dependency-files (o c &key (test 'identity) (key 'output-files) &allow-other-keys)
   (while-collecting (collect)
-    (visit-dependencies
-     () o c #'(lambda (sub-o sub-c)
-                (loop :for f :in (funcall key sub-o sub-c)
-                      :when (funcall test f) :do (collect f))))))
+    (map-direct-dependencies
+     o c #'(lambda (sub-o sub-c)
+             (loop :for f :in (funcall key sub-o sub-c)
+                   :when (funcall test f) :do (collect f))))))
 (defmethod input-files ((o bundle-op) (c system))
-  (required-files o c :test 'bundlable-file-p :key 'output-files))
+  (direct-dependency-files o c :test 'bundlable-file-p :key 'output-files))
 (defun* select-bundle-operation (type &optional monolithic)
   (ecase type
@@ -427,6 +427,7 @@
          (non-fasl-files (remove (compile-file-type) input-files :key #'pathname-type :test #'string=))
          (output-files (output-files o c))
          (output-file (first output-files)))
+    (unless input-files (format t "WTF no input-files for ~S on ~S !???" o c))
     (when input-files
       (assert output-files)
       (when non-fasl-files
diff --git a/component.lisp b/component.lisp
index ae051e2fa526aecae0a35b9865d87a0f287ff66d..fcecc0ac1ffbb72750d9c42ba1c7bc318316229e 100644
--- a/component.lisp
+++ b/component.lisp
@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@
    #:module-components ;; backward-compatibility. DO NOT USE.
-   ;; Internals we'd like to share with the ASDF package.
-   #:name #:version #:description #:long-description
+   ;; Internals we'd like to share with the ASDF package, especially for upgrade purposes
+   #:name #:version #:description #:long-description #:author #:maintainer #:licence
+   #:defsystem-depends-on
    #:sibling-dependencies #:if-feature #:in-order-to #:inline-methods
    #:relative-pathname #:absolute-pathname #:operation-times #:around-compile
    #:%encoding #:properties #:parent))
@@ -101,8 +102,7 @@ another pathname in a degenerate way."))
                     :accessor component-operation-times)
    (around-compile :initarg :around-compile)
    (%encoding :accessor %component-encoding :initform nil :initarg :encoding)
-   ;; XXX we should provide some atomic interface for updating the
-   ;; component properties
+   ;; ASDF3: get rid of these "component properties" ?
    (properties :accessor component-properties :initarg :properties
                :initform nil)
    ;; For backward-compatibility, this slot is part of component rather than child-component
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ another pathname in a degenerate way."))
 ;;;; component pathnames
-(defgeneric* component-parent-pathname (component))
+(defgeneric* (component-parent-pathname) (component))
 (defmethod component-parent-pathname (component)
   (component-pathname (component-parent component)))
diff --git a/concatenate-source.lisp b/concatenate-source.lisp
index e64e62e765b219d69fdb41db384553b458723792..c70bf25ad7f34c891c6259457cb02bb0e0b0880d 100644
--- a/concatenate-source.lisp
+++ b/concatenate-source.lisp
@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@
            (return inputs)))
 (defmethod input-files ((o load-concatenated-source-op) (s system))
-  (required-files o s))
+  (direct-dependency-files o s))
 (defmethod input-files ((o compile-concatenated-source-op) (s system))
-  (required-files o s))
+  (direct-dependency-files o s))
 (defmethod output-files ((o compile-concatenated-source-op) (s system))
   (let ((input (first (input-files o s))))
     (list (compile-file-pathname input))))
 (defmethod input-files ((o load-compiled-concatenated-source-op) (s system))
-  (required-files o s))
+  (direct-dependency-files o s))
 (defmethod perform ((o concatenate-source-op) (s system))
   (let ((inputs (input-files o s))
diff --git a/configuration.lisp b/configuration.lisp
index c42e49305e936f6189a9d5254b399545c05744c0..010ab089c12cbb246096b10af2a9a99ce4c8666a 100644
--- a/configuration.lisp
+++ b/configuration.lisp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
    #:report-invalid-form #:invalid-configuration #:*ignored-configuration-form*
    #:*clear-configuration-hook* #:clear-configuration #:register-clear-configuration-hook
    #:resolve-location #:location-designator-p #:location-function-p #:*here-directory*
-   #:resolve-relative-location-component #:resolve-absolute-location-component))
+   #:resolve-relative-location #:resolve-absolute-location))
 (in-package :asdf/configuration)
 (define-condition invalid-configuration ()
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ values of TAG include :source-registry and :output-translations."
                   :do (report-invalid-form invalid-form-reporter :form form :location file)))
-(defun* resolve-relative-location-component (x &key ensure-directory wilden)
+(defun* resolve-relative-location (x &key ensure-directory wilden)
    (etypecase x
      (pathname x)
@@ -159,12 +159,12 @@ values of TAG include :source-registry and :output-translations."
               x :ensure-directory ensure-directory))
       (if (null (cdr x))
-          (resolve-relative-location-component
+          (resolve-relative-location
            (car x) :ensure-directory ensure-directory :wilden wilden)
-          (let* ((car (resolve-relative-location-component
+          (let* ((car (resolve-relative-location
                        (car x) :ensure-directory t :wilden nil)))
-             (resolve-relative-location-component
+             (resolve-relative-location
               (cdr x) :ensure-directory ensure-directory :wilden wilden)
      ((eql :*/) *wild-directory*)
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ directive.")
            '(:home ".cache" "common-lisp" :implementation)))))
 (register-image-restore-hook 'compute-user-cache)
-(defun* resolve-absolute-location-component (x &key ensure-directory wilden)
+(defun* resolve-absolute-location (x &key ensure-directory wilden)
    (etypecase x
      (pathname x)
@@ -211,43 +211,43 @@ directive.")
         #+mcl (unless p (error "POSIX pathname ~S does not exist" x))
         (if ensure-directory (ensure-directory-pathname p) p)))
-      (return-from resolve-absolute-location-component
+      (return-from resolve-absolute-location
         (if (null (cdr x))
-            (resolve-absolute-location-component
+            (resolve-absolute-location
              (car x) :ensure-directory ensure-directory :wilden wilden)
-             (resolve-relative-location-component
+             (resolve-relative-location
               (cdr x) :ensure-directory ensure-directory :wilden wilden)
-             (resolve-absolute-location-component
+             (resolve-absolute-location
               (car x) :ensure-directory t :wilden nil)))))
      ((eql :root)
       ;; special magic! we return a relative pathname,
       ;; but what it means to the output-translations is
       ;; "relative to the root of the source pathname's host and device".
-      (return-from resolve-absolute-location-component
+      (return-from resolve-absolute-location
         (let ((p (make-pathname* :directory '(:relative))))
           (if wilden (wilden p) p))))
      ((eql :home) (user-homedir))
-     ((eql :here) (resolve-absolute-location-component
+     ((eql :here) (resolve-absolute-location
                    *here-directory* :ensure-directory t :wilden nil))
-     ((eql :user-cache) (resolve-absolute-location-component
+     ((eql :user-cache) (resolve-absolute-location
                          *user-cache* :ensure-directory t :wilden nil)))
    :wilden (and wilden (not (pathnamep x)))
    :want-absolute t))
-(defun* resolve-location (x &key ensure-directory wilden directory)
+(defun* (resolve-location) (x &key ensure-directory wilden directory)
   (when directory (setf ensure-directory t)) ;; :directory backward compatibility, until 2014-01-16.
   (if (atom x)
-      (resolve-absolute-location-component x :ensure-directory ensure-directory :wilden wilden)
+      (resolve-absolute-location x :ensure-directory ensure-directory :wilden wilden)
       (loop :with (first . rest) = x
-        :with path = (resolve-absolute-location-component
+        :with path = (resolve-absolute-location
                           first :ensure-directory (and (or ensure-directory rest) t)
                           :wilden (and wilden (null rest)))
         :for (element . morep) :on rest
         :for dir = (and (or morep ensure-directory) t)
         :for wild = (and wilden (not morep))
         :do (setf path (merge-pathnames*
-                        (resolve-relative-location-component
+                        (resolve-relative-location
                          element :ensure-directory dir :wilden wild)
         :finally (return path))))
diff --git a/defsystem.lisp b/defsystem.lisp
index a8adade0cf01f16acdbba0bc2bd53b084f78822c..4064947b7e19e381c38d586bf942a15c1646ce7a 100644
--- a/defsystem.lisp
+++ b/defsystem.lisp
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
   ;; If no absolute pathname was found, we return NIL.
   (check-type pathname (or null string pathname))
-   (list pathname (load-pathname) *default-pathname-defaults*
-         #-(or abcl gcl genera) (getcwd))
+   (list pathname (load-pathname) *default-pathname-defaults* (getcwd))
    :resolve-symlinks *resolve-symlinks*))
diff --git a/find-component.lisp b/find-component.lisp
index 085f7a79d6dedf0d43871266beea26e9f00adee8..7ea2411a04d4dded99822fa013c5792ec9fb8246 100644
--- a/find-component.lisp
+++ b/find-component.lisp
@@ -107,9 +107,10 @@
                    (equal (missing-requires c) name))))))))
 (defun* resolve-dependency-spec (component dep-spec)
-  (if (atom dep-spec)
-      (resolve-dependency-name component dep-spec)
-      (resolve-dependency-combination component (car dep-spec) (cdr dep-spec))))
+  (let ((component (find-component () component)))
+    (if (atom dep-spec)
+        (resolve-dependency-name component dep-spec)
+        (resolve-dependency-combination component (car dep-spec) (cdr dep-spec)))))
 (defmethod resolve-dependency-combination (component combinator arguments)
   (error (compatfmt "~@<Bad dependency ~S for ~S~@:>")
diff --git a/find-system.lisp b/find-system.lisp
index 5d3e7a3c001da498b221d7f4169c18d1632930d9..016c6e385f6abbe224a421da6280c43333657c8e 100644
--- a/find-system.lisp
+++ b/find-system.lisp
@@ -158,8 +158,7 @@ Going forward, we recommend new users should be using the source-registry.
       (let* ((file (probe-file*
                      (list (make-pathname :name name :type "asd")
-                           defaults *default-pathname-defaults*
-                           #-(or abcl gcl genera) (getcwd))
+                           defaults *default-pathname-defaults* (getcwd))
                      :resolve-symlinks truename)
                     :truename truename)))
         (when file
@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ Going forward, we recommend new users should be using the source-registry.
                           (subseq *central-registry* (1+ position))))))))))
 (defun* make-temporary-package ()
-  (make-package (fresh-package-name :asdf 0) :use '(:cl :asdf/interface)))
+  (make-package (fresh-package-name :prefix :asdf :index 0) :use '(:cl :asdf/interface)))
 (defmethod find-system ((name null) &optional (error-p t))
   (declare (ignorable name))
@@ -346,3 +345,20 @@ PREVIOUS-TIME when not null is the time at which the PREVIOUS system was loaded.
 (defun* sysdef-find-pre-loaded-systems (requested)
   (loop :for (provided . keys) :in *pre-loaded-systems*
         :thereis (apply 'find-system-fallback requested provided keys)))
+;;;; Beware of builtin systems
+(defmethod builtin-system-p ((s system))
+  (or
+   ;; For most purposes, asdf itself specially counts as builtin.
+   ;; if you want to link it or do something forbidden to builtins,
+   ;; specify separate dependencies on asdf-driver and asdf-defsystem.
+   (equal "asdf" (coerce-name s))
+   ;; Other builtin systems are those under the implementation directory
+   (let* ((system (find-system s nil))
+          (sysdir (and system (component-pathname system)))
+          (truesysdir (truename* sysdir))
+          (impdir (lisp-implementation-directory))
+          (trueimpdir (truename* impdir)))
+     (and sysdir impdir
+          (or (subpathp sysdir impdir)
+              (subpathp truesysdir trueimpdir))))))
diff --git a/header.lisp b/header.lisp
index 02586794224c6ccf6e01bb2df53c29ad2faab73e..05bc6b652351e94a6b993f2f3578776358020fe5 100644
--- a/header.lisp
+++ b/header.lisp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;; -*- mode: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp ; coding: utf-8 -*-
-;;; This is ASDF 2.26.125: Another System Definition Facility.
+;;; This is ASDF 2.26.126: Another System Definition Facility.
 ;;; Feedback, bug reports, and patches are all welcome:
 ;;; please mail to <asdf-devel@common-lisp.net>.
diff --git a/interface.lisp b/interface.lisp
index d379a8a048f96336ee1c1941d83d67e7b1e6d93f..4a5d50a1b32611491e8504dbdb196eb5aa7044e7 100644
--- a/interface.lisp
+++ b/interface.lisp
@@ -146,3 +146,4 @@
diff --git a/lisp-action.lisp b/lisp-action.lisp
index cfc65a865022e783b459d8f44cec0169af0efa0f..30d7e6168e0b976b81f4a6f2f6879d474a3d963b 100644
--- a/lisp-action.lisp
+++ b/lisp-action.lisp
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@
              i #+mkcl :fasl-p #+mkcl t #+ecl :type #+ecl :fasl)))
     `(,f ;; the fasl is the primary output, in first position
       #+ecl ,@(unless (use-ecl-byte-compiler-p)
-                (compile-file-pathname i :type :object))
+                `(,(compile-file-pathname i :type :object)))
       #+mkcl ,(compile-file-pathname i :fasl-p nil) ;; object file
       #+sbcl ,@(let ((s (component-system c)))
-                 (unless (or (builtin-system-p s) (equal (component-name s) "asdf"))
+                 (unless (builtin-system-p s) ; includes ASDF itself
                    `(,(make-pathname :type "sbcl-warnings" :defaults f)))))))
 (defmethod component-depends-on ((o compile-op) (c component))
   (declare (ignorable o))
diff --git a/lisp-build.lisp b/lisp-build.lisp
index 68bc01b4ecf4afe49bbfd7773230955a65f8b845..93e23a4270a929bce7819dea37c4821391baad16 100644
--- a/lisp-build.lisp
+++ b/lisp-build.lisp
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ Valid values are :error, :warn, and :ignore.")
