diff --git a/asdf.asd b/asdf.asd
index 1f32c845577b13a6c872079c8f375004c2077448..bff2557bfefdb617cc168bcb36b28b9dd39a8984 100644
--- a/asdf.asd
+++ b/asdf.asd
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
   :licence "MIT"
   :description "Another System Definition Facility"
   :long-description "ASDF builds Common Lisp software organized into defined systems."
-  :version "2.32.20" ;; to be automatically updated by make bump-version
+  :version "2.32.21" ;; to be automatically updated by make bump-version
   :depends-on ()
   #+asdf3 :encoding #+asdf3 :utf-8
   ;; For most purposes, asdf itself specially counts as a builtin system.
diff --git a/bundle.lisp b/bundle.lisp
index 9a1c6e386db1949e28ab79727b3b1a74c174d2bd..38bda01515034e377afadc9bb3a6d483371b2b11 100644
--- a/bundle.lisp
+++ b/bundle.lisp
@@ -30,8 +30,12 @@
      #+mkcl (do-fasb :initarg :do-fasb :initform t :reader bundle-op-do-fasb-p)
      #+mkcl (do-static-library :initarg :do-static-library :initform t :reader bundle-op-do-static-library-p)))
+  (defclass bundle-compile-op (bundle-op basic-compile-op)
+    ()
+    (:documentation "Abstract operation for ways to bundle the outputs of compiling *Lisp* files"))
   ;; create a single fasl for the entire library
-  (defclass basic-fasl-op (bundle-op basic-compile-op)
+  (defclass basic-fasl-op (bundle-compile-op)
     ((bundle-type :initform :fasl)))
   (defclass prepare-fasl-op (sideway-operation)
     ((sideway-operation :initform 'load-fasl-op)))
@@ -45,19 +49,19 @@
   ;; we'd have to have the monolithic-op not inherit from the main op,
   ;; but instead inherit from a basic-FOO-op as with basic-fasl-op above.
-  ;; On ECL: compile the system and produce linkable ".a" library for it.
-  ;; On others: just compile the system.
-  (defclass lib-op (bundle-op basic-compile-op)
-    ((bundle-type :initform #+(or ecl mkcl) :lib #-(or ecl mkcl) :no-output-file)))
+  (defclass lib-op (bundle-compile-op)
+    ((bundle-type :initform #+(or ecl mkcl) :lib #-(or ecl mkcl) :no-output-file))
+    (:documentation #+(or ecl mkcl) "compile the system and produce linkable (.a) library for it."
+     #-(or ecl mkcl) "just compile the system"))
   (defclass dll-op (bundle-op basic-compile-op)
-    ;; Link together all the dynamic library used by this system into a single one.
-    ((bundle-type :initform :dll)))
+    ((bundle-type :initform :dll))
+    (:documentation "Link together all the dynamic library used by this system into a single one."))
   (defclass binary-op (bundle-op basic-compile-op selfward-operation)
-    ;; On ECL: produce lib and fasl for the system.
-    ;; On "normal" Lisps: produce just the fasl.
-    ((selfward-operation :initform '(lib-op fasl-op))))
+    ((selfward-operation :initform '(lib-op fasl-op)))
+    (:documentation #+(or ecl mkcl) "produce lib and fasl for the system."
+     #-(or ecl mkcl) "produce a fasl for the system"))
   (defclass monolithic-op (operation) ()) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
@@ -65,27 +69,34 @@
     ((prologue-code :accessor monolithic-op-prologue-code)
      (epilogue-code :accessor monolithic-op-epilogue-code)))
-  (defclass monolithic-binary-op (monolithic-bundle-op basic-compile-op sideway-operation selfward-operation)
-    ;; On ECL: produce lib and fasl for combined system and dependencies.
-    ;; On "normal" Lisps: produce an image file from system and dependencies.
-    ((selfward-operation :initform '(monolithic-fasl-op monolithic-lib-op))))
+  (defclass monolithic-bundle-compile-op (monolithic-bundle-op bundle-compile-op)
+    ()
+    (:documentation "Abstract operation for ways to bundle the outputs of compiling *Lisp* files over all systems"))
-  ;; Create a single fasl for the system and its dependencies.
