system := "asdf" webhome_private := webhome_public := "" clnet_home := "/project/asdf/public_html/" sourceDirectory := $(shell pwd) #### Common Lisp implementations available for testing. ## export ASDF_TEST_LISPS to override the default list of such implementations, ## or specify a lisps= argument at the make command-line defaultLisps = ccl clisp sbcl ecl ecl_bytecodes cmucl abcl scl allegro lispworks allegromodern gcl xcl mkcl ifdef ASDF_TEST_LISPS lisps ?= ${ASDF_TEST_LISPS} else lisps ?= ${defaultLisps} endif ifdef ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_LISPS ulisps ?= ${ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_LISPS} else ifdef ASDF_TEST_LISPS ulisps ?= ${ASDF_TEST_LISPS} else ulisps ?= ${defaultLisps} endif endif ## grep for #+/#- features in the test/ directory to see plenty of disabled tests on some platforms ## NOT SUPPORTED BY OUR AUTOMATED TESTS: ## cormancl genera lispworks-personal-edition rmcl ## Some are manually tested once in a while. ifdef ASDF_TEST_SYSTEMS s ?= ${ASDF_TEST_SYSTEMS} endif ifdef ASDF_DEVEL_SOURCE_REGISTRY export CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY = ${ASDF_DEVEL_SOURCE_REGISTRY} endif l ?= sbcl ABCL ?= abcl ALLEGRO ?= alisp ALLEGROMODERN ?= mlisp CCL ?= ccl CLISP ?= clisp CMUCL ?= cmucl ECL ?= ecl GCL ?= gcl LISPWORKS ?= lispworks MKCL ?= mkcl SBCL ?= sbcl SCL ?= scl XCL ?= xcl header_lisp := header.lisp driver_lisp := uiop/package.lisp uiop/common-lisp.lisp uiop/utility.lisp uiop/os.lisp uiop/pathname.lisp uiop/filesystem.lisp uiop/stream.lisp uiop/image.lisp uiop/run-program.lisp uiop/lisp-build.lisp uiop/configuration.lisp uiop/backward-driver.lisp uiop/driver.lisp defsystem_lisp := upgrade.lisp component.lisp system.lisp cache.lisp find-system.lisp find-component.lisp operation.lisp action.lisp lisp-action.lisp plan.lisp operate.lisp output-translations.lisp source-registry.lisp backward-internals.lisp parse-defsystem.lisp bundle.lisp concatenate-source.lisp backward-interface.lisp package-inferred-system.lisp interface.lisp user.lisp footer.lisp all_lisp := $(header_lisp) $(driver_lisp) $(defsystem_lisp) # Making ASDF itself should be our first, default, target: build/asdf.lisp: $(all_lisp) mkdir -p build rm -f $@ cat $(all_lisp) > $@ # This quickly locates such mistakes as unbalanced parentheses: load: build/asdf.lisp ./test/ -t $l $(all_lisp) install: archive bump: bump-version git commit -a -m "Bump version to $$(eval a=$$(cat version.lisp-expr) ; echo $$a)" temp=$$(cat version.lisp-expr); temp="$${temp%\"}"; temp="$${temp#\"}"; git tag $$temp bump-version: build/asdf.lisp ./bin/asdf-builder bump-version ${v} driver-files: @echo $(driver_lisp) defsystem-files: @echo $(defsystem_lisp) archive: build/asdf.lisp ./bin/asdf-builder make-and-publish-archive ### Count lines separately for asdf-driver and asdf itself: wc: @wc $(driver_lisp) | sort -n ; echo ; \ wc $(header_lisp) $(defsystem_lisp) | sort -n ; \ echo ; \ wc $(header_lisp) $(driver_lisp) $(defsystem_lisp) | tail -n 1 push: git status git push --tags release master git push --tags github release master git fetch git status doc: ${MAKE} -C doc website: ${MAKE} -C doc website clean_dirs = $(sourceDirectory) clean_extensions = fasl dfsl cfsl fasl fas lib dx32fsl lx64fsl lx32fsl ufasl o bak x86f vbin amd64f sparcf sparc64f hpf hp64f clean: @for dir in $(clean_dirs); do \ if test -d $$dir; then \ echo Cleaning $$dir; \ for ext in $(clean_extensions); do \ find $$dir \( -name "*.$$ext" \) \ -and -not -path \""*/.git/*"\" \ -and -not -path \""*/_darcs/*"\" \ -and -not -path \""*/tags/*"\" -print -delete; \ done; \ fi; \ done rm -rf build/ LICENSE test/try-reloading-dependency.asd test/hello-world-example asdf.lisp rm -rf test/hello-world-example.exe test/mkcl_*.dll # needed only on MS-Windows rm -rf .pc/ build-stamp debian/patches/ debian/debhelper.log debian/cl-asdf/ # debian crap ${MAKE} -C doc clean mrproper: git clean -xfd test-upgrade: build/asdf.lisp ./test/ -u ${l} u: test-upgrade test-clean-load: build/asdf.lisp ./test/ -c ${l} # test-glob has been replaced by t, and lisp by l, easier to type test-lisp: build/asdf.lisp @cd test; ./ ${l} ${t} t: test-lisp test: test-lisp test-clean-load test-load-systems doc test-load-systems: build/asdf.lisp ./test/ -l ${l} ${s} test-all-lisps: test-load-systems test-all-clean-load test-all-lisp test-all-upgrade test-all-clean-load: @for lisp in ${lisps} ; do ${MAKE} test-clean-load l=$$lisp || exit 1 ; done test-all-lisp: @for lisp in ${lisps} ; do ${MAKE} test-lisp l=$$lisp || exit 1 ; done test-all-upgrade: @for lisp in ${ulisps} ; do ${MAKE} test-upgrade l=$$lisp || exit 1 ; done test-all-no-upgrade: doc test-load-systems test-all-clean-load test-all-lisp test-all: test-all-no-upgrade test-all-upgrade test-all-lisp-no-stop: @for lisp in ${lisps} ; do ${MAKE} test-lisp l=$$lisp ; done ; : test-all-upgrade-no-stop: @for lisp in ${ulisps} ; do ${MAKE} test-upgrade l=$$lisp ; done ; : test-all-no-upgrade-no-stop: doc test-load-systems test-all-clean-load test-all-lisp-no-stop make --quiet check-all-test-results test-all-no-stop: doc test-load-systems test-all-clean-load test-all-lisp-no-stop test-all-upgrade-no-stop make --quiet check-all-results check-all-test-results: @A="`grep -L '[5-9][0-9] passing and 0 failing' build/results/*-test.text`" ; \ if [ -n "$$A" ] ; then \ echo "Unexpected test failures on these implementations:" ; \ echo "$$A" ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi check-all-upgrade-results: @A="`grep -L 'Upgrade test succeeded for ' build/results/*-upgrade.text`" ; \ if [ -n "$$A" ] ; then \ echo "Unexpected upgrade failures on these implementations:" ; \ echo "$$A" ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi check-all-results: @r=0 ; \ make --quiet check-all-test-results || r=1 ; \ make --quiet check-all-upgrade-results || r=1 ; \ exit $r extract: extract-all-tagged-asdf extract-all-tagged-asdf: build/asdf.lisp ./test/ -H # Note that the debian git at git:// is stale, # as we currently build directly from upstream at git:// debian-package: mrproper : $${RELEASE:="$$(git tag -l '3.[0-9].[0-9]' | tail -n 1)"} ; echo building package version $$RELEASE ; \ git-buildpackage --git-debian-branch=release --git-upstream-branch=release --git-upstream-tag=$$RELEASE --git-tag --git-retag --git-ignore-branch debian-package-from-master: mrproper : $${RELEASE:="$$(git tag -l '3.[0-9].[0-9]' | tail -n 1)"} ; echo building package version $$RELEASE ; \ git-buildpackage --git-debian-branch=master --git-upstream-branch=master --git-upstream-tag=$$RELEASE --git-tag --git-retag --git-ignore-branch # Replace SBCL's ASDF with the current one. -- NOT recommended now that SBCL has ASDF2. # for casual users, just use (asdf:load-system :asdf) replace-sbcl-asdf: build/asdf.lisp ${SBCL} --eval '(compile-file "$<" :output-file (format nil "~Aasdf/asdf.fasl" (sb-int:sbcl-homedir-pathname)))' --eval '(quit)' # Replace CCL's ASDF with the current one. -- NOT recommended now that CCL has ASDF2. # for casual users, just use (asdf:load-system :asdf) replace-ccl-asdf: build/asdf.lisp ${CCL} --eval '(progn(compile-file "$<" :output-file (compile-file-pathname (format nil "~Atools/asdf.lisp" (ccl::ccl-directory))))(quit))' WRONGFUL_TAGS := 1.37 1.1720 README RELEASE STABLE emp # It's not 1.37, it's 1.85! 1.37 is for the README. # Delete wrongful tags from local repository fix-local-git-tags: for i in ${WRONGFUL_TAGS} ; do git tag -d $$i ; done # Delete wrongful tags from remote repository fix-remote-git-tags: for i in ${WRONGFUL_TAGS} ; do git push $${} :refs/tags/$$i ; done release-push: git checkout master git merge release git checkout release git merge master git checkout master TODO: exit 2 release: TODO test-all test-on-other-machines-too debian-changelog debian-package send-mail-to-mailing-lists .PHONY: install archive push doc website clean mrproper \ test-forward-references test test-lisp test-upgrade test-forward-references \ test-all test-all-lisps test-all-no-upgrade \ debian-package release \ replace-sbcl-asdf replace-ccl-asdf \ fix-local-git-tags fix-remote-git-tags wc wc-driver wc-asdf # RELEASE or PUSH checklist: # make test-all # make test-load-systems s=fare-all # make bump v=3.0 # edit debian/changelog # RELEASE only... # git commit # git tag 3.0 # for example ... # make debian-package # git push # git push origin 3.0 # for example... # everything from here for RELEASE only # make release-push archive website debian-package # dput mentors ../*.changes # send debian mentors request # send announcement to asdf-announce, asdf-devel, etc. # Move all fixed bugs from Fix Committed -> Fix Released on launchpad # ## Users don't release as above, only maintainers do. ## Users, all you need to do is: make ## Vendors, you may want to test your implementation with: make test l=sbcl