 (defvar *compile-file-failure-behaviour*
   (or #+(or mkcl sbcl) :error #+clisp :ignore :warn)
   "How should ASDF react if it encounters a failure (per the ANSI spec of COMPILE-FILE)
-when compiling a file?  Valid values are :error, :warn, and :ignore.
+when compiling a file, which includes any non-style-warning warning.
+Valid values are :error, :warn, and :ignore.
 Note that ASDF ALWAYS raises an error if it fails to create an output file when compiling.")
@@ -71,17 +72,28 @@ Note that ASDF ALWAYS raises an error if it fails to create an output file when
 ;;; Condition control
+  (defun sb-grovel-unknown-constant-condition-p (c)
+    (and (typep c 'sb-int:simple-style-warning)
+         (string-enclosed-p
+          "Couldn't grovel for "
+          (simple-condition-format-control c)
+          " (unknown to the C compiler).")))
+  (deftype sb-grovel-unknown-constant-condition ()
+    '(and style-warning (satisfies sb-grovel-unknown-constant-condition-p))))
 (defvar *uninteresting-compiler-conditions*
-   '(sb-c::simple-compiler-note
+   `(sb-c::simple-compiler-note
      "&OPTIONAL and &KEY found in the same lambda list: ~S"
-     sb-ext:implicit-generic-function-warning
+     ;; sb-ext:implicit-generic-function-warning ; controversial, but let's allow it by default.
-     "Couldn't grovel for ~A (unknown to the C compiler)."
+     sb-grovel-unknown-constant-condition ; defined above.
      ;; BEWARE: the below four are controversial to include here.
@@ -347,10 +359,10 @@ possibly in a different process. Otherwise just run the BODY."
         (funcall *output-translation-function*
                  (apply 'compile-file-pathname input-file keys)))))
-(defun* compile-file* (input-file &rest keys
-                                  &key compile-check output-file warnings-file
-                                  #+(or ecl mkcl) object-file
-                                  &allow-other-keys)
+(defun* (compile-file*) (input-file &rest keys
+                                    &key compile-check output-file warnings-file
+                                    #+(or ecl mkcl) object-file
+                                    &allow-other-keys)
   "This function provides a portable wrapper around COMPILE-FILE.
 It ensures that the OUTPUT-FILE value is only returned and
 the file only actually created if the compilation was successful,
@@ -370,7 +382,7 @@ On ECL or MKCL, it creates both the linkable object and loadable fasl files.
 On implementations that erroneously do not recognize standard keyword arguments,
 it will filter them appropriately."
   (let* ((keywords (remove-plist-keys
-                    `(:compile-check :warnings-file
+                    `(:compile-check :warnings-file #+(or ecl mkcl) :object-file
                       #+gcl<2.7 ,@'(:external-format :print :verbose)) keys))
          (output-file (apply 'compile-file-pathname* input-file :output-file output-file keywords))
@@ -383,6 +395,10 @@ it will filter them appropriately."
            (or object-file
                (compile-file-pathname output-file :fasl-p nil)))
          (tmp-file (tmpize-pathname output-file)))
+    #+ecl (when (and object-file (equal (compile-file-type) (pathname object-file)))
+            (format t "Whoa, funky upgrade API switching happening in ~S with ~S ~S~%"
+                    'compile-file* output-file object-file)
+            (rotatef output-file object-file))
     (multiple-value-bind (output-truename warnings-p failure-p)
         (with-saved-deferred-warnings (warnings-file)
           (or #-(or ecl mkcl) (apply 'compile-file input-file :output-file tmp-file keywords)
diff --git a/operate.lisp b/operate.lisp
index bc7efb8614099ec463e48155a77ec64e919867da..50f0c1bb8a1fa93b0c3926e5d1aafc02a99fb08d 100644
--- a/operate.lisp
+++ b/operate.lisp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 (defgeneric* operate (operation component &key &allow-other-keys))
     operate (operation component &key)
+    :operation-initargs t ;; backward-compatibility with ASDF1. Yuck.
     :if-no-component (error 'missing-component :requires component))
 (defvar *systems-being-operated* nil
@@ -67,15 +68,20 @@ The :FORCE or :FORCE-NOT argument to OPERATE can be:
     (unless (version-satisfies component version)
       (error 'missing-component-of-version :requires component :version version))
     ;; Before we operate on any system, make sure ASDF is up-to-date,
-    ;; for if an upgrade is attempted at any later time, there may be trouble.
-    ;; If we upgraded, restart the OPERATE from scratch,
-    ;; for the function will have been redefined,
-    ;; maybe from a new symbol for it may have been uninterned.
-    (if (upgrade-asdf)
-        (apply 'symbol-call :asdf 'operate operation component args)
-        (let ((plan (apply 'traverse operation system args)))
-          (perform-plan plan)
-          (values operation plan)))))
+    ;; for if an upgrade is ever attempted at any later time, there may be BIG trouble.
+    (unless systems-being-operated
+      (let ((operation-name (reify-symbol (type-of operation)))
+            (component-path (component-find-path component)))
+        (when (upgrade-asdf)
+          ;; If we were upgraded, restart OPERATE the hardest of ways, for
+          ;; its function may have been redefined, its symbol uninterned, its package deleted.
+          (return-from operate
+            (apply (find-symbol* 'operate :asdf)
+                   (unreify-symbol operation-name)
+                   component-path args)))))
+    (let ((plan (apply 'traverse operation system args)))
+      (perform-plan plan)
+      (values operation plan))))
 (defun* oos (operation component &rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
   (apply 'operate operation component args))
diff --git a/operation.lisp b/operation.lisp
index fafd1abb2dd24a9f33c094a81a85f887e4afd222..6331f780e4e5bf2ac16bd4e6bbc8465905e84b17 100644
--- a/operation.lisp
+++ b/operation.lisp
@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@
 (defmethod find-operation (context (spec symbol))
   (apply 'make-operation spec (operation-original-initargs context)))
-(defmethod operation-original-initargs ((context null)) context)
+(defmethod operation-original-initargs ((context symbol))
+  (declare (ignorable context))
+  nil)
 (defclass build-op (operation) ())
diff --git a/os.lisp b/os.lisp
index 8551fac4a38a60ed6caaead49714544450479c83..20dd04f2eca6c7be23950c1381e5e63e968e5f68 100644
--- a/os.lisp
+++ b/os.lisp
@@ -269,7 +269,8 @@ a CL pathname satisfying all the specified constraints as per ENSURE-PATHNAME"
 (defun* getcwd ()
   "Get the current working directory as per POSIX getcwd(3), as a pathname object"
-  (or ;; missing: abcl gcl genera
+  (or #+abcl (parse-native-namestring
+              (java:jstatic "getProperty" "java.lang.System" "user.dir") :ensure-directory t)
       #+allegro (excl::current-directory)
       #+clisp (ext:default-directory)
       #+clozure (ccl:current-directory)
@@ -277,8 +278,9 @@ a CL pathname satisfying all the specified constraints as per ENSURE-PATHNAME"
                       (nth-value 1 (unix:unix-current-directory)) :ensure-directory t)
       #+cormanlisp (pathname (pl::get-current-directory)) ;; Q: what type does it return?
       #+ecl (ext:getcwd)
-      #+gcl (parse-native-namestring
+      #+gcl (parse-native-namestring ;; this is a joke. Isn't there a better way?
              (first (symbol-call :asdf/driver :run-program/ '("/bin/pwd") :output :lines)))
+      #+genera *default-pathname-defaults* ;; on a Lisp OS, it *is* canonical!
       #+lispworks (system:current-directory)
       #+mkcl (mk-ext:getcwd)
       #+sbcl (parse-native-namestring (sb-unix:posix-getcwd/))
diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
index d07eb9bac38891a6e6393e0be1310b59747ea757..3874cd468dacec4682f0e4a77d0aa4ec53665312 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -253,14 +253,15 @@ or when loading the package is optional."
         (when nuke (do-symbols (s p) (when (home-package-p s p) (nuke-symbol s))))
         (ensure-package-unused p)
         (delete-package package))))
-  (defun fresh-package-name (&optional (prefix :%TO-BE-DELETED)
+  (defun fresh-package-name (&key (prefix :%TO-BE-DELETED)
+                               separator
                                (index (random most-positive-fixnum)))
     (loop :for i :from index
-          :for n = (format nil "~A-~D" prefix i)
+          :for n = (format nil "~A~@[~A~D~]" prefix (and (plusp i) (or separator "")) i)
           :thereis (and (not (find-package n)) n)))
-  (defun rename-package-away (p)
+  (defun rename-package-away (p &rest keys &key prefix &allow-other-keys)
-     p (fresh-package-name (format nil "__~A__" (package-name p)) 0)))
+     p (apply 'fresh-package-name :prefix (or prefix (format nil "__~A__" (package-name p))) keys)))
   (defun package-names (package)
     (cons (package-name package) (package-nicknames package)))
   (defun packages-from-names (names)
@@ -421,6 +422,10 @@ or when loading the package is optional."
                  (let* ((sp (symbol-package symbol))
                         (in (gethash name inherited))
                         (xp (and status (symbol-package existing))))
+                   (when (null sp)
+                     (fishy :import-uninterned name (package-name p) mix)
+                     (import symbol p)
+                     (setf sp (package-name p)))
                      ((gethash name shadowed))
diff --git a/pathname.lisp b/pathname.lisp
index 7fa73390d38ab46cce72898213f637223b47a28e..c138bbbb9825a0ae439767676c490b0273518f1a 100644
--- a/pathname.lisp
+++ b/pathname.lisp
@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ then it is merged with the PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME of PATHNAME."
     (delete-file x)))
 ;;; Translate a pathname
-(defun* translate-pathname* (path absolute-source destination &optional root source)
+(defun* (translate-pathname*) (path absolute-source destination &optional root source)
   (declare (ignore source))
     ((functionp destination)
diff --git a/plan.lisp b/plan.lisp
index 62f67e05f34b951da2a1a09eb191c0d87b35461c..73eb951f1bff4af4d2ba6ff5083dabbe3cacebde 100644
--- a/plan.lisp
+++ b/plan.lisp
@@ -25,10 +25,25 @@
    #:planned-action-count #:planned-output-action-count #:visited-actions
    #:visiting-action-set #:visiting-action-list #:plan-actions-r
    #:required-components #:filtered-sequential-plan
+   #:plan-system
    #:plan-action-filter #:plan-component-type #:plan-keep-operation #:plan-keep-component
    #:traverse-actions #:traverse-sub-actions))
 (in-package :asdf/plan)
+;;;; Generic plan traversal class
+(defclass plan-traversal ()
+  ((system :initform nil :initarg :system :accessor plan-system)
+   (forced :initform nil :initarg :force :accessor plan-forced)
+   (forced-not :initform nil :initarg :force-not :accessor plan-forced-not)
+   (total-action-count :initform 0 :accessor plan-total-action-count)
+   (planned-action-count :initform 0 :accessor plan-planned-action-count)
+   (planned-output-action-count :initform 0 :accessor plan-planned-output-action-count)
+   (visited-actions :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :accessor plan-visited-actions)
+   (visiting-action-set :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :accessor plan-visiting-action-set)
+   (visiting-action-list :initform () :accessor plan-visiting-action-list)))
 ;;;; Planned action status
 (defgeneric* plan-action-status (plan operation component)
@@ -53,6 +68,10 @@ the action of OPERATION on COMPONENT in the PLAN"))
     (with-slots (stamp done-p planned-p) status
       (format stream "~@{~S~^ ~}" :stamp stamp :done-p done-p :planned-p planned-p))))
+(defmethod action-planned-p (action-status)
+  (declare (ignorable action-status)) ; default method for non planned-action-status objects
+  t)
 ;; TODO: eliminate NODE-FOR, use CONS.
 ;; Supposes cleaner protocol for operation initargs passed to MAKE-OPERATION.
 ;; However, see also component-operation-time and mark-operation-done
@@ -96,14 +115,26 @@ the action of OPERATION on COMPONENT in the PLAN"))
 (defmethod action-forced-p (plan operation component)
-  (and (action-override-p plan operation component 'plan-forced)
-       (not (builtin-system-p (component-system component)))))
+  (and
+   ;; Did the user ask us to re-perform the action?
+   (action-override-p plan operation component 'plan-forced)
+   ;; You really can't force a builtin system and :all doesn't apply to it,
+   ;; except it it's the specifically the system currently being built.
+   (not (let ((system (component-system component)))
+          (and (builtin-system-p system)
+               (not (eq system (plan-system plan))))))))
 (defmethod action-forced-not-p (plan operation component)
-  (and (action-override-p plan operation component 'plan-forced-not)
-       (not (action-forced-p plan operation component))))
+  (and
+   ;; Did the user ask us to not re-perform the action?