-  (defclass monolithic-fasl-op (monolithic-bundle-op basic-fasl-op) ())
+  (defclass monolithic-binary-op (monolithic-bundle-compile-op sideway-operation selfward-operation)
+    ((selfward-operation :initform '(monolithic-fasl-op monolithic-lib-op)))
+    (:documentation
+     #+ecl "produce lib and fasl for combined system and dependencies."
+     #-ecl "produce an image file from system and dependencies (not implemented)."))
+  (defclass monolithic-fasl-op (monolithic-bundle-compile-op basic-fasl-op) ()
+    (:documentation "Create a single fasl for the system and its dependencies."))
-  (defclass monolithic-lib-op (monolithic-bundle-op basic-compile-op)
-    ;; ECL: Create a single linkable library for the system and its dependencies.
-    ((bundle-type :initform :lib)))
+  (defclass monolithic-lib-op (monolithic-bundle-compile-op basic-compile-op)
+    ((bundle-type :initform :lib))
+    (:documentation #+(or ecl mkcl) "Create a single linkable library for the system and its dependencies."
+     #-(or ecl mkcl) "Compile a system and its dependencies."))
   (defclass monolithic-dll-op (monolithic-bundle-op basic-compile-op sideway-operation selfward-operation)
     ((bundle-type :initform :dll)
      (selfward-operation :initform 'dll-op)
      (sideway-operation :initform 'dll-op)))
-  (defclass program-op (monolithic-bundle-op selfward-operation)
-    ;; All: create an executable file from the system and its dependencies
+  (defclass program-op #+(or mkcl ecl) (monolithic-bundle-compile-op)
+            #-(or mkcl ecl) (monolithic-bundle-op selfward-operation)
     ((bundle-type :initform :program)
-     (selfward-operation :initform #+(or mkcl ecl) 'monolithic-lib-op #-(or mkcl ecl) 'load-op)))
+     #-(or mkcl ecl) (selfward-operation :initform #-(or mkcl ecl) 'load-op))
+    (:documentation "create an executable file from the system and its dependencies"))
   (defun bundle-pathname-type (bundle-type)
     (etypecase bundle-type
@@ -101,13 +112,14 @@
       ((eql :program) (cond ((os-unix-p) nil) ((os-windows-p) "exe")))))
   (defun bundle-output-files (o c)
-    (let ((bundle-type (bundle-type o)))
-      (unless (eq bundle-type :no-output-file) ;; NIL already means something regarding type.
-        (let ((name (or (component-build-pathname c)
-                        (format nil "~A~@[~A~]" (component-name c) (slot-value o 'name-suffix))))
-              (type (bundle-pathname-type bundle-type)))
-          (values (list (subpathname (component-pathname c) name :type type))
-                  (eq (type-of o) (component-build-operation c)))))))
+    (when (input-files o c)
+      (let ((bundle-type (bundle-type o)))
+        (unless (eq bundle-type :no-output-file) ;; NIL already means something regarding type.