+   (action-override-p plan operation component 'plan-forced-not)
+   ;; Force takes precedence over force-not
+   (not (action-forced-p plan operation component))))
 (defmethod action-forced-p ((plan null) operation component)
   (declare (ignorable plan operation component))
 (defmethod action-forced-not-p ((plan null) operation component)
   (declare (ignorable plan operation component))
@@ -223,16 +254,6 @@ the action of OPERATION on COMPONENT in the PLAN"))
 (defgeneric call-while-visiting-action (plan operation component function)
   (:documentation "Detect circular dependencies"))
-(defclass plan-traversal ()
-  ((forced :initform nil :initarg :force :accessor plan-forced)
-   (forced-not :initform nil :initarg :force-not :accessor plan-forced-not)
-   (total-action-count :initform 0 :accessor plan-total-action-count)
-   (planned-action-count :initform 0 :accessor plan-planned-action-count)
-   (planned-output-action-count :initform 0 :accessor plan-planned-output-action-count)
-   (visited-actions :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :accessor plan-visited-actions)
-   (visiting-action-set :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :accessor plan-visiting-action-set)
-   (visiting-action-list :initform () :accessor plan-visiting-action-list)))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((plan plan-traversal)
                                        &key (force () fp) (force-not () fnp) system
@@ -336,7 +357,7 @@ the action of OPERATION on COMPONENT in the PLAN"))
 ;;;; high-level interface: traverse, perform-plan, plan-operates-on-p
-(defgeneric* traverse (operation component &key &allow-other-keys)
+(defgeneric* (traverse) (operation component &key &allow-other-keys)
 "Generate and return a plan for performing OPERATION on COMPONENT.
@@ -378,9 +399,9 @@ processed in order by OPERATE."))
 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((plan filtered-sequential-plan)
                                        &key (force () fp) (force-not () fnp)
-                                         system other-systems)
+                                         other-systems)
   (declare (ignore force force-not))
-  (with-slots (forced forced-not action-filter) plan
+  (with-slots (forced forced-not action-filter system) plan
     (unless fp (setf forced (normalize-forced-systems (if other-systems :all t) system)))
     (unless fnp (setf forced-not (normalize-forced-systems (if other-systems nil :all) system)))
     (setf action-filter (ensure-function action-filter))))
diff --git a/source-registry.lisp b/source-registry.lisp
index 09e8b9268f4c183feab8c92ffde7e0f0ada918bf..3e4dfd0b1a254af34c4363678c98eeda33832d48 100644
--- a/source-registry.lisp
+++ b/source-registry.lisp
@@ -287,9 +287,6 @@ system names to pathnames of .asd files")
 (defvar *source-registry-parameter* nil)
 (defun* initialize-source-registry (&optional (parameter *source-registry-parameter*))
-  ;; In case we haven't upgraded ASDF yet, and it appears in the registry,
-  ;; clear the upgrade attempt flag:
-  (setf *asdf-upgrade-already-attempted* (not *upgraded-p*))
   ;; Record the parameter used to configure the registry 
   (setf *source-registry-parameter* parameter)
   ;; Clear the previous registry database:
diff --git a/system.lisp b/system.lisp
index ffe3cafe78c0f2bcde6f66d2015a646e3beade5e..aa0e0d63d42205db6387a6071cd7fe8d0c7494e7 100644
--- a/system.lisp
+++ b/system.lisp
@@ -9,16 +9,17 @@
    #:system #:proto-system
    #:system-source-file #:system-source-directory #:system-relative-pathname
-   #:reset-system #:builtin-system-p
+   #:reset-system
    #:system-description #:system-long-description
    #:system-author #:system-maintainer #:system-licence #:system-license
-   #:find-system ;; forward-reference, defined in find-system
-   #:system-defsystem-depends-on))
+   #:system-defsystem-depends-on
+   #:find-system #:builtin-system-p)) ;; forward-reference, defined in find-system
 (in-package :asdf/system)
 (defgeneric* find-system (system &optional error-p))
 (defgeneric* system-source-file (system)
   (:documentation "Return the source file in which system is defined."))
+(defgeneric* builtin-system-p (system))
 ;;;; The system class
@@ -76,14 +77,3 @@ in which the system specification (.asd file) is located."
   (system-source-directory system))
-;;;; Beware of builtin systems
-(defgeneric* builtin-system-p (system))
-(defmethod builtin-system-p ((s system))
-  (let* ((system (find-system s nil))
-         (sysdir (and system (component-pathname system)))
-         (truesysdir (truename* sysdir))
-         (impdir (lisp-implementation-directory))
-         (trueimpdir (truename* impdir)))
-    (and sysdir impdir
-         (or (subpathp sysdir impdir)
-             (subpathp truesysdir trueimpdir)))))
diff --git a/test/asdf-pathname-test.script b/test/asdf-pathname-test.script
index e0d71ff81705f306e6cb08427d99865e8155b850..8d06d5e93620269dd9dcc8ba6a0ee2db9664fb2d 100644
--- a/test/asdf-pathname-test.script
+++ b/test/asdf-pathname-test.script
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (in-package :asdf-test)
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
       (setf (logical-pathname-translations "ASDFTEST") nil))
     (remhash "test-system" asdf::*defined-systems*)))
-(with-test ()
  (format t "source registry: ~S~%" (hash-table->alist asdf::*source-registry*))
diff --git a/test/run-shell-command-test.script b/test/run-shell-command-test.script
index df0e0b902cb4ef4625665c75c0719130f76c4027..2c7ffa25f27b0fe02696590f11565f783b110132 100644
--- a/test/run-shell-command-test.script
+++ b/test/run-shell-command-test.script
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 ;;; TODO: write tests for run-program/ instead -- and/or
 ;;; import those from the original xcvb-driver-test
 ;;; test asdf run-shell-command function
-(with-test ()
   (when (asdf::os-unix-p)
    (setf asdf::*verbose-out* nil)
    (assert-equal 1 (asdf:run-shell-command "false"))
diff --git a/test/run-tests.sh b/test/run-tests.sh
index 3463d2abfe00a7547308bfe8fcf70804e7c4a635..cef03a6b01078e09d2e7e0e4f3d491d4871ef7de 100755
--- a/test/run-tests.sh
+++ b/test/run-tests.sh
@@ -47,23 +47,38 @@ if [ x"$1" = "xhelp" ]; then
 lisp=${1:-sbcl} ; shift
-if [ -z "$*" ]; then
-    scripts="*.script"
-    scripts="$*"
-DO () { ( set -x ; "$@" ); }
+ECHO () { printf '%s\n' "$*" ;}
+ECHOn () { printf '%s' "$*" ;}
+DBG () { ECHO "$*" >& 2 ;}
+simple_term_p () {
+  case "$1" in *[!a-zA-Z0-9-+_,.:=%/]*) return 1 ;; *) return 0 ;; esac
+kwote0 () { ECHOn "$1" | sed -e "s/\([\\\\\"\$\`]\)/\\\\\\1/g" ;}
+kwote1 () { if simple_term_p "$1" ; then ECHOn "$1"
+  else ECHOn "\"$(kwote0 "$1")\"" ; fi ;}
+kwote () { ( set +x
+  k="" ; for i ; do ECHOn "$k" ; kwote1 "$i" ; k=" " ; done ; echo
+) }
+DO () { kwote "$@" ; "$@" ; }
 do_tests() {
-  command="$1" eval="$2"
+  if [ -z "$*" ]; then
+       scripts="*.script"
+  else
+       scripts="$*"
+  fi
   env | grep -i asdf
   rm -f ~/.cache/common-lisp/"`pwd`"/* || true
-  ( cd .. && DO $command $eval '(or #.(load "test/script-support.lisp") #.(asdf-test::compile-asdf-script))' )
+  ( cd .. && DO $cmd $debugp $eval '(or #.(load "test/script-support.lisp") #.(asdf-test::compile-asdf-script))' )
   if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
     echo "Compilation FAILED" >&2
+    echo "you can retry compilation with:" >&2
+    echo ./test/run-tests.sh $lisp >&2
+    echo "or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with:" >&2
+    echo "$cmd" >&2
+    echo "then copy/paste:" >&2
+    echo '(load "test/script-support.lisp") (asdf-test::compile-asdf-script)' >&2
     echo "Compiled OK" >&2
@@ -75,14 +90,19 @@ do_tests() {
       echo "Testing: $i" >&2
       test_count=`expr "$test_count" + 1`
       rm -f ~/.cache/common-lisp/"`pwd`"/* || true
-      if DO $command $eval "(load \"$i\")" ; then
+      if DO $cmd $debugp $eval "(load \"script-support.lisp\")" $eval "(asdf-test::with-test () (load \"$i\"))" ; then
         echo "Using $command, $i passed" >&2
 	test_pass=`expr "$test_pass" + 1`
         echo "Using $command, $i failed" >&2
 	test_fail=`expr "$test_fail" + 1`
 	failed_list="$failed_list $i"
-        sok=0
+        echo "you can retry compilation with:" >&2
+        echo ./test/run-tests.sh $lisp $i >&2
+        echo "or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with:" >&2
+        echo "(cd test ; $cmd )" >&2
+        echo "then copy/paste:" >&2
+        echo "'(#.(load \"script-support.lisp\") #.(asdf-test::da) #.(asdf-test::with-test () (load \"$i\")))" >&2
       echo >&2
       echo >&2
@@ -200,10 +220,10 @@ ASDFDIR="$(cd $(dirname $0)/.. ; /bin/pwd)"
 export ASDF_OUTPUT_TRANSLATIONS="(:output-translations (\"${ASDFDIR}\" (\"${ASDFDIR}/build/fasls\" :implementation)) :ignore-inherited-configuration)"
 cmd="$command $flags"
 if [ -z "${DEBUG_ASDF_TEST}" ] ; then
-  cmd="$cmd $nodebug"
+  debugp="$nodebug"
@@ -282,13 +302,13 @@ run_upgrade_tests () {
             if valid_upgrade_test_p $lisp $tag $method ; then
                 echo "Testing ASDF upgrade from ${tag} using method $method"
                 extract_tagged_asdf $tag
-                $cmd $eval \
+                $cmd $debugp $eval \
                 "'(#.(load\"$su\")#.(in-package :asdf-test)#.(test-upgrade $method \"$tag\"))" ||
                 { echo "upgrade FAILED for $lisp from $tag using method $method" ;
                   echo "you can retry just that test with:" ;
                   echo ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=\"$tag\" ADSF_UPGRADE_TEST_METHODS=\"$method\" ./test/run-tests.sh -u $lisp ;
                   echo "or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with:"
-                  echo "$command"
+                  echo "$cmd"
                   echo "then copy/paste:"
                   echo "(load\"$su\") (da) (test-upgrade $method \"$tag\")"
                   exit 1 ;}
@@ -300,7 +320,7 @@ run_tests () {
   mkdir -p ../build/results
   echo failure > ../build/results/status
     thedate=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
-    do_tests "$cmd" "$eval" 2>&1 | \
+    do_tests "$@" 2>&1 | \
 	tee "../build/results/${lisp}.text" "../build/results/${lisp}-${thedate}.save"
     read a < ../build/results/status
@@ -341,5 +361,5 @@ elif [ -n "$clean_load" ] ; then
 elif [ -n "$upgrade" ] ; then
-    run_tests
+    run_tests "$@"
diff --git a/test/script-support.lisp b/test/script-support.lisp
index e2cf8ea970791a101759c1814dabab4d75a99eac..2fe0e5f74dea1ec8056e21c754f09eb8c8621f53 100644
--- a/test/script-support.lisp
+++ b/test/script-support.lisp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Some constraints:
    #:leave-test #:def-test-system
+   #:test-source #:test-fasl #:resolve-output #:output-location
 (in-package :asdf-test)
@@ -36,15 +37,16 @@ Some constraints:
   `(;; If you want to trace some stuff while debugging ASDF,
     ;; here's a nice place to say what.
     ;; These string designators will be interned in ASDF after it is loaded.
+    ;;#+ecl ,@'( :perform :input-files :output-files :compile-file* :compile-file-pathname* :load*)
 (defvar *debug-asdf* nil)
 (defvar *quit-when-done* t)
-(defun verbose (&optional (verbose t))
-  (loop :for v :in '(*load-verbose* *compile-verbose*
-                     *load-print* *compile-print*)
-        :do (setf (symbol-value v) verbose)))
+(defun verbose (&optional (verbose t) (print verbose))
+  (setf *load-verbose* verbose *compile-verbose* verbose)
+  (setf *load-print* print *compile-print* print))
 (verbose nil)
@@ -142,6 +144,7 @@ Some constraints:
 ;;; Test helper functions
 (load (debug-lisp))
+(verbose t nil)
 (defmacro assert-compare (expr)
   (destructuring-bind (op x y) expr
@@ -169,7 +172,6 @@ Some constraints:
   (loop :for key :being :the :hash-keys :of table :using (:hash-value value)
     :collect (cons key value)))
 (defun exit-lisp (&optional (code 0)) ;; Simplified from asdf/image:quit
   #+(or abcl xcl) (ext:quit :status code)
@@ -351,6 +353,7 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
 (defun test-upgrade (old-method new-method tag) ;; called by run-test
   (with-test ()
+    #+clisp (trace compile-file load)
     (when old-method
         ((string-equal tag "REQUIRE")
@@ -369,6 +372,20 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
     (assert (eval (intern (symbol-name '#:*file1*) :test-package)))
     (assert (eval (intern (symbol-name '#:*file3*) :test-package)))))
+(defun output-location (&rest sublocation)
+  (list* *asdf-directory* "build/fasls" :implementation sublocation))
+(defun resolve-output (&rest sublocation)
+  (acall :resolve-location (apply 'output-location sublocation)))
+(defun test-source (file)
+  (acall :subpathname *test-directory* file))
+(defun test-output-dir ()
+  (resolve-output "asdf" "test"))
+(defun test-output (file)
+  (acall :subpathname (test-output-dir) file))
+(defun test-fasl (file)
+  (acall :compile-file-pathname* (test-source file)))
 (defun configure-asdf ()
   (setf *debug-asdf* (or *debug-asdf* (acall :getenvp "DEBUG_ASDF_TEST")))
@@ -377,8 +394,8 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
          `(:source-registry :ignore-inherited-configuration))
   (acall :initialize-output-translations
-           ((,*asdf-directory* :**/ :*.*.*) (,*asdf-directory* "build/fasls" :implementation "asdf"))
-           (t (,*asdf-directory* "build/fasls" :implementation "root"))
+           ((,*asdf-directory* :**/ :*.*.*) ,(output-location "asdf"))
+           (t ,(output-location "root"))
   (set (asym :*central-registry*) `(,*test-directory*))
   (set (asym :*verbose-out*) *standard-output*)
@@ -420,5 +437,4 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
  It depends on the DBG macro in contrib/debug.lisp,
  that you should load in your asdf/plan by inserting an (asdf-debug) form in it.
-#+DBG-ASDF (DBG :cas o c just-done plan stamp-lookup out-files in-files out-op op-time dep-stamp out-stamps in-stamps missing-in missing-out all-present earliest-out latest-in up-to-date-p done-stamp (operation-done-p o c))
+#+DBG-ASDF (DBG :cas o c just-done plan stamp-lookup out-files in-files out-op op-time dep-stamp out-stamps in-stamps missing-in missing-out all-present earliest-out latest-in up-to-date-p done-stamp (operation-done-p o c))|#
diff --git a/test/test-around-compile.script b/test/test-around-compile.script
index 729b254f71ceb8c81206f018eb2f8998e3d1c023..299c12fc0d227552b7678006ada8880fff7fab0e 100644
--- a/test/test-around-compile.script
+++ b/test/test-around-compile.script
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (defun call-in-base-2 (thunk)
   (let ((*read-base* 2))
     (funcall thunk)))
-(with-test ()
   (def-test-system test-around-compile
     :around-compile call-in-base-2
     ;; :depends-on ((:version :asdf "2.017.18")) ; no :around-compile before that.
diff --git a/test/test-asdf.asd b/test/test-asdf.asd
index 6abd8e6c3271641c32f9cec7b961f3f99da05108..3826d362486d0ae1060ea24f4d352bcaf2ef4eb8 100644
--- a/test/test-asdf.asd
+++ b/test/test-asdf.asd
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 (defpackage :test-asdf-system
-  (:use :cl :asdf :asdf/driver))
+  (:use :cl :asdf))
 (in-package :test-asdf-system)
+(defsystem :test-asdf
+  :components ())
 (defsystem :test-asdf/test9-1
     :version "1.1"
     :components ((:file "file2"))
diff --git a/test/test-builtin-source-file-type.script b/test/test-builtin-source-file-type.script
index 30d9f4c4534671aa332ab275cf4ead5a3fa3c1be..21536a4066253fe10efd9caa9f76f30f5fd89aee 100644
--- a/test/test-builtin-source-file-type.script
+++ b/test/test-builtin-source-file-type.script
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 ;;(trace source-file-type)
-(with-test ()
  (format t "~D~%" (asdf:asdf-version))
  (def-test-system test-builtin-source-file-type-1
diff --git a/test/test-bundle.script b/test/test-bundle.script
index db0d352a89bb755c657c0e46abef91d5e044b446..a23144f320627160b018a2513f61ea64d0b0902f 100644
--- a/test/test-bundle.script
+++ b/test/test-bundle.script
@@ -1,35 +1,34 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
+(in-package :asdf-test)
 ;;; Check to see if the bundle functionality is doing something.
-(with-test ()
-  (asdf:initialize-source-registry '(:source-registry :ignore-inherited-configuration))
-  (asdf:clear-system :test-bundle-1)
-  (asdf:clear-system :test-bundle-2)
-  (when (find-package :test-package) (delete-package :test-package))
-  (eval `(def-test-system :test-bundle-1
-           :pathname ,*test-directory*
-           :components ((:file "file1") (:file "file3"))))
-  (eval `(def-test-system :test-bundle-2
-           :pathname ,*test-directory*
-           :depends-on (:test-bundle-1) :components ((:file "file2"))))
-  #-(or abcl (and ecl ecl-bytecmp) gcl)
-  (let* ((op (make-instance 'asdf::fasl-op))
-         (bundle-1 (asdf:output-file op (find-system :test-bundle-1)))
-         (bundle-2 (asdf:output-file op (find-system :test-bundle-2))))
-    (DBG :test-bundle bundle-1 bundle-2)
-    (assert-equal (list bundle-2)
-                  (input-files (make-operation 'load-fasl-op) (find-system :test-bundle-2)))
-    (delete-file-if-exists bundle-1)
-    (delete-file-if-exists bundle-2)
-    (operate 'load-fasl-op :test-bundle-2)
-    ;; Check that the bundles were indeed created.
-    (assert (probe-file bundle-2))
-    (assert (probe-file bundle-1))
-    ;; Check that the files were indeed loaded.
-    (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol* :*file1* :test-package)))
-    (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol* :*file3* :test-package)))))
+(asdf:initialize-source-registry '(:source-registry :ignore-inherited-configuration))
+(asdf:clear-system :test-bundle-1)
+(asdf:clear-system :test-bundle-2)
+(when (find-package :test-package) (delete-package :test-package))
+(def-test-system :test-bundle-1
+  :components ((:file "file1") (:file "file3")))
+(def-test-system :test-bundle-2
+  :depends-on (:test-bundle-1) :components ((:file "file2")))
+#+(or abcl (and ecl ecl-bytecmp) gcl)
+(leave-test "bundles not on this implementation" 0)
+(defparameter *bundle-1* (output-file 'fasl-op :test-bundle-1))
+(defparameter *bundle-2* (output-file 'fasl-op :test-bundle-2))
+(DBG :test-bundle *bundle-1* *bundle-2*)
+(assert-equal (list *bundle-2*)
+              (input-files 'load-fasl-op :test-bundle-2))
+(delete-file-if-exists *bundle-1*)
+(delete-file-if-exists *bundle-2*)
+(operate 'load-fasl-op :test-bundle-2)
+;; Check that the bundles were indeed created.
+(assert (probe-file *bundle-2*))
+(assert (probe-file *bundle-1*))
+;; Check that the files were indeed loaded.
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol* :*file1* :test-package)))
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol* :*file3* :test-package)))
diff --git a/test/test-compile-file-failure.script b/test/test-compile-file-failure.script
index 6ddf8c3d0b55f66835a1a5a4b48a8b03af95df5f..e3b7ca557d3ed8bcbba78d4c46d0f8366e0dc03f 100644
--- a/test/test-compile-file-failure.script
+++ b/test/test-compile-file-failure.script
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
  (assert (handler-case
              (let ((asdf:*compile-file-failure-behaviour* :warn))
diff --git a/test/test-concatenate-source.script b/test/test-concatenate-source.script
index 0e5e91c38c232680c2c7011077b11ccaea4b71e9..b096bdbb9b72b4477caa14a41d3f10b89c4edea5 100644
--- a/test/test-concatenate-source.script
+++ b/test/test-concatenate-source.script
@@ -1,40 +1,37 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
-  (def-test-system :test-concatenate-source
-    :depends-on (:file3-only)
-    :components
-    ((:file "file2" :depends-on ("foo"))
-     (:module "foo" :pathname ""
-       :components ((:file "file1")
-                    (:file "file4" :if-feature (:not :common-lisp))))))
-  (let ((mcso (make-operation 'monolithic-concatenate-source-op))
-        (mccso (make-operation 'monolithic-compile-concatenated-source-op))
-        (mlccso (make-operation 'monolithic-load-compiled-concatenated-source-op))
-        (sys (find-system :test-concatenate-source)))
-    (assert (operation-monolithic-p mcso))
-    (assert-equal ;; on CLISP, we get un-equal pathnames with same namestrings. Sigh.
-     (princ-to-string (input-files mcso sys))
-     (princ-to-string (loop :for n :in '(3 1 2)
-                            :collect (subpathname *test-directory* (format nil "file~D.lisp" n)))))
-    (assert-equal
-     (output-file mcso sys)
-     (apply-output-translations
-      (subpathname *test-directory*
-                   "test-concatenate-source.all-systems.lisp")))
-    (assert-equal
-     (output-files mcso sys)
-     (input-files mccso sys))
-    (assert-equal ;; on ECL, we get un-equal pathnames.
-     (princ-to-string (output-file mccso sys))
-     (princ-to-string (apply-output-translations
-                       (compile-file-pathname
-                        (subpathname *test-directory*
-                                     "test-concatenate-source.all-systems.lisp")))))
-    (assert-equal
-     (output-files mccso sys)
-     (input-files mlccso sys))
-    (operate 'monolithic-load-compiled-concatenated-source-op sys)
-    (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol* :*file3* :test-package)))))
+(def-test-system :test-concatenate-source
+  :depends-on (:file3-only)
+  :components
+  ((:file "file2" :depends-on ("foo"))
+   (:module "foo" :pathname ""
+    :components ((:file "file1")
+                 (:file "file4" :if-feature (:not :common-lisp))))))
+(defparameter mcso (make-operation 'monolithic-concatenate-source-op))
+(defparameter mccso (make-operation 'monolithic-compile-concatenated-source-op))
+(defparameter mlccso (make-operation 'monolithic-load-compiled-concatenated-source-op))
+(defparameter sys (find-system :test-concatenate-source))
+(assert (operation-monolithic-p mcso))
+(assert-equal ;; on CLISP, we get un-equal pathnames with same namestrings. Sigh.
+              (princ-to-string (input-files mcso sys))
+              (princ-to-string (loop :for n :in '(3 1 2)
+                                     :collect (test-source (format nil "file~D.lisp" n)))))
+ (output-file mcso sys)
+ (apply-output-translations
+  (subpathname *test-directory*
+               "test-concatenate-source.all-systems.lisp")))
+ (output-files mcso sys)
+ (input-files mccso sys))
+(assert-equal ;; on ECL, we get un-equal pathnames.
+              (princ-to-string (output-file mccso sys))
+              (princ-to-string (test-fasl "test-concatenate-source.all-systems.lisp")))
+ (output-files mccso sys)
+ (input-files mlccso sys))
+(operate 'monolithic-load-compiled-concatenated-source-op sys)
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol* :*file3* :test-package)))
diff --git a/test/test-configuration.script b/test/test-configuration.script
index 6b0f7f8c04500fbdb5171808462ce77996d609ee..a7342b19b0d2ae7b1b00a26c75eaf9825ae18268 100644
--- a/test/test-configuration.script
+++ b/test/test-configuration.script
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (in-package :asdf)
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
                        :if-does-not-exist :create)
       (format s "(defsystem :foo~D)~%" i))))
-(with-test ()
  (assert-equal (asdf::parse-output-translations-string "/foo:/bar::/baz:/quux")
                '(:output-translations ("/foo" "/bar") :inherit-configuration
                  ("/baz" "/quux")))
diff --git a/test/test-encodings.script b/test/test-encodings.script
index 3305c636eb0441dc4308e1d689ca632b60904ce0..d4f37b24da045265ecb5dd09c80124b17c26a1b7 100644
--- a/test/test-encodings.script
+++ b/test/test-encodings.script
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (defparameter *lambda-string* nil)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
        (eval `(assert-equal (string-char-codes ,*lambda-string*)
                             (expected-char-codes ',',encoding))))))
-(with-test ()
   (with-encoding-test (:utf-8)
     (def-test-system :test-encoding-explicit-u8
diff --git a/test/test-force.script b/test/test-force.script
index 52fc9035ee017664d1678cdf07dbbb55f2ee44a6..584896f2c454973f087d8de7638f7df7cf089ef2 100644
--- a/test/test-force.script
+++ b/test/test-force.script
@@ -1,25 +1,24 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
- (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-force)
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-force)
-  (let* ((file1 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file1"))
-         (file1-date (file-write-date file1))
-         (date1 (- file1-date 600))
-         (date2 (- file1-date 300)))
+(defparameter file1 (test-fasl "file1"))
+(defparameter file1-date (file-write-date file1))
+(defparameter date1 (- file1-date 600))
+(defparameter date2 (- file1-date 300))
-    (assert file1)
-    (assert file1-date)
+(assert file1)
+(assert file1-date)
-    ;; unforced, date should stay same
-    (touch-file "test-force.asd" :timestamp date1)
-    (touch-file "file1.lisp" :timestamp date1)
-    (touch-file file1 :timestamp date2)
-    (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-force)
-    (assert (equal (file-write-date file1) date2))
+;; unforced, date should stay same
+(touch-file "test-force.asd" :timestamp date1)
+(touch-file "file1.lisp" :timestamp date1)
+(touch-file file1 :timestamp date2)
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-force)
+(assert (equal (file-write-date file1) date2))
-    ;; forced, it should be later
-    (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-force :force t)
-    (assert (>= (file-write-date file1) file1-date))))
+;; forced, it should be later
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-force :force t)
+(assert (>= (file-write-date file1) file1-date))
diff --git a/test/test-logical-pathname.script b/test/test-logical-pathname.script
index d9bea363459da8db654e6fc49aafdb25dbdb40de..770417f8c66bdd51ebe410fb10e875881f658004 100644
--- a/test/test-logical-pathname.script
+++ b/test/test-logical-pathname.script
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
                       `(,*asdf-directory* "build/fasls" :implementation "logical-host-asdf")
                       :wilden t))))
-(with-test ()
   (DBG :logical
        (logical-pathname-translations "ASDF")
diff --git a/test/test-missing-lisp-file.script b/test/test-missing-lisp-file.script
index a6b7664844543ee10052fad47a424a142c77b47f..b7154634352fb3417302d5e9bb533bffe1ab56f1 100644
--- a/test/test-missing-lisp-file.script
+++ b/test/test-missing-lisp-file.script
@@ -6,43 +6,37 @@
 ;;; fasl when the source file is lost.