+          (let ((name (or (component-build-pathname c)
+                          (format nil "~A~@[~A~]" (component-name c) (slot-value o 'name-suffix))))
+                (type (bundle-pathname-type bundle-type)))
+            (values (list (subpathname (component-pathname c) name :type type))
+                    (eq (type-of o) (component-build-operation c))))))))
   (defmethod output-files ((o bundle-op) (c system))
     (bundle-output-files o c))
@@ -202,36 +214,16 @@
 (with-upgradability ()
-  (defmethod component-depends-on ((o monolithic-lib-op) (c system))
-    (declare (ignorable o))
-    `((lib-op ,@(required-components c :other-systems t :component-type 'system
-                                       :goal-operation (find-operation o 'load-op)
-                                       :keep-operation 'compile-op))
-      ,@(call-next-method)))
-  (defmethod component-depends-on ((o monolithic-fasl-op) (c system))
-    (declare (ignorable o))
-    `((#-(or ecl mkcl) fasl-op #+(or ecl mkcl) lib-op
-         ,@(required-components c :other-systems t :component-type 'system
-                                  :goal-operation (find-operation o 'load-fasl-op)
-                                  :keep-operation 'fasl-op))
-      ,@(call-next-method)))
-  (defmethod component-depends-on ((o lib-op) (c system))
-    (declare (ignorable o))
-    `((compile-op ,@(required-components c :other-systems nil :component-type '(not system)
-                                           :goal-operation (find-operation o 'load-op)
-                                           :keep-operation 'compile-op))
-      ,@(call-next-method)))
-  #-ecl
-  (defmethod component-depends-on ((o fasl-op) (c system))
-    `(,@(component-depends-on (find-operation o 'lib-op) c)
-      ,@(call-next-method)))
-  (defmethod component-depends-on ((o dll-op) c)
-    `(,@(component-depends-on (find-operation o 'lib-op) c)
+  (defmethod component-depends-on ((o bundle-compile-op) (c system))
+    `(,(if (operation-monolithic-p o)
+           `(#-(or ecl mkcl) fasl-op #+(or ecl mkcl) lib-op
+               ,@(required-components c :other-systems t :component-type 'system
+                                        :goal-operation (find-operation o 'load-op)
+                                        :keep-operation 'compile-op))
+           `(compile-op
+             ,@(required-components c :other-systems nil :component-type '(not system)
+                                      :goal-operation (find-operation o 'load-op)
+                                      :keep-operation 'compile-op)))
   (defmethod component-depends-on :around ((o bundle-op) (c component))
@@ -249,7 +241,7 @@
                (loop :for f :in (funcall key sub-o sub-c)
                      :when (funcall test f) :do (collect f))))))
-  (defmethod input-files ((o bundle-op) (c system))
+  (defmethod input-files ((o bundle-compile-op) (c system))
     (direct-dependency-files o c :test 'bundlable-file-p :key 'output-files))
   (defun select-bundle-operation (type &optional monolithic)
@@ -311,7 +303,8 @@
   (defmethod perform ((o load-fasl-op) (c system))
-    (perform-lisp-load-fasl o c))
+    (when (input-files o c)
+      (perform-lisp-load-fasl o c)))
   (defmethod mark-operation-done :after ((o load-fasl-op) (c system))
     (mark-operation-done (find-operation o 'load-op) c)))
@@ -395,13 +388,13 @@
   #-(or ecl mkcl)
-  (defmethod perform ((o basic-fasl-op) (c system))
+  (defmethod perform ((o bundle-compile-op) (c system))
     (let* ((input-files (input-files o c))
            (fasl-files (remove (compile-file-type) input-files :key #'pathname-type :test-not #'equalp))
            (non-fasl-files (remove (compile-file-type) input-files :key #'pathname-type :test #'equalp))
            (output-files (output-files o c))
            (output-file (first output-files)))
-      (unless input-files (format t "WTF no input-files for ~S on ~S !???" o c))
+      ;;(unless input-files (format t "WTF no input-files for ~S on ~S !???" o c))
       (when input-files
         (assert output-files)
         (when non-fasl-files
@@ -432,22 +425,23 @@
 (with-upgradability ()
-  (defmethod perform ((o bundle-op) (c system))
+  (defmethod perform ((o bundle-compile-op) (c system))
     (let* ((object-files (input-files o c))
            (output (output-files o c))
            (bundle (first output))
            (kind (bundle-type o)))
-      (create-image
-       bundle (append object-files (bundle-op-lisp-files o))
-       :kind kind
-       :entry-point (component-entry-point c)
-       :prologue-code
-       (when (typep o 'monolithic-bundle-op)
-         (monolithic-op-prologue-code o))
-       :epilogue-code
-       (when (typep o 'monolithic-bundle-op)
-         (monolithic-op-epilogue-code o))
-       :build-args (bundle-op-build-args o)))))
+      (when output
+        (create-image
+         bundle (append object-files (bundle-op-lisp-files o))
+         :kind kind
+         :entry-point (component-entry-point c)
+         :prologue-code
+         (when (typep o 'monolithic-bundle-op)
+           (monolithic-op-prologue-code o))
+         :epilogue-code
+         (when (typep o 'monolithic-bundle-op)
+           (monolithic-op-epilogue-code o))
+         :build-args (bundle-op-build-args o))))))
 (with-upgradability ()
diff --git a/header.lisp b/header.lisp
index 67f7945404f3905ffff84cb65fddc65cfb548b21..10289746707d213211774943b8879136b93a1df4 100644
--- a/header.lisp
+++ b/header.lisp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- mode: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
-;;; This is ASDF 2.32.20: Another System Definition Facility.