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
- (def-test-system test-missing-lisp-file
-   :components ((:file "file2" :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "fileMissing"))
-                                             (load-op (load-op "fileMissing"))))
-                (:file "fileMissing")))
- (let ((missing-name (namestring
-                      (make-pathname  :name "fileMissing"
-                                      :type "lisp"
-                                      :defaults
-                                      *test-directory*)))
-       (template-file (namestring
-                      (make-pathname  :name "file1"
-                                      :type "lisp"
-                                      :defaults
-                                      *test-directory*))))
- (asdf::concatenate-files (list template-file) missing-name)
- (unless (probe-file missing-name)
-   (format t "File copy failed.~%"))
- (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-missing-lisp-file)
- ;; test that it compiled
- (let* ((file1 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file2"))
-        (file2 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "fileMissing"))
-        (file1-date (file-write-date file1)))
-   (assert file1-date)
-   (assert (file-write-date file2))
-   ;; and loaded
-   (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
-   ;; now remove the lisp file we created, and wait for an error
-   (asdf::delete-file-if-exists missing-name)
-   ;; we shouldn't be able to find the input-file for the compile-op, and that
-   ;; should be an error.
-   (let ((err (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-missing-lisp-file)))))
-     (assert err)))))
+(def-test-system test-missing-lisp-file
+  :components ((:file "file2" :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "fileMissing"))
+                                            (load-op (load-op "fileMissing"))))
+               (:file "fileMissing")))
+(defparameter missing-name (test-source "fileMissing.lisp"))
+(defparameter template-file (test-source "file1.lisp"))
+(concatenate-files (list template-file) missing-name)
+(unless (probe-file missing-name)
+  (format t "File copy failed.~%"))
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-missing-lisp-file)
+;; test that it compiled
+(defparameter file1 (test-fasl "file2"))
+(defparameter file2 (test-fasl "fileMissing"))
+(defparameter file1-date (file-write-date file1))
+(assert file1-date)
+(assert (file-write-date file2))
+;; and loaded
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
+;; now remove the lisp file we created, and wait for an error
+(delete-file-if-exists missing-name)
+;; we shouldn't be able to find the input-file for the compile-op, and that
+;; should be an error.
+(assert (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-missing-lisp-file))))
diff --git a/test/test-module-depend.script b/test/test-module-depend.script
index 536d4a70405141bfdf87557d57f154656e7e13b7..db7842e84e7d1fcf27a13543a4325484fe2676e1 100644
--- a/test/test-module-depend.script
+++ b/test/test-module-depend.script
@@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
- (asdf:load-system 'test-module-depend)
+(asdf:load-system 'test-module-depend)
- ;; test that it compiled
- (let* ((file1.fasl (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file1"))
-        (file2.fasl (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file2"))
-        (file3.fasl (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file3"))
-        (file1-date (file-write-date file1.fasl))
-        (file3-date (file-write-date file3.fasl)))
+;; test that it compiled
+(defparameter file1.fasl (test-fasl "file1"))
+(defparameter file2.fasl (test-fasl "file2"))
+(defparameter file3.fasl (test-fasl "file3"))
+(defparameter file1-date (file-write-date file1.fasl))
+(defparameter file3-date (file-write-date file3.fasl))
-   (assert (and file1-date file3-date))
+(assert (and file1-date file3-date))
-   ;; and loaded
-   (assert (eval (intern (symbol-name '#:*file1*) :test-package)))
+;; and loaded
+(assert (eval (intern (symbol-name '#:*file1*) :test-package)))
-   ;; now touch file1 and its fasl so the fasl is out of date,
-   ;; and check that file2 _is_ also recompiled
-   ;; this didn't work before the cross-module (intra-system) dependency bug was fixed.
+;; now touch file1 and its fasl so the fasl is out of date,
+;; and check that file2 _is_ also recompiled
+;; this didn't work before the cross-module (intra-system) dependency bug was fixed.
-   (touch-file "file1.lisp" :timestamp (- file3-date 60))
-   (touch-file file1.fasl :timestamp (- file3-date 90))
-   (touch-file file2.fasl :timestamp (- file3-date 30))
-   (touch-file file3.fasl :timestamp (- file3-date 15))
-   (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-module-depend)
-   (assert (>= (file-write-date (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file2")) file3-date))
-   ;; does this properly go to the second level?
-   (assert (>= (file-write-date (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file3")) file3-date))))
+(touch-file "file1.lisp" :timestamp (- file3-date 60))
+(touch-file file1.fasl :timestamp (- file3-date 90))
+(touch-file file2.fasl :timestamp (- file3-date 30))
+(touch-file file3.fasl :timestamp (- file3-date 15))
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-module-depend)
+(assert (>= (file-write-date (test-fasl "file2")) file3-date))
+;; does this properly go to the second level?
+(assert (>= (file-write-date (test-fasl "file3")) file3-date))
diff --git a/test/test-module-excessive-depend.script b/test/test-module-excessive-depend.script
index 96671dea5979e423b31b33fb67f33900d2c2f5e5..704e7d02293731eab54ad3d333b0f86ab329622c 100644
--- a/test/test-module-excessive-depend.script
+++ b/test/test-module-excessive-depend.script
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
@@ -14,75 +14,73 @@
 ;;; and reloading of "file2," but /not/ of system Y.
-(with-test ()
-  (def-test-system :test-module-excessive-depend
-   :components ((:file "file1")
-                (:module "quux"
-                 :pathname ""
-                 :depends-on ("file1")
-                 :components ((:file "file2")))))
+(def-test-system :test-module-excessive-depend
+  :components ((:file "file1")
+               (:module "quux"
+                :pathname ""
+                :depends-on ("file1")
+                :components ((:file "file2")))))
-  (defun find-quux ()
-    (find-component :test-module-excessive-depend "quux"))
+(defun find-quux ()
+  (find-component :test-module-excessive-depend "quux"))
-  (defun find-file2 ()
-    (find-component (find-quux) "file2"))
+(defun find-file2 ()
+  (find-component (find-quux) "file2"))
-  (defmethod component-depends-on ((op load-op)
-                                   (c (eql (find-file2))))
-    (cons `(load-op ,(find-system "file3-only"))
-          (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod component-depends-on ((op load-op)
+                                 (c (eql (find-file2))))
+  (cons `(load-op ,(find-system "file3-only"))
+        (call-next-method)))
-  (defmethod component-depends-on ((op compile-op)
-                                   (c (eql (find-file2))))
-    (cons `(load-op ,(find-system "file3-only"))
-          (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod component-depends-on ((op compile-op)
+                                 (c (eql (find-file2))))
+  (cons `(load-op ,(find-system "file3-only"))
+        (call-next-method)))
-  (DBG "loading test-module-excessive-depend"
-       (operate 'load-op 'test-module-excessive-depend))
+(DBG "loading test-module-excessive-depend"
+     (operate 'load-op 'test-module-excessive-depend))
-  ;; test that it compiled
-  (let* ((file1 (compile-file-pathname* "file1"))
-         (file2 (compile-file-pathname* "file2"))
-         (file3 (compile-file-pathname* "file3"))
-         (file1-date (file-write-date file1))
-         (file2-date (file-write-date file2))
-         (file3-date (file-write-date file3)))
-    (unless (and file1-date file2-date file3-date)
-      (error "Failed to compile one of the three files ~
+;; test that it compiled
+(defparameter file1 (test-fasl "file1"))
+(defparameter file2 (test-fasl "file2"))
+(defparameter file3 (test-fasl "file3"))
+(defparameter file1-date (file-write-date file1))
+(defparameter file2-date (file-write-date file2))
+(defparameter file3-date (file-write-date file3))
+(unless (and file1-date file2-date file3-date)
+  (error "Failed to compile one of the three files ~
 	     that should be compiled for this test: ~{~a~}"
-             (mapcar #'cdr
-                     (remove-if #'car
-                                (pairlis (list file1-date file2-date file3-date)
-                                         '("file1" "file2" "file3"))))))
+         (mapcar #'cdr
+                 (remove-if #'car
+                            (pairlis (list file1-date file2-date file3-date)
+                                     '("file1" "file2" "file3"))))))
-    ;; and loaded
-    (assert (eval (asdf::find-symbol* '#:*file1* :test-package)))
-    (assert (eval (asdf::find-symbol* '#:*file3* :test-package)))
+;; and loaded
+(assert (eval (asdf::find-symbol* '#:*file1* :test-package)))
+(assert (eval (asdf::find-symbol* '#:*file3* :test-package)))
-    ;; now touch file1 and check that file2 _is_ also recompiled
-    ;; but that file3 is _not_ recompiled.
-    ;; this will only work if the cross-module (intra-system)
-    ;; dependency bug is fixed and the excessive compilation bug is fixed.
+;; now touch file1 and check that file2 _is_ also recompiled
+;; but that file3 is _not_ recompiled.
+;; this will only work if the cross-module (intra-system)
+;; dependency bug is fixed and the excessive compilation bug is fixed.
-    (let ((before file3-date))
-      (touch-file "file1.lisp" :timestamp (- before 60))
-      (touch-file file1 :timestamp (- before 90))
-      (touch-file "file2.lisp" :timestamp (- before 30))
-      (touch-file file2 :timestamp (- before 15))
+(defparameter before file3-date)
+(touch-file "file1.lisp" :timestamp (- before 60))
+(touch-file file1 :timestamp (- before 90))
+(touch-file "file2.lisp" :timestamp (- before 30))
+(touch-file file2 :timestamp (- before 15))
-      (let ((plan (asdf::traverse
-                   (make-instance 'asdf:load-op)
-                   (asdf:find-system 'test-module-excessive-depend)))
-            (file3 (asdf:find-component :file3-only "file3")))
-        #|(format t "~%Operation plan is:~%")(pprint plan)(terpri)|#
-        (when (loop :for (o . c) :in plan :thereis (and (eq c file3) (typep o 'asdf:compile-op)))
-          (error "Excessive operations on file3-only system.  Bad propagation of dependencies.")))
-      (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-module-excessive-depend)
-      (assert (>= (file-write-date file1) before))
-      (assert (>= (file-write-date file2) before)))
-    (unless (= (file-write-date file3)
-               file3-date)
-      (error "Excessive compilation of file3.lisp:  traverse bug."))))
+(defparameter plan (asdf::traverse
+                    (make-instance 'asdf:load-op)
+                    (asdf:find-system 'test-module-excessive-depend)))
+(defparameter file3 (asdf:find-component :file3-only "file3"))
+#|(format t "~%Operation plan is:~%")(pprint plan)(terpri)|#
+(when (loop :for (o . c) :in plan :thereis (and (eq c file3) (typep o 'asdf:compile-op)))
+  (error "Excessive operations on file3-only system.  Bad propagation of dependencies."))
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-module-excessive-depend)
+(assert (>= (file-write-date file1) before))
+(assert (>= (file-write-date file2) before)))
+(unless (= (file-write-date file3)
+           file3-date)
+  (error "Excessive compilation of file3.lisp:  traverse bug."))
diff --git a/test/test-module-pathnames.script b/test/test-module-pathnames.script
index 06f3f6fbc4ebb715ab0635d103a55da1cddca05b..f2fb061fd1356a776d12833e328b216cd87783a8 100644
--- a/test/test-module-pathnames.script
+++ b/test/test-module-pathnames.script
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
  (asdf:load-system 'test-module-pathnames)
  (flet ((pathname-foo (x)
           (list (or (normalize-pathname-directory-component (pathname-directory x)) '(:relative))
diff --git a/test/test-multiple.script b/test/test-multiple.script
index 0436def4a8ed15e6f594f2e2b7e735b3a1b88791..649bba298b3c12174a9ce1524b734e1f0a639a51 100644
--- a/test/test-multiple.script
+++ b/test/test-multiple.script
@@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (in-package :asdf)
 (use-package :asdf-test)
-(with-test ()
- (let* ((asd (subpathname *test-directory* "test-multiple.asd"))
-        (tmp (subpathname *test-directory* "../build/"))
-        (asd2 (subpathname tmp "test-multiple-too.asd"))
-        (file4 (compile-file-pathname* "file4")))
-   (setf *central-registry* `(,*test-directory* ,tmp))
-   (run-shell-command
-    (format nil "/bin/ln -sf ~A ~A 2>&1"
-            (native-namestring asd)
-            (native-namestring asd2)))
-   (oos 'load-source-op 'test-multiple-too)
-   (assert (symbol-value (asdf::find-symbol* :*file3* :test-package)))
-   (load-system 'test-multiple-free)
-   (assert (asdf::probe-file* file4))))
+(defparameter asd (subpathname *test-directory* "test-multiple.asd"))
+(defparameter tmp (subpathname *test-directory* "../build/"))
+(defparameter asd2 (subpathname tmp "test-multiple-too.asd"))
+(defparameter file4 (test-fasl "file4"))
+(setf *central-registry* `(,*test-directory* ,tmp))
+ (format nil "/bin/ln -sf ~A ~A 2>&1"
+         (native-namestring asd)
+         (native-namestring asd2)))
+(oos 'load-source-op 'test-multiple-too)
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol* :*file3* :test-package)))
+(load-system 'test-multiple-free)
+(assert (probe-file* file4))
diff --git a/test/test-nested-components.script b/test/test-nested-components.script
index 2877604213b3344225f259d94a6538734cff59fd..9f3f0c3501de0d9bb0f1a0fa032393938a7c95b5 100644
--- a/test/test-nested-components.script
+++ b/test/test-nested-components.script
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 ;;; check that added nesting via modules doesn't confuse ASDF
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
  (setf asdf:*central-registry* nil)
  (load "test-nested-components-1.asd")
diff --git a/test/test-package.script b/test/test-package.script
index 4ea06b6a49d694351db825ea4c3ca985062c9781..c6a3f9e7fa9a01fe803d023fd78b3c2e5b714845 100644
--- a/test/test-package.script
+++ b/test/test-package.script
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (in-package :cl-user)
 (asdf-test::with-test ()
diff --git a/test/test-program.script b/test/test-program.script
index c6d1ab761aed03cb37e63ee31afc43253e78357b..84875243e6bbe31da65433bfaf4eb7e46b791181 100644
--- a/test/test-program.script
+++ b/test/test-program.script
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
   (DBG :foo (current-lisp-file-pathname))
diff --git a/test/test-redundant-recompile.script b/test/test-redundant-recompile.script
index 2ed920f2ad67762c738228eb2569be910764ddff..52d92573caeb1581088c7837da068a7c9e8c81d9 100644
--- a/test/test-redundant-recompile.script
+++ b/test/test-redundant-recompile.script
@@ -1,27 +1,24 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
- (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-redundant-recompile)
- ;; test that it compiled
- (let* ((file1 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file1"))
-        (file2 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file2"))
-        (file1-date (file-write-date file1))
-        (file2-date (file-write-date file2)))
-   (format t "~&test-redundant-recompile 1: ~S ~S~%" file1 file1-date)
-   (format t "~&test-redundant-recompile 2: ~S ~S~%" file2 file2-date)
-   (assert file1-date)
-   (assert file2-date)
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-redundant-recompile)
+;; test that it compiled
+(defparameter file1 (test-fasl "file1"))
+(defparameter file2 (test-fasl "file2"))
+(defparameter file1-date (file-write-date file1))
+(defparameter file2-date (file-write-date file2))
-   ;; and loaded
-   (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
+(format t "~&test-redundant-recompile 1: ~S ~S~%" file1 file1-date)
+(format t "~&test-redundant-recompile 2: ~S ~S~%" file2 file2-date)
+(assert file1-date)
+(assert file2-date)
-   ;; now rerun the load-op and check that no files are recompiled
+;; and loaded
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
-   ;;(trace asdf::operation-done-p asdf::traverse)
-   (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-redundant-recompile)
-   (assert (= file1-date (file-write-date file1)))
-   (assert (= file2-date (file-write-date file2)))))
+;; now rerun the load-op and check that no files are recompiled
+(load-system 'test-redundant-recompile)
+(assert (= file1-date (file-write-date file1)))
+(assert (= file2-date (file-write-date file2)))
diff --git a/test/test-retry-loading-component-1.script b/test/test-retry-loading-component-1.script
index 66e81f1ba9c56a0cc301c2659d47605c121db6a1..871fadf37f12db1ee965517d061946e1220da014 100644
--- a/test/test-retry-loading-component-1.script
+++ b/test/test-retry-loading-component-1.script
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 ;;; test asdf:try-recompiling restart
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (defvar *caught-error* nil)
-(with-test ()
  (DBG "trlc1 1")
  (asdf::delete-file-if-exists "try-reloading-dependency.asd")
  (setf asdf::*defined-systems* (asdf::make-defined-systems-table))
diff --git a/test/test-samedir-modules.script b/test/test-samedir-modules.script
index 343aee3e7b5899a21ae8a079610bb506191f9cbb..b9ec483b29b129b91061441d2e983ff847644c6d 100644
--- a/test/test-samedir-modules.script
+++ b/test/test-samedir-modules.script
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
- (DBG "loading test-samedir-modules")
- (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-samedir-modules)
- (let* ((file1 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file1"))
-        (file2 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file2"))
-        (file1-date (file-write-date file1)))
+(DBG "loading test-samedir-modules")
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-samedir-modules)
+(defparameter file1 (test-fasl "file1"))
+(defparameter file2 (test-fasl "file2"))
+(defparameter file1-date (file-write-date file1))
-   (DBG "test that it compiled" file1 file1-date)
-   (assert file1-date)
-   (assert (file-write-date file2))
+(DBG "test that it compiled" file1 file1-date)
+(assert file1-date)
+(assert (file-write-date file2))
-   (DBG "and loaded")
-   (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))))
+(DBG "and loaded")
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
diff --git a/test/test-source-file-type.script b/test/test-source-file-type.script
index c85c4677b03e00b46e9a1d63f49a4a9371568e61..e924e1db7dc73d01729c7a67240b16f6645831cd 100644
--- a/test/test-source-file-type.script
+++ b/test/test-source-file-type.script
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 ;;(trace asdf::source-file-type asdf::source-file-explicit-type)
-(with-test ()
  (asdf:load-system 'test-source-file-type-1 :verbose t)
  (assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*")))
diff --git a/test/test-static-and-serial.script b/test/test-static-and-serial.script
index 35488516c3fd89c1246af6e3ee5b7def550865d9..56cc2e442dd130e770e57f20a1031e3a8e18ba33 100644
--- a/test/test-static-and-serial.script
+++ b/test/test-static-and-serial.script
@@ -3,41 +3,40 @@
 make sure that serial t and static-files
 don't cause full rebuilds all the time...
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (in-package :asdf-test)
-(with-test ()
-  (let ((s '(def-test-system static-and-serial
-              :version "0.1"
-              :serial t
-              :components
-              ((:static-file "file2.lisp")
-               (:static-file "run-tests.sh")
-               (:file "file1")))))
-    (eval s)
-    (load-test-system 'static-and-serial)
+(defparameter s
+  '(def-test-system static-and-serial
+    :version "0.1"
+    :serial t
+    :components
+    ((:static-file "file2.lisp")
+     (:static-file "run-tests.sh")
+     (:file "file1"))))
+(eval s)
+(load-test-system 'static-and-serial)
-    (let* ((file1 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file1.lisp"))
-           (file1-date (file-write-date file1))
-           (date1 (- file1-date 600))
-           (date2 (- file1-date 300))
-           (date3 (- file1-date 150)))
+(defparameter file1 (test-fasl "file1.lisp"))
+(defparameter file1-date (file-write-date file1))
+(defparameter date1 (- file1-date 600))
+(defparameter date2 (- file1-date 300))
+(defparameter date3 (- file1-date 150))
-      (assert file1-date)
-      (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
-      (format t "file: ~S~%date: ~S~%" file1 file1-date)
+(assert file1-date)
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
+(format t "file: ~S~%date: ~S~%" file1 file1-date)
-      ;; date should stay same
-      (clear-system 'static-and-serial)
-      (delete-package :test-package)
-      (eval s)
-      (touch-file "file2.lisp" :timestamp date1)
-      (touch-file "run-tests.sh" :timestamp date1)
-      (touch-file "file1.lisp" :timestamp date2)
-      (touch-file file1 :timestamp date3)
-      (DBG "load again" (oos 'load-op 'static-and-serial))
-      (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
-      (assert-equal (file-write-date file1) date3))))
+;; date should stay same
+(clear-system 'static-and-serial)
+(delete-package :test-package)
+(eval s)
+(touch-file "file2.lisp" :timestamp date1)
+(touch-file "run-tests.sh" :timestamp date1)
+(touch-file "file1.lisp" :timestamp date2)
+(touch-file file1 :timestamp date3)
+(DBG "load again" (oos 'load-op 'static-and-serial))
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
+(assert-equal (file-write-date file1) date3)
diff --git a/test/test-sysdef-asdf.script b/test/test-sysdef-asdf.script
index 59f4174c4ae179eb1a5f85d5d84c4ac61c83ecba..4c55519083981482c2f62bc44ba41bbbc50a50d9 100644
--- a/test/test-sysdef-asdf.script
+++ b/test/test-sysdef-asdf.script
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
  (asdf:initialize-source-registry '(:source-registry :ignore-inherited-configuration))
  (asdf:load-system :asdf)
  (asdf:initialize-source-registry `(:source-registry (:directory ,*asdf-directory*) :ignore-inherited-configuration))
diff --git a/test/test-system-pathnames.script b/test/test-system-pathnames.script
index 4cfc02db98c40490a23f82aa9aa778e6cd61c84a..606b0d04777dab40a520c01db8017821516da794 100644
--- a/test/test-system-pathnames.script
+++ b/test/test-system-pathnames.script
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
  (asdf:load-system 'test-system-pathnames)
  (assert (find-package :test-package)
          () "package test-package not found")
diff --git a/test/test-touch-system-1.script b/test/test-touch-system-1.script
index 5c9ec5cb985becd2bc88a51fe0444d3f22060c80..8d1cf145bcd4cab8a3fc0b132b59fc4b327305e6 100644
--- a/test/test-touch-system-1.script
+++ b/test/test-touch-system-1.script
@@ -3,27 +3,24 @@
 ;;; test system def reloading if touched
 ;;; system that can be found using *system-definition-search-functions*
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
- (flet ((system-load-time (name)
-          (let ((data (asdf::system-registered-p name)))
-            (when data
-              (car data)))))
-   (let* ((file "test1.asd")
-          (date1 (file-write-date file))
-          (date2 (- date1 600))
-          (date3 (- date1 300)))
-     (touch-file file :timestamp date2)
-     (asdf:find-system :test1)
-     (let ((date4 (file-write-date (asdf::compile-file-pathname* "file1.lisp")))
-           (date5 (system-load-time :test1)))
-       (DBG :blah date2 date3 date4 date5)
-       (assert-equal date2 date5)
-       (assert (>= date4 date3))
-       (sleep 1)
-       (touch-file file)
-       (asdf:find-system :test1)
-       (let ((date6 (system-load-time :test1)))
-         (assert (> date6 date4)))))))
\ No newline at end of file
+(defun system-load-time (name)
+  (if-let (data (asdf::system-registered-p name))
+    (car data)))
+(defparameter file "test1.asd")
+(defparameter date1 (file-write-date file))
+(defparameter date2 (- date1 600))
+(defparameter date3 (- date1 300))
+(touch-file file :timestamp date2)
+(asdf:find-system :test1)
+(defparameter date4 (file-write-date (test-fasl "file1.lisp")))
+(defparameter date5 (system-load-time :test1))
+(DBG :blah date2 date3 date4 date5)
+(assert-equal date2 date5)
+(assert (>= date4 date3))
+(sleep 1)
+(touch-file file)
+(find-system :test1)
+(defparameter date6 (system-load-time :test1))
+(assert (> date6 date4))
diff --git a/test/test-touch-system-2.script b/test/test-touch-system-2.script
index 3694802512124a50cdc8e2bea3ec0c4944bf819c..6078bfe26b5b8a240bca1c54bfa3ca5144e81feb 100644
--- a/test/test-touch-system-2.script
+++ b/test/test-touch-system-2.script
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 ;;; test system definition reloading if touched
 ;;; system that canNOT be found using *system-definition-search-functions*
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
  (flet ((system-load-time (name)
           (let ((data (asdf::system-registered-p name)))
             (when data
diff --git a/test/test-try-recompiling-1.script b/test/test-try-recompiling-1.script
index e1c669301f34bc6b55cd14b4b5f49d15b27bb453..39062487bec802f66e1274753c6c16c7dec9c99f 100644
--- a/test/test-try-recompiling-1.script
+++ b/test/test-try-recompiling-1.script
@@ -2,26 +2,28 @@
 ;;; test asdf:try-recompiling restart
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(defvar *caught-error* nil)
+(defparameter *caught-error* nil)
+(delete-file-if-exists (test-fasl "try-recompiling-1"))
+    ((error (lambda (c)
+              (setf *caught-error* t)
+              (multiple-value-bind (name mode)
+                  (find-symbol
+                   (symbol-name 'try-recompiling)
+                   :asdf)
+                (assert (eq mode :external))
+                (let ((restart (find-restart name c)))
+                  #+(or)
+                  ;; debug
+                  (print (list c restart (compute-restarts c)))
+                  (when restart
+                    (invoke-restart restart)))))))
+  (oos 'load-op 'try-recompiling-1))
-(with-test ()
- (asdf::delete-file-if-exists (compile-file-pathname "try-recompiling-1"))
- #-gcl
- (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c)
-                         (setf *caught-error* t)
-                         (multiple-value-bind (name mode)
-                             (find-symbol
-                              (symbol-name 'try-recompiling)
-                              :asdf)
-                           (assert (eq mode :external))
-                           (let ((restart (find-restart name c)))
-                             #+(or)
-                             ;; debug
-                             (print (list c restart (compute-restarts c)))
-                             (when restart
-                               (invoke-restart restart)))))))
-   (oos 'load-op 'try-recompiling-1))
- #-gcl
- (assert *caught-error*))
+(assert *caught-error*)
diff --git a/test/test-urls-1.script b/test/test-urls-1.script
index 47f26ed14d3ab8e3f417b17656e0a3d472fba584..a5e12a9af123c13efca7780c868fcf4c3d5149d5 100644
--- a/test/test-urls-1.script
+++ b/test/test-urls-1.script
@@ -1,35 +1,34 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (require :http-library)
-(with-test ()
- ;; Compare the source files with local versions before loading them.