+;;; This is ASDF 2.32.21: Another System Definition Facility.
 ;;; Feedback, bug reports, and patches are all welcome:
 ;;; please mail to <asdf-devel@common-lisp.net>.
diff --git a/test/make-hello-world.lisp b/test/make-hello-world.lisp
index 068265dd97b7217de09efa1d0c1a05fb8894a3c1..6f944c747224f84cf7a5ecbd0f24e22aed99d8cc 100644
--- a/test/make-hello-world.lisp
+++ b/test/make-hello-world.lisp
@@ -2,11 +2,17 @@
 #+lispworks (lispworks:load-all-patches)
 (load (make-pathname :name "script-support" :defaults *load-pathname*))
 #+ecl (require :cmp)
+#+ecl (trace uiop:compile-file* uiop:load*)
+(asdf-test::register-directory asdf-test::*asdf-directory*) ;; we need asdf-driver, and ECL can dump.
+(asdf-test::register-directory asdf-test::*uiop-directory*)
+(asdf:upgrade-asdf) ;; may recompile and rename away package asdf?
 (with-test ()
-  (register-directory *asdf-directory*) ;; we need asdf-driver, and ECL can dump.
-  (register-directory *uiop-directory*)
+  ;;(dolist (s '(:asdf :asdf/driver :asdf/defsystem :uiop)) (DBG :foo s (asdf::builtin-system-p (find-system s))))
+  (trace perform-plan perform)
   (operate 'load-fasl-op :hello-world-example)
   (operate 'program-op :hello-world-example))
diff --git a/test/test-asdf.asd b/test/test-asdf.asd
index 0d60bd8e788f01d1dca255f1f169156a265f399f..bc0a98df531a90c42747c348ff9400c8814f248e 100644
--- a/test/test-asdf.asd
+++ b/test/test-asdf.asd
@@ -64,3 +64,9 @@
 (defsystem :test-asdf/test-source-directory-2
   :pathname "some/relative/pathname/with-file.type")
+(defsystem :test-asdf/bundle-1
+  :components ((:file "file1") (:file "file3")))
+(defsystem :test-asdf/bundle-2
+  :depends-on (:test-asdf/bundle-1) :components ((:file "file2")))
diff --git a/test/test-bundle.script b/test/test-bundle.script
index 0a3bfd32385f4bb89f3202184c365ef631555250..b19bee9c1fef7bb7441430ddc5abe38a8259561b 100644
--- a/test/test-bundle.script
+++ b/test/test-bundle.script
@@ -8,26 +8,22 @@
 (asdf:initialize-source-registry '(:source-registry :ignore-inherited-configuration))
-(asdf:clear-system :test-bundle-1)
-(asdf:clear-system :test-bundle-2)
+(asdf:clear-system :test-asdf/bundle-1)
+(asdf:clear-system :test-asdf/bundle-2)
 (when (find-package :test-package) (delete-package :test-package))
-(def-test-system :test-bundle-1
-  :components ((:file "file1") (:file "file3")))
-(def-test-system :test-bundle-2
-  :depends-on (:test-bundle-1) :components ((:file "file2")))
 #+(or abcl (and ecl ecl-bytecmp) gcl)
 (leave-test "bundles not on this implementation" 0)
-(defparameter *bundle-1* (output-file 'fasl-op :test-bundle-1))
-(defparameter *bundle-2* (output-file 'fasl-op :test-bundle-2))
-(defparameter *mono-bundle-2* (output-file 'monolithic-fasl-op :test-bundle-2))
+(defparameter *bundle-1* (output-file 'fasl-op :test-asdf/bundle-1))
+(defparameter *bundle-2* (output-file 'fasl-op :test-asdf/bundle-2))
+(defparameter *mono-bundle-2* (output-file 'monolithic-fasl-op :test-asdf/bundle-2))
 (DBG :test-bundle *bundle-1* *bundle-2*)
 (assert-equal (list *bundle-2*)
-              (input-files 'load-fasl-op :test-bundle-2))
+              (input-files 'load-fasl-op :test-asdf/bundle-2))
 (delete-file-if-exists *bundle-1*)
 (delete-file-if-exists *bundle-2*)
 (delete-file-if-exists *mono-bundle-2*)
-(operate 'load-fasl-op :test-bundle-2)
+(operate 'load-fasl-op :test-asdf/bundle-2)
 (DBG "Check that the bundles were indeed created.")