- #+(and (or abcl scl) trust-the-net)
- (flet ((compare (url local)
-	  (with-open-file (stream1 url :element-type 'character
-				   :external-format :utf-8)
-	    (with-open-file (stream2 local :element-type 'character
-				     :external-format :utf-8)
-	      (loop
-		 (let ((ch1 (read-char stream1 nil nil))
-		       (ch2 (read-char stream2 nil nil)))
-		   (unless (eql ch1 ch2)
-		     (error "Unexpected source content."))
-		   (unless (and ch1 ch2)
-		     (return))))))))
-   (let* ((system (asdf:find-system "test-urls-1"))
-	  (url (asdf:component-pathname
-		(asdf:find-component system "test"))))
-     (compare url "test.lisp"))
+;; Compare the source files with local versions before loading them.
+#+(and (or abcl scl) trust-the-net)
+(flet ((compare (url local)
+         (with-open-file (stream1 url :element-type 'character
+                                      :external-format :utf-8)
+           (with-open-file (stream2 local :element-type 'character
+                                          :external-format :utf-8)
+             (loop
+               (let ((ch1 (read-char stream1 nil nil))
+                     (ch2 (read-char stream2 nil nil)))
+                 (unless (eql ch1 ch2)
+                   (error "Unexpected source content."))
+                 (unless (and ch1 ch2)
+                   (return))))))))
+  (let* ((system (find-system "test-urls-1"))
+         (url (asdf:component-pathname
+               (asdf:find-component system "test"))))
+    (compare url "test.lisp"))
-   (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-urls-1)
+  (load-system 'test-urls-1)
-   ;; test that it compiled
-   (let* ((path (asdf:component-pathname
-                 (asdf:find-component "test-urls-1" "test")))
-          (test (asdf:compile-file-pathname* path))
-          (test-date (file-write-date test)))
-     (format t "~&test-urls-1 1: ~S ~S~%" test test-date)
-     (assert test-date))))
+  ;; test that it compiled
+  (let* ((path (component-pathname
+                (find-component "test-urls-1" "test")))
+         (test (test-fasl path))
+         (test-date (file-write-date test)))
+    (format t "~&test-urls-1 1: ~S ~S~%" test test-date)
+    (assert test-date)))
diff --git a/test/test-urls-2.script b/test/test-urls-2.script
index 46237b1eda93dcdaf167ae9ec4e660c986f9b4cd..532136a455af43ad64d3b3ffc62314612b465c38 100644
--- a/test/test-urls-2.script
+++ b/test/test-urls-2.script
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (require :http-library)
-(with-test ()
  (setf asdf:*central-registry* '("http://www.scieneer.com/files/"))
  ;; Compare the source files with local versions before loading them.
  #+(and (or abcl scl) trust-the-net)
@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@
 		     (error "Unexpected source content."))
 		   (unless (and ch1 ch2)
-   (let ((url (asdf:system-definition-pathname "test-urls-2")))
+   (let ((url (system-definition-pathname "test-urls-2")))
      (compare url "test-urls-2.asd"))
    (let* ((system (asdf:find-system "test-urls-2"))
-	  (url (asdf:component-pathname
-		(asdf:find-component system "test"))))
+	  (url (component-pathname
+		(find-component system "test"))))
      (compare url "test.lisp"))
-   (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-urls-2)
+   (load-system 'test-urls-2)
    ;; Test that it compiled
-   (let* ((path (asdf:component-pathname
-                 (asdf:find-component "test-urls-2" "test")))
-          (test (asdf:compile-file-pathname* path))
+   (let* ((path (component-pathname
+                 (find-component "test-urls-2" "test")))
+          (test (test-fasl path))
           (test-date (file-write-date test)))
    (format t "~&test-urls-2 1: ~S ~S~%" test test-date)
    (assert test-date))))
diff --git a/test/test-utilities.script b/test/test-utilities.script
index ef4d6439b0ad6c8a9469e58a719e27e5f9dcf680..4ff33cd7f9b7ebcca5646882801d26c7b8526507 100644
--- a/test/test-utilities.script
+++ b/test/test-utilities.script
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (in-package :asdf)
 (use-package :asdf-test)
-(with-test ()
  (every #'directory-pathname-p
diff --git a/test/test-version.script b/test/test-version.script
index c2e160a53487f756215282b5cdd6785ea358fc92..250e0c90d2756ad26e85b0b0987342ebea3c76c2 100644
--- a/test/test-version.script
+++ b/test/test-version.script
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
  (def-test-system :versioned-system-1
    :pathname #.*test-directory*
    :version "1.0")
diff --git a/test/test-weakly-depends-on-present.asd b/test/test-weakly-depends-on-present.asd
deleted file mode 100644
index 04c3b55baa413bd05bfb855b4082a73f6c64bcb2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/test-weakly-depends-on-present.asd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-(defsystem test-weakly-depends-on-present
-  :weakly-depends-on (file3-only)
-  :components ((:file "file1")))
diff --git a/test/test-weakly-depends-on-present.script b/test/test-weakly-depends-on-present.script
index 63e42619cfb4e024b515bb7cddfc9b470f173338..1296e70d09f2d6deecdbf8bfc8b392dd8529649b 100644
--- a/test/test-weakly-depends-on-present.script
+++ b/test/test-weakly-depends-on-present.script
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
@@ -7,24 +7,24 @@
 ;;; directory, actually gets loaded.
+(def-test-system test-weakly-depends-on-present
+  :weakly-depends-on (file3-only)
+  :components ((:file "file1")))
+(DBG "Loading" (operate 'load-op 'test-weakly-depends-on-present))
-(with-test ()
- (asdf:load-system 'test-weakly-depends-on-present)
- ;; The weakly-depended-on system, file3-only, should be loaded...
- (let* ((file3 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file3"))
-        (file3-date (file-write-date file3)))
+(DBG "The weakly-depended-on system, file3-only, should be loaded...")
+(defparameter *file3* (test-fasl "file3"))
+(defparameter *file3-date* (file-write-date *file3*))
-   ;; (format t "~&test1 1: ~S ~S~%" file1 file1-date)
-   (assert file3-date)
-   ;; and loaded
-   (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file3*) :test-package)))))
+(DBG "test1 1" *file3* *file3-date*)
+(assert *file3-date*)
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file3*) :test-package)))
- ;; The depending system (test-weakly-depends-on-present) loads
- ;; successfully. [2011/12/14:rpg]
- (let* ((file1 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file1"))
-        (file1-date (file-write-date file1)))
+(DBG "The depending system (test-weakly-depends-on-present) loads successfully. [2011/12/14:rpg]")
+(defparameter *file1* (test-fasl "file1"))
+(defparameter *file1-date* (file-write-date *file1*))
-   ;; (format t "~&test1 1: ~S ~S~%" file1 file1-date)
-   (assert file1-date)
-   ;; and loaded
-   (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))))
+(DBG "test1 2" *file1* *file1-date*)
+(assert *file1-date*)
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
diff --git a/test/test-weakly-depends-on-unpresent.script b/test/test-weakly-depends-on-unpresent.script
index 791d7dc0c3350b05b2673f97e7457de9d96788f5..da079d9bbee45fa6a96b487be006c4440f28e313 100644
--- a/test/test-weakly-depends-on-unpresent.script
+++ b/test/test-weakly-depends-on-unpresent.script
@@ -6,16 +6,15 @@
 ;;; system will still load successfully. [2011/12/14:rpg]
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
- (asdf:load-system 'test-weakly-depends-on-unpresent)
- ;; test that it compiled
- (let* ((file1 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file1"))
-        (file1-date (file-write-date file1)))
+(asdf:load-system 'test-weakly-depends-on-unpresent)
+;; test that it compiled
+(defparameter file1 (test-fasl "file1"))
+(defparameter file1-date (file-write-date file1))
-   (format t "~&test1 1: ~S ~S~%" file1 file1-date)
-   (assert file1-date)
-   ;; and loaded
-   (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))))
+(format t "~&test1 1: ~S ~S~%" file1 file1-date)
+(assert file1-date)
+;; and loaded
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
diff --git a/test/test-xach-update-bug.script b/test/test-xach-update-bug.script
index 380e57de3863a2ce664ced995c0c8ea3cecd64b2..161f907d8844d99519b997f51687b2e5afbc38f6 100644
--- a/test/test-xach-update-bug.script
+++ b/test/test-xach-update-bug.script
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 #+gcl (trace load compile-file asdf:perform asdf::perform-plan)
-(with-test ()
   (let ((foo :test-asdf-location-change))
     (DBG "load foo. Should load from xach-foo-1/")
     (setf *central-registry* (list (subpathname *test-directory* "xach-foo-1/")))
diff --git a/test/test1.script b/test/test1.script
index 5ad1176d285d35bdbb1afe08da4046958246fb09..7c29cb8b68504edb97be973baafed4d182906720 100644
--- a/test/test1.script
+++ b/test/test1.script
@@ -1,46 +1,47 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (touch-file "test1.asd" :offset -3600) ;; touch test1.asd an hour ago.
 (touch-file "file1.lisp" :offset -3500)
 (touch-file "file2.lisp" :offset -3400)
-(with-test ()
- (DBG "loading test1")
- (asdf:load-system 'test1)
- (let* ((file1 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file1"))
-        (file2 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file2"))
-        (date (file-write-date "test1.asd"))
-        (then (file-write-date file2)))
-   (DBG "test that it compiled" date then)
-   (assert (probe-file file1))
-   (assert (probe-file file2))
-   (DBG "and loaded")
-   (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
-   (DBG "now remove file2 that depends-on file1" date)
-   (touch-file file1 :timestamp (+ date 500))
-   (assert-equal (+ date 500) (file-write-date file1))
-   (asdf::delete-file-if-exists file2)
-   (DBG "load again")
-   (asdf:clear-system 'test1)
-   (asdf:load-system 'test1)
-   (DBG "check that file1 is _not_ recompiled, but file2 is" (file-write-date file1))
-   (assert-equal (+ date 500) (file-write-date file1))
-   (assert-compare (<= then (file-write-date file2)))
-   (DBG "now touch file1 and check that file2 _is_ also recompiled")
-   ;; XXX run-shell-command loses if *default-pathname-defaults* is not the
-   ;; unix cwd.  this is not a problem for run-tests.sh, but can be in general
-   (let ((before (file-write-date file2)))
-     (touch-file "file1.lisp" :timestamp (+ date 3000)) ;; touch file1 a minute ago.
-     (touch-file file2 :timestamp (+ date 2000)) ;; touch file2.fasl some time before.
-     (asdf:clear-system 'test1)
-     (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test1)
-     (DBG :foo (file-write-date file2) before)
-     (assert-compare (>= (file-write-date file2) before)))))
+(DBG "loading test1")
+(asdf:load-system 'test1)
+(defparameter *file1* (test-fasl "file1"))
+(defparameter *file2* (test-fasl "file2"))
+(defparameter *date* (file-write-date "test1.asd"))
+(defparameter *then* (file-write-date *file2*))
+(assert-equal *file1* (first (output-files 'compile-op '("test1" "file1"))))
+(DBG "test that it compiled" *date* *then*)
+(assert (probe-file *file1*))
+(assert (probe-file *file2*))
+(DBG "and loaded")
+(assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :*file1*) :test-package)))
+(DBG "now remove file2 that depends-on file1" *date*)
+(touch-file *file1* :timestamp (+ *date* 500))
+(assert-equal (+ *date* 500) (file-write-date *file1*))
+(asdf::delete-file-if-exists *file2*)
+(DBG "load again")
+(asdf:clear-system 'test1)
+(asdf:load-system 'test1)
+(DBG "check that file1 is _not_ recompiled, but file2 is" (file-write-date *file1*))
+(assert-equal (+ *date* 500) (file-write-date *file1*))
+(assert-compare (<= *then* (file-write-date *file2*)))
+(DBG "now touch file1 and check that file2 _is_ also recompiled")
+;; XXX run-shell-command loses if *default-pathname-defaults* is not the
+;; unix cwd.  this is not a problem for run-tests.sh, but can be in general
+(defparameter *before* (file-write-date *file2*))
+(touch-file "file1.lisp" :timestamp (+ *date* 3000)) ;; touch file1 a minute ago.
+(touch-file *file2* :timestamp (+ *date* 2000)) ;; touch file2.fasl some time before.
+(asdf:clear-system 'test1)
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test1)
+(DBG :foo (file-write-date *file2*) *before*)
+(assert-compare (>= (file-write-date *file2*) *before*))
diff --git a/test/test2.script b/test/test2.script
index ca0613e0d2777d4265bb56523b4ef3a89b640eac..b175caf249e7a433774d4f105ccdd1bec64c56b4 100644
--- a/test/test2.script
+++ b/test/test2.script
@@ -1,27 +1,30 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
- (DBG "test2: loading test2b1")
- (asdf:load-system 'test2b1)
- (DBG "test2: file3 and file4 were compiled")
- (assert (and (probe-file (asdf:compile-file-pathname* (truename "file3.lisp")))
-              (probe-file (asdf:compile-file-pathname* (truename "file4.lisp")))))
- (DBG "test2: loading test2b2 should fail")
- #-gcl
- (handler-case
-     (asdf:load-system 'test2b2)
-   (asdf:missing-dependency (c)
-     (format t "load failed as expected: - ~%~A~%" c))
-   (:no-error (c)
-     (declare (ignore c))
-     (error "should have failed, oops")))
- (DBG "test2: loading test2b3 should fail")
- #-gcl
- (handler-case
-     (asdf:load-system 'test2b3)
-   (asdf:missing-dependency (c)
-     (format t "load failed as expected: - ~%~A~%" c))
-   (:no-error (c)
-     (declare (ignore c))
-     (error "should have failed, oops"))))
+(DBG "test2: loading test2b1")
+(asdf:load-system 'test2b1)
+(DBG "test2: file3 and file4 were compiled")
+(assert (and (probe-file (test-fasl "file3.lisp"))
+             (probe-file (test-fasl "file4.lisp"))))
+(DBG "test2: loading test2b2 should fail")
+    (asdf:load-system 'test2b2)
+  (asdf:missing-dependency (c)
+    (format t "load failed as expected: - ~%~A~%" c))
+  (:no-error (c)
+    (declare (ignore c))
+    (error "should have failed, oops")))
+(DBG "test2: loading test2b3 should fail")
+    (asdf:load-system 'test2b3)
+  (asdf:missing-dependency (c)
+    (format t "load failed as expected: - ~%~A~%" c))
+  (:no-error (c)
+    (declare (ignore c))
+    (error "should have failed, oops")))
diff --git a/test/test3.script b/test/test3.script
index ad32ffc52dc2d3130ca7da85c2c4c87756f06784..ba4e222bfb380760c96022fbea7336a15d52a501 100644
--- a/test/test3.script
+++ b/test/test3.script
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
- (let* ((fasl1 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* (truename "file1.lisp")))
-        (fasl2 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* (truename "file2.lisp")))
-        (ns1 (asdf::native-namestring fasl1))
-        (ns2 (asdf::native-namestring fasl2)))
-   (asdf:run-shell-command "rm -f ~A ~A" ns1 ns2)
-   (DBG "should load file1 but not file2")
-   (asdf:load-system :test3)
-   (assert (probe-file fasl1))
-   (assert (not (probe-file fasl2)))
-   (assert (not (component-property (find-system 'test3) :foo)))
-   (assert (equal (component-property (find-system 'test3) :prop1) "value"))
-   (setf (component-property (find-system 'test3) :foo) "bar")
-   (assert (equal (component-property (find-system 'test3) :foo) "bar"))))
+(defparameter *fasl1* (test-fasl "file1.lisp"))
+(defparameter *fasl2* (test-fasl "file2.lisp"))
+(delete-file-if-exists *fasl1*)
+(delete-file-if-exists *fasl2*)
+(DBG "should load file1 but not file2")
+(asdf:load-system :test3)
+(assert (probe-file *fasl1*))
+(assert (not (probe-file *fasl2*)))
+(assert (not (component-property (find-system 'test3) :foo)))
+(assert (equal (component-property (find-system 'test3) :prop1) "value"))
+(setf (component-property (find-system 'test3) :foo) "bar")
+(assert (equal (component-property (find-system 'test3) :foo) "bar"))
diff --git a/test/test8.script b/test/test8.script
index b530fda5d10f22d006e92a756d45426a1a35bb71..a76c320de25e2c999051634e4f12f327f36e0cd8 100644
--- a/test/test8.script
+++ b/test/test8.script
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 ;;; make sure we get a missing-component error
-(load "script-support.lisp")
 (in-package :asdf-test)
-(with-test ()
   (trace operate)
       (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'system-does-not-exist)
diff --git a/test/test9.script b/test/test9.script
index b09690d282a83a4c4598f63e46b25912611ac79a..4463130262804d652963b1bfad0eaf10d1bc0505 100644
--- a/test/test9.script
+++ b/test/test9.script
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 ;;; make sure we get a missing-component-of-version error
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
       (load-test-system :test-asdf/test9-1)
     (asdf:missing-component-of-version (c)
diff --git a/test/wild-module.script b/test/wild-module.script
index adc0c5d18c306bc561cbdd71a4539092caabe659..2bf412be0525e247dc8055698733c67bac379788 100644
--- a/test/wild-module.script
+++ b/test/wild-module.script
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-(load "script-support.lisp")
-(with-test ()
  (load (asdf::subpathname *asdf-directory* "contrib/wild-modules.lisp"))
  (def-test-system :wild-module
    :version "0.0"
diff --git a/upgrade.lisp b/upgrade.lisp
index f3d4ed3d163fcfd08273a2623d74a2d699162d3d..ab2f19551d0e59e5274782d651e6cbd5820d0c75 100644
--- a/upgrade.lisp
+++ b/upgrade.lisp
@@ -9,23 +9,13 @@
    #:upgrade-asdf #:asdf-upgrade-error #:when-upgrade
    #:*post-upgrade-cleanup-hook* #:*post-upgrade-restart-hook* #:cleanup-upgraded-asdf
-   #:asdf-version #:*upgraded-p*
+   #:asdf-version #:*upgraded-p* #:*asdf-version*
    #:asdf-message #:*asdf-verbose* #:*verbose-out*
    ;; There will be no symbol left behind!
   (:import-from :asdf/package #:intern* #:find-symbol*))
 (in-package :asdf/upgrade)
-;; Note that this massive package destruction makes it impossible
-;; to use asdf/driver on top of an old ASDF on these implementations
-(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
-  #+(or clisp xcl)
-  (unless (let ((vs (find-symbol* 'version-satisfies :asdf nil))
-                (av (find-symbol* 'asdf-version :asdf nil)))
-            (and vs av (funcall vs (funcall av) "2.26.59")))
-    (if-let (p (find-package :asdf))
-      (do-symbols (s p) (when (home-package-p s p) (nuke-symbol s))))))
 ;;; Special magic to detect if this is an upgrade
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
@@ -45,17 +35,62 @@
          ;; "2.345.6" would be a development version in the official upstream
          ;; "2.345.0.7" would be your seventh local modification of official release 2.345
          ;; "2.345.6.7" would be your seventh local modification of development version 2.345.6
-         (asdf-version "2.26.125")
+         (asdf-version "2.26.126")
          (existing-asdf (find-class (find-symbol* :component :asdf nil) nil))
          (existing-version *asdf-version*)
-         (already-there (equal asdf-version existing-version)))
-    (unless (and existing-asdf already-there)
+         (already-there (equal asdf-version existing-version))
+         (redefined-functions ;; gf signature and/or semantics changed incompatibly. Oops.
+           '(#:perform #:explain #:output-files #:operation-done-p
+             #:component-parent-pathname #:traverse
+             #:component-depends-on #:input-files
+             #:perform-with-restarts #:component-relative-pathname
+             #:system-source-file #:operate #:find-component #:find-system
+             #:apply-output-translations
+             #:system-relative-pathname
+             #:inherit-source-registry #:process-source-registry
+             #:process-source-registry-directive #:source-file-type
+             #:process-output-translations-directive
+             #:trivial-system-p
+             ))
+         (uninterned-symbols
+           '(#:*asdf-revision* #:around #:asdf-method-combination
+             #:split #:make-collector #:do-dep #:do-one-dep
+             #:resolve-relative-location-component #:resolve-absolute-location-component
+             #:output-files-for-system-and-operation))) ; obsolete ASDF-BINARY-LOCATION function
+    (when (and existing-asdf (not already-there))
       (when existing-asdf
         (asdf-message "~&; Upgrading ASDF ~@[from version ~A ~]to version ~A~%"
-                      existing-version asdf-version))
-      (unless already-there
+                      existing-version asdf-version)
         (push existing-version *upgraded-p*))
-      (setf *asdf-version* asdf-version))))
+      ;;(format t "UPGRADE FROBBING! ~S~%" (list existing-asdf existing-version asdf-version)) ;XXX
+      (loop :for name :in (append #-(or clisp ecl) redefined-functions)
+              :for sym = (find-symbol* name :asdf nil) :do
+                (when sym
+                  ;;(format t "Undefining ~S~%" sym);XXX
+                  (fmakunbound sym)))
+        (loop :with asdf = (find-package :asdf)
+              :for name :in (append #+(or clisp ecl) redefined-functions uninterned-symbols) ;XXX
+              :for sym = (find-symbol* name :asdf nil)
+              :for base-pkg = (and sym (symbol-package sym)) :do
+                (when sym
+                  ;;(format t "frobbing symbol ~S~%" sym);XXX
+                  (cond
+                    ((or (eq base-pkg asdf) (not base-pkg))
+                     (unintern* sym asdf)
+                     (intern* sym asdf))
+                    (t
+                     (unintern* sym base-pkg)
+                     (let ((new (intern* sym base-pkg)))
+                       (shadowing-import new asdf))))))
+        ;; Note that this massive package destruction makes it impossible
+        ;; to use asdf/driver on top of an old ASDF on these implementations
+        #+(or clisp xcl)
+        (let ((p (find-package :asdf)))
+          (when p
+            (do-symbols (s p) (when (home-package-p s p) (nuke-symbol s)))
+            (rename-package-away p :prefix (format nil "~A-~A" :asdf (or existing-version :1.x))
+                         :index 0 :separator "-"))))
+    (setf *asdf-version* asdf-version)))
 ;;; Upgrade interface
@@ -81,8 +116,6 @@ You can compare this string with e.g.:
 ;;; Self-upgrade functions
-(defvar *asdf-upgrade-already-attempted* nil)
 (defvar *post-upgrade-cleanup-hook* ())
 (defvar *post-upgrade-restart-hook* ())
@@ -108,9 +141,9 @@ You can compare this string with e.g.:
 (defun* upgrade-asdf ()
   "Try to upgrade of ASDF. If a different version was used, return T.
    We need do that before we operate on anything that may possibly depend on ASDF."
-  (unless *asdf-upgrade-already-attempted*
-    (setf *asdf-upgrade-already-attempted* t)
-    (let ((version (asdf-version)))
-      (handler-bind (((or style-warning warning) #'muffle-warning))
-        (symbol-call :asdf :load-system :asdf :verbose nil))
-      (cleanup-upgraded-asdf version))))
+  (let ((version (asdf-version))
+        (*load-print* nil)
+        (*compile-print* nil))
+    (handler-bind (((or style-warning warning) #'muffle-warning))
+      (symbol-call :asdf :load-system :asdf :verbose nil))
+    (cleanup-upgraded-asdf version)))
diff --git a/utility.lisp b/utility.lisp
index fd91ea1cbf44a21c246d90a41b6c79c71b9d2b83..d57f2a1e00cdff097d69ea9f37a9be02a06f8ca5 100644
--- a/utility.lisp
+++ b/utility.lisp
@@ -52,18 +52,24 @@
     ((defdef (def* def)
        `(defmacro ,def* (name formals &rest rest)
-          `(progn
+          (destructuring-bind (name &key (supersede t))
+              (if (or (atom name) (eq (car name) 'setf))
+                  (list name :supersede nil)
+                  name)
+            (declare (ignorable supersede))
+            `(progn
              ;; undefining the previous function is the portable way
-             ;; of overriding any incompatible previous gf, but somehow
-             ;; this causes CLISP to fail to see COMPONENT-NAME methods after ugprade
-             ;; so instead, for CLISP we delete-package* in package.lisp
-             ;; any time the API changes.
-             #-clisp
-             (undefine-function ',name)
-             #-gcl ; gcl 2.7.0 notinline functions lose secondary return values :-(
-             ,@(when (and #+ecl (symbolp name)) ; fails for setf functions on ecl
-                 `((declaim (notinline ,name))))
-             (,',def ,name ,formals ,@rest)))))
+             ;; of overriding any incompatible previous gf,
+             ;; but we usually try to do it only for the functions that need it,
+             ;; which happens in asdf/upgrade - however, for ECL, we need this hammer,
+             ;; (which causes issues in clisp)
+               #-ecl ;XXX
+               ,@(when (or supersede #+(or (and gcl (not gcl-pre2.7))) t)
+                   `((undefine-function ',name)))
+               #-gcl ; gcl 2.7.0 notinline functions lose secondary return values :-(
+               ,@(when (and #+ecl (symbolp name)) ; fails for setf functions on ecl
+                   `((declaim (notinline ,name))))
+               (,',def ,name ,formals ,@rest))))))
   (defdef defgeneric* defgeneric)
   (defdef defun* defun))
diff --git a/version.lisp-expr b/version.lisp-expr
index 16fb0f044bb62a4b897351b70f63085a4af26d41..a69540736d6e1b1a59663dc3ca89350336c7f795 100644
--- a/version.lisp-expr
+++ b/version.lisp-expr
@@ -1 +1 @@