 (assert (probe-file *bundle-2*))
 (assert (probe-file *bundle-1*))
@@ -35,5 +31,5 @@
 (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol* :*file1* :test-package)))
 (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol* :*file3* :test-package)))
 (DBG "Now for the mono-fasl")
-(operate 'monolithic-fasl-op :test-bundle-2)
+(operate 'monolithic-fasl-op :test-asdf/bundle-2)
 (assert (probe-file *mono-bundle-2*))
diff --git a/test/test-utilities.script b/test/test-utilities.script
index 6737128064a71f6fa3ff9a4b4df413eb9097e070..28a3615d50526fecfb985e6b28a253a7abe55a4d 100644
--- a/test/test-utilities.script
+++ b/test/test-utilities.script
@@ -139,10 +139,11 @@
-    asdf/os:parse-file-location-info
-    asdf/os:parse-windows-shortcut
-    asdf/os:read-little-endian
-    asdf/os:read-null-terminated-string
+    uiop/lisp-build:sb-grovel-unknown-constant-condition
+    uiop/os:parse-file-location-info
+    uiop/os:parse-windows-shortcut
+    uiop/os:read-little-endian
+    uiop/os:read-null-terminated-string
     ;; backward compatibility upgrade only
diff --git a/uiop/lisp-build.lisp b/uiop/lisp-build.lisp
index cfa72214af25f1b17c7345c141712e7e905cbebc..d25946b2fc0e576f46b03e25f0b83bd6f204cf40 100644
--- a/uiop/lisp-build.lisp
+++ b/uiop/lisp-build.lisp
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
    #:compile-warned-warning #:compile-failed-warning
    #:check-lisp-compile-results #:check-lisp-compile-warnings
    #:*uninteresting-conditions* #:*uninteresting-compiler-conditions* #:*uninteresting-loader-conditions*
+   ;; Types
+   #+sbcl #:sb-grovel-unknown-constant-condition
    ;; Functions & Macros
    #:get-optimization-settings #:proclaim-optimization-settings
    #:call-with-muffled-compiler-conditions #:with-muffled-compiler-conditions
diff --git a/upgrade.lisp b/upgrade.lisp
index cbca42d9d92d8b3c4a7f0c9cffb57bf597e8164b..10bddad4128db61dc44ff76302ce40dd8353690c 100644
--- a/upgrade.lisp
+++ b/upgrade.lisp
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ You can compare this string with e.g.: (ASDF:VERSION-SATISFIES (ASDF:ASDF-VERSIO
          ;; "" would be a development version in the official upstream of 3.4.5.
          ;; "" would be your eighth local modification of official release 3.4.5
          ;; "" would be your eighth local modification of development version
-         (asdf-version "2.32.20")
+         (asdf-version "2.32.21")
          (existing-version (asdf-version)))
     (setf *asdf-version* asdf-version)
     (when (and existing-version (not (equal asdf-version existing-version)))
diff --git a/version.lisp-expr b/version.lisp-expr
index 1fb6bf0ca43c5d29101d4cf1d82ea5abcb974794..4cb7bf880f655cbc8276b6d60c477e831b6898e9 100644
--- a/version.lisp-expr
+++ b/version.lisp-expr
@@ -1 +1 @@